Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 25 - Beloved Godfre - July 1, 2019

Espouse the Cause of Freedom
in Support of Saint Germain!

Give Your All to the Invocation of the Light

Hail, fellow Americans, exponents of the law of truth!

I AM come in the fullness of my light body to anchor here in this holy ground the energy, the momentum, and the force of my determination to be freedom in the heart of America!

I come to extol liberty. I come in the flaming Presence of the one who is my master and who is the light of freedom unto mankind. I come to salute Saint Germain. And I place my all upon the altar of the world in service to the light in the hearts of all mankind.

I come in the midst of the fray. I come as the hordes of darkness are camped round about the camp of this forcefield in order to tear from you that holy flame of liberty. I come as the legions of Archangel Michael converge for the victory of the light. I come holding the banner of freedom, and my legions come in defense of liberty as they march to the cadences of the light of God-obedience.

This is the time for Americans to affirm their allegiance to principle and to declare their independence of the soul and of the light within from every form of bondage, from every form of tyranny over the mind of man and over God manifest in man. And when I say the word “Americans” I include all who are members of the I AM Race of Saint Germain—the sons and daughters of God, those who are true to the true Israel.

Do you know what this tyranny of the carnal mind is that would control the manifestation of God within you? I say, it is as iron wires wound about, binding the souls and the body temples of mankind. I say, then, let the rings of fire from the heart of the Great Central Sun and from the heart of my own causal body of light reestablish the forcefield of protection in the heart of America and in the heart of the world!

There is no substitute for God-obedience. For in that flame you are one with the reality of Self, and all that is outside of that flame is outside of God, outside of your true being. Yet the fallen ones have connived and they have convinced mankind that it is smart to be in rebellion against anything and everything, for the spirit of rebellion tears the soul from its inner moorings in Christ and from the laws of God’s being.

Therefore, I say, seek alignment with the spirit of liberty and the “Spirit of ’76”1—the spirit of living freedom in this hour of travail when the Divine Woman seeks to bring forth the Christ Child in the hearts of all mankind. In this hour of temptation, faint not, neither fail to invoke the light that is the turning point for reality on earth even as it is the turning point in the very heart of the soul.

I AM the presence of the flame of justice. I AM the presence of allegiance. I AM the salute of the honor flame. Honor is the Word. Honor is the Logos. Honor is the essence of the Holy Spirit. Those who have not the honor of self-respect are found to be untrustworthy in the service of the Law.

Morya looks for chelas of the will of God. So I look for patriots who defend the flame of freedom, not only in this nation but in every nation upon earth. For the flame of freedom, of individual genius, of the patterns of the nations must be preserved for the crystallization of the Christ consciousness in every nation.

So, O mankind, as I look beyond these borders into every land I see the virtue of the Divine Mother and of the way of the Christ. I see the blueprint. I see a victory of a group mandala, group souls* overcoming a group karma and raising on high the banner of freedom in Poland, in Czechoslovakia, in Hungary, in England, in South Africa.

In every nation there is a divine destiny, and in this very moment that divine destiny is being challenged by that which is called Antichrist. It is an amalgamation of the carnal mind that moves against forces and forcefields of light wherever the Christ consciousness emerges among the nations. Therefore one by one these nations have been subjected to every manner of the viciousness of the dragon and the beast that ascendeth out of the sea and out of the earth.2

So there has been that Adversary who has come forth in every age to challenge the Mater mandala of Christed sons and daughters. And therefore you and your forefathers have come to this land, bringing the pattern of the Christ from many nations so that this pattern might be fused into the one mandala of victory, of the universal Christ in all mankind. You represent the flow of the blood of Christ, which is in the blood of all nations. You represent the body of the Divine Mother. And so, you see, you can salute the God flame in all and you can hail the victory of the light: “Invictus, I serve! I AM THAT I AM!”

Precious hearts, as you proclaim the Christ, as you exalt the flame of your native land, remember that no cause has ever been won without the flame of sacrifice—the sacrifice of the lesser self. No cause has ever been won without the gifts of the Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit that are love, long-suffering, forbearance, and patience.

Those patriots who have sacrificed their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor3 for the cause of freedom in every land are those who love not their lives unto the death.4 These are the sons and daughters of liberty’s flame. These have not feared to lay down their life so that the Christ might live.

Let us now see that these dead shall not have died in vain.5 As we look across the markers, the white crosses in the fields of the LORD, let us know and say within our hearts that all who have served the cause of freedom shall be immortalized by the effort that we pledge this day, here and now, as the commitment of our hearts. It is the commitment of the hearts of ascended and unascended beings merging for a victory! It is the victory of fire, the victory of the Woman, the victory of the flame, and the victory of the seed of Alpha and Omega!

So let it be that the cause of freedom is espoused by you and by me in support of Saint Germain! Let us carry the banner of the I AM THAT I AM! Let us carry the banner of the World Mother and of Maitreya! Let us march with the legions of Archangel Michael, declaring the truth of the ages, the truth of the law of every man’s being, which Jesus proclaimed to the multitudes from the hillsides. So he does proclaim that Law and that Word. The Christ does come this day and in this hour of the Second Coming into the hearts of mankind as they acknowledge the presence of the Christ within.

The requirements of the hour are loyalty beyond the human self, constancy beyond the measure of the finite capacity, unswerving devotion that sets aside the rebellion of the self and that manifests the internal light of the living Christ!

So let that light shine in the glory of the sons and daughters of God. These are times of testing—the testing of whether this nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.6

Can this nation endure all of the attempts to tear down liberty and life, unity and oneness, and the flame of Micah and the flame of the angel with a flaming sword? Can this nation endure the holocaust of war, starvation, economic degeneration? Can this nation endure?

I tell you, a people fired with the fire of love in their hearts can endure! And they form the nucleus of a nation—the white-fire core of the going within into the secret place of the Most High! Thus the patterns of a nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can endure in the hearts of a people, a mighty people!

I say, surrender not one erg of energy to the Tempter and see how you can reestablish the borders of the citadel of being and the citadel of this land with light, with nobility, with the cosmic honor flame, and with the consciousness of the Elohim.

We come in the full realism of all that is coming upon this world. Yet we also come in the full realism of the light of the Christ and of what can be invoked as that light in fulfillment of the promise of old, “I will make thy seed as the sand of the seashore innumerable.”7 So this is the seed of the Christ, and that seed can be raised up.

On this, the anniversary of my incarnation in defense of freedom,8 I am calling to the LORD’s hosts, to the legions from the Great Central Sun, to Americans far and wide and to all members of the I AM Race to come forth, to pledge allegiance to the flame and to the banner that represents that flame—to pledge Life! to pledge Liberty! to pledge Reality to this cause!

O children of light, I say to you and I speak directly to your hearts: Can you not understand the plea of the Father of your country? Can you not understand the plea of the Mother and the Mother flame?

Can you not understand, then, that for America to survive as a unit of hierarchy, for every nation upon earth to survive as a unit of light, it will take all of your loving, all of your joy, all of your tears, all of your labor and your consecration?

For this is the hour of Armageddon! This is the hour of the descent of that dragon!9 Fear not. For the enemy has been defined. And once defined, it can be overcome. You know who you are, and you know the energy that lurks within and without to tear down every noble effort.

I say, be champions of the flame of victory! Be champions of nobility! Be champions of the goal and goal-fittedness! For there is hope and there is a light that appears in the sky— a silver lining beyond the dark clouds of descending world karma.

Be ye the light! Be ye the flame! And rally for a cause! Give your all to the invocation of that light that is so necessary for the sustaining of the planetary platform as a place of evolution.

Rejoice, then, because you are of God, because you live in God, because the flame is the marker of your identity. So rejoice, I say, that you have the potential to be freedom and to consecrate freedom’s flame for mankind and for Saint Germain.

I am reestablishing the coordinates of my being in the physical octave, and I shall kneel in prayer this day as I knelt at Valley Forge. I shall kneel on the slopes of Mount Shasta to anchor there my Electronic Presence for the victory of the mind of God and for the restoring of that rightful mind to the American people.

I AM with you alway.10 I AM with you in honor, in obedience to the will of God. I AM that will in action in you.

I thank you, and I bid you good evening.

*group souls: a group of souls who have embodied together in a particular time and place, often working on a particular service, and sometimes for repetitive lifetimes

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 22, 1975, during the Teachings of the Ascended Masters Seminar, held in San Francisco, California.

1. >The “Spirit of ’76” relates to the spirit of liberty and self-reliance which characterized the persons and events that led to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. According to the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, the “Spirit of ’76” can be described as follows: “The principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence promised to lead America—and other nations on the globe—into a new era of freedom. The revolution begun by Americans on July 4, 1776, would never end. It would inspire all peoples living under the burden of oppression and ignorance to open their eyes to the rights of mankind, to overturn the power of tyrants, and to declare the triumph of equality over inequality.” The ascended masters teach that all men are originally created equal spiritually and are equal under the law and equal in opportunity. Truly, the “Spirit of ’76” applies to all nations and all peoples.

2. Rev. 13.

3. The last sentence of the Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776, reads: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

4. Rev. 12:11.

5. Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863.

6. Ibid.

7. Heb. 11:12; Gen. 22:17.

8. The ascended master Godfre was previously embodied as George Washington, first president of the United States, born February 22 (the date of this dictation) in the year 1732.

9. Rev. 12:3, 9; 20:2.

10. Matt. 28:20.

The Flame of Freedom Speaks

by Saint Germain

The Flame of Freedom speaks—the Flame of Freedom within each heart. The Flame of Freedom saith unto all: Come apart now and be a separate and chosen people, elect unto God—men who have chosen their election well, who have determined to cast their lot in with the immortals. These are they who have set their teeth with determination, who have said:

I will never give up
I will never turn back
I will never submit
I will bear the Flame of Freedom unto my victory I will bear this flame in honor
I will sustain the glory of Life within my nation I will sustain the glory of Life within my being
I will win my ascension
I will forsake all idols and
I will forsake the idol of my outer self
I will have the glory of my immaculate divinely
conceived Self manifesting within me
I AM Freedom and
I AM determined to be Freedom
I AM the Flame of Freedom and
I AM determined to bear it to all
I AM God’s Freedom and He is indeed free
I AM freed by his Power and his Power is supreme
I AM fulfilling the purposes of God’s kingdom

And in full Faith...

This decree is in the Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 132, no. 7.26.

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