Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 36 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - September 22, 2019

The Mastery of Self Is in the
Geometrization of the God Flame

Selflessness, Sacrifice, Surrender, and Service
Are the Four Sides of the City of Being

Measure for measure as ye are able to receive it, so is the gift of the Holy Spirit come to you in the purification of consciousness that I bring.

I come to restore father and mother and child to the lost estate of Christ-awareness. I come to show the meaning of life as the fulfillment of the path of Christhood. I come for the blessing of the holy family and for the blessing of all who pursue the initiation of the Christ mind.

I come with Lord Buddha this day. I come for the intensification of the action of the light of the crown. I come to deliver unto all the halo of hallowed awareness of Christed being. I long to see the little children and the child-man within you rise to the full potential of awareness.

Just a drop of the golden light of the crown of life, as a holy oil, can infuse the mind with that awareness that would put to naught all of the conspiracies of the fallen ones and their perversions of the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit in the fires of Libra.

The balance of the Holy Spirit is betrayed by mankind this day by the wicked in high places—in science, in government, and in religion. The betrayal of the soul and of the Christ in mankind is a conspiracy of madness, and yet the children of the one God have not united in the one flame of wisdom whereby, in wisdom’s fire and by the power of Alpha in the crown, they might overthrow the oppressors, the accusers, the condemnation of the Liar and his lie.

The LORD God has sent the only begotten Son in the Christ of every ascended master in order to come to the aid of mankind by giving forth the teaching, and not only the teaching but the experience of the teaching that comes through initiation and that is passed through the hands and the chakras of our messenger.

We come to humanity in answer to the prayers of all who worship the one God. And when we come, we find that the hallowed light that was consecrated in the heart and in the crown is not there but has been squandered, manipulated, hypnotized. We find that the children of God have been induced to spend that precious light on all manner of diversion and self-adornment, and therefore they have not the light commensurate to receive the protection of the holy angels. Thus they suffer loss, and their loss is great because it is the loss of the soul.

Fear not those who kill the body but those who are able to destroy the soul in the consciousness of the astral plane.1 This is the warfare of spirit. It is the warfare of those who have taken the energies of the spirit, who themselves are disciplined in the black arts and who then take the energies of the crown of life and misuse them to suppress the mind of God in the mind of his children.

Therefore if you would be delivered and would wear the mantle of the deliverers of mankind, you must offer a suitable sacrifice that is mete, that is sufficient unto the law of the Logos. You must be willing to raise those energies to the heart and to purify the heart of all motive and intent, of all subtle awareness of pride and deception and selfishness that is folded within the aura and carefully concealed by the carnal mind—behind the behind the behind—until only the subtle splinters of darkness are present to pollute the manifestation of the crystal of the mind of God.

You must be willing to probe the aura, not by the psychic, not by the carnal mind, but by the All-Seeing Eye of God. Let go and let that All-Seeing Eye reveal to you truth and error! Let there be the dividing of the way between the human consciousness and the Divine by your own Christ potential! Let it come and let it be, and follow the way of light!

Make some sacrifice if you care for mankind, if you truly have that love that is talked about and talked about and talked about until the ascended masters hold their ears, waiting for some sign of a tangible manifestation of that love that can only be fulfilled in the sacrifice of the lesser self, in the laying down of one’s life so that the friend may live.2

It is better to have the acceleration of truth and an absence of love than to have selfish, sympathetic love that only reinforces the human consciousness and wallows in the outer personality.

Pierce through that veil and behold the Beloved! Behold the I AM Presence! And let all of your life and all of your loving be for the fulfillment of the I AM THAT I AM in the children of the One. This is your mission in life!

I remind you of your vows. I hold you to your vows made before the Lords of Karma. The promises are there to keep! The flame is there to keep! The discipline is there to keep!

I come, then, to overthrow the moneychangers in the temple of your own being, those forcefields of greed and materialism and pride and an ego-centered existence that defile the Mother flame within you. I will not have the Mother ray defiled!

I AM the champion of the Cosmic Virgin! I come to clear the temple of all demons and discarnates! I come to exorcise the children of the One so that I might impress upon your consciousness the blueprint of the City Foursquare that is for the geometrization of the God flame within you.

The New Jerusalem must come into the temple of every son and daughter of God where the Lamb, holding there the shepherd’s crook, receives the bride of the true Church and where the alchemical union is the fusion of light with light. And in the birth of light, the product of that union, let light come forth! Let life be regenerated!

Now get thee hence, O forcefields of the wicked implanted in the subconscious of the children of light! I call forth the Solar Logoi to now extract from those of you who are willing to sacrifice that energy! Let it be taken, then!

I call for the angels of the LORD to bind the fallen ones and their deceptions and their unwholesome control! I demand the relinquishing of the patterns of the manipulation of the mind and of the lower mind in that which has been called mind control! Let it not have any part in the seat of the soul or in any other chakra! Let not the chakras be desecrated by the manipulations of the carnal mind!

I tell you truly, O little flock—tender in the ways of the Law, gentle in your fulfillment of love—that the development of the carnal mind to the extent of the satanic consciousness wields an evil machination on the planet in order to deceive the very elect. And I tell you that the powers that can be wielded through an extraordinary development of the carnal mind are the marvels of the beast, the false prophet, and the Antichrist. These marvels are the anathema, the diametric opposite of the miracles of your own Christ consciousness.

Be not dismayed by the one who falls from heaven as lightning.3 Be not impressed by all of these accomplishments of the carnal mind, for these phenomena are exceedingly great and the control of these octaves can indeed be manipulated if you allow yourself to enter those schools and training centers where you are taught how to manipulate energy, how to interfere in the lives of others, how to enter their consciousness, how to defile the tabernacle of God.

All of this evil, this energy veil done in the name of good, done in the name of service, is no service to God or man. Let it cease, then. Let the Christ consciousness be enthroned in every chakra! Be cleansed and be made whole! Be freed from the false teachers of the race! For they come to inoculate your souls and they psychically perform those operations upon the brain and the mind and the soul, and they insert their electrodes for control.

The archdeceivers of mankind have come into this city in full force! They have taught the young and the children of God not to meditate upon the Christ but to meditate upon the lower chakras and the sex organs.4 They have taught spiritual teachings (so-called) in order to enhance the experience of sex. This is a desecration of the Divine Mother!

Let those who “come in the name of the Lord,”5 who bring forth the teachings of Satan, be judged this day!

I, Jesus the Christ, stand before you and I tell you that the meditation upon the eyes of members of the opposite sex for the raising of the Kundalini is the teaching of Antichrist! Whatever teacher goes forth teaching young people to pair off in meditation is not of the light, is not of the truth!

I tell you that even this messenger is not aware of the depths and the degradations that are being carried on in these supposed schools of higher learning and of the sacred mysteries. And those who psychically take dictations from beings of outer space and in spaceships—with all of their carnal-mindedness and with all of their manipulation of matter—are also the false prophets. Heed them not! They would lead you unto the destruction of the soul.

I speak this day in answer to the prayers of Mother Mary as she has sought the intercession of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit on behalf of the children of God, pleading before the Lords of Karma for a dispensation to free mankind from these oppressors. Therefore I have been assigned, in answer to the call of the Mother, to stand before you and to anchor in this physical octave this warning of the Antichrist in all of these subtle modes that appeal to your own desire and ambition for attainment.

I say, surrender that desire and you will not be fooled by the fallen ones but you will have only the desire to humbly worship God and to be the instrument of God. You will not have the desire to be thought well of or to have all of the psychic attainment that is offered you. This is not the open door to the kingdom of God! This is not the way of the truth! This is not the way of the truth and the life!6 This is not the Path immaculate!

Study the lives of the saints. Were they manipulators? Were they sorcerers? Were they engaged in incantations and all sorts of uses of animal ritual and rites? All of this has no part in the path of the ascension! For that path is the mastery of self in the silence of the geometrization of the God flame.

Let the lines of the cosmic cube be drawn. Let the matrix be set, now, by the twelve legions of angels who come to mankind from the heart of the Father-Mother God in answer to our call!

Let the sealing of the matrix of the City Foursquare now be upon your four lower bodies, and let all else be set aside. As you surrender this day in humility to the path of Christhood, I will come to you to take from you all sordid aspects of the past and of your past misuses of the flame.

Fear not, little flock; for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.7 Take, then, this proffered gift, for it is the consciousness of God, which I bear unto you. And I will secure that consciousness when you have proven in heart and mind and soul that your love is only unto the LORD and unto life and that your love is for the fulfillment of that life in all mankind through selflessness, sacrifice, surrender, and service—the four sides of the city of Being.

In the name of the living God, I stand the World Teacher in this age! And with Kuthumi I bring the light of illumination’s fires! I bring the law of life! I bring the precipitation of the God flame!

Take this and leave all else, and make your way on the straight and narrow path of the rising flame of the Mother on the spinal altar for the release of the crystal of fire in the crown, the third eye, and in the spoken Word of the Logos.

I AM THAT I AM! I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the age8 of the cycling of your own God-consciousness!


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 4, 1975, during the Education in the Age of Aquarius, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. See Matt. 10:28.

2. John 15:13.

3. Luke 10:17-18.

4. This refers to the Kundalini, the Sanskrit term for “coiled-up serpent,” signifying the Mother energy latent at the base-of-the-spine chakra. Kundalini yoga is a practice for the raising of this energy using specific yogic techniques. The false guru initiates the unwary in Kundalini yoga before soul purification and transmutation have taken place, which can result in insanity or uncontrolled or inordinate sexual desire. On April 2, 1977, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave the following teaching on Kundalini yoga: “The ascended masters are concerned about [students] raising the Kundalini before the individual has transmuted the energies in the chakras that have been misqualified, since the Mother energy at the base of the spine will contact the other chakras and awaken whatever is in them, both good and bad. The masters teach the method of the saturation of the aura with the violet flame...until the violet flame becomes such an intense energy in the aura that it forces up the Kundalini...without having to place so much of your attention on the Kundalini. It becomes the natural...rising of the Mother. We teach that the best and shortest way to [practice] Kundalini yoga is to give the New Age rosary.... The ‘Hail Mary’ is the salutation to your own Mother ray. When you...give intense adoration to the Mother ray, you build up a forcefield in the heart. This becomes a magnet that attracts and magnetizes the energy of the base upward through those lower chakras according to the timetable of each individual’s Christ Self.”

5. Ps. 118:26; I Sam. 17:45; Matt. 21:9; Mark 11:9-10

6. John 14:6.

7. Luke 12:32.

8. Matt. 28:20.

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