Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 40 - Beloved Lord Lanto - October 22, 2019

Mother, What Will You Have of Me?

Part 2

The cosmic being Victory, who comes with his legions, also comes with a flame of God-reality, comes with a flame of the Holy Spirit, comes with a flame of intercession.

Stand, then, children of the One. [Audience rises.] Stand in the light. Stand carrying the cross, and be the flank. Be the armour of God. Be the battalion of the hosts of the Lord, guardians of the flame who by your bodies and your souls and your consciousness will hold back the tide of resentment and revenge, the lashing back of the dragon’s tail against the Divine Woman, who holds before you the Divine Manchild of your own Christ consciousness.1 Be ready to hold back the tide, for it will take the entire body of God upon earth to withstand the dragon in the hour of the coming of that dragon.

Understand, then, that this is the moment of the cosmic cross of yellow fire and this is the moment of the judgment of the Mother, who has dared to pass to you that cross at any cost. And as you carry that cross, you will find that the Mother will come down from that cross and will live to serve among you unto the victory of the flame of wisdom in the hearts and minds and souls and body temples of the children of God upon earth.

I thank you, precious ones. Won’t you please be seated.

Now I would speak to you of the coming of the sword that activates all aspects of your consciousness—the sword that Jesus the Christ brought in place of a false peace.2 It is the sword of the Christ consciousness within you that will divide your members, that will divide even your four lower bodies and your soul if you do not surrender all.

You may surrender a portion of yourself. You may desire to remain in the aura of the Mother, to touch the hem of the garment of the Cosmic Virgin. You may desire to drink at the fount of wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood without paying in kind for that which you have received.

That payment is the payment of a flow of energy, of your soul awareness, of the waters of the Word within you. For you see, when you take without giving, there is the storing up within you of energies that you are not able to bear in your body temples. And so there is a short-circuiting of the energies there, and there is the drawing out of karma—the karma that is required, the price that must be paid. When you maintain a momentum of the flow of receiving and giving, receiving and giving, then you increase the capacity of your temple to take in and to give, and you rise in the scale of hierarchy.

Now, you may find that you have surrendered your mind but not your feelings. You may find that there is a tenseness in your body that is a reflection of a tenseness and a tightness in your feeling world because you have failed to surrender your fears and your doubts and the records of death, your envying and your sense of injustice and the revenge of the carnal mind against your own Christ Self.

When there is a failure to give obedience to hierarchy, to the Law, to the flame, to the masters and to the messenger, then there comes that inevitable schism in consciousness. And by the sword of the Christ Jesus himself, there is the splitting of the four lower bodies and there is that manifestation that psychologists call schizophrenia. It is the split personality. It is the dividing of the members of the household—half falling to the right, in the light of the Christ, and half falling to the left, resisting the hour of surrender.

“Oh,” you say, “I will not surrender my life or my energies to any human being. I will not surrender, for there is imperfection in that human consciousness of the messenger.”

You have failed to see the point, precious ones. You are not surrendering to the messenger or to the so-called human qualities of the messenger, but you are surrendering to hierarchy, whose representative is the messenger. Understand the difference, then. Even the angels of the Lord will forbid you to bow before their person and will say, “Worship God and him only.”3

It is not idolatry to give obedience to the messenger, for this is a token that the masters read, that your own Christ Presence reads. It is a token, and in that token God knows how you will receive him. If you receive the prophet in the name of the prophet, then you will receive the prophet’s reward.4 What is the prophet’s reward but contact with hierarchy, the communication with the Word.

When you put yourself in the aura of the prophet in order to assimilate the Word and you give not resistance to that flame, then, I say, you will be drawn into the presence of your own ascended master guru, your own Christ Self. And I dare say that in the not-too-distant future you will find yourself in the way with me, with Confucius, with the angels of the Royal Teton, with the masters who come here. You will receive their vibrations directly, and you will know and have confirmed within you that our messenger has truly given to you our word as our representative.

See, then, the law of hierarchy. And see how you, yourself will find—when you find yourself in a position of authority, giving directions in your teaching center, in the place of worship, as a minister, as a member of the staff, as a lecturer for the masters—that when you give an order or a command for the discipline of the retreat or of the focus, that because you have been faithful over a few things, you are made ruler over many.5 You will see, then, the backing of hierarchy. You will see, then, that the obedience of the new students to those simple requests will also earn for them the right to rule.

Hierarchy is in search of leaders—leaders who will run with the Word, who will prepare themselves for the giving forth of the teaching. But how can we bestow the mantle when those who would take that mantle would circumvent our representative, our messenger, and go behind and enter at the side door and give a teaching without the authority, with-out the representation, without the anointing of hierarchy.

The teaching is not words and words and words. The teaching is a flame. It is imparted to you by the ascended masters, heart, head, and hand. You have the gift of the Holy Spirit to impart that teaching—when you carry the flame and the mantle—because you have come into the law of obedience to the inner One, to your own flame, to your inner guru.

When you are obedient to the law of the Real Self, you will find yourself in harmony not only with the messenger but with the teachings of the messenger. And when you are out of harmony with hierarchy, ask yourself these questions: “Have I been tricked? Have I been fooled? Have I hearkened unto the not-self? Have I been obedient to the carnal mind?”

When you do not know the difference between your Real Self and your unreal self, it is time to accept the teacher in the messenger, who knows the difference, who has been trained in the vibrations of the Real and the unreal, who can read the markings in your aura of light and darkness.

Can you imagine that we would give the authority of this, so magnificent a dispensation, into the keeping of one who could not discern light and darkness?

Trust, then, in the heart of the one who loves you. Trust in the heart of the one who walks in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd, carrying the authority of that shepherd’s crook, which is the symbol of the raising of the Kundalini fires, of the anchoring by the shepherd’s crook of that energy in the third eye and in the crown. Trust in the heart of the one who loves you more, the one who loves you most, the one who loves you in the flame of the Mother. For other teachers will leave you in the hour of crisis, but the Mother will not leave you alone.

Understand, then, the meaning of the sword. Understand that you must put your household in order, for the enemy is within the household.6 The enemy is within your own consciousness, within your own members. Challenge the enemy within, I say! Put it out of the house!

Let the sword descend, not for the dividing of the house but for the bringing of that household together for the union of your divine memory and of the mind of Christ; for the union of the feelings of the Mother and of the precipitation of the Holy Spirit.

Let the four aspects and the four cardinal points of the four lower bodies be fulfilled in the City Foursquare within you. Then you will have the courage to focus the flame of harmony within your family and among your relatives, and you will not be concerned when the sword comes into your midst—taking one, leaving another, but always fortifying your consciousness for the going within to the white-fire core, where you will find your true family as the body of God upon earth who have surrendered utterly to the Mother flame.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and the Divine Mother is the inventor of the age. She has invented many bodies to house her flame and many hands to perform her service. And thus in the East the Divine Mother is depicted with many arms, showing that the activity of the Mother is work, work, and work, and the action of the Holy Spirit.

The Mother’s love for the Holy Spirit is so intense that in receiving that flame of the Holy Spirit she is almost in the frenzy of Kali, dispensing the energies of action in work, work, and work. And when you come into the aura of the Mother, you find yourselves working day and night for the cause, and you wonder how you can keep on keeping on. You wonder, “What is this pace and what is this intensity and what is this fury, and why is there such a responsibility to serve and to serve and to serve?”

Understand that this pace and this intensification of the cycles of life is the Mother’s intense love for the Holy Spirit. And the Mother’s fiery devotion to that Spirit is conveyed to you wherever you are, and you find this Spirit renewing your strength hour by hour as you serve to expand the teachings of the light.

Those who wait upon the LORD day and night shall walk and not faint and not be weary.7 They shall be renewed. I proclaim it, and it is the dispensation of my flame to you!

Let your strength be according to your demand upon the flame of life! Let your strength be according to your pumping of that well of the waters that are given freely to all! Let your strength so be according to your perception of the need through the eye of the Mother—the needs of humanity!

And so, you see, you are well aware of the fact that one body is not sufficient to the Divine Mother, that one body cannot release all of the light that is necessary for the catalyst —the catalyst that is for the alchemicalization of an entire planetary body, a planetary consciousness, a planetary soul.

And so the Mother has invented many bodies, and you are all the many bodies of the Mother. And now the call goes forth from the Royal Teton that you be the voice of the Mother, that you rise to the calling and to the initiation to be teachers and ministers and lecturers of the Word.

You have been hearers of the Word. You have sat at the feet of the Mother, taking in that Word, being fed as children, and loving to come to sit in her lap or at her feet. Now I say, be doers of the Word. Be instruments of the Word.

See that you must prepare yourself as you would in the world. You must go out and find teachers who can help you to perfect your delivery of the Word—teachers who will show you how to take the lecture platform with respect, how to organize your lectures, how to organize the telling of the message, how to prepare in the flame of the Holy Spirit, and how to draw from deep within, from the wellspring of your own causal body in order to make that Word very personal, very particular, when you give forth the teaching.

You must find those teachers who will show you how to have that perfect speech, that perfect delivery. After all, if you were called to play a harp or a violin or the piano or the flute in the orchestras of the angels, you would not come ill-prepared. You would apply to the master teachers to show you how to perfect yourself and to become proficient.

Well, your calling in this hour is not to play in the orchestras of heaven but to play upon the stage of life the role of one who delivers the message of the Word. For if you can teach the teachings that have been given forth, then we can use the instrument of our messenger to bring forth the new teachings and the new dispensations, hour by hour and day by day. But if only the Mother is to be the teacher, then the Mother will have to go over and over again the precepts that have already been given.

Now I say, I do not think that if you were a part of the council meeting of the Royal Teton this day, that you would have cast your vote to have the Mother be the teacher, but you would have cast your vote to have the Mother be the messenger and to have yourself be the teacher—the one who imparts the teaching, who breaks the bread that the Mother has baked, who breaks that bread and distributes it, piece by piece, crumb by crumb, to the children who come and who require this or that portion of this Word of God.

I say to you, one and all, come into the flame of life and be a keeper of that flame! Come into the mantle of the prophets and wear that mantle! It is a mantle of responsibility to an age, to cosmic beings who need not tarry with the earth except they have compassion for humanity. And if you think in your heart that you do not have that responsibility, if you think that perhaps you have balanced your karma and your dharma, then I say, you can still elect to take up this calling simply by the flame of love, by a greater love—a greater love by far than that which can be contained in the physical consciousness—a love that you can contain in your spiritual consciousness.

But may I say that no matter what you think, there is not one among you who does not have the responsibility of a karma and a dharma to give forth the teaching, to use the mouth as the mouth of God, to use your voice as the voice of the Mother.

Do you understand, then, that to be silent when you can speak the word of truth is a sin of omission? See to it that you are not in that consciousness.

I say to you, then, one and all, be the mouthpiece of God. For the planetary momentums of rebellion against the word of the Mother are at an all-time high and there are those fallen ones on the astral plane who are determined to close the mouth of the Mother, to stop her voice, to prevent her from giving forth the teaching.

But I tell you, their numbers are not great enough nor are their energies great enough to stop the voice of the Mother in her many bodies. And if all of the children of the Mother would realize that they are the voice and the body and the soul and the mind and the hands and the heart of the Mother, then what will these demons do? They will be foiled in their attempts! For they may close the mouth of the Mother some of the time, or they may close the mouth of some of the children some of the time. But they will not close all of the many mouths of the Mother all of the time. [Laughter]

Wise is that one whom we also adore, your own Abraham Lincoln. He loved the common folk because the LORD made so many of them. [Laughter] And so the Mother loves the many children—children who are common to the flame of God.

Children of the One, of the light of the Mother, come into the unity of the Sun. Fear not to give obedience, for obedience is a joy.

Would you receive an assignment this day? Would you have a task to perform, a request from the Mother?

Ask her, then, what she would ask of thee, and I am certain that she will give to you an assignment that you can surely fulfill. And you will have the joy in this class of running with a request of the Mother and finding yourself obedient in the way of that calling.

Now understand that there is that little fear, that little doubt that trembles within you and that says, “What will the Mother ask of me? [Laughter] Supposing I cannot do it or supposing I will not do it? What will I do? For once I come before the Mother and ask her what she will have of me, then I will not be able to look into her face and say, ‘No, Mother I will not do it.’”

Yes, you know very well that when you look into the face of the Mother, you will only say, “Yes, I will do it, Mother. I will do it for you and for your children.”

Do you understand, Keepers of the Flame, that the ascended masters look into the face of the Cosmic Virgin? We go before her altar, before the throne of the Most High God. We know not what she will ask of us, but we are certain that whatever she will ask, she will also give us the energy, her prayers of love, her momentum to fulfill it.

And therefore I make a confession to you this day that I am here in the service of Terra because a number of years ago, when I made my journey to the Great Central Sun and I said to the Mother, “Mother, what will you have of me?” she said, “My son, Lanto, go to earth and tarry with her evolutions until I come.” And so I have come, and I am tarrying with the children of God because I am keeping my promise to the Cosmic Virgin.

Will you also do this thing in the name of the Divine Mother?

[Audience responds, “Yes!”]

I thank you. I am with you in your vow, one in the flame of wisdom in your heart. I thank you and I bid you a good afternoon in the light of the Royal Teton.

Mother’s Comments following the Dictation:

Our gratitude to the Divine Mother for sending to us her sons and daughters, the ascended ones and cosmic beings, to tarry with Terra until the coming of the Mother within us, until the rising of the feminine ray.

We thank the beloved ones, who have cared enough, who have loved the Mother enough to keep the flame for us here until we could respond to the light. And now as we are here in the flame of our Divine Mother, we move with Lanto to fulfill that calling.

We remember the words of Jesus to his disciples, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until I come.” Tarry in the City Foursquare in Mater. Tarry in this plane until the light of the Christ dawns in the consciousness of humanity.

As Lanto spoke to us of his communion with the Mother, I was reminded of a Pearl of Wisdom from Mary, the Mother of Jesus.* And she describes in this Pearl of Wisdom her experience in being called by the Father on an assignment, an assignment to take incarnation and to give birth to the Christ. I am going to bring that Pearl of Wisdom and read it to you, as Keepers of the Flame, this afternoon.... It is a very moving story, an intimate account of the thoughts which passed from Mary to Raphael, her twin flame, and back again, and her descent into Terra.

God bless you and thank you, Lanto. Thank you, one and all.

*Mother Mary’s dictation containing this story of her call to incarnate on earth is published in Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 18, no. 44, November 2, 1975, and in the following books by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mark L. Prophet: Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, chapter X, and The Age of the Divine Mother, chapter 2. An excerpt of this story is recounted in the introductions to Mary’s Message for a New Day and Mary’s Message of Divine Love.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lord Lanto was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 12, 1975, during the Until the New Day, held in San Francisco, California.

1. Rev. 12; 13.

2. Matt. 10:34.

3. Luke 4:8.

4. Matt. 10:41.

5. Matt. 25:21, 23.

6. Matt. 10:36.

7. Gal. 6:9.

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