Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 22 - Beloved Portia - June 8, 2018

“In the Name of the Christ,
I Invoke the Light of the Heart!”

Ladies and gentlemen,

I come directly from the halls of justice where the Lords of Karma, who compose the Supreme Court for this solar system, are in session and are reviewing the weight of planetary karma, individual karma, and the karma of the nations.

In this day and in this hour the movement of energy forcefields is critical. When we consider the movement of energy on the planetary body—energy of light and energy of darkness—we cannot fail to take into consideration the movement of energy cycles on other planets in this solar system, in other systems of worlds, and in star clusters which represent the twelve hierarchies of the Sun.

You have understood that in a universe where every manifestation of God has free will, some have chosen light and some have chosen darkness. The contamination of darkness is not only upon this world but upon other worlds. As the movement of the clouds in the heavens obscures the sun, sometimes totally, sometimes only partially, so the movement of energy forcefields according to cosmic cycles often makes the difference in what type of manifestation will be upon a given planet, a given world.

These movements are governed by forces, by forcefields, by fluctuations in the release of rays from sun centers. And thus there is a science that will one day be open to mankind whereby he learns to adjust his frequency as it rises and falls according to planes of consciousness. Then he will begin to study movements and forcefields, just as today he studies the effects of weather but cannot determine the causes behind weather conditions [that are beyond the physical dimension].

Mankind have not learned to control the weather because they have not learned to change the frequency of the dimension of their vehicles—of their four lower bodies, of their own minds. If they could adjust the dimension and the frequency of consciousness, they could rise to that level just beyond the physical dimension where the causes of weather conditions are found.

Thus far, scientists have relegated their study to one plane and they have been satisfied to observe that plane. But soon there will be those who are not content, who will understand that they are yet prisoners of a dimension. They will come to see that there are many dimensions and that the crossing of the barriers of dimensions will be part of the science of the New Age.

We see, then, that causes and effects are moving even through the cosmos that is man. At conscious levels, subconscious levels, and superconscious levels man is emitting energy, forcefields, waves, dark clouds and bright clouds, and these move. They move in other dimensions that you already inhabit, but you have not developed the senses to penetrate these other dimensions.

Other lifewaves on other systems of worlds consider life on earth extremely dull because its inhabitants are only aware of and confined to, as it were, a prison house of a single dimension. Yet, as with children in a playpen, certain time and certain cycles elapse before child-man is aware that he is in a playpen of sorts. But when the day comes and he realizes that there is a whole world to discover outside of the playpen, then he cries and screams and pounds upon the sides of his playpen until his voice is heard and he is freed for another stage of evolution.

We, then, in taking into consideration those conditions which prevail upon earth today, cannot fail to measure causes and effects that are far beyond this system of worlds. Mankind can scarcely discern the signs of the sky, and to a lesser degree they probe the signs of the times. But when they deal solely with effects, they are lost in a labyrinth. From day to day the newspapers of the world report crisis after crisis. Yet the thread of that crisis and where it has come from, where it is going, is not understood.

Thus mankind do not have the reins on the world order. They seek solutions in the world of effects, and often their solutions produce ten more crises. Mankind think they learn from history, but they do not. They excel in quoting their own philosophers as though quoting their own egos: “See what man has said! See what man has done!” They fill the halls of fame1 or Westminster Abbey2 with statues of great egos, but the Divine Ego they quote not, they search not, they see not.

Alas, we can make no hopeful predictions as long as mankind allow chaos to dominate the dimension where they are, the dimension which they inhabit. You can see why the Lord God has confined this evolution to this dimension, for he will not allow the contamination of other levels of his being. This is but a line in the body of God—a very thin line, a black line. A subtle movement of the cosmic mind, and the line would disappear. The dimension and all that is therein would cease to be. But God has chosen not to move the ideational patterns of his mind, for he is aware of sparks, of electrons moving in this line whose light pattern is about to burst and to transcend the line and to become the sphere.

We watch. We wait for a sign while mankind watch and wait for a sign. Earth looks to heaven, but heaven looks to earth and declares: “Behold, take dominion! Obey the injunction of the LORD! Take dominion over the earth!3It is your destiny. It is your future. What you make of it is what it will be.”

The Lords of Karma admonish you, and they desire that you shall have one clear concept upon which you may meditate day and night:

God has placed within the heart of every man and every woman the energy, the wisdom, and the love to conquer all! As the electricity is locked in the lightning, so your destiny is already sealed within your heart. And until you discover the secret of unleashing that power, you remain primitive as cavemen.

All of the civilizations and all of the ego strutting of the centuries has not elevated this race beyond the level of the caveman. Not until the fire of the heart is released, as the splitting of the atom of self, will man on Terra know true being and life as God intended him to live!

Hearken well! For this is a proud generation whose pride will be broken by the weight of the Law itself. God is not an avenger of man. Man has misused the Law, and his misuses must shortly come upon him. But in that hour when he must face his own creation, he has recourse to the energy source within the heart.

If he will but lift up his voice to the Almighty and say, “In the name of the Christ, I invoke the light of the heart,” he will find that every crisis will be dissolved, every energy crisis will be resolved, and once again the cosmic flow will resound and earth will become a star!

Now I say, take the memory of these words. Cling to it. Sing to it. And let there be a realization of the striving that must come to pass as man is humbled before his Creator in preparation for the greater glory of the New Day.

With the dawn of Eastertide, we salute the light—the light within the heart. So let your consciousness become that light and see how God in you will transform a planet and its people.

Hail to the God flame that burns yet in the heart of life!

I AM the Light of the Heart
by Saint Germain

I AM the Light of the Heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the Mind of Christ.

I AM projecting my Love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.

I AM the power of infinite Love,
Amplifying itself
Until it is victorious,
World without end!

Saint Germain, February 12, 1967, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 10 (1967), no. 7. This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book, p. 16, no. 0.07A.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Portia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, April 13, 1974, during the Easter class The Convocation of the New Birth in the City of the Angels, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. A hall of fame houses memorials to famous or illustrious individuals in a specific category, such as sports, who have been chosen for the honor by a group of electors. A hall of fame may take various forms in addition to a building, such as a wall of fame (with plaques or names inscribed), a public walkway (a walk of fame) or simply as a listing of honored members and their achievements. Halls and walks of fame are found in nations around the world, recognizing the contributions of individuals in music, theater, the arts, sports, science, industry and other arenas. The first known use of “hall of fame” was in the 1850s.

2. Westminster Abbey is a magnificent cathedral, one of the most important churches in the United Kingdom. It was originally built in the year 960 and then rebuilt in 1245. Since 1066 the Abbey has been the coronation church for the British Monarch and thirty-nine coronations have taken place there, the most recent being that of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. More than 3,300 people have been buried or commemorated at Westminster Abbey, including the burials of seventeen British monarchs and such well-known citizens as Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Dickens.

3. Gen. 1:26-28.

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