Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 26 - Beloved God and Goddess Meru - July 8, 2019

Why One Is Taken and Another Is Left

I AM the consciousness of the Cosmic Virgin in the Pleiades, in the flame of the Mother, and in the hearts of all mankind. I AM the virgin awareness of God-being.

We come in the living flame of illumination to project light—the light of the feminine ray into an age and the cycling of an age and into the consciousness of mankind. It is the light of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, the feminine action on the seven rays, cosmic consciousness sufficient for the liberation of every soul.

The feminine ray is wise dominion. It is wisdom as wisdom teaches her children the knowledge of the Law. The mark of the pure fires of the virginity of the soul, ascending as the white light, merges with the golden flame that is enshrined in our retreat at Lake Titicaca.1

This action is energy that now comes as a gentle rain, suffusing the consciousness and penetrating the four lower bodies of mankind. If it be the will of mankind, this earth, ere it passes into victory, shall know an age of universal illumination, of the activation of talents and genius in the arts and sciences—a true cult of the Mother, a cult of light. This can come forth only when souls submit into the flame all momentums of lesser desire.

You know the Law. You know the action of the Law. You stand in awe of light. But somehow its full realization remains outside of yourself. Why? Why do you assign to the ascended masters, to the world teachers, or to the messengers the carrying of the flame of wisdom? Can you not carry it yourself?

As we were walking with angels of the flame of gold from our retreat in order to salute you here in person this night, we were talking of how in every age, when two laborers are laboring in the field, one is taken and the other is left.2 There comes a time when the soul leaves its moorings, departs from a certain way of life, and enters into the ascended master consciousness. And nothing—no power in heaven or on earth—can stay the evolution of that soul in the heart of the flame. Attainment comes swiftly once the commitment is made to follow the spiral of being all the way Home.

But what of the one who is left? As we look down the centuries, down the history of a hundred thousand years, we see souls who were left when we made our decision to come apart and to enter the flame. Why do they remain outside the law of being? Why do they not claim the God consciousness of their own, in their own, and as their own being?

It is a question of identity and of identification, and it is a question of ignorance. It is a lack of determination, a lack of will. Somehow it is as though a stupor befalls some souls and they cannot see how the knowledge of the Law, the observing of the cycles of the Law, or having a friendship with the ascended masters can never replace the action of the Law within.

You must take the responsibility for being the Christ. This will not come because we stand before you or because teachers come and go. It will come because you make a decision to let nothing take from you the crown of life3— the victory of the twelve stars of mastery under the twelve hierarchies that must become the crown of the feminine ray for man and for woman.

Your inheritance is to be a king, a queen, a priest, a priestess at the altar of the Most High God. Why, then, does one lifestream attain and another fall back? Is it perspective? Is it the action of the All-Seeing Eye?

We go back to origins and we say: It is a question of desiring from deep within the soul that is a pinpoint of identity within the soul. It is a yearning. It is a pressing of light. It is a recognition that “I AM God and I will fulfill my God-being!”

There are some who study the teachings who still ask us, ask the messenger, or ask the teacher to perform this or that invocation or prayer or to provide that which is lacking in the forcefield of self.

Do you not understand that when another performs a service or an action of the Law that is yours to perform, you do not gain even an erg of mastery? All of this [assistance] must one day be taken from you so that you can perform the miracles of alchemy for yourself.

This is why the ascended masters have withdrawn. For if the ascended masters were to walk the earth, mankind would fall into the lethargy of idolatry. They would not be spurred to self-mastery but they would be spurred, rather, to allow those who have attained mastery to be their masters.

So great is the tendency toward idolatry among mankind that mankind will idolize the tyrants and the stars that come across the human consciousness in every field. How quickly they lay down their lives and their identity for figureheads, potentates, and tyrants. And they do so while sacrificing the soul for the sake of the ego of the self or the ego of another.

This, then, is why one is taken and another is left. It is because within the circumference of being, the one who is left has not risen in the flame in order to make the determination to be all of God, to be Father, Mother, Christ, and Holy Spirit, to be all aspects of Divinity.

We come, then, to restore a lost identity, to restore to you the components of your God consciousness, to quicken those components within you so that while you are in our presence you may have a glimpse of what it means to be aware of the completeness of Self—the Self that is complete unto itself in God and not dependent on the smile of this individual or the love of another or the support of a friend. It is to not be dependent upon anything save the God flame within.

Once you have this realization of totality and completeness, then it is beautiful and wonderful to share the momentum of the God flame, to reinforce one another’s attainment, and to be all one in action and in life. And, of course, until the full realization of your God-free being comes, we understand the need for each lifestream to fulfill a place in each group mandala of service. Nevertheless, while serving an aspect of being, each monad, each cell of life, can have the sense of completeness that is locked in the dewdrop, having all of the essential elements of the vast sea of God’s being.

So, then, receive now that awareness of completeness, of wholeness. Draw into yourself all that has become an outer manifestation. Meditate upon the heart. Go within and see yourself as God made you—a whole, integrated, pure soul, a son, a daughter of life. This is the meaning of the feminine ray—to be the Mother that includes the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And as you include these aspects of Spirit as a matrix within yourself, you will find yourself being called upon by God to bring forth, for the evolutions of mankind, every aspect of the sacred fire. And then that which is within will become the precipitation without, and you will find yourself as a nucleus. And because you have recognized your wholeness, you will attract wholeness in others. You will attract the wholeness of the Central Sun as a magnet to propel an entire planet into the victory.

Do you not understand that from the standpoint of wisdom, of illumination’s flame, and from our knowledge stored in the vast libraries at Lake Titicaca, we see mankind’s failures and the lack of progress in this age as a problem of identity, as a sense of incompleteness, limitation, mortality?

In the West there is a greater assertion of independence, of creativity. But you will find among the Asian peoples as well as in some states of Africa that individuals can only function in a group consciousness. They have little awareness of self as the I AM THAT I AM. Hence they merge as a sea of humanity, and not many from among them step apart to declare the totality of Selfhood.

I ask those of you who are desirous of completing the spirals of the golden age, those who need to do so as a necessary requirement for their own ascension, to begin to affirm within yourself the balance of God’s consciousness by saying and knowing:

I AM Alpha and Omega.
I AM the balanced action of the masculine and feminine
   ray within me now. I AM a Christed one.
I AM solar awareness.
I AM complete God consciousness.
I include within my being all cycles of God-power,
   God-love, God-mastery.
I include within my being all cycles of God-control,
   God-obedience, and God-wisdom.
I include in my selfhood God-harmony, God-gratitude,
I AM THAT I AM cloven tongues of fire infolding
   within God-reality, God-vision and God-victory.

Will you daily meditate upon the wholeness that you are and know that this wholeness is a sphere and that suspended above you is the I AM Presence, another sphere?

And where the two spheres join, forming the figure eight, there is your own Christ Self, who is mediating perfection and activating the flow. This is our teaching at Lake Titicaca— the flow of energy from God to man, from man to God.

Energy that is incomplete will not rise to the causal body, and therefore there is stagnation. There must be completeness and a sense of wholeness. And you will find in that sense of wholeness that you will attract every individual (as an aspect of your own God-awareness) who is necessary to the completion of your mission. It is not that you use others unto yourself but that there is a crystalline formation of a mandala where souls come together, attracting one another by the flame of wholeness.

And as a soul is the instrument of the fulfillment of your life plan, so you become the instrument for the fulfillment of the life plan of that soul. All working together, there is a meshing in the oneness of the sacred sphere until one day all of humanity and the entire earth become the lower portion of the figure eight—cycling energies, charging energies in ascension’s spiral, and receiving a return current of the wholeness of Alpha and Omega.

We have come, then, this night, after much study and careful consideration of the many dictations that have been given to Keepers of the Flame, to chelas of the masters over the years. And we have determined that the following essential ingredient in understanding ought to be released this day so that you might discover why one is taken and another is left.

The one that is taken is the one who has the consciousness of wholeness, who is taken into other cycles and spheres of completeness in order to be the instrument of the buddhic light. The one who is left is always the one who remains in a state of limited, incomplete self-awareness. This is the impoverished state that is without flow, without supply, without the quickening of life, without the abundance of the Mother.

This, then, is what the feminine ray will bring to you today and what it will be in the Aquarian age, which is the fulfillment of the inner potential, the bursting forth of the sun of being so that you can stand before the altar of God as a living, blazing reality and declare in joy, “I AM whole! I AM whole in the oneness of the flame, which we are, which I AM! There is only the golden glow of the orb of illumined action.”

Now, then, receive your own God consciousness within the flame of the heart and practice the ritual of finding the sufficiency of love and wisdom and power within that heart. See how true freedom—the freedom of the Aquarian age—will be yours.

This is the message from Lake Titicaca. We invite you, one and all, to come to our retreat, to come to our library and to read those scrolls whereon there is inscribed a destiny, a mandala, and an opportunity for each one.

I AM a blazing sun of righteousness within you. I AM the blazing sun of the right use of the Law. Be God-free beings! Be whole! And offer that wholeness unto one another in fulfillment of the command, “I am my brother’s keeper.”4

Be the keeper of the flame of wholeness, of individualization, by allowing each chela to find the path, whether swift or slow, of self-mastery back to the heart of individed oneness.

We seal the brow and the crown with the sealing action of the sixth ray. Let it be for the victory of the Christ consciousness and the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

With a kiss of peace and of cosmic illumination, we take our leave. And we leave you with the golden orb of your own God-reality.

In love, I AM Victory!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the God and Goddess Meru was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 23, 1975, during the Teachings of the Ascended Masters Seminar, held in San Francisco, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The God and Goddess Meru focus the feminine ray of the Godhead for the planet at their retreat at Lake Titicaca in the Andes mountains, South America.

2. Matt. 24:40; Luke 17:36.

3. Rev. 3:11.

4.Gen. 4:9.

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