Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 22 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 8, 2019

Your Mighty I AM Presence Is the Only
Power That Can Act in Your World!

Be Noblemen and Noblewomen in the Court of God
Part 2

I would like to tell you that in the golden age that is to come, this feeling of God-illumination must be revived among mankind, especially among the chelas of the ascended host. You must learn to treat one another with reverence.

After all, blessed ones, do you not all expect to be ascended masters? Now, if you expect this for yourself, you must allow it for all of those with whom you are associated. Therefore you must love one another in a very tangible way, and that is to express and to manifest a feeling of courtesy. Blessed ones, you are living in the kingdom of God. And if you are to be noblemen and noblewomen under the court of God, you are expected to express that type of culture to the world.

It does not matter now that in times past some of you have made mistakes. The future is before you, and the doorway to a future of perfection lies in a perfection made manifest in the ever-present now. Indeed, “Now is the day of salvation,”1 as beloved Hilarion once spoke when he was embodied as the apostle Paul. Now is the accepted time. It is in the present that you must touch the eternity of God. And in order to touch that eternity of God, you must open the doorway of your heart to actually feel this great love for one another.

After all, blessed ones, many years ago most of you were not even in physical form. And then you knocked, you sought to come into embodiment, and you asked the Great Karmic Board to give you an opportunity. And you came. And now you behold a world, a world which apparently expresses imperfection. But I tell you that the world from whence your life came is a world of God-perfection. It is to that sphere of light that you belong, and it is to that sphere of light that you shall return.

Inasmuch as light is perfection, I AM, I AM, I AM charging, charging, charging—in the name of God, the mighty I AM Presence—the vibrations of cosmic light substance through your bodies!

I am desirous tonight of removing all the recalcitrant substance that I possibly can, by cosmic law, from your consciousness!

You have braved the elements this night. You have entered these doors in order to give honor to your own God Presence. You desire to hallow this sanctuary by the Presence of God within you, and you desire to be hallowed. Well, I AM also here! I AM here! I AM here! I AM here! And because you are here and I AM here, therefore I think this is a meeting of cosmic beings. You may think otherwise. You may think that this is just a meeting of you and me, that you are mundane beings and that I am a cosmic being.

But I tell you as I see it: This is a meeting of cosmic beings! For all upon earth came forth from God—the great cosmic heart of God in the Great Central Sun! And therefore these temporary vestments that you now wear are like chaff before the wind. And just like chaff, these garments can be shed and you can stand as free spirits before the heart of God—sparks of the eternal, infinite flame of eternity.

Blessed ones, if your physical forms were removed from you, do you think that you would no longer be wise? Do you think that you would no longer have consciousness? Blessed ones, God is unlimited! And because you belong to God and came forth from God, you shall return to that God who gave you life and consciousness.

Therefore I salute you as cosmic beings! I salute you as cosmic beings, hoping that you shall learn to dominate human effluvia by the power of the presence of perfection within you. “Oh,” some individuals say, “I have tried.” Blessed ones, as I said before, we tried also. I can recall hours in my own previous existence before my ascension when I did not know where my next meal was coming from. I can recall hours when I bore great cold, when I bore pain and anguish even for the cause of the light. But we flinched not. We moved forward. We were constant. And God, who sees, rewarded us by opening the flood gates of eternal life to us and by endowing us with our own ascension.

Beloved David Lloyd, one of your own people who was also upon this planet just a few short years ago,2 has generated a special momentum of gratitude to God for the gift of the ascension. And I am always grateful for momentums of individuals who make their ascension and then bring a special quality into the cosmic light, which floods back and is reflected to the earth itself.

I myself chose to externalize freedom. And because I chose to externalize freedom, I am ever so interested in an activity of freedom. Now, this particular activity—the activity of your gathering together in this place, the activity of The Summit Lighthouse, the activity of all the activities of light—is for the purpose of mankind’s freedom.

It is the desire of the Great Karmic Board and of the great ascended beings to see a great expansion of cosmic light take place this year. It is overdue. And therefore we are relying upon the few who will anchor within their consciousness a focus of the freedom flame in order to see to it that no human individual listens to the outpourings of human venom and human hate. But we desire, in place of this, that these individuals will turn their attention to their God Presence and will call for the transmutation of all hate and all hate creations upon this planet.

Blessed ones, it is so essential that mankind be cut free that I again repeat in substance the request that was made at your recent class: that the violet-flame activity be intensified and intensified and intensified!3 I do not care what individuals may think or feel concerning the power of the violet fire. I do not care if it may even be wearying to individuals in their outer self. I tell you that mankind need the power of the violet fire, and therefore they are going to have it! And, if necessary, I myself will take on a body and will actually become visible! And I will give decrees, even if I have to go into a corner somewhere upon this planet and give those decrees myself!

But I do not think that you will let us down. I do not feel that you, who have loved us for so long and who love mankind, will now turn away and be interested only in the mundane phases of existence. I am certain that you will hearken—that is, those of you who love the light will hearken—and that you will be a part of our activity, of the light’s activity, of God’s activity in order to help mankind, who know not what they do.4

Blessed ones, in past ages so much error upon this planet was produced in ignorance. Now, ignorance is but an ignoring of the law of God that is always within the heart and that speaks through the conscience of men. But those who have become somewhat callous through inattention to the voice of their conscience do not always listen when the voice of conscience speaks. And therefore they tend to make errors and mistakes, you see, through ignoring the Law.

We are interested in an active conscience, but we are especially interested in the transmutation of all error. An active conscience will enable you to have a sense of discrimination concerning the acts that you do. The violet fire will cut you free from the momentums that you yourselves have created in past times.

I am certain that the Holy Spirit, coming out from the heart of the Lord Maha Chohan, will give you such a purity, such a radiance, such a consciousness of God, that beauty will begin to externalize in your life as never before.

Blessed ones, in the days preceding the ascension of my beloved ascended lady master Mother Mary, the beauty of her skin, the beauty of her physical form was almost beyond expression. From octaves of light I observed as the Holy Spirit began to pour and pour and pour its beauty upon her until her skin became translucent and you could actually see the light coming through her physical form.5

Blessed ones, when the creations of hate and human discord are removed, the flame within the heart can shine through the physical form. And, as on parchment, the finger of God writes upon that individual’s form, and mankind know that this individual is in contact with a sanctified being—this before the ascension.

Would ye see the Christ in manifestation? Then be a Christ in manifestation! Would you have the golden age come forth? Would you behold the ascended masters? Would you like to see us manifest upon this platform, visible to the eyes of mankind? Then you manifest the Christ consciousness! You blaze the fire and the flame of perfection through your own physical forms! And I think that when the flame of perfection shines through your own physical forms, you will have no difficulty in seeing us.

Ladies and gentlemen, may the violet fire from the very, very heart of God blaze and blaze and blaze through you and through this city, through this forcefield, and throughout this planet! And may the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood be the only acting power in the life of all mankind!

America, America, rise to your freedom through this decade! Arise as never before! I, Saint Germain, call for a revival of interest in all of the great uplifting activities of the light itself so that mankind will not be asleep but will be awake to the potentiality that is their own—when it is their own because they make it their own by seizing the present moment as a gateway into our eternal octave!

Blessed ones, would you be noblemen? Would you be noblewomen? Would you be endowed with these cosmic gifts? Then accept them! They are yours for the taking! It is only a little touch, a fraction of an inch between that perfection and the perfection which I AM. Do you realize this? It is just a fraction of an inch between our octave and yours. It is very narrow.

And as you turn your attention to the light, you narrow that fraction of an inch until it becomes a microfraction. And eventually that fraction is fragmented into nothingness and is transmuted, and the veil is transcended and the beauty of our octave is your own. And when you are swept into that great octave of light and you see us in our great blazing light bodies—and you see yourselves wearing that same raiment—blessed and beloved ones, you will say, “How in the world did I ever put up with that lump of clay and all of its misqualification? Why did I wait and tarry so long?” Blessed and beloved ones, you will wonder then.

But remember that we love you and we are awaiting your coming, just as we await the coming of all mankind. Mankind will receive their victory. You will receive your victory as your love intensifies to the point where you are no longer concerned with aught except the will and perfection of your own Presence.

Then the light will have the freedom, you see, to expand its radiance through your physical form because there will be no impediments, there will be nothing that stands between [you and your God Presence]. The veil will be transmuted! And when the veil is transmuted, the light will shine through!

Oh, I bless you this night with the wondrous light of God! Some are mistaken, who have thought that because the beloved Godfre made his ascension, that the light should stop flooding through. The beloved Godfre and all those who have served the light (as I did in past ages, even as one who brought the words and radiance of the great ones) are together and blessing you. We are one!

Blessed and beloved ones, there is no impediment. Light itself belongs to all, and all belong to light. All belong to life, and life belongs to all. It is that simple. But out of this simplicity is born a cosmos that is filled with a magnitude of wonder, much of which is unrevealed even to us. Therefore, “Eye has indeed not seen, ear has indeed not heard, and it is not yet entered into the hearts of man, all the wonders of God.”6 These wonders of God remain before you forever, to be unfolded one by one as a wondrous flower blossoming forth from the stem of life.

Oh, the wonders that face you, blessed and beloved ones! Your great hopes are before you. But it is the present that is necessary. In other words, it is necessary in the present that you accept the wonders of God. You cannot put this off to the future, or that future will not blossom for you. You must accept this in the present in order to be, in the present-future, the light which I AM.

Oh, I thank you! I thank you for your devotion. I thank you for your courage. I thank you for the courage that you shall summon. And the courage that you shall summon shall take you first to the brow of the great mountain of your attainment, and then you shall plant your feet on the summit of Victory and you shall ascend, even as I did.

Peace be unto you. Thank you and good night.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet circa August 1960, location unknown. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. II Cor. 6:2. The ascended master Hilarion was embodied as Saul of Tarsus, who became the apostle Paul.

2. At the age of twenty, David Lloyd, son of a British officer in India, received a message from an unascended master that when he found a man on a great mountain in North America who would offer him a crystal cup of sparkling liquid, he would find the one who could assist him in making his ascension. Despite trials, disappointments, and sorrows, David Lloyd continued his search for fifty years, until the day he happened upon Guy W. Ballard on Mount Shasta. Ballard indeed gave him a crystal cup of “living liquid light” and then grasped both of David Lloyd’s hands in his own. The moment of promise had come, and, in the presence of Guy Ballard, David Lloyd physically ascended from Mount Shasta. Ballard (under the pen name of Godfré Ray King) described this encounter in his book Unveiled Mysteries (Chicago: Saint Germain Press, 1939), pp. 235-42.

3. Intensify the violet flame. In his dictation of July 2, 1960, Prince Oromasis said: “Each one of you who will determine to...invoke the violet fire every day of your lives—morning, noon, and night—and then will call to me, Prince Oromasis, shall surely, if you maintain love for God unlimited and love for man unlimited, enter in to your ascension at the close of this embodiment.... This is an eternal fiat of the heavenly host, that all who shall have faith enough in God, in the Word of a cosmic being to accept that radiance and that God-truth, and shall not fail one single day of their lives from this day forward—morning, noon, and night—to intensely call for the violet transmuting flame, who shall every day of their life take some time to pour out adoration to their God Presence with every ounce of their energies, and who shall also give their love to all mankind, these shall make their ascension at the close of this embodiment because the call will have compelled the answer.”

4. Luke 23:34.

5. Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Joseph, the protector of Jesus and Mary. Joseph is thought to have passed on before Jesus began his public ministry. Mother Mary made her ascension at the close of that embodiment. Saint John of Damascus describes how Mary ascended from a tomb in which the apostles had placed her body after passing. Upon opening the tomb three days later, they found only twelve white lilies.

6. See I Cor. 2:9.

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