Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 24 - Beloved Maha Chohan - June 22, 2018

It is Time

Prepare for the Coming of the Holy Spirit

Part 2

So many wait upon the coming of Jesus, and surely he will come. Surely he will come quickly, as each faithful heart pronounces his name, “Jesus, my Lord, I love thee now. I love thee in every hour. O come, gentle Christ, Saviour of the world. Come abide with me. Be my life and teach me to know the Comforter.” [And Jesus responds,] “Behold, I will not leave you comfortless.”1 These were his words. By them are we blessed.

I, too, came to know the comfort flame of pink and golden hue that blazes upon the altar of our retreat. For you know that the flame of the Holy Spirit is dazzling white and bright and shining, a symphony of choirs of angels to all who hear it. And so the crystal fiery light—the discipline of Serapis Bey, the discipline of the Maha Chohan when invoked—suddenly becomes the love of the Comforter. For discipline and comfort go hand in hand. As you accept the disciplines of hierarchy, you become a comforter to all of life.

Thus with the right hand I dispense the disciplines, and in my left hand there comes the reward of the comfort flame. If you, then, would be a comforter, a bearer of the spiral of the Holy Spirit, take this six-month cycle, which I give, to in­­voke the disciplines, to submit to the will of God, to sharpen the mind and to sharpen the pencils too. And study well and take your notes. Study well and be imbued with that power, that wisdom, that love.

Calling for the balance of the threefold flame, you will follow the Path that is ever the same, for no man cometh by another door. For I AM the door. Behold, Christ is the open door that no man can shut.2 And those who would enter not by the door into the sheepfold but enter some other way, the same is a liar and a thief.3 And so the entrance into the bliss of the Lord must be through the Christ, through the love of the Christ, the discipline of the Christ, the wisdom of the Christ.

As he has said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me,”4 so know the voice of the Christ! Know the voice of the Holy Spirit! And bring yourself into alignment with that Great Spirit who was worshiped of old by those who made their abode upon this continent long before the coming of the white man.

And so that Great Spirit, the presence of the Holy Spirit in nature, provided for the needs of those who communed with that Spirit and who acknowledged that presence in the sun, in the stars, in the simple manifestations of nature and nature’s God.

I come, then, to restore the faith, the hope and the charity of those who first knew the Holy Spirit upon this continent, to restore all to the understanding of the Great Spirit, of the cloven tongues of fire. So I bid you, commune with life. Commune with fire. And ride the spiral that takes you ever higher into planes of consciousness where you merge in the sea of Being and realize that as you have penetrated the Godhead, so the fruit of the penetration of consciousness must be brought back to the here and the now, to the practical outpicturing of a work that becomes the work of God in man.

I come to bless. I come to release the fire to those who can bear it. To others, my angels give a scroll. Like a chemical formula, this scroll contains the precise directions that will be held by your Christ Self for initiations, for the release of energies, for mantras that you must give ere you come into alignment on New Year’s Eve to be the fulfillment of the promise of the Paraclete.

And so it is finished. The gifts are given—each one a separate gift according to the need of the hour. And that need of one and all is to be closer and closer to the heart of the flame.

So my energy goes forth. It is locked in your aura if you will have it. And if you will not, my angels will pass you by. By receiving this energy as a kernel of light, a golden acorn of light, you have a focus of nature and of the Great Spirit that will unfold as you are able to bear it, to carry it, to nourish the flame that, like the acorn, will become the mighty oak. So your soul will also become a great forcefield, a hovering presence, a comforter to life. This will be so if in the cycles of initiation you are able to take those energies and to make them your own even as you are made one as an identity in the consciousness of God.

Angels of the comfort flame will tarry in this place for the duration of this conclave. I ask, therefore, that you maintain a respectful silence and that you meditate upon these angels as you wait to receive the next lecture, meditation, or the dictations. I ask this so that you will realize that these angels are mighty beings who have the power to impart a vast consciousness of sacred awareness, of sacred fire, of Holy Spirit. And they wait only for your call in order to bestow upon you more of their all, more of their flame.

Call to them, then, in his name, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM and in the name of the Maha Chohan, the Great Lord whose office I bear and in whose service I remain.

To you and to you and to you, each one, I AM the very personal contact with God. Therefore call upon me and see how we will walk and talk together and how I will be for you the fulfillment of your mission, which is not so very hard—not so very hard if you will accept the visitation of Jesus the Lord, who appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus, transforming him and saying, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?”5

Have you thought of how you persecute the Christ each time you allow the carnal mind to hold sway, to release the energy and the darkness? But Saul was transformed. And so that Saul represents the old man with his deeds, and the coming of Jesus shows how the miracle Presence can be the transforming power in your life. Saul himself could not have been re­­born in that hour had he not accepted the miracle Presence of the Master Jesus. Beholding the vision of the Christ he was transformed and given the new name, “Paul”—the power of the all of God.

Therefore be your Real Self. Be the king and the prophet, the priest and the priestess, the son and the daughter of God. And see how God will glorify the works that you work in his name, how he will glorify his light in you and restore many souls to the flame and to the center of Being, to the very light of God-reality.

Remember that as you approach the hour of your birth, your birthday, there is that six-week cycle preparing you for the manifestation of a new current, a new dispensation.6 So at the quarter of the century, which 1975 marks, understand that the preparation is a six-month cycle. Realize, then, that the preparation of the four lower bodies of a planet in these six months is for the receiving of the Holy Spirit. And the groaning and the travailing and the upheavals and the emotional burdens and the trials and tribulations are because you as lightbearers are holding the flame and the balance while turbulent energies are brought into alignment with a new dimension of solar consciousness.

Keep on keeping on, Keepers of the Flame! Hold on to God. Hold on to hierarchy. And hold on to the Mother. For she will not betray you—no, not today, not tomorrow, nor ever in eternity. For the Mother is the flame, the dispensation, and the light of the Aquarian age.

So pursue the wisdom of the Cosmic Virgin. Pursue the calling even of AMU.7 For I am looking forward to that third quarter when I will hold sway and release the disciplines—the disciplines of fire. You have thought that you were disciplined, O you little ones in Level I and Level II. Prepare, then, for you know not how the disciplines increase. They do not decrease. They become more intense with a fiery heat as you approach closer to the center of life.

Do you think you are disciplined? Come with me and let me show you the life of the chohans, of the World Teachers, and see how energies and microseconds are disciplined, how cells of consciousness are disciplined. And so, you see, every virtue of God increases (and I include discipline as a virtue) as you approach the center of the flame. The joy of discipline is the joy of the leaping, dancing fire itself.

You who would be one, then, come and join the fun of the disciplines of the Lord of hosts and see how that discipline becomes the joy and the singing of angels, the praise and the honor. See how the violet-flame angels provide that twinkle of mirth that is needed upon earth so that souls persevering to come under the rod of the Law might also know a moment of gaiety—a gaiety where their soul retains the worth of being held in the hollow of his hand, knowing that in that hand all is well, all is well, all is well.

I thank you and I bid you good evening.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, July 1, 1974, during the July class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. John 14:18.

2. Rev. 3:8.

3. John 10:1.

4. John 10:27.

5. Acts 9:4.

6. The six-week cycle refers to the period of six weeks just before one’s birthday. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has said that during this time we have the opportunity to transmute the karma we haven’t balanced in the entire twelve months. In August 1996, Mrs. Prophet explained that this is an important time of “prayer, fasting, acceleration, violet flame, Astreas, atonement, confessing one’s sins, making everything right with God.”

7. AMU. In 1971 Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet founded the Ascended Master University (AMU), now called Summit University. The opening session of AMU lasted two weeks. In the mornings Mark lectured on cosmic law and in the afternoons he taught about God-government. Today Summit University offers a variety of avenues of spiritual learning: an online School of Theology and Spiritual Studies, shorter extension courses on popular metaphysical topics, home-study courses, and spiritual retreats and seminars at its campus in Gardiner, Montana, and at different locations around the world. For more information, go to

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