Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 25 - Beloved El Morya - July 1, 2018

Know the Star-Fire Perfection of the Will of God

Part 1

Hail, devotees of the will of God! Hail, sons and daughters of the diamond-shining mind!

I AM come in the fullness of the flame of God’s will to instill within you devotion to a cause which I espoused long ago. The will of God is a fire, a star-fire of perfection for which your soul yearns, for which there is a burning in heart and soul and mind that will not let you cease to strive for perfection until you attain that Star.

I AM the star-fire of direction for your life, for your energy, for your freedom from all fear and from the shrouds of doubt and darkness and the deceits and illusions of the carnal mind.

Cast them into the flame which I bear! For I come bearing a mighty torch of blue-flame power. It is a bower* of light and love from my heart. And the diamond-shining mind of God sparkles now from Darjeeling, as the insignia of our retreat turns as a focus of the mind of God in the Great Hub.

I AM the exponent of the will of God! For I AM the ensouling of that will for all who serve on the ray of God’s will—the first ray of First Cause, of energies released within you. See to it, then, that the energies which you release from chakras now purified are in the exact replica of the will of God that is the blueprint of life, the pattern of destiny that God has sealed within each of your star-fiery chakras. Realize, then, that for every thought and every word and every action there is a divine blueprint, and that blueprint is held in the will of God.

There is no need to have unexpected manifestations of emotional turbulence. There is no need for unplanned activities.** There is no need for a lack of precision in knowing the mind of God if you will first center your consciousness in the flame. And thereby you will be free from all derision of the carnal mind that would make a mockery of life and of your greatest moments of the sublime presence of the will of God.

Do you see, then, that by coming into the center of the awareness of the will of First Cause you can outsmart the effects of the dark denizens of astral mire? Do you see, then, that it is wrong in the eyes of God to be a reactor to effects and that you must go to the will of First Cause, to the central manifestation of that will, and see to it that that will is released? And then you go forth to fulfill the plan according to the blueprint.

It is folly to act without first knowing the blueprint of action! And if you cannot know the blueprint, then know this: that your Christ mind does ensoul that blueprint, that your I AM Presence ensouls that blueprint. And therefore, if you are on a mission for the Brotherhood and you are, as it were, feeling your way out into the unknown, first know that, in the name of the Christ, your Higher Being and your Higher Self is showing you the way.

Thereby you find the star-fire of perfection at the end of the road. You know that you have arrived because of the genius of the Christ mind that is ever active, waking and sleeping, ready to lower into manifestation—in the outer mind, the inner world, the subtle world and the subconscious plane—every aspect of the consciousness of God that is necessary for an accurate assessment of events, for an accurate outpicturing of events in this plane.

After all, blessed ones, is not the activity of the outer consciousness the vanity of vanities? All is vanity!1 If it is vanity, then I say, why indulge in the human consciousness? Why take it seriously? Why not realize that even human happiness and human sorrow represent the yin and the yang of a consciousness that is yet to be made permanent in the Christ?

Why not live in reality here and now? Why constantly be on the periphery of unreality, reacting to the events of unreality when you can be centered in the Christ and walk the earth as masters of time and space?

It is high time that the chelas of the light respond to this call to be centered in the will of God by going back to the cause behind every outer manifestation. Perceiving that cause, you can bring blessing to all of life. For in the midst of turmoil you can keep the flame because you see the vision. And because you see the vision, you have compassion for those of a lesser state of consciousness who are out of phase with the blueprint.

Sometimes you sense individuals being out of phase with a matrix, a [divine] presence that you feel, a pulsing of the mind of God. They do not always know [this presence of the mind of God]. Many times they are sincere devotees who themselves are groping to find a point of contact with the Higher Mind. When you keep the vision and the flame and the constancy of the will of God, you find that those who come into your aura are also drawn into the mercurial diamond-shining mind of God that has that purpose of keeping the balance.

In the Higher Mind is the balance for the plane of action. And [think of] how much time and how much turmoil you can save yourself and others around you if you will retreat to that mind! This is an action of contemplation and it is the “rest” aspect of the motion of the Mercurians.

We are Mercurians, we who serve in Darjeeling! We come from the master God Mercury to ensoul a planet not only with the will of God but with the speedy determination to fulfill that will. And thus my release of the power of the spoken Word to you this night is by the action of that mercurial mind so that you can see that the mind of God can release thought faster than the messenger is capable of pronouncing that thought in words.

Thus understand that thought flashes across the skies with the speed of light and beyond, and you too can receive that Word and that impetus for action. Understand, then, that the rest in motion of the Mercurians is the rest in the contemplation of the will of God and in the action of that will being lowered into manifestation simultaneously, like the simultaneous interpreters who hear the word in one ear and pronounce that word in another language.

Do you see, then, how your consciousness, being vast as the consciousness of God, can span the Cosmic Egg2 and be aware of teeming forcefields of the mind of God? Like a cosmic computer it is the potential of your own Higher Mind here and now, the Higher Mind that you can contact.

Thus you can be aware not only of one but of many blue-prints—blueprints governing the destiny of nations, of cities, of lifestreams. How do you think that our messengers minister to life everywhere? It is through this Higher Mind, through the Christ.

Simultaneously you, too, can be in many forcefields. And this comes, ah yes, through the mastery of the chakras, through the mastery of the planes of consciousness until you master so many of these balls which you juggle that there comes a time when you must transcend Mater and move into infinity. For the finite world can no longer hold your consciousness.

Some of you have this ability already, but you have not the mastery of the emotions to accompany the speed of that Higher Mind. In some respects you are far beyond your peers, but they are not your peers if you are far beyond them. Do you see? Some of you go beyond this world in one aspect of consciousness, and then suddenly you are drawn back because an aspect of self has not attained the mastery.

Thus the disciplines of the Brotherhood are imposed. Thus the Keepers of the Flame lessons are released.3 Thus the way is made clear so that step by step you might put on the consciousness of the Holy Ghost. And lest you weary of this plane of time that I have engaged in, I will now release the spoken Word as the voice and the momentum of the flow of that will of God into the plane of earth. It is the determined release of the Brotherhood, stepping down, now, momentums of the diamond-shining mind of God into the plane of earth for the determined step, the determined pace, the controlled breath and the heartbeat that conforms to the cycles of the Divine Mother as she rocks the cradle of the holy infant child.

And so you see, as I take the flow of the Word and impress it upon you now with the intensity of determination, I AM still releasing to you, at another frequency and at another level of this dictation, the speed of the thought of the mind of God. And so you are receiving this dictation simultaneously at several levels of consciousness so that you might understand that although God in you is One, that One is infinity. And as you espouse the will of God you can penetrate infinity in many aspects.

Do you see, then, that as it is now, embodied mankind take upon themselves perhaps one virtue, one attribute, one frequency for an entire lifetime? I am showing you how, when you merge with the flame and with the body of God, you can partake of many facets of the jewel of God’s mind and actually outpicture those facets even while you tarry in time and space, becoming a master at various planes of consciousness.

But in the final analysis, when the time of accounting and the Judgment comes and you are prepared to be received as a candidate for the ascension, it matters what you have lowered into form. And although you may have the mastery of the mind of God at the etheric plane or the mental plane, remember well that all that counts in the final analysis for the victory of life is that which you can bring into manifestation in the physical octave for the victory.

And thus I press now for the lowering into consciousness of that mastery which many of you have at various levels. I am pressing in upon you now the rays of the will of God for the intensification of that lowering action.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 26.

*bower: an extension of support, as in an anchor carried at the bow of a ship

**This may mean actions taken that are not in accordance with the divine blueprint that is the will of God.

The Will of God Is Good

The will of God is good!
To heaven it opens the door
It satisfies all the soul’s longing for comfort
Makes all their God Presence adore!

The will of God is plain!
It’s easy God’s plan to fulfill
Whatever is lovely, sincere, pure, and joyous
These always bring heaven’s good will!

The will of God is pow’r!
Blest Morya embodies it all
Stands ready and willing God’s will to reveal
To any and all who will call!

O Morya! Dear Morya! We bow
Before God’s own will which thou art
O love us and teach us and raise us until
Ascended, we’re free in God’s heart!*

*Melody: hymn “Blest be the tie that binds” (hymn tune “Dennis” arranged from Johann Georg Nägeli by Lowell Mason). This song is printed in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 200.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, July 2, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave,held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Eccles. 1:2.

2. Cosmic Egg. In the teachings of the ascended masters, the spiritual-material universe is known as the Cosmic Egg. It includes the galaxies, star systems, and worlds known and unknown, whose center is called the Great Central Sun. For additional information, see Saint Germain On Alchemy, glossary entries “Central Sun” and “Cosmic Egg”; book available at

3. Keepers of the Flame Lessons. The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity is a nondenominational fraternity for men and women in the tradition of ancient spiritual orders. It was founded by the ascended master Saint Germain in 1961 through his messenger Mark L. Prophet and is composed of spiritual seekers who pledge to see this earth through to a golden age of freedom, peace and enlightenment by keeping the flame of life. The Keepers of the Flame course is comprised of 33 monthly lessons on the practical application of cosmic law to assist seekers and members to walk the path of soul testing, spiritual growth and, ultimately, to achieve the ascension. To sample a free online lesson and for additional information about the lessons and the fraternity, see

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