Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 2 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - January 8, 2020

The Release of a Cycle of the Will of God

Look Up and Live, America! For the Will of God Is Nigh!

Part 2

Now it is our desire to see this feminine light go forth, to burst forth, to be carried by the chelas! It is our desire that you, one and all, pass through the crucifixion without laying down your physical forms or your life in Mater.

Therefore, for this to occur you must anticipate the Herods, the Pilates, the Caesars. You must anticipate their armies and their laws and their unhallowed uses of energies. And you must clear the way for the coming of the light of the Mother and keep that way cleared so that the crucifixion will ensue, so that the resurrection will come forth and the light of the resurrection transform Terra into a living pearl—translucent, iridescent, rainbow light illumining the way of chelas, of mankind, of children of the huddled masses yearning to breathe the free air of the Holy Spirit.

Clear the way for the Mother! Clear the way for the coming of her flame! Clear the way, I say, and let us see souls of light transcend the former state!

Let us pour out, O God, O archangels—let us pour out the vials of violet flame! Let us pour them out in God’s own time and God’s own will and according to the will of the chelas who invoke the violet flame!

Let us pour them out for the transmutation of the elements of the crucifixion so that the lesser self may be put to rest, that rightful rest, so that the greater Self may come forth and be blessed by the power of the nine—the nine that is the three-times-three of Christed mastery in the lower bodies of mankind. So let that three-times-three be the fulfillment sublime of the action of the etheric blueprint in the mental, the emotional, and the physical bodies of a planet and a people.

Therefore, let us then see how the will of God itself—the thrust for power and the thrust for a purpose, the thrust of the plan of hierarchy—is the antidote for all perversions of the light of Alpha! Let us see how the first ray of the dawn coming forth from the heart of the Darjeeling Master and from the mighty Elohim and beings of the Great Central Sun will roll back the tide of depression, disillusionment, and demoralization in America and in the world!

Let us see how this thrust, as a nucleus of light, as atoms Self-willed, God-filled, bursting with love, can be poured out as marbles upon Terra this day—shiny blue marbles, as they are nuclei of the will of God, as they are the pressings of Morya’s devotion, of the devotion of Hercules and Michael and Micah and all the rest, some of whom you have heard of and some of whom remain the anonymous ones, keeping that fire; yes, keeping that fire.

Therefore the initiation of the cycle of the will of God (coming forth as the great sower of seeds) sprinkles these atoms of light on Terra. This initiation of the will of God is to roll back and consume, by the fire of God-determination and God-direction, the criticism, condemnation, and judgment over the land, over the sea, in the air, in the sky, in the earth!

So let it be rolled back! Let souls of sacred worth come forth! Let them gather these balls as they fall, as children hunt for Easter eggs. Let the children of the light seize these spheres of blue-flame will, and let us take them through the years. Let us take them, precious ones. Let us see how we will restore the will of God in every office in government, in commerce, in education, in the seats of authority in the communities. Let us see how the diamond-shining mind of God—the sparkling will, the enthusiasm of the electrons of the diamonds of God’s will—will be absorbed as joy in the hearts of the American people!

Let us throw off this depression that has come upon the land over this decade! Let us throw it off and let the people of America know that the light is come, that the law of the I AM THAT I AM is sufficient for the turning back of every false consciousness, that all of this disillusionment is, in fact, sent forth by the fallen ones to disillusion the people from the image of the Mother. For when their faith is destroyed in one another and in their leaders and they look to the right and to the left and they find that there is no one left in whom they can place their trust, then there comes the stench of cynicism and the people cease to believe in themselves.

Therefore, when the coming of the Mother and the coming of the messenger is at hand, the people no longer have the courage to look up and to live and to forgive one another and to tear down those idols and to restore faith—faith not in an outer personality but in the inner personality of the Logos! For God himself is a Personal Personality even as he is the Impersonal Impersonality. God himself can touch in a very real and personal way each heart, each soul on Terra this day.

Let it be known, then, that the will of God is a poignant flame, that the will of God is energy to reinstill the original blueprint and the matrix and the sculpturing of life. And therefore mankind can place their trust in the inner man of the heart, in the Christ of one another. They need not worship one another in a personality cult, but they need to discover that God can be all aspects of consciousness! He can be the personal saviour in Christ Jesus and in your own Christ Self!

Therefore, look up and live, America! For the will of God is nigh! We have passed through a very dark cycle of the destruction of faith in the will of God. But I come to inaugurate a light cycle in the will of God so that the people of this nation might realize, as Jesus knew it, that there is no force on earth that can destroy in all of my holy mountain.1 There is no force on earth that can work against the light or the right or the victory except it be God-ordained, God-willed, or by the permission of the Lords of Karma.

They have no power. This momentum of the will of God will roll back, then, the pall that covers the land as this subliminal projection of takeover, of the acceptance of America as a Soviet state, of the carving up of America contrary to the laws of God and to the inner blueprint. See, then, that you challenge those forces and forcefields that are beneath the threshold of conscious awareness, that are a part of the mass consciousness and the hypnosis of the media.

Guard, then, your children! Do not leave your babies in their cradles within earshot of the television, the radio, the media. Do not allow them to absorb [these emanations]. For whatever is in your household they will absorb, and they will even absorb that which they do not hear if it is within a certain number of feet from their aura, depending on the light of the aura and the light of the child. The child is sensitive to radio waves, cosmic rays, psychic rays, and all of the emanations that permeate Terra.

Know, then, what is affecting life on earth! Know, then, by your study according to the word of Maitreya2 and the book Subliminal Seduction [by Wilson Bryan Key], what is abroad in the land. And realize that that which has been uncovered by Professor Key is only the surface, only a scarce ten percent of the manipulation of the consciousness of the American people.

The release of the cycle of the will of God by these electrodes will produce a bursting effect of energy and consciousness. Take care that it is guided! Take care that it is properly channeled! Take care that the new energy with which I infuse this land, because of your invocations, is not spilled upon the ground by carelessness!

You can call for the protection of light and energy, and you ought to do so following each dictation that is given so that that light might be sealed in your Christ Self, in your chakras, and in your I AM Presence and not abused by any force or forcefield or consciousness whatsoever.

Therefore, precious ones, consider the challenge. Consider that what America needs most is joy! And it is the violet flame that brings joy, together with these morsels of cosmic will. The joy of freedom is irreplaceable! And you see, the fallen ones have caused it to recede from those nations where they have desired to implant the dragon of their despotism.

Understand, then, that the lie of the fallen ones is also propagated through the misuse of the energies of the Holy Spirit and the perversion of that light, and therefore there is no honor but only the Liar and the lie! And we find that evolutions are told the lie, they live the lie, and they are condemned by that lie, and only the truth can set them free! Thank God for truth. Thank God that truth lives within your heart, within the hearts of all, and that truth will come forth in answer to your call. Take care, then, that the buoyant violet flame is invoked to clear the way for the coming of the will of God, that the will of God might clear the way for the coming of Alpha, that Alpha might clear the way for the coming of the Mother, that the Mother might clear the way for the coming of the Divine Manchild.

And so it is, as it has ever been, that Father, Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit follow in sequence as cycles of God’s consciousness, and you cannot have one without the other. And when you have the purity of any aspect of God’s consciousness, you will magnetize, by the mathematical formula of the frequencies of that consciousness, every other aspect of the Godhead.

Therefore, cherish virtue. Whatever virtue you can ensoul in this very moment, I ask you to think upon that virtue. You know in your heart that which is of excellence within you. And if you do not know, then I say, ask your Christ Self to give you now [the knowledge of] that which is your greatest virtue. It may be service or mothering or a handiwork or a sacred labor. It may be truth or honor or love or responsibility. It may be the childlike innocence of your soul. But seize upon that virtue! For I release to you now the energy of the will of God to seal the light of virtue, to seal that one isolated quality of the Christ.

As it is the pearl of great price within your consciousness, so I seal it in the mantra of the will of God. It is done and it is sealed! And by your own works, by your own labor and your acceleration of the light, you have earned the right to have a single virtue protected by my flame—the flame of my causal body of divine direction. And therefore in the sealing of that virtue, you have your own electrode in Mater, a seed within your soul whereby you can magnetize elements of the Godhead that will make you whole in the fulfillment of the aspects of the twelve hierarchies of the sun.

The way to begin when you desire to conquer the whole is with the smallest particle that you can contain within your heart and within your hand, to contemplate that particle and then to make it grand, to ennoble it with a grand design, to infuse it with light, to increase it now, to make it become a planetary home, a sun, a system, a galaxy!

Let it expand! For this tender virtue that is in your hand is something upon which you can build a universe. Think of that! Contemplate what power is in the virtue of God! Contemplate, then, how you can preserve this virtue in purity, how can you refine it, how you can seal it, how you can partake of that virtue and, in partaking of it, break the bread of life and allow others to partake of it until all become the ensoulment of that virtue to which you have dedicated your life.

Ah, the placing—the placing of the leaven in the body, mind, and soul of the consciousness of the people of Terra! Is it not a delight? Is it not the delight of the farmer who sows his seeds, of the farmer’s wife who bakes the bread?

Is it not the delight of elemental life, of nature and the cycles of the seasons to take, then, a virtue from your soul, as precious seed, and to implant it as the golden light of victory and to watch it grow and to know that you have a secret when you see the glow on other faces, when you see joy and happiness ripple through the people? Is it not a delight to know that you have the secret of having implanted in the mass consciousness, in the four lower bodies of a planet, your seed of happiness?

And so you know why there is a twinkle in the eye of Alpha. For Alpha himself has placed himself in every atom of Mater as a forcefield to call Home the flame of Mother. And when the Mother comes home holding her children and they come trooping through the daisies of the field in long lines, holding each other’s hands and singing and skipping merrily, do you not know in whose eye is the twinkle? It is in the eye of Alpha.

Let us see, then, how with the twinkle and with the (cluk cluk)* you can outsmart that serpentine lie. Let us collapse the structure, then, of the perversion of the masculine ray! What is it, then, but papier-mâché? What is it, then, but an illusion?

And so in the twinkling of the eye of Alpha, in the joy of the homecoming of the Mother and the children, in the tuning of the children by the Mother and in the (cluk cluk) there is the collapse of all illusion, confusion, and misuse of Mater.

Now let us let these balls of the will of God, these precious marbles, atomic particles, be focused deep within the astral plane, the mental plane. Let them be an irritant to the fallen ones, whose abode is the lair of the Liar. Let them be an irritation. Let them be the goad to action in the consciousness of the children of the will of God. Let them be the acid. Let them be that which overthrows and pierces the gloom of night!

So, America, America, for your birthday in the light I call you Home! I call you down from the cross! Come down from the cross, then, for it is time that you transcend the crucifixion, that you fulfill that crucifixion and claim your resurrection!

America, your destiny is nigh! And when you fulfill that fiery destiny, Terra will ascend into the skies, into the consciousness of the Divine Mother. Let the children come forth. Let the Christed ones be born. Let earth be filled with joy.

I call to Morya and I call to Saint Germain, who form now with me the three dots of the triangle of our victory! So then, release the action of the first and the seventh rays! And let these souls be privileged to carry this cycle of the will of God!

And we will stand fast with our three dots over America until you, by your decrees, your fervent decrees, will have drawn back the curtain of the Dark Cycle so that the Mother and her children might sweep up this mighty fountain of the purity of the teaching that will be for the fulfillment of the divine plan of every living soul.

I AM, by God’s grace, the Great Divine Director!

*The messenger makes a clucking sound with her tongue.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 29, 1975, during the The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Isa. 11:9; 65:25.

2. The word of Maitreya. In Maitreya on Initiation (Summit University Press, 2006), pp. 200-201, Lord Maitreya comments on Wilson Bryan Key’s book as follows: “I commend this day the author Wilson Bryan Key for his fearless exposure of the plots and ploys of the fallen ones in his book Subliminal Seduction. This work is a service to Mary the Mother and to her children, and he receives therefore the blessing of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Let all who would fulfill the requirements for the testing of their souls on the path of initiation study this book and then invoke the fires of Almighty God for the transmutation of the heinous crimes of the manipulators practiced against the human race.” The book Subliminal Seduction, published in 1973, exposes the media’s practice of implanting hidden symbols in advertising in order to manipulate the subconscious of the consumer, such as the use of pornographic figures in ice cubes when advertising liquor and the use of symbols of sex, death, and witchcraft in the advertising of various products.

I AM God’s Will

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to the heart of the Will of God in the Great Central Sun, beloved Archangel Michael, beloved El Morya, beloved Mighty Hercules, all the legions of blue lightning, and the Brothers of the Diamond Heart, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! to fan the flame of the Will of God throughout my four lower bodies and answer this my call infinitely, presently, and forever:

1. I AM God’s Will manifest everywhere,
I AM God’s Will perfect beyond compare,
I AM God’s Will so beautiful and fair,
I AM God’s willing bounty everywhere.

Refrain: Come, come, come, O blue-flame Will so true,
Make and keep me ever radiant like you.
Blue-flame Will of living Truth,
Good Will flame of eternal youth,
Manifest, manifest, manifest in me now!

2. I AM God’s Will now taking full command,
I AM God’s Will making all to understand,
I AM God’s Will whose power is supreme,
I AM God’s Will fulfilling heaven’s dream.

3. I AM God’s Will protecting, blessing here,
I AM God’s Will now casting out all fear,
I AM God’s Will in action here well done,
I AM God’s Will with Victory for each one.

4. I AM blue lightning flashing Freedom’s love,
I AM blue-lightning power from above,
I AM blue lightning setting all men free,
I AM blue-flame power flowing good through me.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book, no. 10.03.

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