Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 36 - The Beloved Listening Angel - September 22, 2018

I AM Listening...
Are You Listening?

Part 2

As I have listened to the pleadings of your soul, to the desire of your soul to be made whole—as you have cried out for the healing of mind and body, as you have cried out for answers, for Almighty God to come into your life and to show you the way that you know must exist somewhere—I have said to myself, “God has the answer to that prayer, to that longing.”

And I knew that I must come to this conclave and that I must speak to the people and tell them that there is an answer to their need, that there is an answer to be received whereby each of you, within yourself and through your own contact with God, can become the master of your world. You do not need to seek every psychic, every medium, everyone who cries, “Lo, here” or “Lo, there,”1 for you need to have the knowledge of the Law that will give you the key to your own inner God-potential.

Therefore, we bid you welcome that you might, for a time, lean upon the breast of the Divine Mother, and then, in another hour, be weaned of that breast to go forth as mature sons and daughters of God having the Word of the testimony,2 having the flame, having the petals of a thousand-petaled lotus. You will then go forth as sons and daughters who are becoming the Father, the Mother presence of life on behalf of untold evolutions.

You who seek to be healers of mankind, remember that as you have called for the true knowledge of healing, so the chohan of healing has answered.3 And so the Darjeeling Council is preparing, even now, the sequence of teachings and lectures that will be given by Hilarion in person through our messenger at this winter quarter of the Ascended Master University. This is when (in the Christmas of the white-fire light of the golden snow) the light of the Law and the geometry of healing will be anchored in those who elect to attend our seminar in Santa Barbara.4

I bid you welcome. And I would tell you that when, in the desiring of my heart and in my desire to come to you to tell you the answer to your prayer, I went before El Morya at the Darjeeling Council and I made my plea and I said, “Oh Morya, let me speak to those hearts—hearts to whom I have listened. Let me speak to those whose voices have been heard.” And Morya said, “All right, Listening Angel, then be charged with my will! Be charged with my fire! You deliver my message at this conference. You give forth the word of hierarchy on the ascended masters’ program for the deliverance of mankind from mass ignorance at the hand of the Divine Mother.”

And so I bowed before the hierarch, the chohan of the ray of God’s will. And I shed a tear of gratitude as my heart overflowed to think that the great master of the will of God would pass to me the torch of delivering a message of fiery will and of giving you that message as the focal point of the love of a father’s heart that is conveyed from a mother’s hand.

I am a mother too, and I feel very much a mother of those little ones, the tiny children. For you know that before they even speak, when they lie in their cradles when they are first born, their hearts are in attunement with the Holy Spirit. They utter their prayers and their mantras, and some-times the cooing of the little children that you hear can be interpreted as their attempt to express, through the throat chakra, those inner keys and mantras that they have been given by the Christ, that they have been given at inner levels in the etheric temples before their descent into form.

You know, it has always been said that children, especially small children, enjoy being alone for a time in their cribs, in their playpens, in their rooms. It is important that you secure the safety of their physical bodies by removing dangerous objects, small objects that they might swallow, and then to allow them this time of quiet communion. For as they play with blocks and as they muse upon the precious forms that they are given, they are in communion with the Holy Spirit and they are in their daily ritual of the interchange of the planes of Spirit and Mater. And the fragrance of a baby’s skin is the release of that essence that comes forth as the result of the inner communion of the child.

I recall well the surprise of a certain psychiatrist when the messenger said to him, “I conceive of my children as coming forth as souls adapting to a new environment and a new body, and it is my responsibility to help the soul integrate with the body, the mind, the emotions, the etheric memory, and to help that one take [his or her] place in the world community.” There was consternation upon the face and an almost inner trembling by that doctor, who realized that he had come almost too close to an inner truth and an inner law, and it was too much. The truth became a threat to his outer awareness, and so he quickly withdrew to his old theories that were more comfortable—of the child being an animal and the physical body being the identity of the child.

Remember, new age parents, that your children are given to you so that you can free them from the tyranny of those minds that have determined that all of education is for the education of the human animal. If your children must be in these schools, remember that you have a very important job to do, and that is to call to me, to call to the angelic hosts for the sealing of the auras of the children from this subtle and subconscious influence that comes through well-meaning teachers, well-meaning faculty, and organizations that are actually set up for the betterment of life—all having noble goals but not having the inner keys of the Law.

It is therefore the desire of the Darjeeling Council—seeing what a dearth of knowledge and understanding of reality exists in the fields of education, the government, the economies, in science and in the arts—that you who are young in body, you who are young in spirit and in mind, take seriously the calling of your soul to specialize in one of these areas. It is the desire of the Darjeeling Council that you receive the education of the world and the [academic] degrees of the world that are necessary in order to give you a standing, a certain preeminence in that field. And then you secure (either before that training, during, or afterwards) the education of the ascended masters at the Ascended Master University.

By doing so, there is a parallel in your life of having the teaching of the highest scholars in the world within your [chosen] field and of having the teaching of the ascended masters who have specialized in your field both prior to and after their ascension. You then take the merging of both disciplines and you make a contribution to that field that is worthy of the masters, worthy of the souls of incoming avatars, and worthy of the Christ consciousness of all mankind, which will give you the sacred worth of your ascension.

Now, it is possible that you might ascend without the focalization of your sacred labor. But I can assure you that if you take that ascension (and you know that your ascension is received by you according to your free will)—and you arrive in the next plane and you see that there is very little of a matrix on earth through which you can work because you have not left precise footprints in the sands of time, you have not left a skill, an art, a way, or a discipline through which you can lead other disciples of the ascended masters—then I tell you, you will have regrets.

You will regret that you took your ascension before leaving a mark on this planet of excellence in a certain field. And when you have that regret and you express that desire to return and to come into embodiment to help mankind, it will be too late. For with only few exceptions in thousands of years has the Karmic Board given ascended beings the opportunity of returning into incarnation in the planes of Mater.

And so you see that what you have to work with as an entrance into the consciousness of humanity will depend entirely on what you do in your sacred labor with the talent, the mind, the heart, the hands, the muscle that God has given to you now, in this hour. And so I say, give serious thought as to what your sacred labor will be, what your supreme service will be, and what you will perfect on earth that you can impart as a legacy to another soul and to thousands of souls who will follow your path back Home.

The reason they follow your path is that you are a son of light, and there are rays going forth from your sun center, lines of force that tie into the sun centers of those of a lesser evolution and a lesser understanding. These souls cannot rise in understanding or in the expansion of the light until you do, because by law you precede them in hierarchy.

Therefore, all that you do and all that you are is a gift, which day by day, hour by hour, you are passing on to those who are following you on that spiral staircase back to the heart of the I AM Presence.

Lest you think that any man can permanently hold back the evolutions of a planet, may I say that there comes a time when, if you do not respond to the opportunity of hierarchy, then those coming up to take your place may challenge your right to hold back [those planetary] evolutions, and by cosmic law that one [who comes to take your place] will be awarded your opportunity. When that day comes and you are cast adrift once again, without a tie to hierarchy or to the ascended masters, you will know what you have done and you will know that you have forsaken the antahkarana, the body of world servers. You will know that you must now earn your way back to a position in hierarchy, and you will be on a lesser rung than those who were once behind you along the way.

This is the Law. This is an aspect of hierarchy that I desire to have you understand. Therefore realize that the more you surrender each day, the more light you receive. The more light you receive, the more light you have to bequeath to others on the Path. Therefore, to gain the great wisdom of the Buddha (the Buddha who is the foremost devotee of the World Mother), to receive that light and to have it conferred to you personally at the hand of the messenger, is the gift of a century and of many centuries.

Let all consider what is more important in one’s life than this. If you can find something that is more important, tell it to me. I will be listening. And then listen, yourself, for the answer that I will give to you from the heart of your Presence.

As the strings of a lute are vibrated, so I confer to you a certain frequency, now, in your inner ear—as it might be said, from one ear to another. So from my ear to your own there is conveyed a special protection and a special ability to penetrate beyond that which you have been able to penetrate heretofore by the power of this physical sense, which corresponds to an inner sense of the soul.

The inner hearing, then, is another mode of ESP, of extrasensory perception. So I say that the hearing of the ear and the seeing of the eye shall be the expanded faculties of your own Christ mind within you.

In the name of Almighty God and by the authority of my office as Listening Angel, I invoke the energies of Cyclopea, the All-Seeing Eye of God, to train the ears of the chelas of the masters so that they may hear the voice of Truth, so that they may know the voice of the Teacher. As Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice.”5

I AM with you always in the divine knowing of omnipresence.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Listening Angel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 14, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California.[N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.] Part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 35.

1. Luke 17:21.

2. Having the Word of the testimony. Rev. 12:11. In a lecture on December 29, 1973, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave this teaching: “And so the saints overcome him [the dragon] by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony. The Word of their testimony is the Word, the Sacred Word of the name of God, I AM. Darkness is overcome by the affirmation through the throat chakra. ...They overcame by the Word of their testimony. ...The Word of your testimony is your daily invocations and decrees. The action in the throat chakra is the action that anchors light in the plane of earth. The plane of earth is the plane to which the dragon was cast down. He was cast down to the earth and his angels with him.”

3. Chohan of healing. The ascended master Hilarion is Chohan of the Fifth Ray of healing and truth. In his final embodiment as the great healer Hilarion (291-371), he spent twenty years in the desert in preparation for his mission and only then wrought his first miracle. God working through him, he cured a woman of barrenness, enabling her to bring forth a son. From that day forward he carried out a healing ministry. He healed children of a fever by invoking the name of Jesus, cured paralysis, and cast out devils. Crowds would gather to be healed of diseases and unclean spirits. They followed him even into the most desolate and remote places. Toward the end of his life Hilarion (the people’s saint, for they had claimed him as their own), retreated to a spot in Cyprus so remote that he was convinced no one would find him. But one paralyzed man dragged himself there, found Hilarion, was cured, and spread the word. The saint continued in that valley to his final days, with many people coming to see him for healing. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats (Summit University Press), profile of Hilarion.

4. Seminar in Santa Barbara. The ascended master Hilarion presided over the winter quarter of Ascended Master University in 1975, conducted at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California. At that time the university sessions were twelve weeks long. In addition to courses on cosmic law, spiritual teachings and related topics, the attendees studied teachings on understanding yourself and ascended master psychology. As Hilarion said on January 8, 1967, “Healing, beloved ones, is integration of the whole man. You cannot heal in part and find the wholeness of the Christ. Recall how frequently the writers in the Gospel stated, ‘And he was made whole.’”

5. John 10:27.

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