Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 35 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - September 15, 2019

Wise Up!

Be Free of All Except the Light of Your God Presence!

Part 2

Thus the Holy Spirit comes. The Holy Spirit comes to make way for the passing over of the soul into light, to eliminate the need for insanity, for mental disorders and emotional disorders that come through the indulgence of the ego through self-centeredness. This is a centeredness in the self that is the not-self, that is outside of the center of God’s being—all of this leading to those maladies of the mind and the body and eventually of the soul for the destruction of opportunity for life in this octave.

Children of the light, in your own expression I say, Wise up! Wise up! Understand that you are not alone in this forcefield of initiation and of testing! There are forces of light and forces of darkness vying for the very existence of your soul!

Wise up and recognize that your soul can be lost by wrong choices, by entering into the black arts, even unwittingly, and by practicing those practices that are called witchcraft, which are truly not of the light.

I say, come out from among them! Forsake these perversions of the Mother flame and of the Holy Spirit! Understand that these forces of darkness are the archdeceivers of mankind, who tell you that witchcraft is of the Great White Brother hood. I say, it is not! And I denounce it as the practice of the dark ones who are usurping the light of the Father-Mother God in these cities of the twin flames [of Alpha and Omega] and the cloven tongues of fire.1

There is no such thing as a white witch! Who gave you that word? Who told you that you could go by that name? You are a child of the light! Claim that light and practice the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood! Shun evil and forsake the manipulators, who are manipulating your soul to its utter corrosion!

Understand, then, that the term “witchcraft” has nothing in it of the light but only darkness. This is not the teaching of the Brotherhood! Therefore if you would do good, forsake even the word that implies the turning around of the light into darkness.

Be followers of the Christ within your heart! Forsake all that is less than the Christ perfection that God has given you! Understand that these archdeceivers are abroad in the land and that they have sought to manipulate those who have the greatest light in order to turn that light into darkness until it is spoken of you, “How great is that darkness?”2

Understand, then, that if you had the full knowledge of the Law, you would already be free. And if you are not free, then you must examine both the teaching and the teacher that you are currently following.

Worship God! Let no man, no woman interfere with your communion with your own I AM Presence! Accept no one as the mediator except the Christ and forsake the idolatry of the idolatrous generation!

Oh yes, I know of that personality cult that draws the children of God into sessions of communication not with the ascended masters but with the impostors. I know of the glamour of the misuse of the fires of the Holy Spirit, where the dark ones worship the personalities of one another and where they bind the children of the light to their personalities instead of binding them to God.

Be free! Forsake that nomenclature of the dark ones and accept the Word of the Logos within you! Be free of all except the light of your God Presence! And then commune with all who have ever joined in that oneness of the light, the ascended masters, who have ascended into the white-fire core and who are free of all misstatements of the Law.

Children of the One God, understand what it means to this messenger to stand before you, to be the instrument of my challenge of that which you have followed and accepted as reality and which I declare to you this day as totally unreal.

I tell you, you have been duped by the dark ones—by your own pride, by your own ambition to control forces [of energy]—before you would surrender to the Christ! This is the temptation of the carnal mind that seeks the flattery of the fallen ones, and thereby through pride and ambition they enter into your very souls to steal that light.

Be free, I say! You do not need these encumbrances! God alone is able to exalt you unto the heights of God consciousness!

Why is there compromise? Why is there the tarrying in the ways of darkness when truth is simple and the vibrations of the Holy Spirit can be known?

Now test the vibrations in your soul! I raise my hands and I contact all in the fire of the heart who have ever been a part of any teaching that has come through the false prophets and the false teachers. Receive this fire of the Holy Ghost! Let it purge you, then, of all darkness, of all density!

Now my angels come forth to consume the veils of ignorance and of malice that have been superimposed upon the children of the One. I release that fire and I intensify that fire so that you might see and know the truth of your own I AM Presence. This is the bedrock of your Reality! This is the wholeness of your being! Receive ye the Holy Ghost!3 Receive the fires of your own inner consciousness and be free to worship the God of your own inner Reality!

So, now, let there be the consuming of the records of ten thousand years of misuses of the sacred fire in this city, in this forcefield. Let the records be consumed! It is the will of God! And by the edict of the Almighty, I, the Maha Chohan, am the instrument for the release of the sacred fire here in this place. Let it be released! And as the fulfillment of the judgment, let these records be consumed so that the children of the one God might be free to live in their own solar identity.

I seal you in the fires of the Holy Spirit! Depart not, then, from these fires! And leave the calculations of that false astrology and that psychic literature and all that is not of the light! Leave it now, and let God communicate within your heart. Be not dependent upon mortals, for this is the trap. But worship God alone, and Christ as the person of the God flame within you.

I counsel you, for I foresee the testing of your souls and I foresee the coming of the dark ones. And ere you embrace the light and walk the path of initiation according to the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, you must stand and face and conquer the false teacher of your own carnal mind and the false teacher who has exalted that carnal mind in place of the Christ.

Now I impart to you the discrimination of the Holy Spirit so that you might try the spirits to see whether they are of God. Let your commitment be unto Reality!

I say, invoke the Holy Spirit daily. Invoke the presence of the Maha Chohan. For I will come to you in your homes, I will come into your heart, and I will show you what is Real and what is unreal. For it is the fervent desire of the Great White Brotherhood to put you in contact with your own Christ Self, with the ascended masters, and to seal you there so that we might welcome you in the ritual of the ascension—the hour of your soul’s immortal reunion with Life, nevermore to go out again into the planes of unreality.

Remember, precious hearts, that until the hour of the ascension there is always the possibility of temptation and of departure from Reality, and the temptations become more subtle the more you advance on the Path.

“Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”4 Let these words of the Lord Christ be an admonishment unto your souls.

Give your daily invocations. Your souls need the garment of God’s consciousness for protection. Forget not to apply the power of the spoken Word, for in that Word you will be delivered from the spoilers, who would steal your light and then destroy your very opportunity in this incarnation.

I AM the Maha Chohan! I AM the Reality of the Holy Spirit, descending now and anchoring within you that flame of life!

I have come to set the captives free! I have come for the deliverance of the Manchild within you so that you might be educators in the Aquarian age.

In the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, it is done! I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.5

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by The Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 4, 1975, during the Education in the Age of Aquarius, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. On February 27, 1984, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained: “The place called the Twin Cities in the United States, the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, focus the twin flames of Alpha and Omega and do represent the white-fire core, the center of the circle of the United States.”

2. Matt. 6:23.

3. John 20:22; Acts 2:38.

4. Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 22:40, 46.

5. Rev. 1:8; 22:13.

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