Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 33 - Beloved Goddess of Liberty - September 1, 2018

Be Free, America!

Hail, flame of Liberty! Oh, how I love thee!

I come across the skies from the Royal Teton Retreat, through the fiery rockets and the bursts of light, through the rejoicing and the happiness of a people celebrating that flame of Independence.

I am grateful to have had a part in the vision of America. I am grateful to have walked with Saint Germain. I am grateful to welcome souls to this land, where through the consciousness of the Mother a transformation takes place whereby there is the putting off of the old man and the putting on of the new.1

Have you ever wondered why Americans are a different people, why the vibrations upon this soil, in this land, and in the hearts of all are just a little bit extraordinary? It is because everyone who is born here and everyone who comes here must pass through the veils of the gentle Virgin, of the Mother. For this is the land of the Mother.

Coming through her consciousness, then, for these two hundred years and more, lifewaves have experienced the transforming power, the wisdom, and the love of the consciousness of the immaculate conception. This transforming power is as a mighty sphere of light, a grid, a forcefield for the straining out of the imperfections of the old world—the greed, the selfishness, the darkness. So comes the Mother’s love, and all who pass through have a quickening of freedom, a stirring within their hearts of a love that cannot be denied, that cannot be put out. It is a love for America.

And so, Old Glory—with the stars of the plane of Spirit piercing through the night—shows forth the initiation in this hour of the test of the ten by the power of the secret rays, making fifty sovereign states.2 You will recall that the testing of the four times twelve was for the building of the four sides of the pyramid.3 Therefore, you see, there has been a transition in America whereby, from [the action of the] outer building [of the nation], the people now turn to the inner realization of the God flame.

I come from the council halls of the Royal Teton Retreat. I come directly from the [meeting] table there, where we are in session deliberating as to the energy flow, the karmic releases, and the assistance to elemental life. As we saw that you were ready for the release, we took a break in our sessions so that I could come here and be with you in person. I come so that you might feel the presence of my light body and have that aura of love for liberty meshed with your own, tied to your own. For I would have you, for a while, tied to my apron strings so that you might feel the closeness of Mother Liberty.

We have heard, as you have heard, the delivery of the Keeper of the Scrolls.4 And beyond the spoken dictation were many pages of his report, which is a report on every nation, on groups of souls, of evolutions of souls within nations and levels of society.

We are studying that report, and we are endeavoring to bring forth to the people of America an opportunity to restore a lost image. It is an image of a great and mighty nation, of a noble people, a people infired with courage, self­respect, and a love for the good things in life that come from Mother Earth—a love for clean living and clean fun, for good and wholesome food, for education, for law, for justice. We desire to see that image wherein the American people return to a joy in their land that far exceeds a pride but is a joy that anchors in the Christ a gratitude for life, for opportunity, for being.

We desire to release the purple fires of an intense trans­mutation this night, a saturation of a people with purple fire from the heart of Saint Germain. And flowing in that purple flame are the symbols, the forcefields of fohatic ener­gies that come and are released from the Cave of Symbols. These symbols come from your own Knight Commander, who had more up his sleeve today than he told you about.5 For he also knew of this release that should come, and his consciousness (being all of purple fire, purple violets, and purple hearts) also flows with a mighty river of fire that even now is beginning to traverse America along with the Fourth of July displays.

From east to west, from west to east, there is a drenching of consciousness in America. Mark you well that in the months and years ahead there will be a return to purity, to holy innocence. This will occur as one by one, ten by ten, one hundred million by one hundred million, this land is restored into the arms of the Mother as liberty rocks the Christ Child, providing comfort, solace, love, flow, and security in the presence of the gleam of the Mother’s eye, the glow of the Father’s love.

We desire to restore these basic values, and we begin here—here in this place that is not so out of the way to us, not so without meaning. For you have come to anchor a double heart (one for America, one for Canada), as the twin flames of Heros and Amora and of Chamuel and Charity prepare for a mighty release of love in order to carry the balance of the year in an arc of triumph, an arc that is reminiscent of the rainbow that flows from God’s heart to the hearts of his children.

We come, then, to set aright patterns that have gone awry. We come to restore a geometric design so that this land and this people can have the infiring of the cosmic cube in a new dimension of consciousness, rising from a level where fundamental truth is enshrined. We come so that this land and this people will once again be able to reproduce an integrity that can be transported to other lands, that can be exported in order to give all mankind the opportunity to rise and to be free.

In many nations upon earth there is a jealousy of America that has created a great veil of darkness, a pall of energy engendering self-­condemnation and a draining of the ener­gies of the American people. This jealousy moves back and forth from envy to hatred, from condemnation and then to flattery, as the very ones who send these energies of hatred then court the favor of American statesmen, diplomats, and even of your president. We are concerned that the consciousness of the American people will not realize what it is that is draining them of their life force, their fervor, their patriotism, and the very fire [within that is needed in order] to rise to the stars and to be the defenders of freedom the world around.

What has happened to that ideal? Not so long ago, all of the people of the world who were oppressed looked to America to defend that standard and that freedom. And now these same people are not sure if, when they are invaded, America will come to their aid.

And what of the armed forces? What of the degradation through the trafficking in dope and narcotics among the young souls, those who ought to be the vanguard of the forces of light and defense? Looking on with the heart of a Mother, we could almost weep for the desecration of their body temples.

O mothers of the world, O fathers of the world, pray for your children. Pray diligently, for you see not what is coming upon earth and in this land. As you take the breath of the Holy Spirit to expand light and a flame, remember that in these hours of opportunity everything counts for a future that is locked in God’s heart—for a golden age that ought to be realized as the start of newness in all planes, in all phases of education, and in the training up of the child in the way that he should go.6

Realize, then, that we are building for a grand and noble expectancy of light and for the realization of a pinnacle of achievement in culture. Yet, even so, all appears to be going in another direction, in a downward spiral of dark noise, of treacherous rhythms that sunder the very soul and the seat-­of-­the-­soul chakra. Art forms are a desecration, and so many aspects of creativity are distorted by spirals of death and the scorpion’s sting. Creativity must be restored in the white-­fire core of purity.

Do you not know that the American soul, the American genius, is the most creative as it blends the Christ consciousness of all nations and all lifewaves? For it is the flame of freedom that gives rise to the free flow of creativity in the soul. Do you not know that that creativity is being stifled in your children through improper education, through a binding of their consciousness through Luciferian controls?

Let the diamond-­shining mind of God penetrate now all planes! I say, then:

Let that energy go forth now, as the rising of purple fire reaches a crescendo across this land!

Send forth the diamond-­shining mind of God from the heart of Morya! Send forth that light!

Blaze forth that light! Blaze forth the energies of Maitreya and Gautama Buddha, and let this land know the coming of the winds of the East, of the mind of Christ and of the mind of the Lord of the World!

So let this land receive the light from far­off worlds, of Holy Kumaras, of Lady Master Venus!

So let this land receive that last full measure of devotion from sons and daughters of God on high, the ascended hosts!

So I say, in the name of God and by the authority of Justice,* as the spokesman for the Karmic Board, I release these fiats to the ascended hosts of light, which is the cue they have been waiting for in order to step forth now—by the mandate of hierarchy, by the mandate of the momentum of the decrees of lightbearers around the world!

Come forth, O ascended hosts of light! Come forth arrayed in glistening white! Come forth, beings and consciousness, seraphim and cherubim! Come forth and infuse this land with a new hope of glory, of light, of wisdom’s domain!

Come forth, O ascended hosts of light! Come forth arrayed in glistening white! Come forth, beings and consciousness, seraphim and cherubim! Come forth and infuse this land with a new hope of glory, of light, of wisdom’s domain!

So let the lowering of heaven be not in vain but be for the glory of the potential of a people destined to serve God, destined to come under the Law!

Be free, America, of all condemnation, of all darkness! Be free of all density and let the cleansing waters and the cleansing fires of purity flow!

From the hearts of Elohim here below, let light be gathering now, as the swirling energies of moving fire propel this nation ever higher!

So let the transformations come forth! So let the shaking of the dust be in this hour!

So I say, America, be locked in the matrix of freedom! Let all else now be shattered, as a pane of glass is shattered. So I release the light of my crown to shatter the densities and all that opposes the light victorious!

I AM the Woman clothed with the Sun!7 I AM the flame of Liberty! I AM the One, as Above, so below! I manifest the scepter of our authority!

Let it flow! Let it flow! Let it flow! Let it flow in the four planes of Mater!

So let it be for the return to wholeness! So let the secret rays intensify! So let the light of the five­pointed star of every state in the Union now con­verge in that star!

So let the light of a people rise up!

O America, you are free! Be free and accept this light, for it is yours to win in the glorious fight.

I AM the defender of womankind. I AM the defender of the Manchild. I AM defending the fathers, the children. I AM defending the family. And I seal you, one and all, in the fires of the victorious liberty of the flame that I AM.

From north pole to south pole, I increase the tension of light around the world in a forcefield of lines descending, lines ascending.

This is the victory of light forevermore! So be it.

I AM the girdle of light that wraps the planet in the belt of the mighty warrior, in the belt of Hercules.

I AM here. I AM there. I AM the star­fire light of a crown that will one day be your own.

Rejoice, O heavens. Rejoice, O earth. For this is the moment of the converging of spirals of infinity, immortality, eternality. So let the spirals converge within the hearts of a mighty people.

So it is done, and I take my leave of you. For we shall reconvene to read the letters you have written, which have now been delivered by the winged messengers of Mercury.8

I seal you in a kiss of love. Remember, America is our home too.

*Ascended Master Lady Portia

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Goddess of Liberty was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 4, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9, 10.

2. The ascended master Djwal Kul has given the following teaching on the testing of the ten: “The solar-plexus chakra has ten petals—five with a positive charge focusing the thrust of Alpha in the secret rays and five with a negative charge focusing the return current of Omega in the secret rays. Thus to the evolving soul consciousness, the solar plexus is the vehicle whereby the initiation of the test of the ten is passed.” See “The Seven in the Seven and the Test of the Ten,” in Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras, book 2, chap. 10.

3. The four sides of the pyramid. The ascended masters have called North America the map of the City Foursquare, the place prepared and the Promised Land for the reincarnation of the seed of light of Abraham. Prior to the admittance of the last two states, Alaska and Hawaii, America was facing the test of four times twelve, forty-eight, showing the action of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun initiating this mighty people in the planes of fire, air, water and earth for the building of the four sides of the City Foursquare.

4. See the dictation of the Keeper of the Scrolls, Pearls nos. 31 and 32, this volume.

5. Saint Germain’s July 4 , 1974, dictation that the Goddess of Liberty mentions is published in Keepers of the Flame Lesson 29.

6. Prov. 22:6.

7. Rev. 12:1-17.

8. This refers to the letters written by the students to the Karmic Board. The Lords of Karma meet at the Royal Teton Retreat at the turn of the year and at summer solstice to review petitions from unascended devotees and to grant dispensations for assistance and for constructive endeavors.

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