Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 34 - The Beloved God and Goddess Meru - September 8, 2020

The Fulfillment of the
Fiery Blueprint of the Seventh Root Race

Part 1

Hail, children of the Sun! Hail, children of the Sun who would become sons and daughters of God! Hail, sons and daughters of God who would become fathers and mothers of God!

Souls aborning in the great Cosmic Egg, souls of the seventh root race, have heard the call of Terra, have heard the call of the Christ and of the angels of Christ. They would come on the currents of the violet ray to take their place among you in this hour of transition.

These souls are beautiful souls, and they have petitioned the Lords of Karma and the Great Divine Director, Manu of the seventh race, to come to earth. Their joy is the joy of the overcoming of the way of sorrow by the path of sacrifice. And yet they have not known the densities of earth. They have not known the way of the fallen ones though they have been taught in the retreats of the Divine Mother. Yet these souls will newly touch earth’s crust when they are given the consent of the Lords of Karma to take embodiment.

We herald the day from our retreat over the Island of the Sun at Lake Titicaca.1 We herald the day of the coming of the Christed ones, and therefore we call the chosen ones of earth’s evolutions—all who have chosen to be the will of God, the perfection of God, the diamond-shining mind of God. We come surrounded by angels of motherhood and angels of fatherhood, angels of birth, angels of victory and light, angels of the Lords of Mind and the Lords of Form, the Lords of Creation and the Lords of Individuality.

We come to make the crooked way straight.2 We come to make straight the paths of deviation from the manifestation of the Christ. And the making straight of the lines and forcefields of consciousness is wholly a matter of alchemy because that which has gone out of the way of Christhood knows not that it is out of the way. Therefore it cannot be self-healed, although it may be self-appealed to the great Creator of life in the sense of knowing that all is not well with the body and the soul and the mind. And yet at least three-quarters among mankind know not that their temples, that their chakras, that the flow of energy within them has long ago departed from the sacred covenants of the laws of God.

Therefore you have heard the announcement of the founding of the Order of the Emerald Cross.3 Therefore you have heard that the angels of deliverance come with healing in their wings.4 You also must join these angels of deliverance.

You must call for the alignment. This alignment includes the straightening of the axis of the earth in the physical plane. It calls for the balancing of the cycles and of flow in the chakras of the Elohim within the planetary body. It calls for the balance of light in East and West. It calls for the balance of the Christ flame in government. It calls for the reign of the Prince of Peace at the head of every nation, and to that end beloved Saint Germain anchored the flame of freedom in the capitals of the nations.5 This was to anchor the blueprint for the seventh race, not only the soul blueprint of the Christed ones but the blueprint of their culture—the flowers, the petals, the setting for the jewel of the consciousness of the Great Divine Director and his divine consort.

And so we have come forth to place our offering upon the altar of the God of Freedom to the earth, upon the altar of the seventh age. And our offering is the lifewaves of the sixth root race, of the root races that remain on earth and of all of the lifewaves who come from angelic realms and other systems of worlds.

Our offering is to train fathers- and mothers-to-be, sons and daughters of God who accept the calling to bring forth the precious souls. Some of the souls who will come forth will be those who have the greatest manifestation of the archetypal patterns of the Christ consciousness in alignment with the flame of the masculine and feminine ray of the sixth root race.

For those who have perfected themselves in the image of Christ, in the image of Mary and in the image of the great teachers of all time, these are they who are worthy, then, who are able—by the mathematical formula anchored in the seat-of-the-soul chakra, the formula in the genes and the chromosomes—to magnetize the next pattern, the increase in vibration, the increase in intensification. It is the alchemy of the Piscean age becoming the Aquarian age. It is the transmutation of the waters of the Christ unto the air of the mind of God focalized in the Christed ones of Saint Germain and Portia.

And so you see the crystal clear River of Life flowing out of the throne of God, flowing through the being of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife.6 And thus these twin flames, the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, do bestow upon all who qualify for this noble calling that immaculate conception of New Age children, New Age sons and daughters of God. And you will look upon the flow of the energy of life as this mighty river and you will see how that river of energy turns through the cycles of the dispensations of the solar hierarchies.

And suddenly—suddenly with a great wind of the Holy Spirit—the air, the sea, the land, and the fiery core of being is filled with the matrices of Aquarius. And the old order passes away and the new order replaces the old order. And suddenly in that twinkling of the eye with the coming of the Spirit, lifewaves and evolutions hear resounding within the soul the great fiat of the Lords of Creation:

I AM the way, the truth, and the life!7

I AM the way, the truth, and the life!

I AM the fulfillment of the divine plan, of the fiery blueprint of the seventh race now cycling into manifestation from the inner core of the etheric plane anchored within the crown chakras of the minds of the sons and daughters of God and within the heart and the soul of the Mother.

I AM the release of the thoughtform of the seventh race.

Now let the children of God, the sons and daughters of God, the fathers- and mothers-to-be, catch the bouquet of the bride of Christ. In that bouquet are the flowers, the precious gems of light that contain all of the patterns of perfection that will be born in the archetypes of the 144,000 souls who will come forth in the centuries of the Holy Spirit, now dawning, to lay the foundation of a new life and of the pyramid of life and of the crystal chalice, to catch the flow of the Father’s purple, fiery, violet consciousness that he sends forth as the very seed of creation. [6-second pause; inbreath]

Now we breathe out the essence of the Spirit that is for the new birth [14-second pause; outbreath] and the sacred fire breath for the formation of worlds within worlds in the great Cosmic Egg.

O Mother Omega, O Alpha, our Father in the Sun behind the sun, let the solar hierarchies pass now the sacred torch of life as twin flames become runners in the race, in the great marathon of life from the heart of the Great Central Sun.

Let the cosmic hierarchies and twin flames now carry the torch of the one fire of the wholeness of the Father-Mother God. And let them pass that torch from ring to ring of concentric life becoming life, all the way from the very height of the Holy of Holies into the hearts of those who have been selected by the Keeper of the Scrolls, and Mary the Mother and Jesus the Son and Saint Germain the Father, to represent the Holy Family—the foundation for the inauguration of these thousands of years that are given into your hands this day, into the hands of the Mother and of the messengers as a fiery coil, as a dispensation of time and space for the lightbearers to perfect the race, the incoming race.

Now let the body temples be consecrated by devotion to the Maha Chohan. Now let those of you who are the teachers of mankind perfect the Logos and the Word, the understanding and the communication. Now let those who are the representatives of the World Teachers as ministers and shepherds perfect the golden net of the Christ that will be cast on the right side of the ship of consciousness in order to draw in all those who are aligned with Jesus the Christ, with Saint Germain, and with Purity’s love.

Let the lilies of the morning light, transparent for the fire of Helios and Vesta, emit the golden pink glow-ray of love and wisdom. Twin flames and soul mates and souls dedicated to one another in the love of the fulfillment of the cycles of karma and of dharma, now let them be married by the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife.8 Let the sacred ritual of their marriage vows be confirmed in the Holy of Holies as the LORD God blesses the great sphere of oneness out of which shall come forth the Christ—the true Christ, the Manchild, the One, the only begotten Son of the Father-Mother God, who is able to appear again and again and again as the Word incarnate.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 35.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by God and Goddess Meru was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 18, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Retreat over the Island of the Sun. The retreat of the God and Goddess Meru, known as the Temple of Illumination, is located over Lake Titicaca, high in the Andes Mountains on the Peru-Bolivia border. It is the focus of the feminine ray of the Godhead to the earth. The center of the retreat is directly over the remains of an ancient temple on an island in this lake, called the Island of the Sun. For further information and a description of this retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 478-80.

2. Matt. 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John 1:23; Heb. 12:13; Ps. 5:8; Isa. 40:3-4.

3. The Order of the Emerald Cross. See Pearl no. 33, by beloved Portia, this volume, p. 252, n. 3.

4. Mal. 4:2.

5. On November 23, 1975, Saint Germain said, “We commend those who strive for freedom and we say: Because we back you this day, America will not go down with the setting sun but she will rise with the dawn! She will rise in the light of Aries to manifest the Christ consciousness! She will rise, then, to that capstone in the pyramid of life. And each and every one who claims that capstone as his own will also rise in the victory of the ascension. I AM Saint Germain. I have enshrined freedom in the capitals of the nations this day. Now I enshrine freedom in the soul, freedom in the heart of every Keeper of the Flame! Receive that fire, O devotees of the One! Receive it now, and be infired! Take your places in the mandala of government! You are needed in the service of the light! Therefore, serve the Mother in the government of your nation. Serve the Mother in the mandala of the City Foursquare. Take your place! Release the light! Release the music of the spheres! And let balance be the harmony that impels the victory.” See Pearl of Wisdom this volume, no. 7.

6. Rev. 19:7.

7. John 14:6.

8. Let them be married by the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife. On the day that this dictation was given, a wedding ceremony that included seventeen couples and their bridal party was held at the conference location, officiated by the messenger.

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