Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 21 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 1, 2019

Your Mighty I AM Presence Is the Only
Power That Can Act in Your World!

Be Noblemen and Noblewomen in the Court of God
Part 1

Oh, the fullness of the great enfolding love of God! How noble are individuals who open their consciousness to the true creative culture of the Spirit—the nobility, the righteousness, and the strength of their own God Presence.

Beloved ones, throughout the years we have flooded forth the ascended masters’ knowledge of light and the perfection of light. Through the years we have flooded this planet with our strength and our love. But I bring to your attention, blessed ones, that that which we have flooded forth was first given to us. We first received from the arms of our own mighty I AM Presence his great sustaining strength and protection, which we then, in turn, flooded forth into the forcefield of light everywhere upon this planet in order to produce the beauty of those eternal spheres.

Blessed ones, your bodies, which are temples of light, are temples of perfection. And it is not necessary that you should carry in your consciousness any state or condition that is less than the perfection of your Presence.

Ladies and gentlemen, comfortableness is a gift of God. God desires you all to have the gift of eternal comfort. Your Presence desires absolute perfection for you, and it is not necessary for you to accept any condition whatsoever that is less than the perfection of your Presence!

Time upon time again we have repeated to you words of a similar character. And we shall continue to breathe out and bless you with those constructive, healing words that we originally brought forth, simply because there are no other words that will produce perfection except the great cups of light from your own I AM Presence!

Therefore, it is essential that we produce a similarity of character to the light itself, and a quality of light made manifest. This we do twofold, in a dual manner. We do it through radiation, as we have told you before, and we do it through ascended master words. A great deal of this is being absorbed by your inner bodies and consciousness, which you are often totally unaware of in the outer-sense consciousness. Much later, some of you will come to realize that a great deal is being done for you at inner levels as we speak the great healing words that come forth from that great flood tide of light—your own cosmic perfection of your own beautiful mighty I AM Presence.

O thou wondrous I AM Presence, thou great bringer of life’s perfection to this earth and the entire cosmos, we bless you and we thank you for being! We give you our ascended master gratitude for giving to us of the ascended host those great thoughts and ideologies that we are able to transmit to mankind.

We are grateful for the God-illumination that enabled us to bring forth the great former golden ages upon this planet. We are grateful that it is this same perfection that shall flood forth in this day and age and that shall produce the same ascended master age, the same ascended master golden-light perfection that this planet knew in former days.

Blessed and beloved ones, nobility is a gift of God. God is your dignity! And when you open your consciousness to the flood tide of that eternal illumination flame from the heart of your Presence, I tell you that that flame can do naught but produce perfection and sustain it!

When you admit into your feeling world a condition that is not of the ascended masters, this is not the fault of your Presence! This is not necessarily the fault of any individual! It may be because of the fact that you have permitted it to come in through an open door.

Blessed ones, whenever you perceive the slightest irritation or distress entering your feeling world or your consciousness, or you become aware of a sense of fatigue or any other condition that is less than light’s perfection, immediately make the call to your mighty I AM Presence to take full dominion over your world and to produce its perfection there. I am certain, as we have told you in times past and as you have expressed in manifestation, that when you make this call it is automatically answered and it produces that God-perfection for which you long.

Blessed and beloved ones, seeing that you have but to make the call and that God answers even before the call is completed, what is it that causes the answer to not seem to manifest? Is it not just a little pressure of resistance in your own feelings that somehow or other tells you, “Oh, it is just not that easy. No, it cannot be that easy”?

Blessed and beloved ones, it is just that easy when you open your consciousness to God and you are aware of the fact that his light is the only power that can act. But, blessed ones, when you accept in your consciousness that other conditions have greater power than the Presence of God, then naturally you have given dominion to those conditions, and they act in place of the Presence of God.

Do you see, blessed ones, just what is taking place here? I tell you, the mind and consciousness of mankind are surrounded by human effluvia, as you all know. Blessed ones, this human effluvia must be cut away from the consciousness of every sincere chela of the light. And until it is completely cut away, you can always expect some manifestation that is a trifle on the negative side.

But it is not necessary that you permit that negative manifestation to endure or that you give any credence to it or any power to it. When you become aware of its existence in your world, call immediately to your Presence to transmute it! And I am certain that your Presence will immediately flood its light into action and that that negative condition will be brought under God-control.

You must remain aware that you must give the Presence the dominion that the Presence must have in order to act according to your instructions. But if you telegraph to the Presence that you are giving dominion to a condition of negation and then you make a call, how can you expect the Presence to answer you, blessed and beloved ones? For the Presence must have an open path and channel into your heart, and therefore you must keep your mind, your heart, your world, and all of your affairs in divine harmony in order to tune in to the perfection that you really are.

O blessed ones, how often we have infilled you with our radiance! How often we have flooded forth the perfection from our octave! Some of you have entered the forcefield of this sanctuary and other places of light with a little fatigue in your physical bodies. Some of you have entered with a little weariness in your consciousness. Some of you have entered at different times with problems and troubles and turmoils that seem to terrify you temporarily.

Blessed ones, when these conditions have occurred, we have blazed forth our light and we have instantly erased these problems. And when we have done so, your spirits have felt the buoyancy and the freedom of the eternal spheres, and you were happy and you rejoiced. Then you go forth and you say, “Well, this was just a little thing, a turmoil of the mind and spirit, and I will not let this happen again. Blessed and beloved Saint Germain, see that this doesn’t happen again! Seal me in your heart of fire! Stop this condition! Give it no more power!” And then you go forth with that determination in your consciousness, but the condition happens again.

Blessed ones, we would also remind you that there is an old saying that Rome was not built in a day. And so I tell you that your negation was not built in a day either, but it was built over a period of many lifetimes. Therefore it is essential that you hold on to the hands of your Presence. Do you see?

For your Presence is the only power that is able to actually cut you free from those conditions from which you seek to escape, and it is the only perfection and the only power that there is that can act! And it is also the power of the violet flame!

What do you think the violet fire is? It is the love and the mercy of God in action, the love and mercy of God qualified by his feeling of forgiveness from his own heart. And therefore I am so grateful that you have freely used the violet fire at your violet-fire groups and that you have called forth violet fire throughout the planet.

I am certain that mankind are not aware of the great service you have rendered to life. Many of them do not even dream that this group exists or that others of a like nature exist. But I am certain that you are known to the hosts of heaven, to the hierarchy of heaven, to those great ascended masters of light, and to the Darjeeling Council.

Blessed and beloved ones, I would now like to speak to you a little concerning the renaissance of the future. Blessed and beloved Morya and many of the hosts of heaven are ascended masters. I would remind you that just as under the feudal systems of the past and under the systems of nobility, such as England, France, and other countries of Europe once knew, there were originally noblemen and noblewomen at these various courts. The kings were selected from those God-illumined men, who demonstrated an ability to lead their fellowmen toward higher pathways.

Blessed ones, therefore, a court was established wherever there was a kingdom. And the gentlemen and ladies of the court conducted their affairs in such a manner as to bring glory and grace to the little kingdoms of the various countries of the world. There was, in those days gone by and in most parts of the world, a great deal of conviviality.

At many of the court banquets in those days, the name of God, I AM, was honored. It was not always in the same manner as you now honor it, but many times it was honored in substance because of the noblesse oblige, because of the great feeling of compassion that individuals of the court felt for one another. They knew that all of their contemporaries and the individuals with whom they were associated were not perfect in the outer world of form. But they had that great ascended master tolerance in the kingdoms, and true courtesy and nobility were part of the court grace in those days.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 22.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet circa August 1960, location unknown. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

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