Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 34 - Beloved Archangel Michael - September 8, 2018

In Defense of the Emotional Quadrant

Hail, sons and daughters of flame! Hail, lightbearers!

I AM come to seal the light of ten thousand suns around you, to seal your emotional bodies and the light-fire of your hearts in blue lightning. It is a sealing for the reign of light, for the defense of light, for the glowing of your auras in a light that I bear for the defense of the entire emotional quadrant of the planet.

I come with legions of blue-lightning angels. And there is an arousing of the dark forces as we come, for they rise up against those forces of light. There is a terror and a fear of the night as we come bearing the light for the victory of the age, bearing the light for the victory of the ascended master consciousness, bearing the light for the victory of Christ’s teachings to the age.

I come, then, to deliver the final scroll of Freedom ’74. I come for the sealing of that flame of freedom by the fires of protection, which I bear from my retreat at Banff and from the heart of the Great Central Sun.

I AM Michael! And my shield is glistening in the light of the Sun of God!* For I AM the Defender of the Faith and the champion of the Divine Woman. Therefore I come to seal my vow and to seal that light which you carry. I come with a scroll that is the final release of light from the Lords of Karma, from the Four and Twenty Elders, and from the God Star.

The text of the scroll is brief. It reads:

Inasmuch as the faithful have gathered in the north-west to receive the light of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, so we proclaim, as the Father-Mother God, a sealing action upon these souls who have journeyed here and who have given of their light and their love. We proclaim a dispensation of faith and of protection through the sealing of the third eye in the diamond of God’s will.

This sealing of these souls, who have come with sincerity and with trust, is for the outpicturing of the will of God in this twelve-week cycle.1 It is made according to your heart’s call, according to your devotion, and according to the needs of your soul.

If you successfully carry the light of God’s will and use the energies of the diamond-shining mind of God to effect that will, then this light and this diamond will be extended and magnified until it becomes a dazzling sun, a magnet for the will of God wherever you are throughout all eternity.

This proclamation is sealed and signed with a pen and in the name of Alpha and Omega.

Thus, I bring to you the good news of the immediate and tangible reward for sacrifices made, for service rendered. This dispensation is alone for those who are here at this time and attending this conference. It is a blessing which cannot be repeated.

Hierarchy desires you to know that the representatives of cosmos give forth gratitude and appreciation for every effort that is made on behalf of the light, for every pilgrim-age that is made in defense of freedom. This is so that you might know of the gratitude of heaven and of the law of the reward according to the offering. So it is done.

I come, then, to continue the defense of the four lower bodies of Mater,2 of the flame of the divine woman and her seed.3 I come to cut you free. I come to cut free all who serve the light in this nation and in every nation upon earth!

I come to swear allegiance before Almighty God to the life and the light that you are, to give forth and to anchor within you a protection for the community of the Holy Spirit. I anchor that protection specifically in those who represent the will of Morya, who represent the heart of Lanello and of the Maha Chohan and who are determined to see the victory and the manifestation of the City Foursquare.

I say: Let thy kingdom come! Let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!4 As you have asked the Lords of Karma for dispensations of light, protection, and the will to carry through the projects of the ascended masters, so there is written upon many of the petitions the engraving, “Granted.” I rejoice to tell you that many of you have been given renewed opportunity. For as the Law so states, “Call unto me, and I will answer,”5 so the call does compel the answer.

Now, as my angels anchor the electrodes of faith, good will, and protection within you, the great hand of the Almighty reaches down. And as the Great Sower of the seed of the Christ and of faith, so the hand reaches across this group, scattering the seeds of the Christ to the four winds. So may you be as those seeds, carrying the Word and the testimony of the Law to the people of this nation, to the people of this land.

In the hallowed Circle of Oneness which you form,6 I shall stand there, in the midst, to release to you the light of the hub. So let us form that wheel of life. So let us form that circle. And let us remain one until the victory is proclaimed and until all are drawn into the wholeness of the sacred fire of life.

I AM yours for the victory! And I take my leave of you in order to pursue the defense of the energies in motion of all mankind. As my legions have come, so shall they retire, after the circle, into higher octaves of service with me.

We invite you to join us in your finer bodies this night, for we are always looking for recruits to go forth with the armour of protection’s blue to challenge the forces and the fallen ones, through and through.

Do you understand, precious hearts, that you must also challenge the fallen ones and the Liar and the lie in this octave, where you are and where you stand? Do not fail to go forth to invoke the light, to challenge the darkness, and at every hand to defend these little ones. For in this hour we have need of those who will have the courage to stand, to face, and to conquer.

Therefore, remember to give forth the cry in the name of the Christ: “I challenge all darkness and the fallen ones and I say: Show forth your light or deal with Archangel Michael this hour!”

I seal you in the fires [of protection]. I take my place in the center of the room. My legions are already forming the circle, and you will take your places within that circle.

So be it! I have come! I have released a certain dispensation of light. But I must come again for the fulfillment of that release, and therefore I shall return to deliver the dictation and the message that is of import for your life and for your victory.7

*Or this could mean “Son of God.”

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael as delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, July 5, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Twelve-week cycle. In September 1973, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet inaugurated the first full-time, twelve-week session of Ascended Master University at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California. Mrs. Prophet taught three quarters per year. She explained that because the ascended masters desired to see the energies of the university program consecrated each week to one of the heavenly hierarchies, the university was expanded to twelve weeks. In the mid-1970s the university changed its name to Summit University. When it outgrew the Motherhouse, the university was held in Colorado Springs through spring 1976 and then settled at the Nazarene campus in Pasadena. In 1978 the organization moved to a beautiful campus located in the Santa Monica mountains in California and named it Camelot, where the Ascended Master University, or Summit University, was held. Camelot was also the international headquarters of the organization at that time. Starting in 1988, Summit University convened at the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana. At the Royal Teton Ranch (the Inner Retreat), Summit University is now offered as a five- or six-day seminar following the July conference. Summit University also conducts seminars and retreats at different locations around the world. For more information see Pearls nos. 24 and 32, this volume, p. 168, n. 7 and p. 223, n. 1; and visit

2. In his defense of the four lower bodies of Mater, Archangel Michael has given two dictations, both published in this volume of the 1974 Pearls of Wisdom (vol. 61):
“In Defense of the Mental Quadrant,” April 11, 1974, Pearls nos. 17 and 18, May 1 and 8, 2018;
“In Defense of the Emotional Quadrant,” July 5, 1974, Pearl no. 34, September 8, 2018.
In addition, Archangel Michael has given many dictations that contain direction and teachings on the defense of the four lower bodies of the nation, the world, society, our freedoms, the light, and the lightbearers. Some that highlight these topics are:
“The Judgment of Peshu Alga: The Archangel in Prayer before the Eternal Father,” PoW, vol. 28, no. 2, January 13, 1985;
“The Awakening Must Come to All: Let the Nations Rally to a Spiritual Defense,” PoW, vol. 30, no. 60, November 29, 1987;
“On the Defense of the Path and the Platform of Soul Liberation: Ten Angels Assigned to Each Keeper of the Flame,” PoW, vol. 54, nos. 5 and 6, March 1 and 15, 2011;
“Look for Miracles! Servants of the Most High God in Defense of the Life of America,” PoW, vol. 23, no. 33, August 17, 1980.

3. Rev. 12:17.

4. Matt. 6:10.

5. Jer. 33:3.

6. Circle of Oneness. In the early years of The Summit Lighthouse Mark Prophet conducted a ritual called the Circle of the Aum, in which he and the students formed a circle and held hands at the conclusion of an event or conference. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, in addition to conducting the Circle of the Aum, held circle rituals that she called the Circle of Oneness or the Circle of Light. When the circles were small, they usually took place within the sanctuary or meeting place. When the circles were larger and with many participants, it was sometimes held outdoors, on the grounds of the property. During the ritual and while all were holding hands, the messenger sent a pulse through the two hands she was holding, and then this pulse was conveyed hand by hand around the circle. Mrs. Prophet has said that the participants were uniting in the circle of oneness of the community, in the oneness of the Guru and the chela and the Christ consciousness, and in the oneness for the specific actions to which the circle was dedicated. At the Inner Retreat a circle is now often formed at the conclusion of conferences and at the New Year’s Eve service, when “Auld Lang Syne” is sung to celebrate the New Year.

7. I shall return. On September 22, 1974, Archangel Michael gave his next dictation, “Victory for the Light by the Sword of the Sacred Word,” in which he said: “I stand with you... to challenge that carnal mind, that Antichrist and all satanic power! . . . I AM the flaming power of the sacred Word. ...I stand in the flaming Presence of the Son! And the Son is the Holy One of light within your heart, and that light is the energy by which every foe is consumed. And you will see... [how] the carnal mind, arrayed in so many sympathies and lies and confusions and delusions, is not only put down but is exposed in many ways, unexpected ways, by the power of the All-Seeing Eye of God that now is quickened by the power of the rod with which my angels touch each one at the brow—for the consciousness of the Cosmic Virgin and the immaculate conception of a planet reborn.” (PoW vol. 54, no. 8)

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