Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 37 - Beloved Mother Mary - October 1, 2019

O Woman, Lead the Way!

Carry the Torch!
Hold the Book! Teach the Children!

Sons and daughters of God, I come to claim you for the Mother ray. I come to appear to you in the way of life, as Jesus, my son, appeared after his ascension to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.1

Appearing in that light of the masculine ray and in the personification of the Christ, he called to the one in whom the flame of life burned and yet the one who had rebelled against that flame. [And the Lord said to him,] “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” And Saul was blinded by the light. And the Lord then said to him, “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”2

I come to appear to woman. I come in the way of the Aquarian age. I come to America. I come to Terra. And in this hour, in my hand, there is the dispensation of the Almighty One to contact every woman on earth. And so I come releasing the Electronic Presence of my momentum of attainment in the threefold flame.

I appear to woman and I say, “O woman, why persecutest thou me? I am thy Mother and thy light and thy joy appearing. It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”

Do not resist the Divine Mother when she is in the way with thee. Do not resist the flowering of your own feminine divinity.

O woman, rise to the point of God-realization! Come of age! Come into your calling! Come into that position of leadership and lead the energies of mankind into the chalice of the Christ consciousness!

Clear the way for Mother flow! Clear the way for the Buddha and the Christ! Clear the way for the little ones aborning in your womb! Clear the way, and let them come forth!

O woman, rise to the appearing of the sun consciousness!* Rise and reach for the crown of life! Cease your perversions of the Mother ray! Rise this day to the God-realization of the principle of life and the fountain of life that is yours to dispense. And give freely of that water of the Word to the children of the Father.

Preserve his seed immaculate! Cherish that seed as the light of Alpha! Nourish that seed as the Christ consciousness! Let it give birth to a new age within you! For the New Day will come when woman gives birth to the New Day, makes room for the New Day in the womb of consciousness.

The golden age is a reality in the heart of woman, and the City Foursquare is the alignment of her being with the alignment of the being of the Father. When you are willing to stand before the Father to receive the cube of Mater, then the Father will transfer that cube into your hands, and in your hands will be the gift of victory, the gift of Mater-realization.

O woman, hear the Word of the Mother! Hear the Word of the Cosmic Virgin! In your hand is the key to the victory of a civilization! You can lead the energies of life! You can discipline the energies! You must stand and face and conquer the dragon of the carnal mind, the beast that comes up out of the earth, that rises out of the sea3—that conglomerate of the carnal mind that occupies your own feeling world, your own mental world.

You have the authority of the rod of Aaron4 to exorcise those beasts of consciousness. And when you have triumphed over the beasts within, then go forth as Joan of Arc, as heroines of the cause of the Brotherhood. Go forth to make way in the wilderness of the human consciousness for the coming of the avatars, the prophets, and the Christed ones.

And therefore my gift to every woman of the world this day is the gift of the swaddling garment. It is a garment woven by the Cosmic Virgin. It is the energy you use to wind about the newborn babe so that the babe might feel the disciplining of body temple, might feel the edges of the Mother’s love, might have the sense of yet abiding in the womb of time and space, might feel the mantle of love. And so the swaddling garment is wound round about the newborn babe coming into life. And you will remember also the winding of the grave clothes around the body of Christ and the body of Lazarus for the preservation of that body in the tomb of Mater.5

The Christ Child is born in the womb of Mater and passing through the initiations of the sacred fire is placed in the tomb of Mater. In each moment it is the Mother who prepares the soul, who initiates the light and the cycles, who holds the blueprint, who knows in her heart that her son and her daughter will overcome, will fulfill the Law, will return to the heart of the One.

It is the Mother who holds the body of Christ when the body is taken down from the cross. It is the Mother who in joy holds up the child who has come forth from the womb. It is the Mother whose voice can be heard in the day and in the night, the Mother who is always there, listening to the children’s prayer. It is the Mother who is there, teaching the children of the Law, of the Presence, and of the I AM THAT I AM.

Mothers, fulfill your role and then you will see the Father incarnate. Then you will see how man will respond to the highest aspect of his own being. You will see how man will come of age, how man will mature to be the coordinate of your flame. And together, hand in hand as cloven tongues of sacred fire, you shall, you shall show forth the Holy Spirit on earth as in heaven.

And in that day when the flames of the Holy Spirit are balanced on earth and in heaven, then you will see the culmination of an age and the ushering in of the golden cycle of Aquarius. Then you will see the balancing of the waters and the balancing of the air, the balancing of fire and the balancing of the earth. Then you will see the balance of mind and heart and soul and body. Then you will see the City Foursquare in the temples of the children of the One.

Now, O earth, spin. I raise my hand for the spinning of the world and the spinning of Terra. The acceleration of the consciousness of Terra is for the throwing up into the flame of the Spirit all darkness, all degradation, and the vials of wrath.6

O spin, this world! Spin now, and release into the flame all sin! Spin, O world! Spin, O consciousness of the chosen ones! Spin, now, and increase the pulsations of the flame within! Increase the initiations of the sacred fire! Increase your attunement by your atonement and your at-one-ment with the Mother and the Spirit.

I AM Mary, appearing in the way to the woman of the world. O woman, manifest the destiny of fire and air and water and earth! Manifest the destiny of the quadrants of Mater! O woman, lead the way! Carry the torch! Hold the book! Teach the children! Wash their faces! So, nourish their souls. Show them in the simple teachings of nature how God is revealed over and over again.

Woman of the world, run to greet the man who is the son of God! Run to greet him in the way! Restore to him the powers that you have taken from him by devious means! Restore to man his divine identity! Restore to him his soul, his heart, his oneness with the Father!

Run to greet him in the way! He is waiting for the love of the Cosmic Virgin this day. Run to tell him the news that the [one who is called] “Faithful and True”7 is coming, and the armies of heaven and the angels of the Lord and the hierarchies of the sun. Run to tell him that they come to reinforce that strength in the hour of Armageddon whereby the man of God can defend the woman in the way.

Run to tell him the news of life aborning within you, of the coming of the Manchild, that Christ will be born again in Bethlehem and that the star of the I AM THAT I AM will appear, that Terra will find her place, that Terra is coming Home!

O woman of the world, run to greet thy Maker as thy husband! Run to greet the I AM THAT I AM! Run to greet your families and your children, your fathers and your sons, your husbands and your brothers! Run to greet them, as the fusion of light, and tell them—tell them—of a love and of a wonder of the Cosmic Virgin who lives—lives to release all that is Real in man and woman. Tell them of the true nature of being, of the glorious fulfillment and of the victory of spirals merging in the I AM THAT I AM. And tell them of the rod of Moses that he held up in the wilderness.8

So, woman of the world, hold up the rod and let the children gaze upon the image of the rising serpentine fires** so that they might feel the flow of life rising within them and being healed thereby of all their diseases, of all their sins and compromises, of all their death and rituals of death.

O woman of the world, run to greet the dawn and to greet the sun, and draw out the fires of the sun and return to all mankind the energies of the One—of life and truth and love, of sacred fire burning and blazing within the heart! Unlock the secrets of the heart and the mysteries of the temple! Give them! Give them unto all!

Here, then, is the swaddling garment that you will use to draw the consciousness of all into the womb of the Divine Mother. Here, also, is the key of the divine wisdom and the understanding of the Logos.

Now I have given you my love, my understanding, my presence this day. I have transferred to you my consciousness and my ray. Take it, mothers of the world! Take it and run with it, and know that I AM with you on that way.

I AM the way, the truth, and the life!9 I AM the victory of the age! And I AM with you always unto the fulfillment of all cycles of the cosmic consciousness of God as Mother appearing within you.

In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

*This could also mean “son consciousness.”

**the rising of the Kundalini

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 11, 1975, during the Until the New Day conference, held in San Francisco, California.

1. Acts 9:1-18.

2. See Acts 9:4-5; 26:14.

3. Rev. 13:11, 1.

4. Exod. 7:8-13; Num. 17.

5. John 11:44; 19:40; 20:6-8.

6. Rev. 16:1-17. See also Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Summit University Press).

7. Rev. 19:11-13.

8. Exod. 4:1-4; 17:5, 8-11; Num. 21:5-9.

9. John 14:6.

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