Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 35 - The Beloved Listening Angel - September 15, 2018

I AM Listening...
Are You Listening?

Part 1

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eyes do see thee face-to-face.

The orders of angelic beings, who represent the body of God throughout cosmos, focus aspects of the penetration of God’s being and of his awareness.

I AM called Listening Angel, for I represent the order of angelic hosts who are the hearing ear of Almighty God, millions in number. These beings of light serve as emissaries of the Most High God to listen to the thoughts of mankind, to the prayers of the child, to the desires of the heart.

We come to listen to your projects, to your desires to glorify God, and to all that is in you that yearns to be free. We take all that we have heard as a message of light from the hand of your soul, and we take it to the altar of Almighty God where mighty seraphim, cosmic beings, and the LORD God Almighty review those petitions of mankind, not only from this planet but from other planets and other systems of worlds.

Therefore, the I AM of all life is listening. And there is no wish, no sigh, no pain, no hour of discouragement that goes unnoticed. There are angels of record who record all of these experiences of the consciousness, but this is another branch of the hierarchy of the angelic hosts. Their [duty] fulfills the function of illumination and the recording of that illumination and how it is used, whereas our function fulfills the law of love and the response of love from the heart of God to those among mankind who feel bereft of that love.

As God is attuned to the needs of mankind, so mankind ought to attune to the needs of God. And therefore, the question “Are you listening?” is a legitimate one.

There is a frequency of energy that descends from your I AM Presence into the inner ear and at the level of the axis of the ears in the physical body. This frequency of energy is for the gradual tuning up of the auditory nerve to frequencies beyond the physical plane and to intimations of the Godhead and of the mind of the Godhead that come forth from the plane of your own I AM Presence.

When mankind are listening for the voice of God, there is a certain frequency that must be present and focused within the inner ear, which is necessary in order to make contact with our octave. It is like tuning a radio to the proper station, the proper frequency. And therefore it is by your will and your devotion, by your determination to be attuned with God, that you draw forth these energies that are for the attunement of the faculties of the soul in the inner ear.

This process occurs over many lifetimes of searching, seeking, waiting, and listening. You have heard of the state of listening grace that was held by Mary, the Mother.1 The state of listening grace is that state wherein you continually draw forth the energies of God and whereby the hearing of the inner ear is the contact with the higher frequencies.

There are many among mankind who use that same auditory nerve to tune in to the human consciousness, whether in the physical or the astral plane. These are the ones who are always aware of the latest gossip, the latest news in the neighborhood, in circles of society or in politics. They are always in the know because they have developed the habit of tuning in that inner ear to a certain plane and a certain frequency. This is almost subconscious, for this tuning in is tied into the motives, the desires, the response mechanisms of the subconscious being, where there is a will to be a part of the personality cult-consciousness of the world. Therefore, this is where the faculties of some among mankind will be directed, where they will be attuned, and this will become the makeup of an outer identity based on where the senses have probed.

What I have said of the inner ear is also true of the inner eye. Some among mankind are always seeing perfection, always seeing the good, and always loving the beautiful, while others are in a constant state of condemnation—always seeing the flaw, always seeing the darkness, always suspecting their fellowman, and always entertaining doubt and suspicion at the slightest suggestion of a compromise of the human consciousness. This, too, is a matter of the attunement and a matter of the desire body. It is the desire body that almost entirely controls your state of consciousness, and desire can be so overwhelming that it controls the entire flow of energy in the psyche, in the outer awareness. Therefore, beware of what is in your subconscious, for the subconscious is a mighty reservoir of willing—the willing of energies in certain directions and certain patterns.

And so, you see, no matter how much you decree— you could decree all day long—but unless you have purified your desires and your motives, the light you receive will flow into the channels that reinforce those lesser motives and those lesser desires that are not of God. And if, by and by, you do not challenge those momentums, you will find that you will be cut off from the main stream of the flow of energy from hierarchy and from the Great Central Sun. You will then find that your decrees are not as effective, because in order for them to have the highest degree of effectivity, your desire body must be aligned with the desire body of God and your subconscious must be aligned with the blueprint of the consciousness of God, the internal memory of God, the matrix of perfection.

This is why it is so necessary for students of the ascended masters to accept, for a while, the messenger as their teacher, who has been trained by hierarchy and who has also been shown the pitfalls of the human will, the human ego, the human intellect, and how the subtleties of these planes make it so that you do not realize in your outer mind when you are in the way of unreality. The definitions of reality within you must be very clear and very precise. But you will not understand this science until you have diligently studied and applied the teachings of the ascended masters that have been released through this organization.

Understand, then, that the hierarchy is giving the ultimate backing to the Ascended Master University and to the students attending there. This is because the hierarchy observes the degree of discrimination that is conferred upon the students in this twelve-week period, and they observe the students’ ability to discern aspects of the self that the individual was not even aware of when he first came.

And so, in the line of hierarchy there is a need for teachers. There is a need for representatives to pass the torch of discrimination, of a love that is without dissimulation, of a pure consciousness of the will of God. To pass that torch to you is our fervent desire. To make you aware and in the consciousness of the World Teachers so that we might confer upon you the authority to break the bread of the Word and to teach others—this is our high hope.

Therefore, although it is absolutely correct that the teaching is intended to bring you into alignment with your inner Christ Self (upon whom you may rely for all instruction and direction), remember that the path back to the Christ Self—after thousands and thousands of years of relying upon the outer senses that have been attuned to lower levels of frequencies—is the path of return that must be taken by you. And in that return you must pass through all of the maya, all of the astral creations, all of the sympathies of the desire body and subconscious patterns, all of the crosscurrents of human willing whereby a part of you wills this, a part of you wills that.

And then there is schism in the personality, and there are personality conflicts within. There is frustration, and there are outbursts of energy. Through this you must pass. It is follow ing the golden thread through the labyrinth of the subconscious2 in order to arrive at the place where you are one in the flame. It is the teacher in the person of the ascended masters and in the person of our messenger who holds your hand and walks at your side while you are going through these subterranean tunnels and caves, holding your hand until you reach that point of contact and that promised land of the balance of the threefold flame—the balance of Christ discrimination, love, and God’s own fiery will.

Accept, then, the proffered gift of our love and of our instruction, for I can assure you that in these latter days this gift will be conferred upon you as quickly as possible. It is worth a period [of time]—a period so small as compared to a lifetime—to tarry for those twelve weeks at the Ascended Master University. This is so that you can find the energies of the rebirth and you can come to grips with those momentums that would be, when outside of our forcefield, almost overpowering to the soul.

There are many chelas of the masters upon the planet who have problems in their consciousness but who have not been led to the examination of those problems. This is because it is considered that to face those problems alone would be cataclysmic and catastrophic in the consciousness, even to the point of self-annihilation. Therefore, as you come to the place where it is time to challenge the carnal mind, the dweller-on-the-threshold and these dark momentums, it is important that you come into a union of hearts, of devotees where there is a flame, where there is a focus, where there is a messenger who can stand to reinforce the momentum of the light of your causal body and the light of your I AM Presence in this octave.

To have that momentum you must have a teacher who is in embodiment who can transfer the light of hierarchy. Having come to the place where hierarchy can say that we have such a focus, that we have such an opportunity, is cause for great rejoicing among the angelic hosts. For throughout the history of the planet it has often been the exception to have those occasions where a school, a situation, a teacher, and a place that is free and without persecution all come together at one time. And since it now exists in this hour and there is that open door, I come as your Listening Angel to say to you:

It is important that you take advantage of this opportunity [to attend the Ascended Master University]. For you never know when the opportunity that knocks will pass, when the cycles will move and turn, and when other dispensations will take priority. And given the intensity of the fallen ones and their determination to destroy this forcefield and platform of evolution and opportunity, it would be well that you consider the importance of attending our university, not only for the reasons stated for yourself but in order to support that flame and to support that opportunity for others.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 36.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Listening Angel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 14, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California.[N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Listening grace held by Mary, the Mother. In a lecture on November 7, 1973, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet spoke of Herod and his intent to kill the infant Jesus. She said that because Mary and Joseph “were in a state of listening grace, they heard the angel’s warning to depart immediately,” to take the young child and flee into Egypt. “They fled in the night to Egypt.... It is the state of listening grace of Mother Mary that enabled her to hear the annunciation of Archangel Gabriel and enabled her likewise to hear the warning [to flee].... Many avatars coming into the world are lost because the parents fail to hear the warning.” See also Matt. 2:13-15; Luke 1:26-38.

2. The golden thread and the labyrinth. Greek mythology tells the legend of the hero Theseus, who travels to the island of Crete to slay the monster known as the Minotaur, a beast that is part bull, part man, and who dwells within a complex maze, or labyrinth. If Theseus is successful, he will liberate the people of Athens from sending a tribute of seven youths and seven maidens to be consumed by the Minotaur. On the island of Crete, the king’s daughter Ariadne falls in love with Theseus and decides to help him. She gives Theseus a ball of thread (which in one account is formed of glittering jewels and in another account is flaxen, or straw colored). She tells him to tie the thread at the entryway and let it unwind as he travels into the labyrinth so that he will be able to find his way out. Theseus battles the Minotaur and manages to slay it, thereby breaking the cruel tribute imposed upon the citizens of Athens, and successfully returns from the depths of the labyrinth. In a dictation on February 10, 1962, Lord Maitreya gave a teaching about a golden thread. He said: “With a sense of the completeness of divinity, I wish to tell you tonight that there is a golden thread woven through every circumstance of your lives. It is not always apparent because it is underwoven between other threads and it seems to disappear for a moment from your view. But nevertheless, that golden thread of perfection is ever present with each of you, and it assists you in finding—if you will pursue it—the way back Home, the way back to the victory, the glory, the purity, and the power of the Cosmic Christ and of the Buddha. You, blessed ones, seated upon the lotus throne of your own heart, may unfold your latent divinity with all of the safety of a Buddha and of a Christ. The opportunity is yours. No man can take from you this crown. No one can defraud you of this opportunity except yourselves—by feeling that you are unworthy, by feeling that you are unwilling, by feeling that you are not chosen. And yet, I, Lord Maitreya, have assured you in full faith that each of you and all of mankind were chosen to express the fullness of God upon earth.” (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 80-81)

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