Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 13 - Surya and Cuzco - April 1, 2020

The Magnet of the Great Central Sun

Part 1

It is the light of the Great Central Sun that we would confer upon sons and daughters of God. It is the light of the Great Central Sun in which the ascension of worlds is wrought. This is the truth from on high. This is the truth that I have spoken. This is the Word that comes forth from the Logos as token, as promise, as the fulfillment of love.

I AM Surya of the God Star, and I have analyzed the light and the darkness where you are. I have observed the waves of light and the waves of karma—oncoming, undulating, sure and fast, coming as the tides of the sea, as the tides of the air, as the movement of the currents of a cosmos. And Cuzco has calculated the mass of energy and the reaction to that energy, whether of light or of darkness within the human soul, within the chakras of the lightbearers, within the center of the earth, within the elemental kingdom.

We have taken stock of that which is to come in the coming year and in the remainder of this decade and this century. And we have observed that which will come upon mankind as the burden of light—that light that always extracts the darkness, and that darkness that, when it comes, produces the reaction that can cause devotees to fulfill the light and cause the fallen ones to be caught within their plight.

I AM the fulfillment of the law of your heart, and I look to the heart as the seed of the fire of God. I look to the heart to see whether the lifestream can withstand cataclysm in the four lower bodies—the sudden coming of karma, of dispensations of energy, of planetary adjustments. And according to the quantity of light within the heart, so does the individual stay in the Day of Deliverance and the Day of the Judgment.

Therefore we come with assistance as instruction on the Great Central Sun Magnet. This magnet of the Great Central Sun is a concentrated forcefield of the energies of Alpha and Omega. And by the Great Central Sun Magnet, the Solar Logoi magnetize Light and demagnetize Darkness from the vast reaches of a cosmos, unexplored by mankind.

We would teach you how to use the magnet of the Father-Mother God as a focal point within your heart. For it is necessary that you have the tools and the understanding of the use of those tools in the day of the hurricane that flies, in the day of the wind and the gale and the ocean wave, in the day of the crucifixion as the initiation of the righteous.

Therefore, hearken unto me. For in my focus in the God Star,1 I observe daily those who come for the Last Judgment before the Four and Twenty Elders. And as I observe the ceremony at the Court of the Sacred Fire, I see why it is that the fallen ones have fallen. I see their rebellion and their pride and their ambition.

I also see that had they known, in truth, the reality of a mother’s love, they might have chosen otherwise than the left-handed path. But once having chosen that path they are relentless in reinforcing the justification of that path, for they think that to renounce the left-handed path is to renounce their own ego. And of course they are accurate. But they, in their false belief, concede that without that ego they have nothing—no mooring, no identity.

Of course, precious ones, I am not come to instill sympathy in you for the fallen ones, for by all means they have had opportunity. In the long, long ages past they have known teachers and they have had mothers of love. And yet in the long, circuitous route of outer darkness they have not had the good karma, the good fortune of encountering the diamond heart of Mary, the tenderness of her love. For that encounter necessitates the shedding of a portion of that density that they have ratified in their being.

Nevertheless I am convinced that for the children of God who have followed in the ways of the fallen ones, it is the element of the Mother that is the lost chord of harmony. And without that harmony and the teaching that comes out of the harmony of the white-fire core of the Mother, the children of God can scarcely pull the threads of righteousness and find the true and lawful way to return to the heart of the Sun.

Therefore, as I have seen what will come upon mankind—what the challenges of initiation will be in the coming years and for each one of you as it is written in the Book of Life until the hour of your ascension—I come forth with my contribution for your self-mastery. And it is this teaching on the magnet of the Great Central Sun.

The magnet is, in simple terms, a concentrated focus of the Father-Mother God. You may visualize this magnet as a white sphere, brilliant as the noonday sun, so brilliant that I cannot concentrate upon the fire. And you will see in the centripetal and centrifugal action of the magnet the simultaneous manifestation of the magnetization and demagnetization of energy fields.

Alpha and Omega use the Great Central Sun Magnet to draw into the center of cosmos worlds within worlds, vast portions of universes whose time for entering into the whitefire core has come. As you might call it, it is the time of the in-breath of God, when that portion of Mater that has gone forth into manifestation is collected back into the fiery core. And in that fiery core of life that portion of Mater passes from Matter unto Spirit and Spirit unto Matter, and the whirling energy is a figure-eight pattern, as explained in simple terms.

I am certain that you who understand the science, the physics that has been explained on Terra, will realize that the hub of a cosmos is a vast complexity that could only come forth out of the mind of God. And yet as disciples of this One True God, you need not understand the complexities of the mathematics of the gravitation of the magnet. You have only to understand that you possess a Christ Self and an I AM Presence that came forth from the heart of the Great Central Sun and that by the authority of the I AM THAT I AM, which you are, you may invoke any aspect of that I AM THAT I AM to fulfill the purposes of God within you.

I rebuke the fallen ones who dare to tell mankind, through their calculated misinterpretation of scripture, that they are not the fulfillment of the God Presence! This is the blasphemy of the fallen ones!

And as I stand on Terra, as I have come upon the call of the Mother and of the Darjeeling Council, I will not rest my feet on Terra without rebuking those evil spirits and those fallen ones who would deny the God-reality of every living soul! And therefore I shall not be moved! I will stand on Terra and I will withstand the fallen ones! And they can remove themselves if they are offended in my presence and in the power of my word when I say, “Behold, ye are gods!”2

Behold the sons and the daughters of God! Behold the potential of the God flame within you! You are not merely reflections of God. You are the God that is energy and spirit and fire and the wonder of the mind of Christ! All things are locked within you, for you are the creation of the Most High. Therefore, let the denial of that Reality be recognized by the sons and daughters of God as the blasphemy of the demons and the entities, with their mouthings through those who call themselves the religious, the chosen ones, the elect of God. It is the blind leading the blind, and they all fall into the ditch.3

Therefore go back, ye tormentors of the souls of mankind! In the name of the living God, in the name of Jesus the Christ, you have no power! Be bound by the action of the magnet of the Great Central Sun! Be demagnetized from these holy ones! In the name of Liberty, I say:

Set the captives free!
Set the captives free!
Set the captives free!

I, Surya, stand on Terra, and I call forth the legions of the mighty Blue Eagle from the heart of the Great Central Sun. Come forth, then! Come forth from the heart of Surya. Come forth, then. Come forth.

I demand the binding—by the Lord Christ and by the action of his power—of these entities and discarnates that have invaded the churches of Terra, that have invaded the habitation of the Lord Christ and the Lord Buddha! And let their repetition of the name of Jesus now be taken as the sign of the mockery by the dark ones of the true flame of Christ and of the name I AM THAT I AM.

Therefore, this is the sin against the Holy Ghost4 It is the denial of the Reality that you are. And I tell you, precious chelas of the light, there are deadly forces abroad on Terra—deadly only if you are off guard—forces that would tear from you, even momentarily, your awareness, your assertion of your divine identity!

Now, chelas of the flame, understand that this invocation and this action was fulfilled by the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet. And I desire that you should feel the action of the magnet amplified in the light of Capricorn as Terra is bathed in that light. And see how the action of earth—in fire and in the action of the light of this hierarchy—produce the weight—the weight of the light of the magnet of the Central Sun.

It is as though you hold in your hands a hundred-pound disc of gold. You feel the intensity of the weight of God and you realize that God as substance is also manifest in Spirit. And so beyond Mater and all sense of physical earth there is substance in God that you may perceive as the weight of the magnet of the very hub of a cosmos.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 14.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Surya and Cuzco was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 29, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation, held in Anaheim, California [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The God Star, Sirius, known as the “Dog Star,” is the seat of God-government in this sector of our galaxy. It is held by astronomers to be a binary star of the constellation Canis Major and is the brightest star in the heavens. The Buddha Surya holds a great balance for the earth from the God Star and through his disciple Cuzco in the ascended master retreat at Viti Levu in the South Pacific.

2. Ps. 82:6; John 10:34.

3. Matt. 15:14.

4. Matt. 12:31; Mark 3:29; Eph. 4:29-30.

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