Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 26 - Beloved El Morya - July 8, 2018

Know the Star-Fire Perfection of the Will of God

Part 2

Some of you have blocks in the lower chakras and in the heart, even in the upper chakras. Some of you have need of but a minor adjustment in the turning of the wheels of the chakras. Some of you need but the succor of the angels, of fearlessness flame, of Ray-O-Light and Archangel Michael to clear away the last vestiges of substance that oppose the spiral ing into manifestation of inner attainment.

I come, then, in defense of Christ-mastery. I come, then, to bind all that is less than Christ-mastery. I extend my hand to you and I ask you, if you are willing, to give me your hand while you give to me all momentums less than Christ-perfection. Specifically I request that you give to me, in the name of the Christ, those momentums that prevent the will of God from manifesting in your life. I accept them gladly, lovingly, and I cast them into the flame of the sacred fire!

I extend to you, in exchange for the proffered gift, the diamond-shining crystal substance of my flame. And I place that crystal in your four lower bodies in order to increase the flow of light for the awareness of God consciousness and for the precipitation thereof.

I come in the awareness of many urgent matters—matters of state, of the governments of the nations, of the crises of the individual chelas on the Path. For there are many chelas across the margins of the world, in America and beyond, who are affrighted and even overcome by the cloud of darkness that is as a cloud of locusts plaguing the earth, downgrading the activities of the Brotherhood and attempting to snuff out the light of the Law, of the Teaching, and of the Christ.

I say, Roll it back! Roll it back! Roll it back! And let the Divine Presence of each one appear!

I AM the champion of the disciples of Christ the world around. I AM the champion of the devotees of Buddha, of Confucius. I AM the champion of the saints, of child-man, of those beginning on the Path and those who have been winning for a long time and yet are waiting to see the fruits of victory.

Are you one of those who have been winning for so long that now you think that perhaps you are not winning at all, that perhaps you have lost a round, lost a momentum? I say, the mighty teams of conquerors, who go forth conquering and to conquer, who release their momentum of the will of God, would have you know that the victors of life and those who win and who place their stakes high on the winning of the All—the winning of the All of God and the transmutation of the all of man—are they who have wide spirals of victory. Their course of victory is a wide pattern around the sun.

You must recognize, then, that to follow that wide course you must remember the vision. You must remember that there is a victory each step of the way, which you do not see the manifestation of until you have completed the whole spiral.

Others of lesser stature may have daily victories and you may wonder, “My, how they achieve in the light, how they attain. I seem never to gain even a morsel or a thread of the light of victory but only struggle and testing and temptation and torment, and I am still plodding along without a sign of victory.”

And yet I say, the wide spiral is a victory every day! But know that the fruit of victory finally comes in the manifestation of the ultimate light of the return, [when you have completed the whole spiral]. Though you be on a wide spiral or a lesser spiral, an inner or an outer coil, whether you be a planet or an electron farthest from the center or closer to the sun, remember this: Work the works of God each day and receive the benediction “Well done” from your Christ Self.

Know that because you retain the standard of perfection, you will reach perfection’s mark. Know that because you apply for God-direction, you will also receive protection’s mark. Know, then, that because you have a standard and a principle that you have espoused, hierarchies and angels reinforce your consciousness and are working with you for a victory that is beyond even the imagination of those who accept the lesser victories and go on. Know, then, that when you carry a large matrix you must make a wide circuit. And therefore, follow the beings of light; accompany our legions bright.

I invite you this night to see and behold that star-fire might. I invite you to come with legions of the will of God, to follow the flame and the law of the rod, to come and see and know how legions of Mercury, of Morya, go—how they follow the light of the Mother flow as cosmic highways wending through the spheres, far beyond the ken of mortal ears —a music, a symphony, a hierarchy, an antahkarana. Oh, it is the star-fire Presence of your causal body bright.

As your soul takes flight, remember that you are traversing the vastness of the causal body of God himself. Remember, then, you who hold the vision of the Spirit, that to fill in the painting and the mural of life—if it is to be a panorama that encompasses all of mankind in the ascension spiral—will no doubt take all of your life, all of your love, and every day of your yearning to be free.

Therefore I come with the encouragement of the will of God and I say to you, each one: Take heart! Oh, take heart, precious souls of Morya. Take heart.

There are some who must carry the vision. There are others who bring up the rear, who are not afraid of rolling up their sleeves and digging in and performing the service that is needed. And sometimes those who are at the rear are so far from those who lead the command that they do not meet until the battle is won and the strife is o’er. For many souls and many lifestreams form a part of the legions and the cadres of light.

Our goal and our winning is for the ascension of the Cosmic Egg. Now, if you cannot visualize the Cosmic Egg where you are in time and space, then I say, how can you visualize the victory and the ascension of that Cosmic Egg?1

Therefore, you see, leave that vision to the Elohim and come down to a lesser portion of time and space, taking only that portion of which you are capable of mastering. But let the reach exceed the grasp. Let the goal exceed the present capability. Let the Great White Brotherhood and the Spirit of life fill in that energy by a rainbow arc—a promise of a goal, of an attainment and of a life beyond.

You who yearn for oneness, for peace, for surcease from all turmoil, come this night into the fiery core of my heart. Come to Darjeeling and sit by the fire with me, and we will discuss the plans of hierarchy for God-government and for the victory of the light. I will show you the graphs and the maps and the illustrations of the step-by-step increase of the light in the planetary body and what those steps, ordained by he Christ, will achieve for mankind if some here below will keep the flame and espouse the Mother flow.

I AM yours for the victory of God’s will in all planes of consciousness. And I will speak to you as a mighty chord at many levels in order to reach the depths and the heights of consciousness. Do you know that my flow of light will be welcomed by you in some planes of your awareness, but in other planes there will be a resistance?

Do you understand how attainment has levels even within you? The ladder of hierarchy and of initiation is all contained within you, as portions of your consciousness have attainment and portions still must be brought into alignment.

Thus, let the highest aspect of the self be a beacon of hope and light and direction for all lesser aspects so that the energies spiraling and coursing now through your world will converge at the cloverleaf that is the threefold flame within the heart.

I AM, as Above, so below, Morya of the first ray of the will of God!

I AM victorious! I AM invictus in the flame!2 And I stand to defend that will in all who defend that will!

Peace be unto you.


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, July 2, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave,held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Ascension of the Cosmic Egg. The messenger has explained that the spiritual-material universe is known as the Cosmic Egg. (See p. 175, n. 2, this volume.) In a 1973 Pearl of Wisdom, Serapis Bey spoke of the ascension of embodied souls, of the planetary body itself and of “the entire Cosmic Egg.” He said, “Can you contemplate that hour when the entire cosmos is quickened in the ascension spiral? ...One day you shall witness the ascension of the entire warp and woof of time and space. Think of that, blessed hearts, and set it squarely before you as the mark. For you must be given the vision. You must have the vision and the authority to claim that vision.”

2. Invictus is the Latin word for “unconquered.” The British poet William Ernest Henley (1849—1903) composed his well-known poem “Invictus” on the overcoming of adversity. The poem parallels Henley’s victorious spirit through his dark trials with illness and disease. He wrote the poem in 1875 from the hospital where he was receiving treatment for tuberculosis of the bone.

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