Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 38 - Beloved Archangel Zadkiel - October 8, 2019

The Cathedral of the Violet Flame

Hail, sons and daughters of God! I AM Zadkiel! And with me in the heart of the flame is Holy Amethyst!

We come with legions of our violet-flame angels, who make the sign of the Maltese cross. As the birds of the air made the sign of the cross for Saint Francis,1 so the violet-flame angels, in consecration to the seventh ray and in tribute to Saint Germain, make that formation of the heavenly alchemy so that it might manifest within you and on earth.

I come with a message of the violet flame. I come to intensify that flame within you. I come to tell you of the wonder of the transfer of the Cathedral of the Violet Flame by the priests and priestesses of the Violet Planet. And in this moment this giant cathedral is being transported by angelic hosts as they carry it to be placed in the etheric plane of earth’s atmosphere for the consecration of the violet flame and as another focal point for souls desiring to be free, to frequent while their bodies sleep at night.

Therefore the Cathedral of the Violet Flame is placed in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in commemoration of the light of freedom, of the ruler of the Violet Planet, Omri-Tas, who does respond to the calls of men and women who pursue the light of freedom yet do not know of the violet flame.

Hail unto the children of light! Hail to the elementals! For they are also invited to enter into the Cathedral of the Violet Flame to be saturated with that light, to be cleared of all burdens of the planes of mankind’s consciousness.

Therefore some of you remember the miracle of the trans-porting of the home of Mary from the Holy Land to Italy.2 Now see how the angelic hosts transfer this cathedral. And in this hour of the judgment, when the seven archangels are pouring out the wrath of the vials of karma upon Terra, there is this intercession of mercy, this focal point. And the focuses of light in this cathedral are the jewels of the amethyst and of violet crystals of many varieties, which also hold the action of the violet flame. These crystals are not native to Terra but come from the Violet Planet as specimens of that which coalesces there as the crystallization of the Christ mind.

I would also tell you of the alchemy of the violet flame as it is released. The energy of the violet flame and the energy of the sacred fire of the Mother—the flame of freedom when it is sent forth in concentration—produces an alchemy, a chemical reaction that is not always pleasant on Terra, for there is the rebellion of those forces and forcefields [of darkness] that have subjugated the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra. And when these forces and forcefields feel the oncoming light and they are exposed by the light, there is, then, that reaction —that calculated reaction of the carnal mind in rebellion against the fires of freedom, in rebellion against the liberation of souls conceived in liberty and dedicated to liberty, of souls dedicated to the freedom of a planet and a people.

Therefore as you become saturated with the violet flame, take care that you are sealed in the protection of Archangel Michael. Take care that you are sealed in the forcefield of your own tube of light. And be understanding when friends and family and those near and far react in lesser and greater ways against that light.

There is not an aspect of the sacred fire that does not incite a reaction of the carnal mind. Even love, in all of its tenderness, evokes the darkness of the carnal mind when the soul has failed to surrender that carnal mind and that lesser self. And even if you were to stand as an ascended master, as a master of life, as one of the ascended masters incarnate, yet you would find the resistance of mortals who in ignorance defend their mortality at all costs, who defend their mortal consciousness. Therefore be not dismayed but let the light of freedom go forth to sunder this unreality! Let it cleave asunder the Real from the unreal! Let the light of freedom go forth from you!

Be willing to take your stand in that freedom, come what may. Be ready for the acceptance of the beloved of God, who have already surrendered. Be ready for the acceptance of the Christed ones. Be ready to enter into your divine family, into the communion of the Holy Spirit. Be ready, also, for the rejection, the calumny, the darkness of those whose deeds are evil and therefore who love the darkness and reject the light. Let your abode and your habitation be in the flame of the Most High God.

Come to our retreat, Zadkiel’s retreat and the home of Amethyst over the island of Cuba.3 Come here, and also remember to enter the violet-flame cathedral, where you will find violet-flame angels tending the flame of sacred fire. You will also find on the central altar a focus of jade—the gift of the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple4 that is placed there as the offering of healing for those who come to have their substance transmuted. This is a focus of healing jade for the removal of the cause and core of that sin and that struggle that produces disease in mind, in soul, in body.

You will also see certain angels, twelve in number, who come from the Jade Temple of the Angel Deva. You will see an arc of light from that temple in China to the temple [of the violet flame] in North America. And if you are fortunate in the flame of living truth, you may also find the Angel Deva standing there and officiating at the altar with the violet-flame angels.

So I have come in the midst of the judgment to tell you of this gift of the priests and priestesses of the sacred fire. So make your way to the Cathedral of the Violet Flame and be blessed as you carry that flame north and south and east and west.

I AM Zadkiel. I AM Amethyst. I AM the white-fire core of the flame of freedom.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Zadkiel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 11, 1975, during the Until the New Day conference, held in San Francisco, California.

1. The birds of the sky forming a cross. See The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi, chapter 16.

2. The transporting of the home of Mary from the Holy Land to Italy. In a dictation on March 22, 1978, Mother Mary spoke of her home of long ago and said, “I have sent our messenger to arc the arc of contact, and beyond her face you have seen my own and you have come to be one with the love fires of the Ancient of Days. And so here we are at the hearth of the...little house which was my abode in Jerusalem. Transported by angelic hosts to Italy in modern time, it is a place where I have called you on many occasions to renew the warmth, to renew the sense of Mother and of home so that you, the called-out ones, might bear those very embers of my hearth so that in your presence life might be comforted.”

3. Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst’s retreat. See The Masters and Their Retreats, Summit University Press, pp. 387-90, 483-84.

4. For more information on the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple and the Jade Temple in China, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 28-29.

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