Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 21 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 1, 2018

The Guarding of the Heart

How empty is the heart that knows not the Presence of God. How empty is the world that knows not the indwelling light. How empty is a cosmos devoid of consciousness.

God himself desires to see a great infiring, a great infusing of the hearts, the worlds, the cosmos of individual man.

The Great Spirit of the Almighty breathes out the flame of life, and the wind of the Holy Spirit is the enamoring principle whereby souls are won—won for the path of light. By that wind, by that presence, by that surging and resurging power of the resurrection that precedes the fullness of the manifestation of freedom, the violet fire (when daily invoked) propels you toward the victory of the ascension. For you are free—God-free beings—only when you have ascended into the Presence of God.

Freedom means the overcoming, as a rising spiral of foun­­tain flame. Freedom means propulsion toward the center, breaking the barriers of time, of space, going beyond the speed of light. And the tone of infinity is heard in the inner ear, which provides balance for the outer consciousness but also for the soul. It is that focus for awareness of sound—soundless sound in the Sun behind the sun.

Do you listen, O mankind, for that sound? Or must you be surfeited with noise night and day? Do you surfeit the waves and the frequencies of the planet with your noise?

So many among mankind fear to be without the noise of the radio, the noise of traffic, the noise of television. They bombard the nervous system and the chakras until they are terrified in the stillness of the cathedrals of nature. What is this, that man is divorced from his environment?

Schism after schism is perpetrated by the denizens of the night, and this division is repeated again and again as the perversion of cosmic fission, the fission whereby God becomes man and man becomes God in the movement—unifying, then drawing apart, then merging. This is the movement of the wave upon the shores of life. This is the blending of spirals of the consciousness of God so that man might know what it is to love and to be loved.

In the heart there is a chamber. And within that chamber man withdraws to be—to be there where the replica of the chamber within the fiery core is portrayed, is manifest. You cannot meditate upon that which you are not; you cannot become that which you are not. Therefore God has placed within you archetypal patterns of himself and even the very pattern of the center of the Sun. Because that chamber is a living reality within you, you can think upon the sun and the Sun behind the sun, and you can be there. You can be aware of the love which Alpha and Omega share.

To train the senses to be still, to enjoy the golden silence, is to prepare for the entering in to that chamber that is inside of the fiery core. When you enter that secret place of the Most High, even within yourself, you feel as though you are standing in a great cathedral. And so the Gothic architecture of earlier centuries showed the awareness of the soul of its secret habitation in the cathedral of the heart. By the geometry of God-design, spirals rise and flames sweep upward in movements, in formations that are the fohatic emanations of the Central Sun. This is life. This is the seat and origin of the threefold flame.

Do you wonder how the great wonder—the greatest wonder of all time, the body of man—is itself a moving, living awareness, a potential to become a cosmos? This is so by the movement of the fire as it dances and pulsates to the rhythm of the cosmic heartbeat. So delicate is the heart that it responds to all activity within and without.

As you rise in initiation on the Path, remember that the heart is the seat of the Spirit Most Holy. The heart must be guarded from the chaos of a dying world. The heart must be guarded by meditation upon the sweetness of life. You must defend the precincts of the heart as you would a child in an incubator. You must be careful of that which you allow to penetrate the heart, to enter the senses, to pound and beat upon the shores of life.

Withdraw, then, from those teeming energies and those tensions, and let the heart be free. Beware the jagged rhythms of the fallen ones who seek to popularize that which they call “music,” that which they call “harmony.” How can they create harmony when they are inharmonious? How can they put forth ripples upon the cosmos when their own worlds are jagged, distorted, fractionalized fragments of the darkness from which they came?

There ought to be laws against the defamation of the heart. In our octave no such manifestation would be allowed. Make no mistake, precious hearts: The fallen ones know the ­science of the heart! They know the influence and the radiation of God’s heart upon man as the heart of man merges with the heart of God. They know well that to destroy the rhythm of the heart and its flow with cosmic fire is to initiate a death spiral in man. They have used many subtle means to program the consciousness to this deceit of discord, [to the point where] we now live in a time when mankind have somehow developed a perverted appreciation for that which is ugly, that which is discordant, that which is loud.

I have come because you have called. And of all of the needs which I perceive in your forcefield and in your aura, [the greatest need that I perceive] is this: that the heart be suspended in a sphere of love that is the peace of the heart. Of all of the subjects and all of the matters of world import and world crisis, I deem the guarding of the heart of the initiates, of a planet, of nature to be paramount at this moment.

Place your attention upon my purple fiery heart. Understand that I am known for that symbol of the purple heart because in that purple configuration of molecular light is the essence that I have drawn from God’s own heart in order to create a focus, even in the Cave of Symbols, of God’s own purple fiery heart. This I have done because I have seen that the nation that has a healthy heart is the nation that will rise, whose people will rise, whose culture will rise.

America once had a healthy heart, but her heart is ailing, for it has turned to hardness, to self-condemnation, to ways that are not of the light. America, you can be the heart of the earth!

Now I initiate spirals of spheres of love. These are for the dissolution of all that causes the tremor of the heart, the irregular heartbeat, the skipping of the heartbeat and all forms of physical manifestation in a nation once proud of her heritage.

The rise of the diseases of the heart shows that the very vitals of a people and of a purpose are being torn down and eaten by the vultures. And so we begin with the rejuve­nation of the heart and we call upon the Cosmic Christ to infuse the heart with resurrection’s fires. And therefore, let the proclamation go forth that during this Eastertide the momentum of Jesus’ victory and the resurrection current (which he has invoked) shall be for the resurrection of the divine heartbeat in man, in America, in the heart of the earth and in the heart of every nation.

I come to restore. I come to make your heart congruent with the heart of God. [26-second pause]

The violet-flame angels who serve at this holy happening blend the violet fire with the fires of your own heart, and there pulsates now a violet flame within the sanctuary of your own heart in order to cleanse, to purify.

The Prince of Peace stands with me to impart the peace that passeth understanding.1 According to your present understanding, the world is in crisis, individual lives are in crisis, the organization is in crisis. We impart the peace that passes beyond the understanding of finite awareness, of relativity, of events moving on the stream of time. We impart the peace that is aware of perfect love that casts out fear,2 that is aware of the fulfillment of the promise already manifest right there in the chamber of your heart.

The breath of Spirit fills the heart, giving it life and form. And when that Spirit is denied by outer man, the inner man withdraws. And by and by, that which you call death ensues because there is a collapse of the inner chamber of the heart. Therefore those who deny God are already dead but they know it not, and yet the soul is alive forevermore.3

[21-second pause]

I seal the sphere of love in a ring of white fire, and I restore the rhythm of life. To maintain that rhythm you must guard —guard the consciousness day and night. Do not partake of the fruits of inharmony, else you will lose the gift, the proffered gift of my heart.

I thank you. I AM one with you and in you for cosmic freedom, for cosmic victory. And I present to you the Lady Portia of the Karmic Board.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, April 13, 1974,during the Easter class, The Convocation of the New Birth in the City of the Angels, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word. This dictation was previously printed by The Summit Lighthouse in 1974 in the booklet Exhortations out of the Ark of the Covenant, no. 2, which is no longer available. This Pearl is the original dictation with edits from the first publication.]

1. Phil. 4:7.

2. I John 4:18.

3. Rev. 1:18.

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