Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 27 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - July 15, 2019

The Law of the Corona of the Chakras

O wondrous light of Holy Spirit, I AM in thy flame. I come before you bearing the flame as a torch to touch the hearts of the many and the few who remember an origin beyond this plane, who remember the soul’s beginning in the fiery core of the being of the Holy Spirit.

I come as this year has passed a certain mark, inaugurating the twenty-five-year cycle of the Holy Spirit1 when earth can be borne in the arms of God because mankind raise up the energies and hold the earth high into a level of consciousness where all is wholeness and all is life and all is over-coming light.

I come, then, to reinforce the mastery of the sons and daughters of dominion over the water element. I come to show you how to master the waters of fear that rumble and that gurgle in the subconscious. I come to show you how to master the waters of doubt, of death, disease, and decay. For all of this is the misuse of the Mother flow of light, crystal-flowing light that ought to be the liberation of your being and your life.

I come, now, to infuse mankind with light and to impart holy wisdom for God-mastery. Therefore I bring to you the knowledge of the law of the corona of the chakras. The corona of the sun is the halo, the aura, the fiery circle that can be seen in an eclipse. This energy of fiery concentration on the edge of an orb of light is a sealing action whereby the forcefield of Christ attainment is sealed in wholeness—the wholeness of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore the corona of the sun is a ring of fire, a ring-pass-not of the energies of Alpha and Omega that rise from the base of the circle and enfold the circle, converging at the top and symbolizing one spiral in the caduceus action of the rising consciousness of the soul that is merging with the heart of God. Each chakra, then, is for the dividing of the Word and the waters of the Word. Each chakra is for the flow of sacred fire, and the sealing of that chakra can be as a corona of light.

For those of you who have pursued the Holy Spirit and to be the temple of the law of life, I come and I offer this knowledge of the Law, which can be invoked and upon which you can meditate.

As you think of the seven rays assigned to the seven chakras, you can visualize each chakra surrounded by a golden corona, a metallic gold, the gold of precipitated sun-light. This corona is the sealing of the energy at the level of the Christ, and all of that energy—the energy that then goes forth from the chakras of the one who has made that commitment and has evoked that sealing action—will be sealed in the Christ. This energy will not be qualified by the mass consciousness but it will instead be a pillar of fire, with flames springing up and leaping here and there upon the surface of the earth wherever you walk, wherever you project your mind and the energies of the chakras. You can be the flaming Presence of the Holy Spirit by the action of the corona of the Christ.

I come to give you this understanding because it is required, especially for Keepers of the Flame who are diligent in their uses of the Law. For you put forth much energy into your invocations, and that energy goes forth and encircles the earth. And a very small portion of that energy is sometimes misused by mankind, who, coming in contact with the light, pervert that light by their own matrices of imperfection.

Now then, let the seven rays be sealed in the golden light. This is the sealing action of the Elohim of Peace and of the Maha Chohan. It is the means whereby the light, the energy, and the consciousness of God and of the sons and daughters of God can be for a permanent alchemy. It can be for a transformation that will not be lost or overturned as the cycles turn and new light and new opportunity dawn.

Mankind wonder about the course of events, and their fears are amplified by the torment of the fallen ones, who know that their time is short. These fallen ones indeed have fear and cause to fear, for they will pass through the second death when their time is up. This fear is abroad in the land, and the children of God (who ought not to fear) also tremble, and their anxiety is an energy that opposes the precipitation of the Christ light and the Mater-realization of the Mother flame.

So I say, let fire flow and melt and dissolve the energy of fear, of all sense of injustice, of all the particles of human creation. Let fire flow and let fire be the energy that now seals your immortality!

O hearts of fire, let the earth be bathed in the momentum of the Holy Spirit that is for the ushering in of that which supersedes and transcends fear—the flame of God-mastery!

Now cometh the Christed One, Jesus, into the very midst of this room, as in the chamber of the great heart of God. He stands to reinforce your own Christ Self, merging the Electronic Presence of his being with your forcefield.

The masters hold the flame and the immaculate concept for planetary overcoming. We do not predict cataclysm. We warn that cataclysm has come before, in days of yore, when mankind were also pursuing the ways of the rebellious consciousness.

We project light and victory on the screen of the mind and into the subconscious of the chelas. We project the momentum of the ascension. But we say, be prepared. Be prepared because the human consciousness is fickle. And because the balance [of freewill choice] is delicate, even the Lords of Karma wait to know what mankind’s decision will be, by free will, in this year when the foundations of the Holy Spirit are being laid2 and when that light that is penetrating the earth will force the human consciousness to submit, to surrender, or to rebel with a wail and the wailing of the dark spirits of the night.

Living fire is the habitation of the Most High. Therefore dwell in the secret place of your own I AM Presence and receive the portion that is sufficient for your soul’s transition into new heights of reality. For those consecrated in love, there is only progress on the Path, there is only joy in overcoming.

But I say, “Work while ye have the light, for the darkness cometh when no man can work.”3 Work the works of God.4 Practice his Law. Become adept and proficient in the alchemy of Self-preservation.5 For if you do not work to preserve the Self, I say, who will? Mankind in their selfishness do not seek to preserve your life but to tear it down, and this is because the Self is a threat to the preservation of the egos of mankind and to the platform of the carnal mind.

I say, then, let fire flow and be as one! Unite in the communion of the saints and let your oneness be a reinforcement of the law of God, of the ascended master teaching! Let it be a Great Central Sun Magnet of cloven tongues of fire, of the fire infolding itself and the drawing into the flame of all whose souls have come forth from the heart of God.

I raise my hands for the sealing of the chakras of those who have prepared, of those who have become the energy of the sun, of those who have begun the weaving of the death-less solar body. Unto those who are at a certain level of initiation, then, the corona comes as a sealing of the chakras. And those of you who have newly come into the teachings of the sacred fire, you can look forward to the day when your body has reached a certain momentum of purity. And then you will know, and then you will call to me, and I will come to reinforce the corona of the sun.

I AM the Maha Chohan, and you are the Lord and the law of your being. I pray that you will become the Great Lord by merging with the law of life and by being the “I” in the flame that is the director of the flame into the chakras of God’s own self-awareness.

Peace, holy ones of God! I AM the overcoming of the world. I have overcome. Be of good cheer. The cheer is the light of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth that now descends upon you as my angels hover, forming around and about you this hallowed circle of the Om.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 23, 1975, during the Teachings of the Ascended Masters Seminar, held in San Francisco, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The twenty-five-year cycle of the Holy Spirit. On July 1, 1974, the be loved Maha Chohan said: “The Karmic Board has decreed that at this hour... in the evolution of this lifewave and this planetary home there has come that moment when the cosmic clock has struck. It is the hour when mankind must receive the Holy Spirit, must prepare the body temple to be the dwelling place of the Most High God. In this hour of the appearing of that Spirit, it is necessary that certain numbers of mankind are purified to receive that Spirit. For unless certain numbers receive that flame and that awareness, the world as a place of evolution as you know it today will cease to exist. For you see, the balance of all phases of life and evolution cannot continue unless the Holy Spirit becomes the quickening energy and the life and the light of man and woman.... When the clock strikes midnight and 1974 gives way to 1975,... in that moment there will be the release of the spiral of the Holy Spirit to the entire planet.” Then the Maha Chohan told us that the release of the final quarter of the century from the white-fire core of the planet and of the sun was “a cosmic spiral that will be for the full realization of the Holy Spirit in man, in woman, in nature, in holy child. The probation will be a twenty-five-year period to see whether enough among mankind will be able, through sacrifice, surrender, and self-purification, to maintain a tabernacle of witness for the Holy Spirit.”

2. See note 1.

3. See John 9:4; 12:35.

4. John 6:28, 29.

5. The alchemy of Self-preservation. In a lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1973, she explained the concept of Self-preservation as the preservation of the Divine Ego. She said, “Illusion is the whole way of life on the planet, and it certainly is the way that seems right.... The way that seems right on the ten o’clock line of the cosmic clock [involves] the perversions of Scorpio: selfishness, self-love, and idolatry. Of all the lines on the cosmic clock, lines nine, ten, and eleven are in the physical quadrant. And all of this illusion, all of this self-love, is based on what psychologists tell us is the most basic instinct to that ego on the three o’clock line, which is the tendency for self-preservation.... Now, Self-preservation is actually the basic motivation of the Divine Ego. The I AM Presence is Self-preservation. It is the preservation of the Divine Ego throughout cosmos through the individualization of the spirit sparks. So to preserve God as life should become our calling and our purpose. If we preserve God, we will automatically preserve the Self. And that is why Jesus said, ‘Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, what ye shall drink, nor what ye shall put on.’... (Matt. 6:25; Luke 12:22) It is the preserving of God, ‘seeking first his kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matt. 6:33) That is the promise.”

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