Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 1 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - January 1, 2020

The Release of a Cycle of the Will of God

Look Up and Live, America! For the Will of God Is Nigh!

Part 1

Citizens of Terra, I come from the white-fire core of cosmic spheres. I come to salute you in the light of the years of the cycling of the will of God.

I AM the observer of planetary, systemic, and galactic cycles. I AM the initiator of cycles. I come in the light of the divine direction of the Solar Logos. I come with a purpose and a plan, by the grace of God.

I thank you for your allegiance to the light. I thank you for your purposeful participation in the extrication of the evolutions of Terra from their plight.

Precious ones of the sacred fire, I am known as a cosmic being. And by the very definition of “cosmic being” you will know that I have been keeping the flame of divine direction for many aeons and therefore my observations of the cyclings of the will of God have been, as it were, forever and forever and a day. And therefore, is there anything new under the sun except the Lord God himself making all things new?1 This is the enigma that faces Keepers of the Flame—nothing new under the sun, the sameness of day-to-day karma, of day-to-day living. The enigma becomes the dilemma; the dilemma becomes the challenge of initiation. The challenge of the Keeper of the Flame is to infuse Mater (which is as old as the hills) with a vibrancy of Spirit, new each moment, pouring forth from the Fount of Life, from the very heart of God, new energy and new life, new love to infuse the planes of Mater.

And so, you see, abiding in cosmos and in God consciousness you will find that in the ritual of the will of God, of which I AM the champion, there is newness and joy and enthusiasm. There is the buoyancy of life and yet there is the steadiness, the imponderable steadiness of the Law. There is the tracing of the electrons, of particles of Matter. There is the cherishing of these particles as the ritual of cherishment. There is the unfoldment of the particles of being with the skeins of sacred fire, of resurrection flame as angel hair.

There is the adornment, then, as children playing house, caressing their dolls, infusing them with life and love. So these children have been taught in etheric temples whence they have come. They have been taught to enshrine Mater with a flame, and they do it well, sometimes with greater love than adults give to their own children.

Observe, then, these little ones. They know how to pretend. They have imagination. They have the eye-magic of the fairies and the gnomes. These little ones come so recently from the home of light, come so recently from the arms of Mother Mary. These little ones understand the difference between pretend and reality. It is their parents who do not understand the difference. It is those who have matured in the calcification of consciousness who think that the pretend is the real and who know not that the real is real. And so I am the observer, and I watch for those who can endow life with a flame and thereby be called the father and the mother of God.

Yes, we would call forth those who have the courage to enshrine life. For initiating the cycles of the will of God is a very important task at hand, and this is my purpose and my plan. For I observe America being bowed down by the weight of oppression, the weight of disillusionment, and how the fallen ones have worked their schemes to disillusion the American people with their government, with their elected officials and representatives in government, with their economy, with the banking systems, with the oil industry, with foreign trade, with the schools and with the colleges.

You see how discouragement and disillusionment lead to demoralization of the consciousness of a people. I say to you, precious ones, that in the hour of the raising of the feminine ray upon this soil, it is necessary to have that fulcrum, that point of constancy and contact that is the Alpha electrode, that is the point of Reality in the crown chakra, in the I AM Presence, and in the Christ Self. And therefore the Spirit of God draws nigh in the teachings of the I AM THAT I AM.

In the giving of decrees and mantras, the Spirit of God—as Alpha, as Father principle—intensifies. For what purpose? For the purpose of magnetizing Mother here below, in you as energy and cosmic flow, as crystal clarity and purity! God comes from on high and descends into your very midst to call you Home, to restore your energies to the sacred Home!

Do you understand, precious hearts of light, that therefore the coming of Father is the prophecy of the coming of Mother?

As the fallen ones anticipate the manifestation of light, they project the manifestation of darkness. And therefore, as those who would destroy the Christ work to destroy the Mother, so those who would destroy the Mother work to destroy the Father. This means that in the microcosm and the macrocosm of your consciousness there is a warfare opposing the light of Alpha. Alpha is the action of God-power. Alpha is the action.

And so by the hierarchies of Capricorn long ago, I came before that hierarchy of light and before Alpha to apply to represent the flame of God-power to the evolutions of cosmos. And I was given the initiations that, by the grace of God, I passed victoriously. Therefore the crown of God-power, of ensouling God-direction and controlling the flow and forcefield of that light, was given unto me.

Now I come to point out to you, to expose to you those movements, those tyrannies and forces and principalities that oppose the light of Alpha so that you might cast them out, and cast them out quickly, that the Mother might come into manifestation supported by the light of the Father.

Do you not see that the force of the carnal mind itself within you is the perversion of the masculine ray? Do you not see that the serpentine mind perverting that masculine ray in the Christ consciousness works against the refinement of your soul?

Refinement is a feminine aspect. It is awareness, sensitivity, intuition, appreciation of art and music and culture and science, as in the Mother you find tremendous momentums of God-power distilled. And you find these by God’s will supporting the nervous system, supporting the skeletal framework of the body. And so the movement and the momentum of Mother is that energy of life that refines all consciousness.

So, then, you see how the grossness, the crudeness, and the violence of the perverted masculine will trample upon your own feminine aspect, your own soul. Whether you inhabit the male or the female form, it does not matter. For the soul is the feminine aspect of your life.

See, then, how on a world scale there is despotism, tyranny, the taking advantage of the people in the economies of the nations and in the imbalance of the distribution of supply and wealth. All of this is the movement of the perverted masculine in order to hold back—to hold back the mighty flow, the momentum of the Divine Mother.

The fallen ones, who misuse the light of Father, fear with an utter desperation the coming of the Mother! They fear her coming in South America, in China, and in Russia! And so they have erected their concept of a Mother Russia as the superstate. They have provided an alternate to the Divine Mother. They have perverted that flame and they think that they will fool the people. But the people will not be fooled! For I sponsor these people, these stalwart souls! They are my people, and they will not be fooled and God will not be mocked! Whatsoever the fallen ones have sown, that shall they also reap!2

See, then, how World Communism itself is the stench of tyranny holding back the flow of light of the Mother, enslaving woman to those labors that ought not to be hers, tearing her from her children, her family, from her hearth, from the tutorings of her soul by Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, in the keeping of the flame of life.

There is abroad in this land, America, a mass hypnosis of the perversions of the fallen ones and of the masculine ray. There is that subliminal projection—the projection of World Communism and world takeover and the domination of supply, of flow, of commerce, of the necessary oil that is the very life of a nation, the very blood of the Mother.

All of the fuel and the energy and the resources of the sun and of the white-fire core of the earth are being held back, and scientists and inventors who have the keys to liberate this economy from distress are put down. By what? By that force of the carnal mind that is the perversion of the light of Alpha!

I desire that you understand this analysis of forces and forcefields. For your decrees must be specific! And this serpent that approached the woman “in the Beginning,” in the allegory of Genesis,3 has become, now, the dragon that personifies the ultimate perversion of Alpha.

See, then, that when you have the rising of the feminine ray before the transmutation of the perverted masculine, you will encounter, undoubtedly, the crucifixion of the feminine ray.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 02.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 29, 1975, during the The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Rev. 21:5.

2. Gal. 6:7.

3. Gen. 3:1-18.

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