Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 28 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - July 22, 2019

A New Era of Light and Freedom

Hail, children of God! Hail, O light within the heart! Hail life and freedom and oneness! I come to claim the body of God on earth. I come to wash you from the stain of sin.

I come to proclaim a new era of light, and I come to cast out the net of God consciousness over the earth, to draw in the fish of God-awareness—the lambs, the sheep of the sheepfold. I call all life to the Home, the center of the OM. I call all who are a part of the grand “Amen” of Alpha fulfilling love in Omega, cycling into the center of the One.

I come to inaugurate the era of light. I come to inaugurate the era of the freedom of the soul to enter into the law of being without interference from the fallen ones. For the fallen ones are bound for a season, and they have not the influence that they have held in the past.

Therefore, that which has been as the temptation of the saints and the persecution of the saints is stayed now for a time, and times, and a half a time1 while the children of God are given a renewed impetus of light to come into the true example of living the Christ-reality, which each one is.

I proclaim a day of soul liberation! I proclaim the release of the light of Alpha and Omega for the fulfillment of the Law! I proclaim the anchoring of the City Foursquare! And the thrust of the Holy Spirit is given unto the Mother this day in order to go forth and claim that city and claim that light and claim souls for the victory!

Therefore, let all who would be a part of the expansion of this true teaching of the Law come forth, hands filled with light and garlands, offering the soul unto the fulfillment of the plan of the ages.

I come to announce victory for the light. I come to announce judgment for the fallen ones. And I come to announce the clearing of the cosmos of that consciousness of Antichrist.

So let, now, the forces of light come forth! Let the legions come forth from the Central Sun! Let the legions of God take dominion in each one! And let each child of God know that the battle twixt Light and Darkness, which wages on in the consciousness of mankind, has the reinforcement of the hosts of the LORD.

This is the moment of victory! This is the thrust of the Christ consciousness! Now is the hour when the battle is won for the LORD!

So at the signal of the Commander of Life, I say, go forth and claim that territory for God! Claim that consciousness, that life, and those souls tarrying in time and space! Claim them in the I AM name! For by the “el”* of the “aim,” Christ power is manifest. Therefore I say, claim them in the name of the Elohim! Claim all life for the victory!

I AM come with the light of love, the light of forgiveness, the light that fills in the void that is left when the fallen ones are no more. Therefore, know that when there is a void of selflessness because the self has been surrendered, know that I fill the void! Know that I AM Christ come again! Know that I AM Jesus, come to proclaim the Word of Truth!

I send you forth as messengers of the Word! And I send this messenger, anointed of the Word, to give forth the teaching and the preaching of the Christ to all ages, to all nations, to every consciousness, to those who are bound, to those who are bond and free alike.

So the message rolls as the Word of the Logos, and my Word shall not return unto me void!2 For I AM yet the Word incarnate. I AM incarnate within you. I AM the risen Christ within you. I AM the fulfillment of the law of being.

Go forth and know that you have the backing of the Holy Spirit, of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and of my own flame!

Go forth and know that victory is in your hands. It is written upon your brow. It is the flame in your heart. It is here and now life triumphant and the City Foursquare.

I AM Jesus the Christ.

*el: Hebrew, “God,” the root of the word Elohim

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 20, 1975, at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Rev. 12:14; Dan. 7:25.

2. Isa. 55:11.

Affirmations Taken from a Dictation

by Archangel Zadkiel
April 13, 1968

1.   I AM the penetration of the mighty Freedom Flame

2.   I AM charged with the fervor of God
for the Freedom of man

3.   In the name of the Christ, I take the scepter of Power
to my heart’s flame

4.   I AM a mighty pillar of fire that shall be
a guiding star to all people

5.   I AM the quickening of Freedom within me

6.   I AM an outpost for the release of the Violet Fire
in the world of form


8.   I AM free

9.   I AM the Undivided One

10. I AM the manifestation of God

11. I AM the glorification of his Presence and I go forth
to do his holy Will

12. I AM a sun
I AM a sun shining in her splendor
as a mighty Light and beacon of hope
to all who would follow in my path

This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 470, no. 72.00.

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