Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 34 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - September 8, 2019, 2019

Wise Up!

Be Free of All Except the Light of Your God Presence!

Part 1

Hail to the light anchored in the hearts of devotees!

By that light you shall magnetize more light. And whosever hath, to him shall be given, and more shall be added unto that focus of light. But whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he hath.1

Learn, then, the mystery of the magnetization of the God flame. Learn of these factors. Learn of the faculties of the Holy Spirit, those instruments for the conveyance of wisdom, love, and power through Aquarian education. Learn of the Holy Spirit as Comforter, as Teacher, as the abiding Presence of the LORD, who comes into the temple of being now to claim that temple as life, as fire, and to enshrine a flame as cloven tongues of the Father-Mother God.

I AM the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and the angels of the Spirit accompany me. We come to claim that tabernacle! We come to claim that forcefield! We come to claim that forcefield of consciousness!

Remember the words of the Master, “Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.”2 Remember them when the Holy Spirit cleanses you of all darkness and demon possession and the discarnates that cling to the folds of your garment because you have not released the purity of the sacred fire from your heart.

Remember, then, when the Holy Spirit comes to cleanse you and you then have the empty temple, that you [must] abide in the consciousness of God lest other fallen ones and forces of darkness come to inhabit the temple that is the LORD’s. I come to inhabit the temple. Will you bid me enter, souls of light?

You have stayed for the hour of my coming, past the hour of rest. You have stayed to receive a blessing and to hear that word of comfort. I bring you comfort—comfort from the altar of God. I bring you a flame—a flame of the masterful presence of life, of your own Christ consciousness and of Jesus the Lord, who also promised the coming of the Comforter after his ascension into the octaves of light.3 This presence, now intensifying according to the cycles of cosmic consciousness on Terra, assures the children of God an opportunity to teach the little children, to refine the sensitivities, to sharpen these faculties of inner awareness and of communion with life.

Take, then, the Communion of the Lord as you put on the spirals of the Body and the Spirit of Christ for the balancing action of renewal and of resurrection and of the going within. Take it so that you might enter into the Holy of holies and be consecrated and saturated with the fires of the Spirit for the going without and so that you might have something in your hand to offer these little ones—those whom you meet so that you might not be empty-handed when you meet souls on the way of life who are hungering for truth, for the true teaching of the Law.

You have felt the calling to dispense the teaching, but to be a true teacher you must receive the Holy Spirit. You must be alive and quickened and burning with the flame of God-desire—God desiring to realize himself in you as love and truth and life—perpetuating consciousness, carrying the torch of initiation.

How can you teach when you have not the teaching as a flame, as a presence, as a living fire? They will not hear you if you speak words and words and words! Only the Word itself, as the Logos going forth from you in the power of the Spirit, will convert those who have fallen away from the inner law of life.

Therefore tarry in the temple of the Maha Chohan.4 Come to my retreat. I bid you welcome this night as your souls take leave of your bodies. And I bid my angels to tarry with you and to accompany you safely to that place where the teaching and the Law and the fire of the Holy Spirit are enshrined for those who would be teachers of mankind.

Consider, then, what the problem of the Maha Chohan is in this age. It is this: how to lower into manifestation, into outer consciousness, those factors of the causal body that are waiting to descend. It is how to accomplish this when the matrix is lacking, when the children have in their auras the momentums of what they see on television and in the commercials, of what they see and hear in the media and in the classroom that has nothing to do with the inner life and the soul’s experiences at the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood.

Understand, O precious hearts of fire, that in order to release the faculties of the Holy Spirit, the children must be brought into alignment with the inner flame. Who will teach them? This we ask each day.

As I converse with Mary the Mother and with Jesus, with Kuthumi and Saint Germain and many masters of the Brotherhood, it is our determination to pass on to our chelas in incarnation the way of the teacher and the teaching and the means to impart those faculties of the Holy Spirit that must be released if these souls are to take up the path of initiation, the path of Christhood.

This is a moment when the flame of life, of civilization, can be lost. And this generation cannot, must not, pass without those who are willing to take the torch of the Brotherhood, to carry it to humanity, to carry over the teaching from this world to the next, from this age to the next, from this culture to the next, from this generation to the next.

Do you understand that all that has been brought forth by the Brotherhood in the cultures of the great civilizations of the world can be lost if there is the loss of one generation who forget the way of the Holy Spirit, the way of the culture of the Mother?

Do you not see the forces of disintegration that are at work in society to tear down the delicate fabric of souls, destroying the science of the Mother—the true science whereby the soul is integrated with the Spirit of life and whereby the treasures of the causal body are brought forth? Do you not see the demoralization of lifewaves, of nations?

This is because of the intensification of mankind’s karma and because they do not apply the science of the Mother for the consuming of that energy. It is a great tidal wave of darkness that inundates the land and the sky and the sea of consciousness and that causes the four lower bodies of a planet and a people to become supersaturated with the darkness of their own karma, their own misuses of the sacred fire. And in the midst of the trial and the tribulation there comes the Spirit of the LORD, the hosts of the LORD to deliver a nation and a people and a planet.

Who will hear our cry? The cry of the ascended masters is as the cry of John the Baptist crying in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make his paths straight. Prepare for the coming of the anointed one.”5 And so we enter the forcefield of the temple of being! We clear the way for the coming of your Christ consciousness! We release the Law and the sacred fire!

Yet too few have heard the message of the teachings of the ascended masters and of the delicate balance that must be held by these few. It is delicate indeed. For the few who have the knowledge and the Law must hold the balance for the rest, waiting for that hour and that moment when larger and larger circles of humanity will take the torch and give the application of the sacred science of the spoken Word.

Devotees of the Word and of the Logos have held the balance for Terra for centuries. So powerful is the spoken Word, so immediate are the effects across the entire aura of the planet, that it is truly the few who have been able to keep the flame of civilization for hundreds of years.

But now there is a turning of cycles and you are living in a time when the karma must intensify because it is the requirement of the Law that this karma be consumed, be expiated from the planet in order for the new dispensations of light to inundate the earth.

This acceleration of darkness and this acceleration of life and light, side by side, is that which produces crisis in the psyche, in the very soul, and division within households, within members of the household, and within their four lower bodies. This darkness and this light must be balanced and can only be balanced by the Christ consciousness.

Let mankind flee to the secret chamber of the heart! Let them flee into the arms of the Holy Spirit! Let them find succor in the sacred fire! Let them invoke the flame for one another! Let them understand that cataclysm has been averted by the power of the spoken Word, that you can avert cataclysm in your own being and that you can forestall the karma that would manifest as disease and plague and loss in all ways by the invocation of the flame. For the flame is the differential between your karma and the overcoming of that karma in the Christ consciousness. The flame is the arc over which consciousness passes and whereby consciousness is saved!

Not only is the arc of the covenant twixt God and man the promise of the Creator to fulfill in the creation the fullness of the Word, but it is also the ark of Noah. It is the haven of safety—the means whereby you pass over the sea of darkness even as the children of Israel passed over the Red Sea.6

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 35.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by The Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 4, 1975, during the Education in the Age of Aquarius, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. Matt. 13:12; Mark 4:25.

2. John 5:14; 8:11.

3. John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7-14.

4. The Maha Chohan’s retreat, the Temple of Comfort, is located on the etheric plane with a focus in the physical at the island of Sri Lanka. For more information, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats (Summit University Press), pp. 200-203, 471-72.

5. See Mark 1:3; Matt. 3:3; Luke 3:4-6; Isa. 40:3.

6. Exod. 14:1-23.

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