Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 14 - Surya and Cuzco - April 8, 2020

The Magnet of the Great Central Sun

Part 2

Now, then, you see that Alpha and Omega employ the magnet to draw into the Great Central Sun perfections and imperfections, to draw and magnetize concentrated focuses of light. This is one purpose of the magnet. Another is to draw in misqualified energies so that they might be purified in the fiery vortex of the Spirit of the white-fire core.

And then there is the action of demagnetization whereby there is sent forth from this focal point the secret-ray action of Mighty Cosmos into the cause and core of virulent energies of human creation in order to arrest the spirals, to demagnetize that virulence, to take out of the storm that vortex of energy.

Therefore, this too can be invoked. The demagnetization of worlds and solar systems of the influences of the fallen ones is accomplished by the fiats of the Lord Christ, by intercession and dispensation. And for you to behold the Elohim, precious ones—as they hold the grand forcefields of power, wisdom, and love for a cosmos, as they, with their expertise and their momentum of their great causal bodies, use this magnet for the distribution and the balancing of all energies in a cosmos—is to have the appreciation that even Job had for the seven Spirits of the morning,1 for the builders of form and of creation, for that mighty Arcturus with his suns.2

So then, children of the Sun, you came forth from this fiery core. You are the children of Alpha and Omega. Will your Father and your Mother deny you that portion of Selfhood that is theirs and therefore which can be yours?

Will you deny to your children any portion of your own Selfhood that is good and noble and pure and virtuous? And so you see that all that stands between you and the action of the magnet of the Great Central Sun is your call, your invocation, your claiming of your heritage as sons and daughters of God.

Now do you see why these discarnates and fallen ones would disclaim your inheritance, would disclaim your divine right to be kings and priests unto God, sons and daughters in the way and in the cosmic highways?

They fear your appropriation of the Great Central Sun Magnet! For they know that when you become wise in the employment of the formulas and the energies of the Godhead, then they must disperse and be dissolved and pass through the Court of the Sacred Fire in the ritual of the Last Judgment. And therefore their tactic is mass ignorance and ignorance enhanced by sympathy with their plight, by the malice that they engender in order to divide one from another and to separate the brethren of God upon earth. And their magnetism—that animal magnetism—is a perversion of the great magnet of the Christ mind!

Do you understand that these discarnates and fallen ones have attempted to pollute the four quadrants of Mater with these types of animal magnetism, to create the perpetual mist, the mist-qualification of the serpentine mind, to keep mankind in a perpetual round of human attraction in order to tear from them the divine attraction of the Father-Mother God? And so those among mankind who have been in bondage to these false attractions, these require the action of demagnetization by the Great Central Sun Magnet. And this you can invoke!

Take care, then, that you understand this hypnotic, this mesmeric suggestion of the intellect, of the carnal mind and of human feelings. Take care that you understand how these have kept the children of the light in bondage century after century through the pride of the eye and the evil eye and the ambition of the senses.

So the fallen ones have spread their gray blanket in order to separate sons and daughters of God from the Father-Mother God solely for this reason—to prevent the release of that energy field that on an instant could demagnetize all of Mater of the weight and density and oppression of the senses!

Do you see why my message to you in this year is so very important? For I come to tear from your eyes the scales that have blinded you, that have kept you in a perpetual pattering of idolatry—pattering here and pattering there, running to this or that human personality, always thinking that at last you have found the answer to your problems or the answer to your need for personal comfort.

I say to you, look to God for all the fulfillment of your needs, for comfort and for health, for good living and for wealth! Look to God, I say! For when you look directly into the heart of the Sun, you create the arc of light with your own heart. And from the Great Central Sun, there the energies flow that will mark you where you are, a son and daughter of God. And over this arc of light there flows the fiery flow—the crystal-emerald ray, the action of the ruby of Alpha and Omega spiraling to your heart. And if you keep your meditation safe and pure, steadfast and sure, you will see how God, by the action of the flow of your own meditation, will establish within your heart a replica of the Great Central Sun Magnet.

And then from where you are within your heart, the light can go forth and you can be the star magnetizing light, welcoming even the effluvia and the pollution of the four quadrants of Mater into this fiery vortex, which will consume and transmute this [substance] by the action of the sacred fire and propel all mankind higher and higher in the scale of the frequencies of the Holy Spirit. And then mankind, by the raising action of the light, will be able to receive the Holy Spirit, which they do invoke, and not those deadly discarnates that come disguised as the Holy Spirit, speaking not in the tongues of angels but in the tongues of the astral demons of the night.

See how the silly women are fooled in their houses.3 See how their silly husbands are fooled. See how they play with the spirits and claim that they have the Holy Spirit. Understand that the raising of life must come first, and the cleansing and the purification of all those foreigners that have invaded the temple of being—those fallen ones that come disguised as the mind, the feelings, and the soul.

See, then, how these fallen ones must be expelled and how when they are expelled man and woman become the temple of the living God and how the white-fire core of being within the heart continues to build as you meditate upon the Great Central Sun. And that magnet becomes the lodestone of which Christ spoke, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”4

So raise up the light of Aaron’s rod! Raise the Mother flame! O come, O Mother! Be resurrected! Be resurrected in Terra and be resurrected in the hearts of the children! Come, O Mother of the World! Raise up this sacred fire! Consecrate hearts to the fullness of wholeness in the Father-Mother God.

O Keepers of the Flame, the flame that you keep is the flame of love. The flame of love is the action of Alpha and Omega within you. See, then, why it is necessary to activate the Great Central Sun Magnet within you. It is so that your heart might withstand all of the shocks and the inconsistencies and the incongruities and the turmoil and the violence of the fallen ones that will come and pound upon those who have made themselves the Rock of Christ.

And then you will say, when you have the magnet: “Come, then, all of these foul spirits and fallen ones. Come, if you would come! Come, if you would dare to come into the Sun! Be consumed! Be stripped of your darkness! Be dissolved in the great lake of fire, which is in the heart of the Great Central Sun.” Then you will welcome all energy, for that energy is yours to claim and to retain as you transmute it in the fiery core.

And so as you give your decrees and invocations and meditate upon the God Presence, know that step by step, line by line, spiral by spiral, you can build a magnet against which no force or forcefield will have any power, any expression, any say. And in the hour of the ascension—in the hour of your overcoming by the authority of the Great Central Sun Magnet locked within your heart—you will say with the Lord Christ:

All power in heaven and on earth is given unto me!5
All power in heaven and on earth is given unto me!
All power in heaven and on earth is given unto me!

The heaven and the earth are the spheres of Spirit and Mater. The heaven of that power and that source is the Great Central Sun Magnet in the Sun behind the sun, and on earth it is the sun of even pressure in the heart of Terra.

As Above, so below, the magnet of the Great Central Sun is yours to be! Yours to claim! Yours to invoke for the balance of the age, for the balance of the four lower bodies of this planet and each planet in this solar system, for the resurrection of elemental life, for the resurrection of the Mother Flame. Therefore, I say, call in this wise:

O Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, I call to thee in the name of the Christed ones, in the name of Jesus the Christ and Mary the Mother, in the name of Saint Germain. I call to thee in the name of the Great Divine Director, in the name of Surya and Cuzco and Mighty Cosmos, the seven mighty Elohim, the seven beloved Archangels, and the seven beloved Chohans of the Rays. And I say, in the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:

Seal the arc of contact between my heart and thine own! O Lord God Almighty, seal the arc of the contact! Seal the arc of the contact! And now let flow the coils of Alpha and Omega, the spirals of the Great Central Sun Magnet. And let me receive as I am able, as my chalice is stable and worthy to receive these energies winding about the coil of being, manifesting the magnet of the Sun. O Alpha and Omega, let me be thyself in Mater! Let me be a focus of the magnet of the Great Central Sun!

After you have invoked the magnet in this wise, then you may call to your own God Presence and Christ Self for the implementation of the action of the magnet, saying:

In the name of the Christ within me and my own beloved I AM THAT I AM, in the name of the Holy Spirit and the Flame that blazes upon the altar of my heart, in the name of the sacred fire breath, I call for the action of the Great Central Sun Magnet to demagnetize these planes of Mater of the energy veil. I call for the transmutation of all human karma. I call for the transmutation of the karma of the Dark Cycle by the action of the Great Central Sun Magnet which I AM.

I call for the balancing of life in the four planes of consciousness and in my four lower bodies. I call for the seed of Light that is the blueprint of my Ascension and my Victory. This which I call forth for myself, I call forth for all mankind, the elemental kingdom, and the angelic hosts. And let this invocation be according to the mathematics of the will of God, as Above so below. Let it be sealed in the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.*

And so, beloved ones, we have come in the compassion of the God Star, in the compassion of our love. Know, then, that as Above, so below, I Surya, together with Cuzco, focus the light of the magnet of heaven and the magnet of earth.

I raise my hands and I contact the heart chakra of each one. I AM activating those who are preparing to make their declaration and their invocation to be a focus of Alpha and Omega. I activate those energies, and I seal it in the white flame of my causal body.

That which is misused or abused will instantaneously be taken from you, and only that which is used according to the divine plan of God will be retained. This is the Law, this is the prophecy, and this is the fulfillment of love.

Sons and daughters of God, you have the one supreme gift—the threefold flame of life. And with that gift you have free will. By free will, then, choose whether or not you will invoke the great sphere of the magnet of the Great Central Sun.

In the love of Sirius, I seal you and I seal Terra. May she prosper in the new year, and may her prospering be the prospering of light, of Prosperina,6 the flow of the abundance of the Mother—abundance of teaching, abundance of instruction and knowledge and wisdom and healing and miracles of alchemy. Let the abundance of Prosperina come forth! Let it be, for I have decreed it.

I AM Surya of the Great Central Sun.

*This prayer is published as decree 0.08, “Great Central Sun Magnet Invocation,” in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Surya and Cuzco was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 29, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The seven Spirits of the morning. The seven mighty Elohim are the “seven Spirits of God” referred to in the Book of Revelation. (Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5) They are also the “morning stars” that sang together in the Beginning, as revealed by the LORD to his servant Job. (Job 38:7)

2. Arcturus and his suns. On May 26, 1963, the Elohim Arcturus explained in a dictation through Mark L. Prophet that Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst appealed to Arcturus to “release the transcendent current of the flashing violet flame to the world... in order to transmute those unwanted conditions and plots which mankind have hatched in order that they might continue in the unbroken tyranny of war and destructivity.” Arcturus then stated, “I am determined, then, to descend toward the earth with the light of a thousand suns in the holy name of God and to blaze forth... the might and dominion of the Lord of lords and King of kings to take dominion in their [mankind’s] own world and affairs.” Arcturus appealed to “the great cosmic hosts and angelic beings,” who accompanied him to “bestow upon you, each one, some mark of cosmic progress that shall enable you to feel a greater identification with the Source of all, that the tangible light rays of our presence may connect you... with the eternal Presence of Life and that you will no longer feel a sense of disconnection or lack.” The preamble to decree 70.18, “Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright,” includes the invocation to “Blaze thy dazzling light of a thousand suns throughout the earth.” See Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, available at

3. II Tim. 3:6.

4. John 12:32.

5. Matt. 28:18.

6. Prosperina. In a dictation given on June 6, 1965, beloved Virgo said, “Long ago, precious ones, in mythology, they thought of me as Prosperina. Derived from this are the words “to prosper,” “prosperity,” and “propriety,” for it is ever so proper that the divine abundance be poured upon all. And therefore the symbol of my coming was as golden grain waving in the winds, and I brought the pomegranate and the apples and the oranges and the bananas and the fruit and the tender fruit of the vine. But men pressed it into wine, and in drunkenness they lay as one asleep, insensate to the call of heaven. From ages old, men have misunderstood and abused the great tides of life. And yet, O mankind of earth, even thy innate intelligence speaketh unto thee and unravels a portion of the riddle so that the pages of history and evolution conspire within the mind and soul to reveal the tender thread of knowing that shows that it is God flowing forth into identity, unrecognized and wearing manifold disguises. He comes as the star-fire elemental. He comes as a being of the water, dripping with the love of God and heaven. He comes in the grain. He comes in the rain. He comes in the grass that passes and waves beneath thy feet. He comes as tenderness, and he comes as a mighty wind. He is heard upon the mountaintops, and he is heard in the stillness of the echo chamber of your heart.”

Beloved Surya

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Surya, legions of white fire and blue lightning from Sirius, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! In thy name, by and through the magnetic power of the immortal, victorious threefold flame of Truth within my heart and the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, I decree:

1.   Out from the Sun flow thy dazzling bright
Blue-flame ribbons of flashing diamond Light!
Serene and pure is thy Love,
Holy radiance from God above!

Refrain:   Come, come, come, Surya dear,
By Thy Flame dissolve all fear;
Give to each one Security
In the bonds of Purity;
Flash and flash Thy Flame through me,
Make and keep me ever free!

2.   Surya dear, beloved one
From the mighty Central Sun,
In God’s name to Thee we call:
Take dominion over all!

3.   Out from the heart of God you come,
Serving to make us now all one—
Wisdom and Honor do you bring,
Making the very soul to sing!

4.   Surya dear, beloved one,
From our Faith then now is spun
Victory’s garment of invincible gold,
Our soul’s great triumph to ever uphold!

And in full Faith...

This decree is in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, p. 199, no. 10.13.

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