Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 16 - Beloved Angel Deva of the Jade Temple - April 22, 2020

The Science of Healing Love

Part 2

We have seen with such rejoicing chelas on the Path who have remained steadfast, who at first had resisted the action of decrees. And of course we know, for we see—we see that it is not the soul resisting the action but it is the carnal mind that has everything to lose and nothing to gain. We see that it is the agitation of the discarnates that are feeding off of the light of that soul as vultures.

We see, then, how these chelas have determined by obedience to give their invocations, how they have become the bright, the shining ones. They have stripped themselves by the action of decrees—God has stripped them through the action of decrees—of all manner of substance and filth and scum of the world and of their own consciousness.

We have seen these chelas free themselves layer by layer by the calls to the Elohim Astrea. We have seen these blessed souls never tiring in application to that blessed Elohim of purity’s ray, and we have seen the violet flame bathe and cleanse and purify. We have seen these souls rise and rise. And then one day we have seen the Keeper of the Scrolls and the angel of the Keeper release a scroll tied with a green ribbon that is sent to the healing angels. And when the healing angels of the various bands of healing masters receive that scroll from the Keeper of the Scrolls, tied with a green ribbon, they know that a devotee on the Path on Terra is about to receive an increment of healing light.

With delight and the fluttering of wings and with excitement and joy, they untie, carefully, the green bow. And they open the scroll and they read the name of the one who is to receive that day the increment of healing light. And so they make their way to the blessed house, and they come in the spirit of Ma-ray, the Cosmic Virgin. And they find that chela steadfast in the calling, in the invocations.

Therefore that one, in the process of giving the Hail Mary with devotion, with attunement, entering into the consciousness of the Mother and the Holy Spirit and the light of the Buddha, is in a posture to receive an added impetus of light. And therefore that precious disciple is aware of an extraordinary spiritual experience—not one that comes every day but one that comes just often enough to let the disciple know that God is love. And so with the infusion of light, the added light of the dispensation, there is the healing within. There is the joy without. Content in the divine blueprint, the disciple moves on and continues to keep on keeping on.

As you have heard the word of the Mother, no matter what the obstacle, no matter what is placed before your path, no matter who tugs upon your garment with a scheme or with an involvement or with just one more indulgence of the senses, keep moving toward the Sun.

Moving toward the Sun, keep walking, the right and the left, with Ray-O-Light. Keep moving toward the Sun and then none will keep you, none will delay you. The dust will not collect upon your garments or your sandals or upon your staff. Keep on the upward spiral until you reach your Home at last.

I AM the Angel Deva. I stand before you in a very great stature, for the devas are angelic beings who serve with the elemental kingdom. My service, then, is with the elementals who are the builders of the jade and the matrix of the jade. Their devotion is very great to the healing angels, who guide them in their service as they create in the heart of the earth and in the rock the substance of jade that contains that molecular structure sufficient for the transfer of the healing light.

And so the focus of the Mother was placed in the land of Chin. For this people, beloved of the Mother, had earned in previous eras the right to have that healing presence bless their soil.

And so I stand before you, one who works with millions of elementals, teaching them how to blend their energies with the angelic hosts, serving in cooperation for the benefit of mankind, for the balance of the forces of nature, for the healing of the elementals themselves, for the healing of the embodied angels, and for the healing of precious mankind.

Gautama Buddha is the sponsor of our retreat, and enshrined on the sacred altar, carved from the very heart of the rock, the heart of the earth that is jade itself, is a large statue of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. And through this particular statue of Gautama there is the radiation of the healing light of the Buddha.

You would do well to invoke the light of the statue of the Buddha of the jade when you are calling for healing for yourselves, your loved ones, and for the multitudes. For beloved Gautama anchors here a truly miraculous light.

And when I use the word “miraculous” or “miracle,” I understand that every miracle is the fulfillment of the law of cause and effect, the law of mathematics, the law of the flow of cosmic energy.

Now the moment has come. I have engaged your energies by engaging your attention, and you have freely, lovingly, given to me the arc of the flow of your attention. And over that arc, then, the contact is made, and I can release to you the flow of healing love. I will release it to you personally, each one, through the hand of the Mother so that you might know that hierarchy must have this instrument, that hierarchy has ordained this instrument. And therefore in acknowledging the instrument you retain the humility that hierarchy desires you to retain.

You see, precious ones, when the individual is a law unto himself, sufficient unto himself, declaring that he has no need for brother or sister on the way, for teacher or master, for disciple or father or mother, then he becomes, with the proud and the ambitious, prey to the fallen ones. But in the day that you must acknowledge that you need a friend, that you realize that you are dependent upon other parts of life for that which you are to become in God, you will find the consummation, the consuming action of the pride of the ego that is necessary.

Remember Naaman. Remember the one whom the prophet instructed to dip himself seven times in the River Jordan. And Naaman said, “Why is not another river good enough? And why should I dip here? Why does the prophet not come forth with fanfare from his house? He sends only his servant. I am more important. He should come to me and salute me, and with great pomp and ceremony he should pronounce the healing.”1

And so you see, precious ones, when you can accept the servant of the prophet in humility, then you receive the reward of the prophet.2 When you receive the messenger of the masters, you receive the reward of the masters themselves. And so to be a comforter to life you must acknowledge your own need to be comforted.

There are many who would give but are too proud to receive. This is not the balance of flow. And therefore you must acknowledge your need for one another, for your light, for your rejoicing, for the virtues that you each enshrine individually.

You must acknowledge your need for the masters and for the teaching. But if you fail to acknowledge your need for the messenger and for the structure of the organization that surrounds the messenger, then, you see, you have admitted the folly of your own pride, making yourself a law unto yourself, sufficient unto yourself alone.

You are removed from the line of climbers to the summit of Being. And those who hold onto the ropes and take their pick and their axe in hand, climbing carefully and following the guide, will surely arrive at the summit. But the one who exempts himself from hierarchy is the one who, bereft of the contact, does not arrive at the summit but is cast along the way. For the forces are too great that oppose the soul, and the forces that oppose the soul are entirely from within.

Therefore, acknowledge your need to be comforted in the Holy Spirit and to give that comfort flow. In this perfect balance—receiving in the left hand, giving in the right—you will find your rightful place in hierarchy. Hierarchy desires to include you as a point of contact for Alpha and Omega. Hierarchy is systematic. Hierarchy knows where you ought to be, where you are now, and where you are going. And therefore we come, systematically preparing each one, step by step.

In each and every conference we have the roster of all who have ever attended a conference and all who have received the invitation or the announcement of the conference. And we go to the Keeper of the Scrolls, and there is released a scroll stating what opportunities and initiations are available to each disciple on the Way through the dictations and the blessings and the initiations given at that conference.

First and foremost, the initiation of getting to the conference is important. For if the chelas do not arrive, they do not receive the direct contact. And if they were not able to overcome the opposition to their attendance, then that shows that they are not ready to receive the next increment of light. I assure you that without fail, each devotee who attends each conference is given the opportunity for the next step of initiation.

Initiation is not a violent action. It is not abrupt. It is a flow. It is not a sudden staircase. It is a spiral—a spiral you can walk, a spiral that enables you to rise day by day, to ascend daily. As Paul said, “I die daily.”3 So the chelas ascend daily as they die unto the senses of this world.

And so we also have with us the scroll for each one of you who is here, each one without exception. And it is written thereon what increment of light you are able to receive from each of the dictations that are given, and in which of your chakras.

Do you wonder at the complexity of heaven? Be at peace. All is, in reality, the simplicity of the One. And there is only the one God, the one Love, and the one Truth. And this ineffable light—this flaming flame that will not be quenched—contains within itself all of the vastness, all of the detail, all of the wonder that makes the comfort of the Holy Spirit available to each one—intimately, intricately, not neglecting a hair on your head, a cell or an atom of your four lower bodies. This is the tenderness of the love, of the care of the one God for you, each living soul.

Understand, then, that initiation is ongoing. Initiation is the application of the Law. It is participation in the conferences, which are for the turning of the cycles of planetary as well as personal cycles. And therefore see that when you participate in the conference you become a carrier of the light that is for the initiation of the evolutions and the lifewaves of Terra. Understand, then, that it is important to be at the right place at the right time for the right dispensations to occur.

I have come, and I will give my blessing to those who are here. I can only convey this blessing in person, in the physical, tangible transference through the hand, the heart, the chakras of the Mother. You will understand, then, that as much as we would like to make this transferable, we cannot. For the Law is the Law.

You are welcome to bring your children, awake or asleep, to this forcefield for the transfer of the light that is due them. And I say “due,” for they have made themselves worthy in previous incarnations to be among you, and their souls, even as they are out of the body in sleep, are anticipating with joy the moment when they will feel the touch of the jade of the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple.

I AM with you always, in the light of healing love. Be willing to invoke this light of healing through your messengers—through the messenger ascended and the messenger unascended. Be not afraid to call to the Christ Self of your messengers to come to you where you are. For they have the dispensation of being anywhere and everywhere that they are called, and they are given the authority of the students who invoke their Electronic Presence.

This is the aspect of the mission of the two witnesses that must be fulfilled in this age.4 And many among the Keepers of the Flame have seen them in the way and in their rooms and in temples of light. This is not unusual. It is the fulfillment of the Law. For the messengers even now are ministering to the needs of all mankind, one by one. As Christ multiplied the loaves and the fishes for the feeding of the five thousand,5 so the Christ in your messengers is able to multiply the Christ consciousness for the nourishment of souls throughout Terra. And this is the gift of hierarchy that every ascended master and certain of the saints have possessed prior to their ascension.

Do not wonder, then, at the gift of the miracles and of the healing love of the messengers. For this is the fulfillment of the light of the Holy Spirit and of the cloven tongues of fire that descend through them for the transformation of Terra in the light of healing love.

I AM with you, the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Angel Deva of the Jade Temple was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 29, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. II Kings 5:1-19.

2. Matt. 10:41.

3. I Cor. 15:31.

4. Rev. 11:3-13.

5. Matt. 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:5–13.

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