Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 15 - Beloved Angel Deva of the Jade Temple - April 15, 2020

The Science of Healing Love

Part 1

In the center of the crystal is the flame of living truth.

I AM come to adorn the children of the Mother with the jade of healing love, with the science of truth that is the alchemy for change in Mater.

Mankind have reached a point in evolution when nothing else will suffice except the healing ray of crystal and emerald, of jade and of ruby, the ray of the Christ released through the chakras of heart and head and hand, released through the secret-ray chakras of Mighty Cosmos.

We look from our temple in China,1 a temple all of jade precipitated from the heart of the Divine Mother aeons ago for the enshrining of her flame of healing love.

When I speak of healing, I speak of healing love. For it is by love that healing must come forth—love that begins with forgiveness and whose spiral is fulfilled in the alchemy of perfection in the will of God.

Mankind have reached that point of evolution when even though they invoke the violet flame, certain conditions of the subconscious—of etheric patterns, mental aberrations, derangement in the structure of the brain caused by the taking in of harmful drugs, substances foreign to the soul, the wedges of darkness, the splinters of darkness, the schism in the emotional body and the chronic diseases in the physical—require the touch of the healing light of Mother.

The healing ray must intensify. It is the emerald action that draws the molecular structure of being etheric, being mental, being emotional, and being physical into alignment with the inner blueprint.

The fifth ray of science and of healing love has been trampled upon, has been covered over with misconceptions and misplaced faith—faith in matter devoid of Spirit. Matter is only the cup of Spirit. And unless the cup be filled with Spirit, matter is incomplete. Therefore chemistry alone cannot convey healing, but chemistry endowed with love may convey a certain aspect of healing in the physical temple.

We probe for the chemistry of the mind. We probe for the chemistry of the healing light of love. We watch as the chemistry of the inner action of the Law transforms the desire body. We watch how souls filled with the healing ray are transformed. We watch how naught else can satisfy or sustain the soul’s yearning for the return to the immaculate conception.

What else but healing love can restore the sinful sense to the holy innocence—that inner sense of purity and immaculate love?

Without the healing light of Mary and of Raphael, of the healing masters Hilarion and the Maha Chohan, the comforting one, mankind have, in many cases, little hope for the restoration of the withered hand, the blinded eye, the burdened heart, old age, and all forms of impediment to the flow of the light. And therefore without the healing ray many among mankind must wait until the breaking of the pattern of this mortal round, until the next incarnation to have the perfect form, the perfect mind and heart, the perfect consciousness manifest here and now.

And what of the bodies maimed by atomic holocaust or by the cruelty of the mind? And what of the little children who suffer from the demons of the night and the cruelty of unwise sowings of parents and teachers? What of those who are scarred from the battlefields of the world and the battle of Armageddon? Shall we leave them comfortless? Christ did not. We shall not.

We come in the flame of Jesus. And we too know the law of karma, that in many cities he did not [perform] many works, and in some [cities he performed] none at all for the perverseness of their degeneration that replaced what ought to have been the regenerative consciousness. We understand the Lords of Karma and the law of karma. And therefore the impartation of healing must come because the soul has passed certain initiations, has received the light of love and has retained that love—love as flow, love as harmony, love as fulfillment of the Law as Above, so below.

Therefore when we place the hands of the Mother upon the sick, upon those who come for healing in the way, we release exactly the momentum of light that is ordained by the Christ Self of that one, by the I AM Presence and the Lords of Karma.

God’s consciousness is wholly accurate, precious ones. And therefore, as it is given to you according to your karma— and karma as opportunity—so the ray of healing is passed to you. And when the Mother releases that light, she also senses the beginning of the radiation and the ending. Suddenly it begins and suddenly it ends. And if she is not quick to place her hands upon the supplicant, the radiation will have begun already, before the hands are placed. And so you see that it is not the will of the consciousness of the instrument but it is that the instrument has made itself a crystal chalice for the flow of the divine light.

Understand, then, that in this activity of the Great White Brotherhood you are given ultimate responsibility to heal yourself and to prepare your chalice for the light of healing love. And therefore, as you saturate your four lower bodies with the violet flame and the will of God, as you exorcise from the temple of being, by the authority of the Christ, the invaders, the intruders, the foreigners—as you do all that you know how to do in the clearing of the chakras, in the giving of the Hail Mary (which is the salutation to the fount of purity and which culminates in healing in the four lower bodies)—as you do all these things that you have been taught, you are preparing yourself for the transfer of the healing thoughtform from the heart of the Mother, for the secret rays and the action of the fifth ray.

And the transfer that is given to you is not alone for the healing of physical symptoms, for they are just that. They are symptoms of malaise in the soul, symptoms of disruption in the flow of light in the body, symptoms of deeply embedded hurts and scars in the subconscious, of the etheric.

And therefore with the transfer of this holy light, this holy energy that you will receive this night, understand that of far greater import to the Lords of Karma and to your own Christ Self is the healing of the etheric body. For the etheric body is the habitation of the soul. And long after your physical form passes away and the envelope of the mental body and the feeling body disintegrate by the decay rate that is the law of the disintegration of this cycle—long after this you will be abiding in your etheric body. And you will be uncomfortable in that body if there are records there of all manner of disturbances and discomforts and experiences that you have had in your mind, your feelings, and your physical form. And therefore we look beyond this life, so short, so tenuous. We look at the soul’s evolution in the temples of light in the etheric plane.

We would not have you come to our retreat at etheric levels between incarnations maimed and halt and blind in your etheric vehicle, so burdened by records of infamy that you can scarcely behold the master who is standing on the platform for the mist and the density that surrounds your very consciousness. We would not have you pass and remain in the astral plane, in that purgatory, in that waiting period until you have lived over and over again the scenes of horror and disgrace from your earthly life.

It is these momentums that we would heal. And we would rather, if the Lords of Karma dictate, that you suffer a little inconvenience in your physical form while you are here—a little discomfort, a little thorn in the flesh, which even the apostle Paul was not able to be rid of.2 Even though he asked the Lord Christ [“that it might depart from me,”] the Lord did not deliver him of this thorn. For you see, Paul was balancing karma. And because he balanced that karma he was able to rise into a purified etheric body and to then take his final incarnation as that sage Hilarion and to be a focus of healing light to the multitudes who sought him in the desert and in the places where he went to be alone with God.

And so God’s wisdom concerning your life is far greater than you know. It is a wisdom that is for the atoning of all lesser manifestations so that you might have what has been called “a better resurrection.”3

And when all is said and done and you see the perspective of a little pain sprinkled with a little pleasure as the result of an earthly life, you will say to yourself, “I am glad for the suffering God allowed me to bear for the balancing not only of my personal karma but also of planetary karma.” And you will be glad when you see exactly how more perfectly formed the etheric body is.

Understand, precious ones, that there is the higher etheric body and the lower etheric body. And the higher etheric body is the blueprint of life everlasting, but the lower etheric body contains all of those records. And therefore as you seek the challenge of initiation on each of the seven rays, I come to greet you with the challenges of initiation on the fifth ray.

It is time, then, for many of you to receive an increment of light that you could not have otherwise received except it pass through a member of hierarchy embodied. For you understand that the stepping down of the currents of light must occur through the chakras of someone who is in incarnation until you yourself can raise the frequencies of your chakras, by God’s grace, in the Christ consciousness to that level where you can contain fountains of healing light.

And therefore we rejoice that we are able to convey to you that increment of healing light that will begin cycling, in this hour of Capricorn appearing, through your etheric body for the healing of certain conditions and records that are very deep within the subconscious, conditions of which many of you would be totally unaware. And yet you may be suffering in the outer from a manifestation that is related to that inner record—a twitching nerve, a nervousness, a lisp, a stutter, pains here and there that are unexplained, all sorts of manifestations and impediments that mankind learn to live with. One by one these come from the etheric records that contain all of the life expressions of every living soul.

Therefore we would begin at the beginning with the fullness of the science of healing love. We would have you purified from above. We would have you manifest here below the sacred glow of the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple.

Understand, then, that whereas all will receive a portion of the healing light, not all will see an immediate manifestation in the physical. Take care, then, that you do not search for physical signs as proof of healing. This is how the discarnates fool the silly women and their husbands who gather and who seek for a sign. And is it not written that a wicked and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given except the sign of the prophet Jonas?4

Understand, then, that the ascended masters do not need to prove the Law by signs and miracles and wonders and precipitations and all manner of psychic phenomena. Do you not understand that the ascended masters are living proof of the science of truth? And they convey by the electrodes of their consciousness that radiation that is unmistakable to the disciple on the Path—that rejuvenation, that regeneration.

The sign of healing is the healed consciousness. It is the transformation of hatred into love, of sorrow into joy. It is the countenance alight with love for God. It is the sparkle in the eye. It is working the works of God and serving humbly, adoringly, serving selflessly with the sweet surrender of love. Signs of healing, then, are not our preference but the healing of the inner man, the preparation of the inner man for the initiations that must come on the Path.

We will not remove your burdens, for by your burdens you learn the way of overcoming. You learn to stretch the sinews of the mind. You learn to invoke the flame. You learn to intensify God-action and to be self-mastery where you are. But when you have increased the light by a certain action of the Law over a period of perhaps weeks or months or years and yet you come to the place where you feel that over this period of time you have made very little progress—in fact none at all and in fact you say to yourself, “Certainly I am backsliding”—you will find that all that you have given in invocations and decrees and service has been for the building of a momentum whereby God could touch you in that very place where there is the greatest need of healing.

And the hand of your Presence and your Christ Self, the hand of the ascended masters and the release of that light will surely come because it is the Law that the call compels the answer. And many times God will give the answer of the healing in the subconscious, and your only awareness of the effect of that healing will be peace—the sense of peace, the sense of well-being, the sense of contentment and knowing that all is well with God, that all is well with you, and that you are hid in the hollow of his hand.5 You are sealed in the mantle of his consciousness. Indeed, you are hid with Christ in God,6 and that is all that matters. That is all that you need to know.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 16.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Angel Deva of the Jade Temple was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 29, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Our temple in China. The Angel Deva of the Jade Temple is the hierarch of the retreat in China known as the Jade Temple. The jade that lines the walls of the temple is the crystallization of the healing flame used by the brothers and angels of this retreat to minister to the needs of mankind and elemental life. In the Jade Room of the temple, the glow of the healing flame, which comes through the jade walls, conveys a feeling of velvet softness, peace, and stillness. For further information, see The Masters and Their Retreats, “Angel Deva of the Jade Temple,” pp. 28–29, available at

2. II Cor. 12:7-10.

3. Heb. 11:35-36.

4. Matt. 12:38-40; 16:4; Mark 8:12.

5. Isa. 49:2.

6. Col. 3:3.

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