Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 17 - Beloved Archangel Michael - May 1, 2020

The Glory of the Word

Hail, sons and daughters of the Mother! I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, and I come with the light of victory! I come in the glory of the spoken Word! I come in the power of the spoken Word!

I AM the instrument of the Logos this day. I AM the instrument of the eternal Christos. I AM the sacred Word of truth that cuts you free from all that is less than the fulfillment of the Word of God within you.

I come in the joy of victory! I come in the joy of faith! I come to implement the will of God! I AM THAT I AM.

Oh, the glory of the light of the Word! Oh, the sacred Word that flows from the lips of the messengers of God! The Word is healing and nourishment and comfort and enlightenment. The Word is all things to all people under the sun. Let the communication of the Word, then, be not stayed by the hand of the fallen ones, for they have contrived in every area of life on Terra to turn back the light of the Word.

The Word is the Christ! The Word is the Mediator! And the Christ as your own Christ Self is the means whereby God communicates to you and to your soul. The act of communicating is the supreme love of the Father-Mother God for the creation, and therefore that Antichrist was the first manifestation of opposition to the flow of the Word of hierarchy.

I stand with my sword in hand! I raise it over Terra! And I bring it down with a quickening action of the Law to slay the records of the Antichrist and to expose the lie of that lying one!

I come to say that those who will state that there is no further revelation or teaching from the Godhead and that all is complete in the Bible—those who say that God will not speak to man and woman again in this age—are the instruments of Antichrist and of the demons that enter the churches with their false teachings and their false conveyance of an energy that is not the energy of the Holy Spirit. They think they have eternal life in searching the scriptures.1

Well, I tell you that included in the sacred scriptures that comprise the Bible used in the West is even the writing of the Devil himself. And I will prove it to you this day. If you take the Song of Solomon,* you will see the blasphemy against the light of the Christ in the portrayal of sensuality and sensual indulgence and a misuse of the light of the Word, and you will see that those who put together the sacred scriptures did not have the omniscience† of God.

The books of the Bible were written by prophets and scribes, by men of old who were inspired from on high. But their accuracy was not 100 percent, and therefore there are omissions, deletions, manipulations, and in some instances a basic misunderstanding of the Word itself because of an incomplete manifestation of the Christ in the authors themselves.

Therefore, let God be true and every man a liar.2 Let the I AM Presence be the dividing of the Word.3 Let the Holy Spirit be the interpreter of the Word and not the fallen ones and the discarnates, who take those words and coat them with the darkness of their machinations and rationalizations. We will not have the teachings of the Word of God subject to the analysis of those who think they know the scriptures but have not the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Let it be understood, then, that God’s Bible is written in the inward parts of man and woman,4 that you can rely on the Word of God written within, that you can rely on the certain Word of truth that is certainly recorded in the Bible. But you must not be deceived when you perceive vibrations of error that do not agree with the light of truth that is in your heart.

So let it be. The ascended masters will not be placed on the defensive before the critics from the religions of the world. For the proof of this teaching is in the leaven, in the rising of consciousness, in the acceleration of consciousness, in the record of the ascension, of the resurrection, in the record of life that is fulfilled in love.

So let the Spirit of Christ and of Buddha pervade this Church Universal and Triumphant, and let this Spirit put to rest all lesser spirits that are the counterfeit creation of the One True Light.

And so let the Word go forth unimpeded! Let it go forth from the pulpits of the world! Let the teachings of the ascended masters be given by the ministers and by the people, and let the people set forth their mandate. Let them demand the teaching of the Mother. Let them be fed and not starved on the crusts that are given by the fallen ones as an excuse for religion.

Let us see, then, how the Word has been denied through the media. Every invention in the media has been given by the Lords of Karma for one purpose: that mankind might receive the true culture of the Mother in this age—in the arts, in music, as opera, as the appreciation of true drama, and as the delivery of the true religion of the age. This is the purpose of Telstar,5 of television, of the motion picture industry, and of all of the media that can be used to convey the diagrams, the outlines, the images of the teaching.

I raise my sword this day over the entire industry, and I call forth the judgment and I say: Let those who do not use this sacred instrument to deliver the Word of the Mother, let them go bankrupt, I say! For I withdraw the supply of the Mother that sustains them! And I say, that substance shall not be used by the Luciferians to promote world chaos and earthquake and cataclysm and immorality and debauchery and the desecration of the holy innocence of the little children.

Keepers of the Flame, do not allow these little children to take in this desecration of the Mother image, the desecration of life. Guard the consciousness! For I AM Archangel Michael, and I have come to protect the children this day! I come to seal them in faith, in purity, in love, and in joy! I come to set them free, and I come for the judgment of the Word!

We will see, then, that those who have set themselves up as the mouthpieces of the people will be cast down, for they have championed the Luciferians, the fallen ones, those who are the philosophers of cynicism, of Communism, of atheism and agnosticism.

I call forth the judgment of Henry Kissinger!6 Let the sword fall this day! No longer will I hold back the karma! Let it fall, I say! And let that exposure be for the victory of the children of the light.

I stand in this nation! I defend the Mother! I defend her children by the action of the Word! So is judgment come! So let the fallen ones tremble where they are, for none can turn back my legions, my hand, or my Word.

I AM the Defender of the Faith, and I AM the defender of the woman and her seed! I AM the defender of America and the world! I place my ring-pass-not around those forcefields and focuses that are for the triumph of the light.

Let not the demons and the fallen ones dare pass and enter the Holy of holies, the shrines of the nations. Let them remove their filthy hands from the supply of the Mother, from the gold and the silver. Let them retreat!

In the name of the living Christ, they are bound this hour, those whose judgment is nigh! Their time has come! Their time is up! And they shall no more have the authority of the mark of the beast to control the commerce of the nations.

See then, Keepers of the Flame, that you implement this dispensation by invocations and calls added to your preambles in the giving of those invocations to Archangel Michael,7 which are well received in our retreat at Banff.8

Our angels daily watch in the twenty-four-hour cycle as the energies of authority, of authorization for us to enter into Terra, come forth from the dedicated Keepers of the Flame who are willing to give that call to Archangel Michael over and over again, the four times ten for the victory of the test of the ten in the four quadrants of Mater.

Blessed are ye who are diligent in the calling! Blessed are ye who will give your hours to the repetition of these prayers while others are frolicking in the streets and making merry.

What is that to thee? Follow the Christ!9 For you will see that those who frolic are as the grasshopper, spending their last energies in play. And when the light of winter comes, when the flurries of snow as of the sacred fire of solstice intensify, they will not stand in that day. For the fire of the snow will not be released to them, and therefore they will be frozen by the cold of their own neglect of the Law.

So is judgment come! It is the fire, the piercing fire of the purge of Terra! The Luciferians have conducted their purges in the Communist nations. Well, they have taken this from the hosts of the light, for we also have our purges, and we purge the fallen ones thread by thread, line by line.

We wait until the moment when the LORD God decrees that the sands in the hourglass have run out. And therefore the fallen ones are allowed to run rampant on Terra for a time and times and a half a time,10 signifying cycles of the beginning and ending of the action of opportunity to balance karma. But when the cycles have been fulfilled, there is no turning back. The Law descends as a mighty curtain of light. The Law descends, and all must come under the rod of the Law.

So when the judgment comes, the children of the light are relieved of some of the seeds of the wicked. And then, as the children of the light reinforce the judgment by invocation and fervor and action and service and surrender, they build a forcefield that is a vote for light on Terra against which the fallen ones cannot stand. And therefore, by intensifying light on Terra you hasten the cycles of the judgment of the fallen ones. For the majority rules on Terra.

If the majority elect unfaithful leaders and the dark ones because of their glamour, because of their intimidation, then they will receive what they have called for. But if the majority demand light and the turning of the tide, as you have heard in the Mother’s invocations, as you have given your calls, then the majority rules! Then the majority lives! And the reversing of the tide will be the reversing of the tide of the entire aspect of human creation on Terra. This is the weight of the vote of the children of the light.

Now hear this! You who glory in the Word of God, hear this my message to you—that one with God is the majority, that your Christ Self is a greater majority than the human consciousness of all mankind! This is why one avatar, one Christed one, can turn the tide of a planetary body!

Now see what you will do in Christ in this coming year. See what your majority vote, one by one, will cast for the evolutions of Terra.

All is unto the courageous! All is unto the victors! All is to those who have the vision to see that light will triumph on Terra. Light will be victorious!

I AM Michael! I come twenty-four hours a day in answer to your call. I AM very near at hand because you have given so many invocations to me.

Keep on keeping on, and we will free America first and then the entire planetary body for the children of light to live in peace and harmony in the golden age at hand.

I have the faith to win! Do you have that faith to win?

[Audience responds, “Yes!”]

So be it! Your vote is the vote of victory for Terra.

Rise in the victory, sons and daughters of flame! I love you forever!

*the twenty-second book of the Old Testament
omniscience: the quality or state of having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight; possessing universal or complete knowledge

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, December 30, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. John 5:39.

2. Rom. 3:4.

3. II Tim. 2:15.

4. Jer. 31:33.

5. Telstar. Telstar 1 was developed by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) and launched on July 10, 1962. It was the world’s first active communications satellite, which was used to test basic features of communications via space. This satellite was deactivated in February, 1963.

6. Henry Kissinger, born May 27, 1923, is a political consultant and author who served as the U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. In recent years Kissinger, always a controversial figure, has been accused of war crimes during the period of the Vietnam War. These accusations have come from activists, human rights attorneys, and journalists, while others have praised Kissinger for his effective diplomacy during the war. Elizabeth Clare Prophet presents an incisive analysis of Kissinger’s political agenda and its causes and consequences during the crucial period of the Vietnam War. See Mrs. Prophet’s lecture “The Abdication of America’s Destiny,” Part 2, published in the 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 23, pp. 195-201.

7. Invocations to Archangel Michael. The ascended masters and the messenger have requested that the student body and the Keepers of the Flame give the decree to Archangel Michael, 10.00, “Lord Michael,” forty times daily. The “Alternate Preamble to 10.00, Prayers to Archangel Michael for the Deliverance of God’s People on Earth,” may also be given to fulfill Archangel Michael’s direction for the giving of invocations and calls to him and his legions. See the blue-ray section in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation.

8. Our Retreat at Banff. The Retreat of Archangel Michael and Faith is known as the Temple of Faith and Protection, located in the etheric realm over Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada. This retreat is the home of blue-lightning angels who come from the four corners of the universe to serve a planet in travail. Archangel Michael and Faith invite unascended lifestreams to come to this retreat while their bodies sleep at night in order to recharge and repolarize their lifestreams with the flame of faith. For further information on Archangel Michael’s retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 472-74, available at

9. John 21:22.

10. Dan. 7:25; 12:7.

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