Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 31 - Beloved Saint Germain - August 15, 2019

The Mark of the Piscean Conqueror

Part 1

The flame of the sixth ray has been ignited. Stand now. [Audience stands.] For angels of the sixth ray come forth with angels of my band, and they touch each heart with a scepter of authority.

With the touching of the heart there is added to your own flame the momentum of the saints who have served the Christ, overcoming by the purple and gold of the balanced energy flow of Alpha and Omega.

You have been touched by the fire. You have received the fire that has multiplied your own threefold flame, measure for measure, that you might increase in service.

So then, ladies and gentlemen, be seated.

You have been taught of the unfoldment of the plan of God through the ages, of the two-thousand-year cycles1 of the domination of the rays, of the mastery of the rays, of the mastery of alchemy and the elements, and of the mastery of the [energies of the] hierarchies of the sun.

You understand that the foundation at the beginning must be laid for the fulfillment in the ending—the beginning in Alpha in the first ray for the culmination in Omega in the seventh ray.

Understand also that in every age, for the victory of that age to occur, there must be lifestreams gaining mastery on each of the seven rays so that the pyramid of rays can be built in that two-thousand-year cycle.

Now as we are passing from Pisces into Aquarius, many are letting go of the torch of Pisces without having mastered that torch and hence without passing that torch. They are leaving behind the culture of the Christ, a civilization founded upon the Christ, and the principles of the teachings of Jesus. So, too, the previous foundations of Moses and of the great prophets are also being left behind, while those who sense the victory and smell the victory would seize the torch of Aquarius without having passed the torch of Pisces.

Then there are those, the few, who understand the need to take the needle of life and to pull the thread through and bring forward the action of the Law and the sacred fire of all ages. This is the merging of energies, which the ascended masters have projected into the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity and into Summit University, bringing together all rays from the heart of the sun, converging, then, the spirals of Confucius and of the great teachers of Atlantis and Lemuria. Thus by the effort of hierarchy Above and below, no grain, no morsel of truth is lost, but all will be fulfilled in the fires of the heart.

Now, then, when I say that the flame of service has been ignited, I speak of the reigniting of a flame that has been lost to many among mankind who have let go of that which was vouchsafed to them. This is why, when you see the thrust of the hand of God and you read “hold fast what thou hast received,”2 you understand that you must keep that which has been given through the ages in order to receive again, in order to keep the torch.

This is the memory of God functioning through the chain of hierarchy. Bead by bead are the pearls of hierarchy, and you are on the chain of pearls worn by the Cosmic Virgin. You are the twinkling diamond lights. You carry the memory of dispensations and cycles. You carry the memory of the spirals increasing, like the snowball that increases, like the worlds that are hurled from the heart of the Great Divine Director. So you carry the thread of self-awareness that comes through a continuous culture in the cosmic flame of Be-ness.

Now, with all that is almost lost of that Piscean dispensation or that has been put aside or forgotten or misinterpreted, now come the Summit University students one by one, who are determined to carry the banner of Nada and of the Prince of Peace—the banner of love in action, the banner of service to all life. Your effort, as well as the effort of the masters and the effort of all who serve here and behind the scenes, has brought about the anchoring within you of the flame of Christ and the stepping up of the action of your own threefold flame by that flame.

Remember well that the talent that is unused is lost and that the flame that is not used and adored is diminished. Therefore, just as the heart is a muscle that grows weary with nonuse, so the flame within the heart must be expanded and guarded with action—the regular rhythmic action of service as the push-pull of life.

The Aquarian age comes forth on the foundation of all previous ages, specifically building on the Piscean dispensation. You, then, become the foundation in the pyramid. You, then, garner the structure, the framework, the blueprint, the memory.

Now I would show you a mystery. Consider that the line of Pisces connecting with the line of Virgo is an action in the Law whereby, for mastery, you are required to still the tempest of the emotions—energy in motion through fear and doubt and anxiety.3 Consider well the cross that is borne by God incarnate, God anchoring a flame and a fire in the solar plexus of a planet and of humanity. Consider the presence of the Elohim within this sacred center. Consider that the Elohim must bear the pounding, the continual pounding that is not of the surf and the foam of the sea of the Mother but is of the sea of the astral plane as it beats as a voodoo beat, as a jungle beat, as the beat of the [energies of the astral] pit upon the solar plexus of humanity.

How long will God allow himself to be crucified in form? The cycles are numbered. As our messengers experienced the beating of that beat on their recent journey,4 so they came to understand the meaning of Peace and Aloha, the meaning of bearing the weight of world karma. When you determine to be a world server with Jesus, with Nada, with Uriel and Aurora, take heed. For you serve at the point where mankind create turbulence and turmoil and dark rhythms.

This is why Jesus descended into the astral plane in order to preach to these lower forms of life. This is not only the requirement of those who ascend (because it is a requirement of passing through the sixth ray), but it is the mark of the Piscean conqueror. And this is what you shall be—sons and daughters of dominion of the water element bearing the cross of Christ, bearing that cross in that solar plexus chakra, destined to be the purple and gold of the Elohim.

Thus every thrust of fire, every momentum of victory in the heart rises to the throat for release in the sacred Word and then descends to the solar plexus to turn back the tides of darkness. This is the momentum that you have generated by your devotion. This is the momentum you must keep. This is the mystery that I show you and that I show the saints ascended and those in the etheric plane serving on the sixth ray, who are taking their initiations.

These souls carry torches, and they descend wearing robes of white. They pass through a dark tunnel, one which would remind you of the catacombs where the early Christians fled, where all is night and blackness. It is a dark tunnel, as though it goes into the very bowels of the earth. These souls descend carrying the flame that you have invoked, the flame of ministration and service. They are allowed to descend into the astral plane because you hold the balance and the fulcrum in the physical plane through your decrees and invocations.

And why do they descend into the astral plane and why do they carry torches? Not only do they do so to light their way, but they use the torches to find the children of God who are lost in these caverns, in these caves that are wet and dark —children of God who have been lost between embodiments, lost for hundreds of years who were taken there as in the worst horror movies that you could imagine, far beyond those that have been created upon earth.

These are souls of light, children of light who have been kidnapped by the fallen ones, and it is the ministration of the Christed ones to descend deeper and deeper into the astral plane in order to rescue the children of light, to draw them up again into the light of day and into the dawn of the Christ and the victory of the Mother. So these Christed ones are going forth into the astral plane this night because you have cared enough to keep the flame.

When you see, then, what dispensations can be granted by the Lords of Karma—by a little sacrifice, by a little effort—what do you think will happen if you extend your twelve weeks into twelve months and twelve years and a lifetime?5

I will tell you what will happen. It will be a pushing back and a pushing back and a further pushing back until the light of the torches of the Keepers of the Flame will expose the crippled, the diseased, the fallen, the sinners caught in the astral plane. They will be seen. They will be captured by the angels of Uriel’s band. They will be drawn into the fiery core of Reality and given opportunity for embodiment.

I have uncovered this, one of the more sordid aspects of evolution upon this planet, so that you might understand that there are souls temporarily lost, but not permanently lost. For God holds the flame for them, ascended masters hold the flame for them, and the Mother has not given up on those that are there.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 32.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 19, 1975, in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Two-thousand-year cycles. There are twelve astrological ages, each about 2,150 years long, which take their names from the twelve signs of the zodiac. The entire cycle of twelve ages spans about 25,800 years. New ages are related to the “precession of the equinoxes,” the slow rotation of the polar axis of the earth. As the axis rotates, the point of the spring equinox moves through the signs of the zodiac, denoting which age we are in. Because of the precession, we move through the ages in reverse order. Prior to the age of Pisces, which began over two thousand years ago, we were in the age of Aries. We have now moved into the age of Aquarius. The opening of the ages is often accompanied by the birth of an avatar, or God-man, who embodies the spirit of the age that he inaugurates. The age of Pisces brought the awareness of God as the Son, revealed to us in the Universal Christ, personified in Christ Jesus, who ensouled the Christ consciousness of the sixth ray. The age of Aquarius brings us the awareness of God as Holy Spirit and as the Divine Mother. Saint Germain and Portia are the hierarchs of the Aquarian age, and together they focus the Christ consciousness of the seventh ray. In each age we are destined to assimilate a certain attribute of God brought forth for the age and to express the positive aspects of the sign.

2. See Rev. 3, 11.

3. The line of Pisces refers to the teaching of the cosmic clock given by Mother Mary on the science of charting the cycles of the soul’s karma and initiations on the twelve lines of the clock under the twelve hierarchies of the Great Central Sun. These twelve lines correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. The line of Pisces is positioned on the 2 o’clock line of the cosmic clock, and the God-quality on that line is God-mastery, which is the mastery of fear, doubt, human questioning, and records of death. The polar opposite to the line of Pisces is the line of Virgo, God-justice, on the 8 o’clock line. The mastery, then, of the line of Pisces would also include the mastery of the line of Virgo, mastering the energies of all injustice, frustration, and anxiety. For further information, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Universal Christ.

4. The messengers’ recent journey refers to the Holy Land Tour in 1972. On September 18, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, with some one hundred staff and devotees, departed for an eighteen-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land. They first visited Athens, Greece, and Cairo and Luxor, Egypt, then toured Jerusalem, Megiddo, Mount Carmel, Caesarea, and other spiritual places associated with the Holy Land. Annice Booth in her book Memories of Mark: My Life with Mark Prophet describes the experience (pp. 85-90).

5. “Your twelve weeks” refers to the length of Summit University sessions at that time.

Affirmations Taken from “Peace Be Still!”

by the Elohim of Peace

  1. I AM the Peace-commanding Presence
  2. I AM the presence of divine Peace
    that flows out into the universe
  3. I AM the fullness of divine happiness
  4. I AM the freedom of the all-knowing Mind of God
    which knows always that Peace is everywhere
  5. I AM divine satisfaction
    in the fulfillment of the thought of God
  6. I AM Peace
  7. I AM the Peace derived from eternal Faith in God
  8. I AM the security of each one’s own God-happiness
    held within universal Law and universal Love
  9. I AM at one with the powers of creation,
    of creativity, of Love and Light
    Therefore I AM one with Peace
  10. I AM the power of divine tranquility
  11. I AM the Peace of God in the omnipresence of God
  12. I AM the all-commanding Presence of God
    replacing the storms of human expression
  13. Peace, be still! Peace, be still! Peace, be still!
  14. AM the fullness of Cosmic Peace
  15. I AM the fullness of the principle of Cosmic Peace
  16. I AM the infinite Peace of God
    penetrating levels of human thought and feeling
  17. I AM the open door to the Peace of God
  18. I AM the washing away
    of all manifestations of unhappiness in my world
  19. I AM the flow of infinite Peace
  20. I AM the mind of Peace that was in Christ Jesus
  21. I AM the power of Peace omnipresent in life
  22. I AM one in the Identity of God
  23. I AM the eternal equanimity of the Christ Mind
  24. I AM Peace in the manifestation of Love, Wisdom, and Power

Taken from a dictation by the Elohim of Peace, April 17, 1966, Colorado Springs, Colorado, “Peace, Be Still!” published on The Seven Elohim in the Power of the Spoken Word (album A7636), audio B7639. This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 440, no. 62.10.

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