Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 23 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 15, 2019

The Flood Tide of Our Love Covers the Earth

Part 1

Grace and victory and peace be unto you, each one.

Ageless wisdom unfolds before mankind like a scroll. And the consciousness of those who are truly illumined is blessed by the light of God that does not fail, conveying to the hearts of mankind, silently at times and then again by the lessons and experiences of life, the wonders and unfolding beauty of the divine intent.

I am come this afternoon charged with infinite compassion for all life upon this planetary body. I am come to console those who have need of consolation, to bring a sense of freedom to those who have a desire for it, and to bring joy to the hearts of mankind.

I am come that all may rejoice in those divine experiences that transcend those chains that mankind themselves have forged and created in ignorance, which bind them to a seemingly ceaseless round of unhappy experiences. Yet all of heaven stands ready and willing to release mankind from bondage into the illimitable light of God and the compassion of the ascended masters.

Beloved ones, I am so clearly able to perceive human deceit that it is unnecessary for me to tell you that God knows that which is in the hearts of all mankind, and he recognizes the fact that mankind themselves have created, in their ignorance, various aptitudes for self-deception and the deception of others. And by “God” I refer to Divinity in the manifest personage of the Holy Christ Self, with its discriminating intelligence.

It is this deceit that I would erase from the screen of mankind’s consciousness. For so long as mankind permit themselves to be deceived or to attempt to deceive others, it is as though they were looking through smoked glasses of such opaque density as to prohibit the light of the sun of illumination from passing through. It is as though they were sitting in a place where permanent night manifests and they cannot behold the light of day.

Deceit, beloved ones, whether applied to oneself or applied to another, is never the plan of God. And therefore I urge upon each one of you a feeling of great Christ-release that will let go from within your own heart every trace of cupidity,* which, beloved ones (if you will pardon this gentle expression), is stupidity in action.

If you will therefore free yourselves from the desire to deceive either your fellowman or your Creator, then you will find coming into your world a manifestation of the wonder of divine love. This is worthwhile, beloved ones, and far greater than you might have ever conceived of as possible while abiding in mortal concepts. Divine love is life’s law, beloved ones. Therefore free yourselves by releasing into the transmuting flame of forgiveness all feelings whatsoever that you might have retained in former times of ignorance.

I understand, beloved ones, with absolute compassion, how it is that in this world, with all of its densities, mankind sometimes feel the need to protect themselves by some form or mode of defense, and therefore they do fabricate some type of defense mechanism based on deceit. Beloved ones, the old statement that has been made, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”1 is so apropos for those among mankind who desire to form defense mechanisms before their fellowmen.

Well, beloved ones, we would sweep this away by an inundating tide of God’s divine love, which levels the various grades of human consciousness for the practical purposes of heaven. This also brings to all mankind the exaltation of the light, which raises mankind to the summit experiences of their existence, where they are able to recognize that the climb upward is, as El Morya has said in the past, worth all the inconveniences set around the ascent.2

Beloved ones, if you will look into the histories of the ascended beings (that is, those of us who are known to you), you will find that we did not always have an easy time of it. We were not always sheltered, in all cases, from the various oppressions of life itself. We felt the heat of the noontide day. We were able to find that as we struggled up the mountainside, we ourselves at times did bruise our limbs against the rocks.

Therefore, we also know what it means to feel the prick of the thorn along the road of life. But we did not let those events deter us or keep us from pressing onward toward those heights of faith, which we believed in then and which we now affirm to rule by our own manifest victory. Beloved ones, the time is fast approaching when you will celebrate the anniversary of my ascension in the light.3

Beloved ones, I wish to express to you my gratitude for the lilacs that grace this altar here, on the sideboard, and which surround the figure of beloved Kuan Yin. Truly, they are a gracious gesture of mercy. And all of the springtimes of the world, wherever the lilacs adorn the gardens and bowers of light, speak to the hearts of mankind of a great flame of mercy and forgiveness that manifests in the color of violet and that speaks of the violet flame in action as it manifests in the floral kingdom.

The fragrance of the lilacs, beloved ones, speaks to your heart of the eternal springtime. And the eternal springtime speaks to your heart of great paths of freedom, prosperity, joy, and of golden ages when men’s hearts are knit together and there is not that separateness felt by those who feel compelled to take defensive measures against their fellowman.

O beloved ones, the nations of the Free World and of the Communist world today still find it necessary to fortify themselves in their bastions, as defense mechanisms against one another, just as nations have done in past ages. Therefore the lives of great beings are expended in battle and tremendous numbers of mankind are in the armed services of the world, rendering a service to their respective nations according to the mandates and laws of those various countries.

Consider for a moment what it would mean to mankind if all of earth’s lifestreams could be set free and billions of dollars could be released into the great markets of the world. Consider how this would bring assistance to those needy individuals who need to have their living standard raised to a greater beneficent bestowal of the simple pleasures of life, such as eating nourishing foods and receiving proper hygiene and clothing.

Beloved ones, those in the Western world today, who are among the fortunate ones who have ample clothing and shelter as well as food and the necessary elements of life, do not realize, unless they travel to foreign lands and make a study of it, the pitiful plight of many of those individuals. Mankind today—in various parts of the world where religions are extolled and that seem to bring out the understanding of the elements of karma—sometimes are inclined to turn a piteous ear to the pleadings of these individuals by stating that their plight is the law of karma in action.

Well, beloved ones, it may be the law of karma in action, but you are still your brother’s keeper,4 and it is the responsibility of life to set mankind free. Therefore the great love tide that is invoked today (as I am speaking to you) shall flood through the chalice to individual beings, just as these lilacs burst forth from this stand. And as immortal, living, conscious light, you shall begin today an action that shall inundate the world!

Behold, beloved ones, the action of the mighty threefold flame of your own immortal being as it comes into balanced action! Feel the balanced action of the threefold flame in you as it becomes an action of expansion whereby, by perfection, there is an even pressure of the expansion of love, wisdom, and power. Then as this threefold flame of love, wisdom and power expands its light, it first encompasses an area approximately one thousand feet from your physical form. And as this circle of light becomes consecrated to the violet flame—the flame of mercy and forgiveness—you will feel a great onrushing tide of your being going out into that circle.

Beloved ones, it is as beloved Jesus sensed when he stood and said, “Behold, who touched my clothes?” And his disciples spake unto him and said, “Master, why sayest thou, ‘Who touched me?’ when the multitude presses around?” He said, “Nay, but I perceive that virtue has flowed forth from me.”5

So it is, beloved ones, as we do today. For as this great love tide flows through the chalice of your hearts out into the world of form for one thousand feet, the energy that you have consecrated and released (which I am charging forth into your individual fountains of light) is then expanded to bless those who are within this circle. And therefore, as that energy flows forth to them and is released through you, you might also say, “What has happened? Who has touched me? Who has drawn virtue from me?”

But, beloved ones, the great pitcher of heaven’s love, as from a giant laver of light and love and power, continues to pour through you today. The light of God is the all-encompassing threefold flame, and it also has the flame of liberty and the flame of mercy and forgiveness.

Therefore, this flame is expanding tangibly, and now we shall widen the experience of each one of you, and we shall increase the scope of this radiation. Let, then, the pulsating flame of the threefold flame within you expand farther, and let it take in not only the boroughs but the periphery of greater New York to an area of twenty-five miles from the city.

From one thousand feet, we have leaped now to twenty-five miles. And behold, the chalice is beginning to pour greater energy through your being. In the name of mercy and forgiveness, expand, then, this wider circle until more people are the beneficiaries of your action and of mine. Hold your flame steady, beloved ones. Pour forth that energy now, in the name of mercy.

And now we shall step still farther, beloved ones. We shall widen this circle from twenty-five miles to 2,500 miles, and this wider circle begins to encompass the earth.** In this more expansive state of consciousness, a more throbbing and pulsating fire of the mercy-forgiveness flame can be released into your midst. Like a Niagara Falls, it flows forth through you, and the great throbbing of it is heard and felt in the heart of the nation.

Now, O violet-flame angels, I invoke thy presence! For we will manifest this circle in order to expand it unto the earth and to flood it forth to foreign lands across the seas, to the islands of the seas, and to the entire planetary body. None shall escape the inundating flood tide of our love. The flame of mercy and forgiveness is now expanded until it covers the earth around about with love.

Beloved ones, you are a spearhead and a fountainhead of power. Through you flows, this very hour, the light of God to bring compassionate peace, forgiveness, and mercy to a world hungering after righteousness so that they might be filled with the right use of light’s energy.

Beloved ones, we shall now leave the continued action of this release into the hands of your Holy Christ Self and mighty I AM Presence. This flame shall continue to pour forth so long as this class is convened. And after the class has terminated, the energy shall be maintained for twenty-four hours by the violet-flame angels who bring an increased blessing to the world from this blessed group.

Beloved ones, does this seem impossible for your blessed lifestreams to comprehend? Then bear in mind that the twelve holy apostles of beloved Jesus were able to touch the world, and they were only twelve. Then there were Mary and Jesus and my own lifestream as Joseph, and we touched the earth also.

The action today of the immortal threefold flame of life, as it expands through you, is a blessing to the world, it is true. But this is within the framework of cosmic law, and it is in divine order. For you are instruments of God, and as his instruments you are destined to play that part that you are willing to play in the emancipation of mankind from the thralldom of the senses and the oppression of evil.

Beloved ones, what is evil? The key to it is so clearly depicted in the word itself. If you remove the letter e from the word evil, you have the word vil.*** Beloved ones, evil is merely a veil of corrupted consciousness, for mankind have corrupted their consciousness from the pristine purity of God. And through this veil they see unclearly upon the screen of life those elements that are fashioned after mortality, after judgment, and which lack compassion.

God is always compassionate unto his children. He extends the infinite mercy of himself to mankind day after day and night after night. When mankind, in their own self-created cares and fears, lie upon beds of pain and sorrow, when they are unhappy and passing through tragic experiences, they make their calls to the heart of Divinity in order to be heard.

Divinity, by its own mighty light rays, flashes forth and assuages their grief, wiping away the tears from their eyes and bringing to them that comfort which they may have sometimes denied to others but which they seek, then, for themselves.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 24.

*cupidity: inordinate desire for wealth or possessions: covetousness, avarice, greed; inordinate desire, appetite, longing or lust

**The earth’s circumference at the equator is about 24,901 miles.

***Vil in Middle English means “despicable on moral grounds; deserving to be regarded with abhorrence or disgust; characterized by baseness or depravity.” The linguistic form of vil (vile) also has roots in Anglo-Norman, Old French and modern French, Spanish, and Portuguese. The masters have described evil as the “energy veil” (e-veil).

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, April 1, 1961, during the Easter Class of 1961, held in New York City, New York. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, canto vi, stanza 17.

2. As El Morya has told us, “The trek upward is worth the inconvenience.” Keepers of the Flame Lesson 3, p. 9.

3. Saint Germain’s Ascension Day is May 1, 1684.

4. Gen. 4:9.

5. See Mark 5:25-34.

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