Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 19 - Saint Germain - May 15, 2020

America in 1976

Part 2

I say, precious ones, the need for the violet flame is great. You must give as much violet flame as you give all other decrees. You must supplement your decrees with the violet flame and with quick calls as you move here and there. Your mantra to the violet flame, “America is a land of violet fire! America is the purity God desires!” must be your mantra for this birthday year.1 And you must see it appear here and there and everywhere, naming the cities, naming the places, and naming yourself.

See yourself as a being of violet fire! See yourself as the purity God desires! See yourself walking the streets, walking the great cities of America, dispensing the violet flame as Christ would do. See yourself in garments of purple and violet and pink! See yourself saturated as a pillar of violet fire!

We must have this cleansing! We must have it. For this is the open door, the opportunity for the clearing of those records that must not be a part of the new foundation of the new age. And never was there a time in all of her history when America could have so much redemption, so much regeneration, so much transmutation of all that is past.

Be free, O mother! Be free, O daughter! Be free, O children! Be free, O father! Be free, brothers and sisters! This is the hour of your freedom! Claim it within your soul! As Los Angeles is the soul chakra of California, so Los Angeles is the soul chakra of America. And here the souls of a people will hear the call of the mother who is free, the father who is free, the children who are free.

Understand that freedom must move. Freedom must be known throughout the land, and the joy of freedom must dispel every weight and burden.

We look to you and to all Keepers of the Flame who will receive this dictation as a letter from me2 so that they may begin in the very first weeks of the new year to translate my directives into action so that we do not lose the cycle of Capricorn to initiate cycles of God-direction in freedom.

O God-direction, O master! O Great Divine Director, now lower into our midst this vast mandala of America and of the golden age! Let it be lowered as a great filigreed canopy of golden light, the golden carving of the angels who come to tell and to foretell of this vision of a golden age that is yet to be.

Beloved ones, we see all. You would be dismayed to see what we see, and therefore though we see all, we do not tell all. For we see above all the victorious power of the light! We see the victorious power of the violet flame and the light of Astrea as Astrea consecrates her circle and sword of blue flame to the victory of America in this year.

We see the crown of the World Mother. We see the dancing of the flame and the dewdrops and the flowers and the children coming. And so ours is not to paint a picture of the darkness that has covered the land and the influences of darkness and of the fallen ones. Ours is to paint the picture of the rainbow of eternal promise so that you might look into the vision of our causal bodies and see that “with God all things are possible.”3

I recall now Valley Forge. I recall the war for the independence of the colonies. I recall that revolution reversing the course of the karma of Europe, which the dark ones would have placed upon America by entanglement, by association, by taxation. And I see the great vision and the diamond light of the mind of George Washington,4 who by the thrust of the mind of God became the white-fire core reversing that energy back to that shore from whence it came.

I see him kneeling in prayer, praying on behalf of America,5 and I see legions from the God Star, Sirius, hearken to the prayers of the general. I see how the words spoken from his lips on that cold day in the wood were heard by the mighty Blue Eagle of Sirius, who responded instantaneously—these legions of light who made their way, encamping round about him and among the men and, by the infusion of that Godlight, securing the victory.

America is the miracle of ascended-master love! America is a miracle land of violet fire! America is the victory of God’s desire! America is the land of the abundance of the Mother flame! America is the land where the children of God are called Home to the I AM name! America is the land where sons and daughters of God come forth to enshrine the noble purpose of God, of sacred worth. America is a land infused with sacred fire. America is born of God-desire.

I ask you, then, to secure the famous painting, a replica thereof, of George Washington kneeling in prayer.6 I ask that this shall be the sign of those who love America in Christ, in God, in freedom. I ask that you give this painting to your friends who are Christians, who are religious, who are devotees, that you ask them to have it in their homes and that you ask them to pray with you for the light and the victory of America.

And above all, I ask you, Keepers of the Flame, to kneel in prayer once a day with Godfre and with me before you retire, and to remember to call for the victory of light in America and in the hearts of the American people. And I can assure you by all that lives and breathes, by all that is holy in love, that the mighty Blue Eagle from Sirius will answer your call and will deliver this nation as one nation under God—individed, undivided, secure in the oneness of the light.

My vision is the vision of victory, and I will speak only of victory! I will hear only of victory! I will see only victory! I will be only victory! And do you know what I think? I think that Mighty Victory will enlist me in his legions! [Laughter]

Would you not also enjoy being called forth to serve in those legions of Victory, being selected from among your peers by that mighty cosmic being who says to you: “Come with me! Your aura is the golden light of victory. The laurel wreath shines from you by your God-determination. I will enlist you in my hosts of light.” This indeed is a privilege.

And I tell you, the hosts of light are oncoming! They are gathering as the legions of every archangel and cosmic being and Elohim. And if you could but see the glorious array, the demonstration of these legions of light—who will themselves march on Washington, D.C., on July 4 and 5, 1976—you would say to yourself: “I must be there! I must be among them! For I would be counted among those whose names will go down in cosmic history as the liberators of America! I must be the sword of the sacred Word, and I must be the pen of truth! I must be the fire that ignites a world!”

Whatever you will be for America, be it to the utmost! Be it to the fullest! Be it in the wholeness of the fire!

Now I say, make your decision before the conclusion of this year what you will be for America. And include a note to me, as you pen your letters to the Lords of Karma, and tell me what you will be for America. For I desire to be it with you. I desire to be in you and walk through you—Saint Germain, the Knight Commander! I would fulfill your dreams and your prayers, your longing for freedom. I would fulfill the law of love within you.

I stand before you to release the light of the violet flame for the filling in of certain areas of the landed surface of America, certain areas on the astral plane and the mental plane that present a problem for the elementals and for hierarchy. I AM releasing the light of my causal body to fill in the cracks and fissures in the land, to fill in those places where there has been experimentation with nuclear power within the earth.

I AM filling in the fissures of consciousness, for I AM the balance of the nature kingdom. I AM the balance with God Tabor and Meru. I AM the balance with Cuzco, and I AM the balance within you. So I AM filling in the gaps, I AM filling in the crack of the Liberty Bell, and I AM filling in the four lower bodies of all devotees who call to me.

This is the infilling light of the Holy Spirit, and the light of the violet flame is the light of the Holy Spirit for Aquarius. I place my flame in the amethyst crystal of the Mother that she might bear my flame and carry it forth by the power of the three-times-three—Morya’s three dots, Lanello’s three dots.

With a will to win and a flame of freedom, with the children of the Mother cheering her on, with the teaching of the Mother and the light of Gautama, how can we fail? We shall not! We will not! We will be victorious! Lo, because thou art, O God, I AM!

I AM Sanctus Germanus within the heart of America, within the heart of a mother, within the heart of every Keeper of the Flame. Lo, I AM the victory of America in 1976! So be it!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, December 30, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. This birthday year. The year 1976 marked the celebration of the bicentennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has stated that on this date the United States was “conceived,” which refers to the astrological “conceptional chart” of the United States. The actual birth of the United States took place on April 30, 1789, the day George Washington was sworn in as president. (Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium, p. 377, n. 8)

2. This dictation as a letter from me. By “letter,” Saint Germain may have been indicating that he wanted this message to be in written form so that the students could, as he explained, translate his “directives into action.” This dictation was published in 1976 in the book The Greater Way of Freedom: Teachings of the Ascended Masters on the Destiny of America, chap. VI, pp. 83-93; available at

3. Matt. 19:26.

4. The vision of George Washington. In the book Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium, Elizabeth Clare Prophet briefly describes George Washington’s vision that was vouchsafed to him by the Goddess of Liberty at Valley Forge, saying: “During the harsh winter of 1777 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, a turning point for the Revolutionary War, George Washington saw a vision of three perils that would face America. They are sobering. The first two visions have already come to pass as the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. The third prophecy, Washington said, was the “most fearful.” In this Pearl of Wisdom, Saint Germain may be referring to the first part of the vision in which he sees “a dark, shadowy being, like an angel” floating between Europe and America. The angel dips water out of the Atlantic “in the hollow of each hand” and sprinkles some water upon America with his right hand and some upon Europe with his left hand. A cloud then rises up from these countries and joins in mid-ocean. The cloud then moves toward America and envelopes the land. Washington sees “sharp flashes of lightning” gleaming through the cloud at intervals and hears “the smothered groans and cries of the American people.” Again the angel dips water from the ocean and sprinkles it out as before. The dark cloud “was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet reminds us that “Those who understand the real purpose of prophecy know that the events of the next two thousand years are not predestined. As Saint Germain tells us, prophecy offers enlightened men and women the opportunity to unite and determine that the negatives will not come to pass.” For the complete message of Washington’s three visions and Mrs. Prophet’s commentary, see Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium, pp. 282-92, available at

5. George Washington kneeling in prayer. It is said that General Washington knelt in prayer on a snowy evening during the time his army was encamped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778). During the difficult months of a severe winter, Washington often turned to God, whom he called “the all-powerful guide and great disposer of human events.”

6. Secure the famous painting. Saint Germain is referring to the well-known painting The Prayer at Valley Forge, depicting General Washington kneeling in prayer. The artist was Arnold Friberg (1913–2010), who completed the painting in 1975. The story of Washington kneeling in prayer is said to have originated from Isaac Potts, a Quaker, who recounted it decades later to Rev. Nathaniel Snowden. The story was included in Rev. Snowden’s journal “Diary and Remembrances,” with the hope that this story would be protected for posterity. The story goes that Potts was riding alone one day when he saw General Washington deep in prayer in the woods of Valley Forge. He was greatly moved and is said to have recounted the experience to his wife and much later to Rev. Snowden.

Prayer at Valley Forge by Arnold Friberg
The Prayer at Valley Forge
by Arnold Friberg

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