Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 18 - Saint Germain - May 8, 2020

America in 1976

Part 1

Hail, sons and daughters of freedom! I AM come in the flame with a fervor for the cause of righteousness. I AM come in the flame of freedom, and I look up to the new birth of America.

I look up to the rebirth in the Mother light. I look to the crystal stars of purity. I look to the backdrop of the will of God. I see the Body and the Blood of Christ as these have been assimilated by sons and daughters of God on this soil. And I see Old Glory as my vision of the future of America, as the new race of lightbearers of which you are the avant-garde.

I am welcome here, and I thank you for your welcome. I thank you for your hearts afire with freedom, determined to pass that torch of freedom and to continue the light, light, light!

I AM in the joy, I AM in the ecstasy of communion in the Holy Spirit and in the fire of the All-Seeing Eye, the very capstone of the pyramid of this experiment in hierarchy.

I see the God-design for America, and I see that men and women such as yourselves have held the vision and that this vision, as the hope in the eye of the Mother, will be born if you are faithful to the flame.

The faithfulness of Keepers of the Flame is a joy to the ascended hosts, and that faithfulness was never more necessary than it is in the coming year. Crosscurrents of the old and the new will mark 1976, as the final hours of the birthday cycle [of America] are spent. These hours provide opportunity for an extraordinary transmutation of past momentums that must be cleared.

So let there be the clearing of the decks of the ship of America! Let her decks be cleared, and let the Divine Mother and her children walk those decks as they walk the path of initiation! Let them feel the presence of Maitreya and the Cosmic Christ over this land! How appropriately he has sent forth his call to those who would be initiated in light.1 We initiate a cycle of light, and we must perforce intensify that light within you. For this light must swallow up the darkness so that the child, America, might be born again.

I ask you, then, to see the weaving of forces and forcefields. I ask you to anticipate the crosscurrents. I ask you, then, to take the Holy Child in your arms and to carry the child across the turbulent waters.

I ask you to be Christ-bearers for America. I ask you, precious ones, to remember that this is the culmination of all that we have given forth in this century—the teachings of the I AM, the understanding of the Mother ray, the glorious mission of the messengers who have come forth to represent our cause.

All of this has been in preparation for this moment when we knew the cycles would turn and when that darkness—that darkness overcoming the land that was a part of the final decade before the birthday [of America]—would be broken by the light of the appearing of the Christed One bursting through those clouds of darkness and revealing, according to the timetable of the cosmic clock, that true teaching of the Manchild.

It is the child who will lead America into the future. It is the children who are among you. It is the child of your heart. It is the innocence. America is the land where youth excel, where youth can move forward and lead a nation.

O precious ones, gather the youth into your homes! Gather them into your arms and deposit within their hearts your love for Christ and Buddha.

Oh, people of all ages and all whom I address here, you are the youth of America, for you are the new vine! You are the green shoots. You have come forth with the light of the Spirit. You are the hope of the spring. You are the full blossoming of summer, and you are the firstfruits of autumn. You are the white-fire core of winter. You are the hope of Liberty as she stands in New York Harbor. You are the hope of the Lady with the Lamp as she looks to see who will come to this land each day. As she sends forth the ray of welcome, her gaze is also upon the Keepers of the Flame who hold that torch high with her.

O Liberty, how we love thee! O Mother of Flame, O Mother of Lights! O Mother of the Oneness of Starry Heights! O Mother of the Crown of Life! O Mother, thou who art the figure of the Lamb’s wife!2 O Mother of the Flame, O Mother of the Age! O Liberty, let thy light now grace these chosen ones as they choose to receive all who come to these shores with a fiery destiny locked within their hearts and with God-determination!

I come, then, to give to you a blueprint etched in a crystal cube—a blueprint for patterned destiny for America in 1976. I place it now within your hearts, for where else can the ascended masters place their treasures but in the hearts of their chelas?

I say to you that by your fervent calls, changes must take place swiftly. There must be withdrawn from the government those individuals who are not serving the light of the Christ. There must be daily invocations made for the elections, for the Christed ones to take office, for the ascended masters’ candidates to be relieved of all burden of opposition through the media, through the carnal mind.

Keepers of the Flame, you have a vast responsibility in this year. And only by a concerted effort, by self-discipline, will the light flow through you that will be the holding light, the staying power, the holding of America when in this hour of the passing of the torch all of the fallen ones will look to dash that cup of the new wine of the Spirit before it reaches America on her birthday, July 4, 1976.

I call every Keeper of the Flame! I call you to the nation’s capital!3 I call you to come and to enshrine the flame of freedom. I call you to come to intensify the action of the violet flame so that we might have the energy to use against those individuals of darkness and those movements, the fallen ones who plot all types of disturbances and even the overthrow of the government or the presidency and even the Supreme Court.

There are always the fallen ones who come to prevent the celebration of the victory. I am certain that by the authority of the God within you, they will have no power. And I am just as certain that that authority must be placed in the capital city—as you place yourselves in physical manifestation—that it must be manifest there and that you must give your all to this victory.

It is a year of change, a year of movement, a year when you must call forth the stabilization of the armed forces and the defense of America, when you must call to the legions of Archangel Michael and the four beings of the elements to reinforce the defenses of America.

Jealousy is a deadly opposition, and it is jealousy in the world powers that causes them to come as vultures to tear from America her abundance, her very flesh, her very life flow. Yes, and those who are in America today are not alert to this desecration of the Mother flame.

Let us look, then, at the new year as twelve months of victory for the flame of freedom—freedom in God-power, freedom in God-love, freedom in God-mastery, freedom in God-control, freedom in God-obedience, and freedom in God-wisdom; freedom in God-harmony, freedom in God-gratitude, freedom in God-justice, freedom in God-reality, freedom in God-vision, and freedom in God-victory.

Let us see these months as the coming of the consciousness of God as Father and as Christed One, as Mother and as Holy Spirit. Let us see it as the year when the Lord Christ inaugurates the flame of the Holy City and lays the foundation of the precipitation of that City Foursquare in the City of the Angels.4

Let us see it as a year when souls of light will have worked diligently to demagnetize the universities and colleges, the high schools and elementary schools of the nefarious doctrines of the fallen ones, with their nihilism, their cynicism, their atheism, and their materialism devoid of the Spirit.

Let us see this as the year of the crystallization of the God flame in America. And for that flame to crystallize, we must clear the way. We must be the street sweepers. We must be the ones who cleanse and purify.

So let 1976 be the year when the seven vials of the violet flame are poured out from Zadkiel’s retreat!5 You have but to intensify your calls to the violet flame to receive this dispensation. It is waiting. It is yours for the asking. It is yours to drink of the wine of the Holy Spirit.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 19.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, December 30, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Maitreya has sent forth his call. This refers to the series of Pearls of Wisdom dictated by Lord Maitreya through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and published from December 7 to December 31, 1975, entitled “On Initiation.” In the first Pearl, Maitreya states: “Let us begin, then, by calling the chelas of Morya for a special course in the fires of initiation—a five-week seminar on the hows, the whys, and the wherefores of your initiation in the sacred fire.” The entire series of Pearls of Wisdom is published in the book Maitreya on Initiation, Part Two, pp. 175-209.

2. Rev. 19:7; 21:9.

3. I call you to the nation’s capital. Saint Germain is referring to the Freedom conference, Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C., from June 30 to July 4, 1976. The conference was followed by a “Freedom March” throughout the nation’s capital with the messenger and attendees.

4. Rev. 21.

5. The seven vials poured out from Zadkiel’s retreat. In a dictation given on July 3, 1976, at the Higher Consciousness conference, Archangel Zadkiel announced: “Now the moment has come for the release of the seven vials of violet flame from our retreat. And these will be released from the side of the west of the City Foursquare, from the point in Los Angeles of the focus of the Mother. We send them forth now with a mighty heave and a roll and a ho, ho, ho! We roll that fire! We roll the violet flame, and the seven vials are poured out. And legions of victory and violet flame now begin their swift movement. They come. . . carrying the violet flame, rolling that violet flame, energies of victory over the soil and the land, over the mountains and through the elements and through the hearts of the saints that are open to our message of freedom. . . . And all that has covered the land is now cycling through the etheric, mental, and emotional and physical planes, coming right now into the very roots of the earth, into the very physical bodies of the people until there is a violet-flame glow over America that has never been seen before—no, not in the history of the land! No, not since the golden ages of mankind!” See Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Pearls of Wisdom, Part 2, vol. 44, no. 25, June 24, 2001, entitled, “A Thrust and a Roll and a Ho, Ho, Ho!”

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