Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 27 - Beloved Pelleur - July 15, 2018

Lose Yourself in Service through Love
and You Will Pass Every Test

I come from Pelleur’s realm. I AM Pelleur, known of old by elemental beings as the hierarch of earth. I ensoul elemental life, bearing the flame with Virgo, of vast numbers of beings who support Terra as a planetary platform for the evolution of mankind.

The white-fire core of our being is the sun of even pressure in the center of the earth. Into this forcefield there are poured energies from sun centers, spiritual light from the Father-Mother God to sustain lifewaves, plant life, animal life, and all of the components necessary for the sustainment of physical bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.

I come forth from out the white-fire core to take dominion in the plane of earth and to release spirals of consciousness through the beings of the earth, through the gnomes who also serve under the Elohim, under the hierarchies of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. These servants of God and man in nature respond to the impartations of the heart flame of each one.

The Lords of Karma have released energies for the balance of the elementals of earth, air, fire and water in this hour of transition. In their deliberations in this half-year cycle,1 the Lords of Karma have considered and have sent forth the Word that inasmuch as the elementals support the body of the Divine Mother, the body of Virgo herself, the planetary home, it is to the elementals that the dispensation of light will be accorded at this turn of the cycle of the year.

For the elementals are in great need of succor and support. And inasmuch as this support is not coming forth from mankind themselves in sufficient quantity as it should, so the increments of light from Helios and Vesta for a planet and its people are awarded to the elementals so that they might achieve balance and so that mankind might have another opportunity and another round to manifest, by free will, the courage and the conviction to serve the light, to serve only the light.

Thus it is considered by the Lords of Karma that this action will ultimately result in opportunity for mankind, who without the support of the elementals could not of themselves turn this cycle into the purification of the four lower bodies of the planet and thus stay the hand of returning karma.

This, then, is the way of the Lord of hosts. It is to release the resolution to those problems which mankind, if they only would, could solve. But when there is greed, when there is selfishness, when there is the preferring of private gain over gain for the commonweal* and the universal good of all, then the problems of nature and of the elementals are not resolved.

The elementals are, essentially, beings who serve the light of the Christ in man. And although there be some who come under the nefarious influences of the fallen ones or under the moods and the chicaneries of mankind, by and large the elementals go where there is devotion to the Christ. In fact, they refuse to produce crops for the harvest where mankind are in rebellion, where they do not recognize the Holy Spirit as that energy which is used to create sustenance, the food for the nourishing of the bodies of mankind.

Therefore where you see famine, know that those evolutions who suffer from famine are those who have denied the Christ in past incarnations and in the present. Know that where the crops fail, where mankind go hungry, it is because they have deprived themselves of the light of life by failing to acknowledge God as the Great Giver of the grain and of the harvest. And although some have attempted to perpetuate the lie that it is the state and not God who gives the increase, that lie cannot stand! It has no part of reality! And those who precipitate the lie and those who repeat it over and over again only reinforce their own nonexistence, their own separation from the center of God’s being.

Thus the elementals gather where the soil is consecrated through the sacred labor of those who are one with the flame of the Holy Spirit, heart, head and hand. If you would return to the abundance of Eden and to the lush fruits and the harvest that can come forth by the attunement of God in man, then see to it that you come apart from the commercialization and the playing with the grains for the grasping of money—the grasping of the increase of money and the neglect of the delivering to the poor, the hungry and the needy that which is rightfully theirs as the abundance of the Cosmic Virgin. Where you see this manifestation taking place, know that souls and body temples will ultimately be deprived of that which they require.

And thus the period of the years of famine in Egypt, written of in the Old Testament, was foretold in the dream of the Pharaoh, and that dream was interpreted by Joseph.2 A period of famine is a period when mankind’s consciousness is starved of the impartations of God through neglect. And if that time be upon us, if it be coming to earth by mankind’s own edicts, then wise are they who store that substance of life, who take unto themselves the necessary supplies and victuals to weather the period of the return of mankind’s karma. Lightbearers ought to be prepared, for the LORD helps those who help themselves.3

There seems to be, much to the consternation of the elementals, some dispute among Christians as to whether or not it is righteous to provide for the future. Precious hearts, let me tell you that it is altogether in keeping with the laws of God to make provision for the times that must come when mankind, because of their failure to repent, must needs be faced with the actions of their own karma.

I will give you, then, the cure for the human consciousness, for human rebellion, and for the karma of a planet and a people. And the cure is this: that every man and every woman and every child should lose himself in service and in the sacred labor of working the works of God upon earth.

The Luciferians come to the chelas on the Path in an attempt to convince them that other concerns have priority —the concerns of the little self, its self-imposed suffering, its self-imposed struggle. I say, break the bonds of the entire nightmare of an unreality that has naught to do with the true initiations of the Path! I say, lose yourself in service and through love—love for God in man—and you will pass every test along the way.

As you prefer the flame of life in one another, as you lift up your hearts and heads and behold, by the vision of God, the priorities of the needy and the hungry, of all of elemental life waiting to be nourished by your flame, of so many who suffer the pangs of separation from God, you will see by that vision that there is not time to worry about the little self.

Let us be up and doing, then! Let us go forth in the edict of the Lord to take dominion over the earth!4 There is a community to be built. There are sacrifices to be made. There are souls who hunger. Why tarry in the dregs of selfishness and self-conceit? There is no dichotomy; only in darkness is there division. But in the light of the flame of Reality, in the realization of the One and the Presence of love, all is Real.

I, Pelleur, speak to you who have been given the opportunity to take dominion in the earth. I say, lose yourself in service to the light, to lifewaves teeming, multitudes teeming. I say, be not concerned with the preferences and the prejudices, the sensitivities and oversensitivities of that little self. For that little self will consume you! It will take all of your energy, all of your time, and it will return to you nothing! You must forget those things that are behind you and press forward toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

See, then, how elemental life worships the Christ. And if mankind should hold their peace, these very ones will cry out5 in acclamation, in praise, in glory and in honor of the Christ flame aborning within you, of the Mother flame rising on the horizon of the consciousness of mankind.

The elementals count themselves, one and all, as children of the Divine Mother. They look to Virgo and to each one of you, who upholds the Mother flame, for the tender love and grace and comfort that they require.

Will you not bestow that comfort when there is that moment of self-indulgence that need not be? I say, replace self-indulgence with an indulgence in the Christ and in life and in those who need you every hour! You cannot afford to waste time or energy any longer.

I, Pelleur, have come to speak to you of life that is Real. I beckon you onward into the spiral of the mastery of the planes of Mater, for this is your great and glorious destiny.

I give to you the Lady Virgo.

*Archaic, commonwealth

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Pelleur was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, July 2, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave,held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Karmic Board is a body of eight beings of great light and attainment who have the responsibility of dispensing justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, justice and mercy on behalf of every lifestream. Twice a year, at summer and winter solstice, the Lords of Karma meet at the Royal Teton Retreat to review petitions from unascended mankind. Traditionally, students of the ascended masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board requesting grants of energy, dispensations and sponsorship for constructive projects and endeavors. For more information, see the “Karmic Board” profile in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats; available at the bookstore at

2. Gen. 41:1—32.

3. “God helps those who help themselves.” This proverb became popular when Benjamin Franklin included it in his Poor Richard’s Almanac of 1733. The source of the saying is unknown but may be Aesop’s fable “Hercules and the Waggoner.” In this tale the driver of a wagon mired in deep mud prayed to Hercules for help. When Hercules appeared, he said to the driver, “Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.” (Bible Gateway Blog;

4. Gen. 1:26—31.

5. Luke 19:40.

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