Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 24 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 22, 2019

The Flood Tide of Our Love Covers the Earth

Part 2

Life does not hold vengeance for an individual’s inequities. Life seeks to free mankind and to teach them, by the superior attributes of mercy, that God does forgive all inequities and adjusts mankind, by the balance of his love, until they no longer walk in a sense of fear but in a sense of freedom—replacing fear with freedom, replacing ignorance with knowledge, replacing darkness and shadow with the light.

Mankind frequently, because of misunderstanding, because they have put so much time into studying the world but not enough time into studying about God, seem to feel that the world situation is aggravated and that God does not properly care for it.

Beloved ones, why, this is understandable in the sense that mankind, who do not apply their hearts to God as much as they should, can very easily be deceived to think thus. But they who will apply their hearts to God in order to know his all-wise and all-loving care will recognize that God could never, in all eternity, feel aught else but utter love and compassion for the creation he has made.

The roses of heaven shall fall and bloom upon the earth and in the hearts of mankind. They do not discriminate nor offer their thorns to mankind. For the thorns were imposed upon its branch by man’s attention upon error, and each thorn was intended to be another rose in bud. But mankind, through their misattention and misapprehension in fear, have blighted the bud (it is sad to express) until the thorn has manifested instead.

I say, then, blunt those thorns of human expression by application to the heart of heaven, and receive from the hand of God your own freedom to express the beauties of the kingdom of God manifest upon earth.

Beloved ones, as I am speaking to you now there is an action going on, on this planet. An attempt is being made to foment a real war in a certain part of the earth. Beloved K-17, of the Cosmic Secret Service, has instantly been called into action, and a tremendous outpouring of the cosmic light has caused certain agents of America and of this government to capture some individuals who at this very moment have been seeking to bring about conditions that would have brought the world into untold misery. I am not permitted to reveal the exact nature of this, nor the spot upon earth where it is manifesting. But I will say this—that it was a two-pronged attack intended to be launched in the Far East, and another one in the Southern Hemisphere.

Beloved ones, I hope you will recognize that this is a very tense situation and that it is the desire of the ascended masters to stop all such action before it occurs. Therefore, always stand alert and close to your own mighty I AM Presence so that those actions, which are sinister and of the evil forces, may be aborted before they occur and that in their place the manifestation of Christ-peace may sweep the earth.

The golden age, it is true, blessed hearts, seeks to express daily in the hearts of mankind. But old habit patterns of old ideas are deeply cut into the earth, like the Grand Canyon. Beloved ones, the tremendous tracings of human thought and feeling remain etched into the rocks of mortality. And mankind, in the sense of crystallized consciousness, do not feel the great pressure and power of love as it seeks to level all those conditions of oppression and to replace them by divine love.

I am most grateful to convey to you the knowledge that this particular matter of which I spoke a moment ago has been taken care of at this time. But the students will have to recognize that it is frequently necessary for us to have tremendous [decree] energy in order to accomplish such matters. And therefore we did use a great deal of the energy that you developed here this day, and we have sent it forth to assist in the discovery of these very matters.

Beloved ones, those who seek to deceive the family of nations and to bring forth discord in various parts of the world do not care. For they operate under the services and auspices of those tools of the black magicians that have for far too long affected the mankind of this earth. The oppressions of those claws shall not continue indefinitely, for we are determined to give mankind their freedom as never before!

I therefore ask the student body here to repeat with me, with a mighty charge, these words: “I AM freedom in action in me now!” [Congregation stands and joins Saint Germain:]

I AM freedom in action in me now!
I AM freedom in action in me now!
I AM freedom in action in me now!

Peace, beloved ones. Won’t you please be seated.

The pressures of human existence may continue to mount on the world scene. But it is our desire to help the student body (not only of this activity but of every sincere endeavor that seeks to serve the light) unto their ascension and freedom from all outer conditions that are less than perfection. And therefore, as I am speaking to you now, I hope you will recognize that in the months ahead we shall continue to call upon you for a very special purpose, which is to release mankind from those weights that they know not of.

Vigilance is needed as never before! Valley Forge has long passed, yes.1 And [events in] other areas of the world have passed. But I tell you, beloved ones, that vigilance is needed each hour! The wise will perceive the necessity of attention upon their Presence. They will recognize that human limitation can be transcended and that mankind can at last emerge from the cocoon of ignorance into the victory of the light and the light of the ascension.

May this come to each of you in due time. But meanwhile, as you serve the light, may your days be blessed with the infinite spirit of compassion that frees all life. May you feel the soft breezes of the Holy Spirit passing over your being, and may this spirit of light and peace assuage all feelings of discomfort in your world. May the love of the Maha Chohan enfold your heart with a mantle of the sacred fire. May sheaves of light and shields of light be around you now and always so that you may be victors and soldiers of the light—not conducting warfare after the fashion of mankind but spiritual warfare on behalf of the light!

This is a worthwhile cause. It is a necessary one. And I, therefore, commend each of you today, who has offered me the chalice of your attention. You shall not find that that attention has been ill-rewarded, but you shall find that it shall be rewarded within the next week in a manner that I am not about to speak of. For I have certain plans in mind, which may occur to your outer knowledge, or may not. But these plans are connected with your blessed lifestreams and your advancing progress in the light of God.

Some among mankind have felt that they desired to absent themselves from this specific place because they did not, in their own heart, feel a desire to come to this specific neighborhood. Therefore they have denied themselves a great blessing. This place is as much a part of heaven as any place upon the earth, and God recognizes every spot as holy. Those who have within themselves a special regard for outer conditions and circumstances will so frequently deny themselves much of the glory of God.

I would not compare this room to a manger, for it is dedicated by priceless and holy energies to the cause of light. But I will say this—that just as some among mankind today, in their pride, would not journey to a manger to behold the Christ, so some would not come here this afternoon. I only ask that you pray for them. For they shall find that because they did not [make the journey to come here], they shall be denied a blessing that is of quite great import. However, some individuals are rooted in spirit but not in form. They would have liked to have been here, but, for other reasons, they could not be here.

I tell you, beloved ones, the time will come when the walls of many of the places that now contain our devotees, such as ye, will not be able to contain the number of those who shall come seeking the light of God that does not fail. The expansive tide of our love shall sweep across the borders of America and bring forth greater and greater manifestations of the unfailing light of God, and that which is shattered and evil shall tremble. For the light of God and the light of the Holy Spirit shall be amplified in human hearts.

The spirit of eternal radiance, like a cherished flower borne by angelic hands, shall come to earth and delight the atmosphere itself with the perfume of its coming, until the winds of the world shall be saturated with the aromas of heaven—the wonders of mercy in manifestation, the tribute to compassion as a flame, the saturation of the flame within the atmosphere. The spirit of eternal radiance shall come to earth so that mankind may breathe freedom and partake of all of its elements, not only in their physical form but in their spiritual being, in their minds, in the chaliced and secret places of God within their hearts.

This shall be! For mankind have chosen to honor freedom. This shall be! For mankind have chosen to enshrine freedom. This shall be! For mankind have loved freedom, and freedom shall triumph! And all that is less shall be dashed into pieces, as a potter breaks an imperfect vessel. And the earth shall manifest the fullness of the light of God that does not fail!

This shall be, in the holy name of the Goddess of Liberty! “The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free”—these shall come to freedom’s shrine, and they shall be received and not denied admittance.2 All shall come by mercy and forgiveness. And the expansion of mankind’s consciousness shall reach out toward the cosmos as groping fingers of light that shall find that which they seek—oneness, amity, unity with God and with mankind. Brotherhood shall sweep the world around with a bond of light until mankind shall no longer hurt nor destroy in the holy mountain of spiritual aspiration.3

Now in the religions of the world, now in spiritual endeavors, some choose in their ignorance to hurt and to attempt to destroy. This shall not be! For the light shall shine so brightly and so clearly that mankind shall perceive living Truth! And that Truth shall be in them, and there shall be no guile or deceit.

This is life, this is light, this is love—as it was in the Beginning, as it should have been in the middle, and as it shall be in the end of the age. And finite existence shall be folded as a swaddling garment. And the Manchild of this earth shall stand forth to rule over the earth with dominion, power, and glory in the holy name of God, the mighty I AM Presence.4 So be it, then, in God’s name, I AM.

I thank you, each one, for your attention to love. I have been today somewhat fervent, somewhat swept up, as it were, by the great tide of the longings of men’s hearts. And I know you will understand that this has not been an ordinary occasion but an extraordinary occasion, and one that I have loved.

For I have loved these moments with you, who have loved me for so long. I continue to stand beside those of you who gaze up to me with hope and say, “Saint Germain, I wish to serve your cause.”

I shall not forsake you, as you have not forsaken me either. And you have not forsaken your mighty I AM Presence! Therefore we shall continue to march on together in the transcendent light of God.

Gracious ones, I bid you adieu.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, April 1, 1961, during the Easter Class of 1961, held in New York City, New York. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Saint Germain stood by General Washington throughout the American Revolution and during the long, unusually harsh winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, where Washington camped with his Continental Army from December 19, 1777, to June 19, 1778. Under Washington’s leadership, the shrinking American army, suffering from bitter cold, lack of clothes and food, and neglect by the Continental Congress, endured and went on to triumph in the war for independence from Britain. The ascended master Godfre was embodied as George Washington.

2. “The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Legal immigration into the United States has long been an acceptable process in the eyes of the ascended masters in order to provide a safe haven for those in other countries seeking the opportunities that can be found in the United States of America. On June 6, 1966, Mark Prophet spoke of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and of the welcoming of those who desire to come to the United States. He said: “The symbol of the authority of the Goddess of Liberty stands in that great air-bridged harbor of New York. She holds high there her torch. And in the words of Emma Lazarus, she continually declares, �Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.’ Therefore, the immigration of people to this great land continues in widening numbers. And with hope in their spirit, people come to embrace the vision of America and all that America stands for.” The full version of the God-inspirited sonnet by Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus,” is engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island, New York Harbor. It reads:

   The New Colossus
    by Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

3. Isa. 11:9.

4. Rev. 12:5.

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