Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 23 - Beloved Maha Chohan - June 15, 2018

It is Time

Prepare for the Coming of the Holy Spirit

Part 1

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I come in the center of the flame, and I extend the fiery rings of my consciousness to include this unit of lightbearers in the oneness of my awareness of God as cloven tongues of fire.

I come not merely to entertain, but I come out of the urgent necessity of the hour. I come to warn and to instruct. I come to speak not only to you but to the souls of all mankind. For the Karmic Board has decreed that at this hour in time and space and in the evolution of this lifewave and this planetary home there has come that moment when the cosmic clock has struck. It is the hour when mankind must receive the Holy Spirit, must prepare the body temple to be the dwelling place of the Most High God.

In this hour of the appearing of that Spirit it is necessary that certain numbers among mankind are purified to receive that Spirit. For unless certain numbers receive that flame and that awareness, the world as a place of evolution as you know it today will cease to exist. For you see, the balance of life, the balance of all phases of life and evolution, cannot continue unless the Holy Spirit becomes the quickening energy and the life and the light of man and woman.

Fortunate are you, and are we, that Jesus and John the Baptist left a flaming record of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Fortunate, then, are those who follow in the way of those who were gathered on the day of Pentecost and who received that presence, that rushing mighty wind.1 They were filled with that Spirit and they all knew the oneness of the flame.

And so it was at the baptism of Jesus that the dove of the Spirit lighted upon him and he heard the words of the Spirit, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”2 Thus imbued with the Spirit, John and Jesus, and later John the Beloved, were found in the Spirit, in the presence of the Lord. And these three carried the flame of love for the Christian dispensation with Mary the Mother, who was the center of the mandala of the early Church, holding the balance for the apostles after the ascension of the Lord Christ.

And so there is a tradition in your history. There is a tradition of that Holy Spirit and of the receiving of that flame. Fortunate it is for a planet, then, that these Christed ones left a mark and a record for an age that will culminate in victory if mankind en masse will pursue their example.

Now, if the lightbearers who count themselves as ministers of the Brotherhood and of mankind, as Keepers of the Flame and initiates on the Path, will also strive to be representatives of the Holy Spirit—by initiation, by self-discipline, by self-effacement—these too will anchor a more than ordinary momentum of the twin flames of Alpha and Omega.

In this age mankind are divorced from nature, from elemental life, from the angelic hosts. The reason for the separation of hierarchies and kingdoms and manifestations is found when you perceive [in man] the neglect of the Spirit, the absence of the Spirit, the absence of the flame of love.

And so I come bearing a flame. I come to quicken. You have been well prepared in your meditations of this day to know the sacredness of our honor and the honor of the Brotherhood.3 The Holy Spirit cannot dwell where there is not honor, self-respect, mutual respect, and a love of the Christ. As you become sensitive to that presence of the Holy Spirit, you also know the knowledge of the flame, the kindling of the flame, the miracle of life. You know to be aware of that presence, to receive that presence.

So we come to impart life-emanations. And you have come to know those actions, those manifestations that are not in keeping with the flame of the Holy Spirit. A reverence for life, a sensitivity to nature, an honoring of life is a part of being the representative of the Holy Spirit—a tenderness, a humility, and always remembering that the twin flames of that Spirit are purity and comfort—purity as the truth of the ages; comfort even as the fulfillment of the Law.

You will note that the ritual of Holy Communion that has been practiced down through the ages in the churches of Christ was for the preparation of body and soul and heart and mind for the ultimate manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Those who have partaken of the Body and Blood of Christ in that sacred ritual, who have believed in the alchemical transformation called “transubstantiation,” have put on, little by little, increments of the Body and the consciousness of our Lord, of the essence of his Spirit. That sacrament, as well as others of the Church, is a part of the preparation, through ritual, of the soul and the body temple for the ultimate manifestation of the Holy Ghost in this age.

If mankind, then, will have the victory of the conquest of time and space and the dominion in the planes of Mater, they must have the flame of the Holy Spirit. They must be representatives of that Spirit. And the drawing forth and the magnetization of the Mother flame in this age also takes place through the getting of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the magnet that draws up that flame of the Mother, that consecrates the Mother, that walks hand in hand with the Mother to bring forth life, to sponsor life, to nourish life, to be the Keeper of the Flame.

And so you see, the torch is passed. For I can no longer bear that flame for all life. Hierarchy has decreed that Keepers of the Flame must also rise to accept that calling, that honor, and that opportunity to keep the flame for other parts of life who do not yet know that they have a flame, a Christ-identity, an energy that God has released, that God has bequeathed to all as the potential for divinity.

As I am known as the Keeper of the Flame, I come to impart to you a portion of my office and to say, “It is time.” For when the clock strikes midnight and 1974 gives way to 1975, in that hour and in that moment there will be the release of the spiral of the Holy Spirit to the entire planet. And as the final quarter of the century is released, it will be from the white-fire core of the planet and of the sun—a momentum, a cosmic spiral that will be for the full realization of the Holy Spirit in man, in woman, in nature, in holy child.

The probation will be a twenty-five-year period to see whether enough among mankind will be able, through sacrifice, surrender, self-purification, to maintain a tabernacle of witness for the Holy Spirit. And if, then, by the year 2000 enough of mankind have kept the flame of that Spirit, there will be that transition to a golden age that is even now manifesting in the higher etheric cycles. But if there is the rebellion against the Holy Spirit, the rejection of that flame, and if there is the sin against the Holy Ghost4 that is practiced, then I say that further dispensations will not be accorded the earth and her evolutions.

You have been given, then, a six-month cycle to prepare for that sacred moment, to purify your body temple, your four lower bodies, and to make daily application to me to assist you in preparing to represent the Holy Spirit in a more than ordinary manner, with a more than ordinary discipline and dedication.

I come in the time of the Mother, in the time of summer, a time when it is necessary to preserve the emotional body for the release of the feelings of God, the virtues of God, the desires of God. Think, O mankind, how you can use that feeling body to amplify the comfort flame, the tenderness and compassion, and especially forgiveness. Think how you can flow with the love of the Cosmic Mother. Think how you look upon the little ones whom you meet, those held in arm, how they need the compassion of life that can flow through you when you preserve that feeling body as a chalice for the light of the angels and the light of far-off worlds.

Summer is a time to prove the Mother flow and to prove that you, too, will go wherever the Mother goes, that you, too, will be an emissary of the Cosmic Virgin, defending her cause, never amplifying her flaws, but always espousing the defense of these little ones. These are the Christed ones—these tender children who have come forth you know not with what travail, journeying, then, beyond the pale of former home and presence in the heart of God to come to Terra, to come here beneath his rod, to serve and to worship, to utter the fiats of the Word—yes, to make the sacrifice that you might be found whole.

These little ones (that you are carrying even now) have come to tarry in time and space, have come from just beyond the veil where they, beholding the Master’s face, have said, “Let us go down and help mankind. Are there not some who will be father and mother?” And so, you see, with the energy of love held in the chalice of the feeling body you can welcome souls, you can give forth the love that will make them feel at home on Terra.

As my angels make their way around the planetary body at sunset, at twilight, translating the energies of the day into the adoration of eventide, so remember that as they make their way they gaze tenderly upon the little children and those who are more mature who are also children at heart—innocent and awaiting the coming of the Lord.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 24.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, July 1, 1974,during the July class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Acts 2:1-17; Ezek. 3:12, 13.

2. Matt. 3:16, 17; 17:5; Mark 1:10, 11; Luke 3:21, 22; II Peter 1:17.

3. On July 1, 1974, the messenger delivered the lectures “Love, the Fulfilling of the Law-How to Expand the Fires of Love within Your Heart, Your Soul, Your Mind” and “The Converging of Electronic Orbs: Coalescing Thought Molecules in a New Dimension.” Each lecture concluded with a meditation on the teaching given. Available at

4. The sin against the Holy Ghost. Matt. 12:31, 32; Mark 3:28, 29; Luke 12:10. On October 1, 1965, Saint Germain gave an explanation of the meaning of the sin against the Holy Ghost. He said: “Separation from God is the original sin, and it is the sin against the Holy Ghost for which there is no forgiveness; for so long as the separation remains, there cannot be forgiveness. Only when the separation is ended by man’s self-determined reunion with God can the great givingness of God once again bestow upon man his own rightfully earned and divinely decreed just portion.” (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 8, no. 40, October 3, 1965).

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