Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 12 - Beloved Godfre - March 22, 2020

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Part 2

Now I place before the student body the need to give fervent invocations for and on behalf of those souls of light who have taken their inner vows, who will be willing to serve the flame—one in mind and heart and soul, one in the flame of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Let them be cut free, then, by your calls and by our answers! Let them be cut free by the Elohim Astrea from all that causes a lack of discernment, a lack of discrimination of the true and the false vibrations of the ascended hierarchy.

And now let the organ at Shigatse roll from the master Kuthumi!1 Let the rolling of the chords of the great organ of life be for the playing of the symphonies unto the children—souls of God who shall come forth because there is even now, rippling across Terra, a response of love and obedience to love that is above and beyond the compromises of those who would manipulate world population trends to their own designs. And so let the chords of the grand organ of the Master of Life now be heard by parents and children. Let these chords be heard, and let them be for the sealing of life.

I place my flame of God-obedience for the protection of the incoming souls. And they shall come! For I shall stand! For I AM the guard! I AM the purity of the cosmic honor flame! I take my stand with Saint Germain as the minuteman of the hour! I take my stand to guard the consciousness of the purity of lifewaves.

Will you take your stand with me? Will you stand with purity, with God consciousness, with the Goddess of Light, the Queen of Light, the Goddess of Purity?

Will you place now the authority of your rod firmly in the ground, as a Moses, as a Joshua, as a leader of the children of light? Will you carry the shepherd’s crook of Peter and of the Vicar of Christ? Will you carry the authority that will clear the way for the lambs of God?

I am projecting to you the great glory of the coming of the Christed ones in this year 1976. I am projecting for you now, through the instruments of the Royal Teton and the great mirror there, that vision of America—glorious, victorious, in a golden age of enlightenment and peace. I place this vision in the etheric plane, in the mental plane, and I turn over to the Mother the key for the passing of this vision into the plane of water and earth, into the cycles of Omega. May she then take from her heart this key of life, this key to the mystery of life, and impart it to the devotees so that they might complete those spirals begun in our octaves of light, released from the heart of the Great Divine Director and from the heart of Saint Germain, fulfilling the edict of an age, fulfilling the light of the Holy Spirit.

O America, let the very soil of this nation now glow in the fiery crystal of the violet flame! Let the rocks and the earth and the vegetation and the life of a people be saturated from the violet fire that ascends from the sun of even pressure in the heart of the earth, saturating the four quadrants with the light of the Holy of Holies.

I AM a God-free being. I pass to you the torch of your God-freedom. I anchor within your heart the rose of your own unfolding cosmic consciousness. By obedience to the inner law of the design of life, you too can become God-free!

I have the joy of the dispensation, the opportunity, to one day welcome you to the ranks of the immortals. And in the hour of your ascension I shall stand upon the mountain and I shall hand to you the crystal cup of the elixir of Life. And you shall drink of that cup and you will feel the charge of your own God Presence, the charge of the ascension flame of Serapis Bey and the mighty seraphim of life! You will feel the tingling of the light as atoms and cells within you receive the currents of the ascension flame rising from beneath your feet, the threefold flame of life intensifying the action until your four lower bodies are enveloped in the light of ascension’s fires. And you shall rise from the summit of life, from the mountains of North America and from the Temple at Luxor—rise into the arms of your own God Presence.

Keepers of the Flame, you are destined to immortality! You are destined to the ascension! And I will come to you in the hour already known by your God Presence to give you that passing of the arc of life, to send you on your way to cosmic consciousness and individuality in God, sealed forevermore. Yes, I will come for you.

I proclaim to you your birthday in the light, your natal day of freedom. And I say to you, see to it that your soul does not take flight unless you have planted firmly in this soil that focus of your flame, that focus of victory and of freedom’s name! Dare not leave this earth without leaving behind you those footprints in the sands of life! Dare not leave Terra until you have made a contribution of cosmic worth, until you have opened the door for children and souls of light to take up your torch!

And until there is one—one chela in the Law who can take your momentum and your mantle—you must remain with Terra. You must stay until there is a runner who will run with the same speed of victory with which you run. And therefore, learn to be the instrument of the cosmic teachers! Learn to pass that torch of consciousness, of your fervor as patriots in this land and every land—patriots focusing the love for the inner mandala of the nations, patriots focusing love for Saint Germain, the patriot of every age!

O children of the Sun, do you not understand that you must leave upon Terra a way out for souls yearning to be free? You dare not, you must not, seek that ascension except on the parallel line of imparting to all the same God-mastery that is in your heart.

O precious ones, hear my plea! The children of the world are waiting for the teaching of the Law. Now go forth! Go forth in the flame of the Fatherhood, the Motherhood of God. Go forth to contact the soldiers waiting in the field, waiting for the coming of the general, waiting for the command of God. They seek the leadership that you have! They seek the Word! They seek the sure and certain trumpet of the Lord! They hear the march of victory! They hear the triumphal march, and they look for those who will lead them to the Source, lead them to the One, lead them to the ascended masters.

This land is the land of violet fire. This land is the land of freedom’s desire. This land is the land filled with people who love the light. This is a land filled with people who are lost in the night. I say, go out and find them! Go out and claim them! For this is the land of the Virgin’s light. This is the land of the Woman clothed with the Sun.2 This is the land of the light that will make all nations one—one in the light of Maitreya, one in the light of the law of God within the hearts of those who are the real, who are the accomplished, who are the dedicated ones of old.

I call you forth, children of the Sun, from the golden-age civilizations of old! I quicken your memory of that golden age in the Sahara. I quicken your memory of South America and of the buried cities of the Amazon. Now then, come with me in my mantle of light as I take you this night as your souls go into the realm of sleep. So as your souls go forth from your body temples to keep the flame of life, come with me as I show you the records of those ancient times. Come with me as I show you what we have done together for the light.

For what we have done we can do again—we shall do again! We shall be the fulfillment of victory in this age! We cannot fail, for Saint Germain is our love and our calling. We must not fail him. We dare not fail him! No, we shall never turn back until we have fulfilled the love of the Master of Freedom. To him I pledge my heart, my head, my hand. And to all of you who keep that flame, I pledge my support of the flame of God-obedience. Claim it in the hour of the testing! Claim it in the hour of the temptation! Claim it in the hour of the victory, and I shall be there kneeling beside you, interceding with God on behalf of the obedience of your soul.

In the flame of love, I proclaim to you now that goal: Obedience is better than sacrifice! Now take that flame! Run with it! And see what you can become for America, for the world, for souls waiting for the bursting in the sky of the nova of your light consciousness, waiting for your attainment so that they might attain in your footsteps—souls waiting for your mantle, for your example, for your response to your God-ability.

Go forth now, sons and daughters of Liberty! Be the flame of light to all, and let life quench the darkness of all death.

I AM life! I AM alive forevermore! I AM in the consciousness of America for the celebration of victory, victory, victory!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 23, 1975, in Washington, D.C.[N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Organ at Shigatse. From his etheric focus at Shigatse, Tibet, Kuthumi plays a grand organ, drawing the harmony of cosmos by the sacred fires of his heart. With his celestial music he sends healing and peace throughout the planetary body to souls in transition, especially those at the hour of death, and guides them to the etheric retreats of the Great White Brotherhood for tutoring in preparation for their next earthly embodiment.

2. Rev. 12:1.

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