Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 39 - Beloved Lord Lanto - October 15, 2019

Mother, What Will You Have of Me?

Part 1

Greetings in the flame of the Royal Teton.1 I come with a message from the hierarch of the retreat, Lord Confucius, and the members of the Council of the Royal Teton.

I come in the majesty of the golden flame of Christed illumination. I come in the radiance of your own Christ Self. I AM Lanto of the Sun, and I come forth with other cosmic beings who have come in this century (and particularly in this final quarter of the century) with the flame of compassion and a dispensation from the Four and Twenty Elders—the dispensation of the open door.2

You have heard of “The Open Door Policy.”3 Well, we have our policy of the open door. It is a time that comes once in two thousand years, at the turning of cycles. It is the opportunity for mankind to come into the unity of the Christ consciousness, to find one another in the flame, and in that flame, to be God.

Many cosmic beings who have responded to the call of Saint Germain and of Sanat Kumara have come to earth for a specified time and space. They have come not because it is their dharma or even their karma, for they have long ago balanced the karma required, and their dharma is even with other spheres of consciousness and other systems of worlds. But they have taken time out to find the one lost sheep.4 They have left the ninety and nine to come in search of the evolutions of Terra. And so the Word has gone forth, and so the Word shall continue to go forth.

In our recent deliberations at the Royal Teton Retreat, we have become concerned with schism among the lightbearers, with misunderstandings that have occurred due to the ignorance of the Law. And we are concerned that those who have been given the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood in this age have not kept that flame at a high pitch, carrying the torch and running with the torch. But rather, on many occasions they have stood by, sitting on the fence, as it were, waiting for something else to happen and always waiting for the next excitement, almost as if watching a motion picture and eating popcorn on the sidelines, waiting for that next moment of action.

Now I come with a flame of illumination for illumined action in the lightbearers. Now I come with that flame of joy and hope and with that flame that can carry your soul in order to penetrate even the mind of God.

I come with a call, a fervent call. I come to the souls who have been destined by a fiery destiny, by a holy awe and a vow taken before the Council of the Royal Teton and the Lords of Karma, not only prior to incarnation in this life but before many incarnations. I come to call Home those whose threads of consciousness I already hold in my hands.

Let us strengthen the lightbearers. Let us strengthen the net so that when the Lord Christ gives the command, “Cast the net on the right side of the ship,”5 that net will be strong enough to hold the fishes of the multitudes and to draw them in so that none are lost and the net is not broken.

Your consciousness is the net. It is a golden thread that you weave. And you understand that the crossings of the net are the points of the precipitation of your Christ consciousness, of your karma and your dharma. Let the lightbearers, then, consider themselves to be the net of Christ. I know that in your heart and in your devotion you would be anything for him, even as I would, and you would be anything for the Divine Mother.

Now I say, be anything for humanity. Be anything for brother and sister. Let the sacrifice be made—not for God, who is perfect, nor for the masters, who are perfected in God. But let your sacrifice be for the imperfect ones. For you see, this is the testing of your consciousness.

When you see (or you think you see) human aspects or imperfections even among the brethren, even among the lightbearers, and you think in your heart that you will turn away, that you will go off by yourself and commune with the perfected ones, this is the moment for taking the sword of Christ to cleave asunder the Real from the unreal. This is the moment to lose yourself in service. This is the moment to lay down your life for that friend who stands before you, trying to serve, trying to live to love but somehow manifesting imperfectly that flame of love. Here is the one who needs your care. Here is the one for whom you must care.

Therefore, the testing of the disciples is to give a life of service among mankind, for humanity, among the lightbearers who are pursuing the same laws, the same cycles, and the same teachings that you also have.

Remember the words of the disciples when the multitudes fled the Lord Jesus because the mystery of his teaching confounded their carnal minds. They could not take in the Body and the Blood, the spirals of Omega and Alpha. They could not assimilate the Word and therefore they turned their backs on the Master. And when the multitudes were gone and only the disciples remained, Jesus, in all humility, asked them this question: “Will you also leave? Will you also go with those who have not the cup to partake of the Christ consciousness?” And one and all they answered, “Where shall we go Lord? Thou hast the words of eternal life.”6

Where will you go when you turn your back on the altar of the Great White Brotherhood? Does it matter, in reality, who officiates at that altar in this plane? Does it matter if it be an imperfect one?

I tell you truly that once you have before you the perfected messenger, you can count the days of the presence of that messenger. For you see, the flame of perfection must return to the octaves of perfection, and therefore the retaining of karma is necessary in those who serve mankind. But let this not be an excuse among the disciples for self-indulgence. Let it be the supreme understanding of compassion—that compassion that merges with the flame of wisdom and produces the radiance of the dawn and of the sunset in the golden pink glow-ray.

Let your wisdom, your understanding, and your love teach you this one concept: that it is necessary, even if we have the perfected messenger, to allow the veil of imperfection to be upon that messenger so that you may be tested. It is necessary that the appearance of imperfection be before the eyes of the disciples so that they may be tested in their ability to see the light of perfection, the light of Christ beyond the veil. It is the testing of non-possessiveness, for even you cannot possess the messenger but only the flame that burns behind the Word, the flame that connects with your own heart chakra.

Let your testing of the teacher be, then, the testing of the ascended masters, the testing of your own Christ Self and above all, the testing of your soul to see whether you measure up to the Master Presence of your own life and to the laws of your own inner guru.

Let your co-measurement be, then, the measuring of your soul against the backdrop of the Infinite One. And understand that the Word goes forth in an age that is yet an age of darkness, that is an age that is seeing the first faint glimpse of the dawn—the early light of the dawn, the rays that come from out of the earth, from the sun of even pressure, from the Great Central Sun. And mankind are catching glimpses of the radiance of their own I AM Presence.

As that I AM Presence filters through the presence of our messengers, our disciples, our ministers, our chelas on the Path, understand that the light that is penetrating the darkness is not always understood. And not only is it not understood but it creates the violent reaction of the carnal mind and of self-justification as individuals react to one another’s human creation instead of reacting to the light, instead of responding to the light of the I AM Presence and meeting the challenge of translating those human factors into the divine. It is a joyous challenge to behold the rampant qualities of the human ego of another and to say to oneself:

“I know that behind all of this discord and darkness there lives and breathes the Christed one. I will tarry with this son, with this daughter of God. I will be the champion of his light. He is my brother, my sister on the Path. I will stay with this one. I will be the guard. I will be the open door that no man can shut.7 I will be determined that this one will be the personification of the light. I will tarry here. I will bear the cross of this one until he is able to bear that cross himself. I will bear the cross of the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya. I will bear the cross of the golden flame of illumination.”

Can you take that vow for your brother and your sister on the Path? I ask you to take it, if you will. If it pleases your free will, if there is a pulsation of response in your soul, then so be it. May I show you how?

You understand that according to the teachings of the Mother, the burden of the cross of illumination is the misuse of the energies of the Central Sun, of the Cosmic Christ under the hierarchies of Pisces and Gemini and Virgo and Sagittarius.8

You understand that within the flame—the golden flame of illumination that we carry, that we anchor at the Royal Teton Retreat—are the flames of God-mastery, God-wisdom, God-justice, and God-victory. This is the golden light that is carried by the World Teachers, by the God and Goddess Meru, by millions and millions of golden, flaming angels—angels who surround the earth and surround the Mother and surround the disciples pursuing the crown of life.

I am asking the lightbearers—those who have the courage of the heart, the love of the heart—to carry the planetary momentums, the weight of world karma that in this hour of the trial of the Virgin is a burden to the heart of the children of light.

These energies are the records of death, the laws of mortality, the confinements of the mortal consciousness, and the entire conglomerate of fear that saturates the astral plane wherein even the demons and the discarnates tremble. And the doubts, the questionings, and the separation that these doubts and questionings create are such that even the body of God finds itself splintered and apart because of the presence of doubt in the sheaths of consciousness, lurking there as shadows, as dust, as grains microscopic.

I am asking those who have the flame of mastery, those who have been given the laws of self-mastery, to serve diligently for the consuming, by the action of the sacred fire, of those conditions of the mortal consciousness that prevent the body of God upon earth from taking in the full-gathered momentum of Jesus the Christ and his victory over sin, disease, and death.

I am asking those of you who understand the urgent needs of the hour to take up the flame of God-mastery, to walk under the hierarchy of Pisces, to walk hand in hand with Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi, to serve to set mankind free from all of this misqualified energy that would deprive them of the momentum of the wave of light—not of darkness—the wave of love that is even now breaking over the planet from the very heart chakra of Jesus the Christ.

I am asking the lightbearers to carry the flame of God-wisdom under the hierarchy of Gemini on behalf of the Father-Mother God as the twin flames of Alpha and Omega, the balancing factors of the four lower bodies.

I am asking you to withstand the torrents of the hurricane of envy and jealousy that is directed against the Mother of the Flame by those false teachers who have drawn sections of disciples and of the children of God into their lair through pride, through ambition, through the fascination of phenomena and the control of psychic consciousness.

Understand that these fallen ones—those who ignore the Law willfully and deliberately, for they are not ignorant but they choose by free will to ignore the Law and to draw the children of God into the orbit of their personality consciousness—do not come forward. They are not open in their condemnation of the Mother but they stand in the shadows with their envy and their jealousy. And so they compromise the light of the cross of illumination, the light of the cross of wisdom. And as they stand in that place, in that position of the hierarchy of Gemini, they block the flow of the light of the sun through the children of God and they cast their shadows long and dark across the land, across the planet, across the souls of a beautiful people.

Understand, then, that this energy must be transmuted by a conscious invocation of the lightbearers. Keepers of the Flame, be keepers of the flame of wisdom. Without that wisdom and the vision thereof, the people will perish.9

When the people perish for want of wisdom, where will you stand? Where will you stand in this noble land? Where will you stand on Terra? Do you think there will be a plat-form left when wisdom is gone?

I tell you, when the Mother of Wisdom withdraws, then darkness utterly covers the land and there is a return to that barbarity, that primitive state of consciousness, that dullness and the grossness of the carnal mind.

And I tell you, as you have been told before—and this is neither a threat nor an idle threat but a statement of the law of opportunity—that ten thousand years will pass ere mankind will have an opportunity once again to receive the cycles of wisdom and the dispensations of the Cosmic Virgin. And this you can also calculate simply according to the cycles of time and space. It requires that much evolution in a race to arrive at the point of the realization of the Christ consciousness.

Stand, then, carrying the cross of wisdom. Speak your vow in your heart, in your prayers before you go to sleep at night:

"O Lords of Mind, Lords of Creation, Lords of Individuality and Lords of Form, I bear thy cross. I bear the cross of wisdom for the Mother and her children."

Take, then, the flame of justice and let it pierce! Let it pierce once and for all that human consciousness that in its pride and its misunderstanding of the Law will take offense. Taking offense at the imperfections of the children of God is not the way of the one who has the flame of mastery.

Let the sense of justice prevail. Let the understanding of justice convey to you that not one jot or one tittle of the Law shall pass till all be fulfilled.10 Let God in you be responsible for your own cause-effect sequences, your own cycles of the appearance of the Cosmic Christ. And give to God the opportunity and the responsibility for minding the ways of others who are with you on the Path.

Let justice have her perfect work in the hearts of all, and proclaim the living truth of the Goddess of Justice as the light of the ages and the flame of wisdom—carrying on, passing the torch to Victory, passing the torch to Maitreya, to initiation.

Now, if you can seal the flame of justice, if you can turn the tide of injustice in your own consciousness, then you will be found fitting instruments of the LORD, the One.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 40.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lord Lanto was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 12, 1975, during the Until the New Day, held in San Francisco, California.

1. The Royal Teton Retreat is the principal retreat of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. The retreat is congruent with the Grand Teton Mountain, Teton Range, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Lords of Karma, Gautama Buddha, and members of the Great White Brotherhood frequent this gathering place of the ascended masters and their disciples, while also maintaining the specialized functions of their own retreats. For more information, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 462-65.

2. As Lord Lanto explains in this Pearl, the open door dispensation occurs once in every 2,000 years, at the changing of the cycle. It is an opportunity for mankind to come into the unity of the Christ consciousness, to find one another in the flame, and in that flame, to be God. Mrs. Prophet explained in 1976 that “this has given us a perspective as to why the Great White Brother-hood is so intent upon helping us now, why we have such dispensations of transformation.... Miracles are happening when people contact the masters today. It is a great, great dispensation.... It is the open door policy of the entire Cosmic Council for people to choose the light and to ascend.”

3. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the Open Door Policy was a statement of principles by the U.S. government in 1899-1900 calling for protection of China’s integrity as a nation and for all nations seeking to trade with China to have equal privileges to do so. The policy was the position of the U.S. government for more than forty years. (

4. Matt. 18:11-14; Luke 15:3-7.

5. John 21:6.

6. See John 6:41-68.

7. Rev. 3:8.

8. On the cosmic clock, the cross of illumination is formed by the hierarchies of the 2/8 and 5/11 axes. The astrological signs and its God-virtues, followed by the perversions of these signs, are as follows: Pisces, two o’clock line, God-mastery; doubt, fear, human questioning, and records of death. Gemini, five o’clock line, God-wisdom; envy, jealousy, and ignorance of the Law. Virgo, eight o’clock line, God-justice; injustice, frustration, and anxiety. Sagittarius, eleven o’clock line, God-victory; resentment, revenge, and retaliation. For additional information, see Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, nos. 6.04, 6.04A.

9. Prov. 29:18.

10. Matt. 5:18.

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