Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 20 - Beloved Archangel Michael - May 22, 2021

The Gift of My Sword of Blue Flame

Part 2

Lo, I AM come this day. It is the marking of time and space. It is to reinforce in you that the day and the hour of the Lord’s coming no man knoweth,1 but in that coming you must have the alignment of the will of God. For when the cycles are appointed and fulfilled, then you will not be able to ask God for another week, another month, or another year.

It is somewhat like the hour of transition. The staying of the Death Angel is not possible. When the Death Angel comes to call the souls to new octaves of light and freedom, so that one will come and none will stay the hand of the LORD’s emissary or say, “What doest thou?”2

Therefore in your own vernacular, stop trying to save your own skin, for even your skin belongs to God! You might as well put it all upon the altar and have it done with—these perpetual argumentations and conversations with the fallen ones, every hour and every day engaging in this discussion of fear and of doubt and of questioning.

There is no cause or effect of fear anywhere in the cosmos except in yourself! There is no doubt anywhere except in yourself! And the human questioning, which belies your forgetfulness of the Presence of God, all of this is in yourself!

You may try to personify your fears and your doubts and your questionings in this or that one whom you say has betrayed you. There is no betrayer but the self! And when you stand face-to-face with your own God flame, you will hear these very words that I speak this day: “There is no betrayer but the self.”

Stand fast and conquer. Sit down with me this day and meditate upon your journey, where you have been the last million years and where you will be the next million years and whether or not God in you will be given the opportunity to impart the victory to the evolutions of Terra.

Look around you, but do not look around for another to take your place or to assume your responsibility. You were prepared for that high calling. Now give that talent that God has given you back unto him.

But look around you now. Look around the earth and ask yourself, where are those whom the LORD can use as emissaries? Where are those who refuse the desserts of this world? Where are those who refuse its glories? Where are those who in the time of the calling are ready to forsake all and to take up the sword of life and follow me?3

Yes, I said “the sword” and not “the cross.” And yet my sword is a flaming cross! It is the cross that I have taken from Calvary. For I have sworn on the altar of Almighty God that I would be the angel with the avenging sword, that I would take my sword of blue flame and plunge it into the cause and core of all unreality that has set itself against the reality of the Christ.

Yes, I have taken the cross, and I have formed a sword of blue flame out of that very cross upon which he hung. And I will tell you something—that my sword of blue flame is also the cross of my own crucifixion in that hour, in that moment of the decision to forsake all, even the beloved, for God.

You wonder of what I am speaking. I will give you what I have said and no more so that you might also understand that there are some aspects of the life of an archangel that are also preserved for the archangel and for the angelic hosts.

Understand, then, that if you have not passed through your own Gethsemane to surrender to the will of God, you will not arrive on Golgotha’s hill for the crucifixion. And if you do not accept the crucifixion of the Lord, then you will not have the fullness of that which is required to fashion the sword of blue flame.

Understand, then, that every angel who wields a sword in your name and on behalf of the God within you must have passed that requirement of the crucifixion, else that one is not counted worthy to defend the Christ within you or to serve you and to teach you the way of the crucifixion that is the sacrificing of the lesser self and even the willingness to lay down the Greater Self that others might live.

It was God in Christ who was crucified that day. It was not the carnal mind who was crucified. It was God in Christ who suffered for the sins of the people of earth. Understand that teaching of the Law, precious ones! Far greater is the sacrifice of the Greater Self. For when you give that Greater Self, you are giving the totality of being and you are trusting absolutely in Almighty God to resurrect that Self and to return it unto you.

Understand, then, the price that has been paid by the legions of Archangel Michael who have served you. Understand what preparation has been required of us to be able to come to the ascended masters’ university here in time and space to deliver to you the momentum of our causal bodies. Is it any wonder that we should wait until the hour of your own decision to serve God before coming to you in the science of the spoken Word?

Yet you have given much! You have given your calls daily unto us. You have sent forth the energies whereby we have restored lifestreams and have even infused the economies of the nations with forcefields of protection that have come forth as dispensations from the Great Central Sun in answer to your calls!

And therefore I am here not merely to chasten you but to glorify the God in you for your steadfastness in the glorying in his name. For I tell you, these invocations that have been sustained have been the glory of God and even the smile upon the face of Alpha as he has given into my hand these dispensations of energy whereby certain activities are taking place in the unconscious levels of being on earth, which you will see the results of not even in this year but in the decades to come.

Understand, precious ones, that I have gone for many a year to the altar of Alpha to request dispensations for the people of earth, and I have gone away empty-handed! I can assure you, then, that the calls of the students and of Keepers of the Flame throughout the planetary body have indeed fallen upon the ears of the Almighty One, for he is not as very far from you as you might think.

And therefore I must give gratitude! I must give praise and thanksgiving! I must stand where you stand in this very moment in your very aura and I must say, “I AM Michael! Michael! Michael!” And to all of you who have given forth this call I say, “Yes, I confirm the Word! I stand where you stand and I convey to you the very essence of my attainment in standing on earth and in giving forth the cry of victory!”

Precious ones, won’t you stand that you might receive this impartation of my own Electronic Presence. For there comes that moment when the chela who has compelled the light of the Guru does receive that certain portion. [Audience stands.]

And therefore I come now to fortify that faith that you have vowed. And for every point and molecule and momentum of faith within your being, I add my own. And that vortex of fiery faith in goodwill becomes now a spinning, whirling sun, and that whirling sun energy will be in you that very forcefield that will throw off your doubts and your fears and your self-pity and your self-concern into the very flame of life that burns upon the altar of your heart.

You will notice that I have not said that I will take your doubt. No, I have come to reinforce your own faith, whatever it might be. And if it is a grain of mustard seed, then so be it. It can become a whirling Great Central Sun Magnet.

Understand, then, that I have once again placed the responsibility upon you and your willing of the Law. And so if you would have more faith, then be more faith and magnetize that faith!

Are you any less than I? Only in cycles. Not in potential, not in origin, not in determination. And ere the cycles of a million years have passed, you may stand before the evolutions of a system of worlds and recount that very moment of your own decision to sacrifice that which you love most so that the God who loves most can make that choice in you.

I assure you that when your hour of victory comes and you are standing before millions of evolutions who are free because you have chosen to be free, you will hark back for a moment to when the torch was passed, when the sword was passed, and you will breathe a prayer—the most humble prayer of your life—and you will say, “I thank thee, God! I thank thee, God, for hierarchy, for the teaching, for all who have gone before!” And you will know, as I know in this hour, that in that moment it was truly God’s strength, God’s being, and his righteousness that was the conviction.

I do not count myself worthy to claim myself a victor, for God in me is the victor over the dragon. And I am here to tell you that God can and shall be the same in each and every one of you. You see, in reality there is no separation. I stand where you stand. There is no time and space. There is only one God, one Being, one Consciousness. And therefore it is, you see, a question of the mind, a question of the will and heart, a question of the inner conviction—the absolute inner conviction of knowing that I live in you!

This should be unto you that thrust for the victory whereby I might send you forth in the name of Christ to every nation, to every continent, that you might be there that pillar of fire leading the children of Israel out of the land of bondage, out of the house of Egypt unto the captivity of the law of life.

O precious ones, these are our moments of communion. These are the moments when we all know the Presence of the LORD.

Now with the flaming sun centers of faith—pinpoints of light whirling within you, whirling like a child’s toy, whirling like pinwheels, whirling and whirling—can you not have that God-determination to sustain the mark, sustain the mark of perfection, sustain the consciousness of the Mark who walked among you to sustain victory?

And in that moment when those little demons—sometimes they are scarcely two inches high—come and jump on your shoulders or jump on your feet and cry out for recognition, can you not in that very moment thrust forth the sword, the mighty sword of blue flame that my angels now place in your hand? For it is forged and won by you, and you are given what you have given.

Can you not take that sword and drive it into the core? Do you not understand that these demons actually fear the flame in your heart and that they know that their only hope is to trick you—trick you into that very consciousness of which the messenger spoke this day, that leaven of the Sadducees and Pharisees?4

If they can trick you into the sense of separation from God, trick you into being off guard, that is the only way. They already know that they are no match for the Christ or the God flame within you! They already know that you have all power from God if you will claim it! They must trick you into failing to claim that power in the moment when they come!

And because they have tricked so many, they have become confident and puffed up with pride and they have expanded their forcefields into huge dimensions until they hover almost as giants, when actually the Christ, the Christ in David, could slay that giant with one stroke of the sword, one movement of the hand, one fiat of the Word.

Aye, it is illusion! It is maya! It is the play in the game of Mother! You must then see Mother face-to-face, seek her robe and seek her mantle, seek her company and seek her initiation, as I have sought her company and her flame. You must understand that in the presence of Mother and in her teaching there is the perpetual reminder of the opportunity of the hour.

In the moment of my choosing I also saw the face of a cosmic being who ensouled the flame of Mother in a cosmos, in a vast beyond, which is beyond your comprehension and yet not beyond my telling. I saw the face and I knew that I loved God most—God the origin of my life, God as Mother, God as Father. I knew there was no replacement. And so, you see, I AM a chela. I AM a chela of Mother.

I come to you, then, offering you the opportunity of joining the company of angels. You have your sword in hand. It will grow like Aaron’s rod! It will even blossom! It will blossom with blue lightning and even the blue rose! It will be to you that all-purpose instrument of the dividing of the Word and the washing of the water by the Word.5 It will be to you whatever you need in the hour of overcoming—a rod of power, a scepter of authority, the dividing of the way.

I raise my sword this day! I have the courage to be before you Michael the Archangel! I impart all that I AM! The question is, Will your consciousness receive the graft? Will it accept, then, the electrode of my being? Will you accept me to live in you?

Do not answer that question yet, for I desire to make known to you the consequences of Archangel Michael living within you. It is a new life! It is a new experience! It is the flaming flame of blue lightning! It is being on call twenty-four hours a day! It is forsaking all in the service of the King—ah, the King!

I come before the Lord Christ. It is for him, for him alone—that one, that one alone that I AM. Therefore I say, if you would lead the life of Archangel Michael or of the legions of Michael, be prepared. Be prepared to be mobile, for you must go here and there and beyond—always there in the hour of need, the need of the rescue by the children of God. Precious ones, think. Think of what life offers this day, then make your choice. Make your choice for God, I pray. For you see, that God for whom you choose is the God within. He is your life, and you have no other life! If you fail to choose that God, that life this day, I fear that you will find that life and that God slipping from you as the cup that slips, as the cup that slips. And you will not perceive the slipping of the cup. It will be that gradual moving away from the centeredness of Reality.

Therefore I say, choose God and live this day!

Bless you in the flame of Truth!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, December 12, 1976, during a Sunday service in Pasadena, California.

1. See Matt. 25:13; Mark 13:32.

2. Job 9:12; Ezek. 12:9; Dan. 4:35; Eccl. 8:4.

3. See Matt. 16:24; Luke 9:23.

4. The messenger spoke this day. In her lecture given on December 12, 1976, before Archangel Michael’s dictation, the messenger spoke of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees: “This very doctrine is the consciousness that moves in our own mind and says, ‘You can’t do it. You can’t become the Christ, so don’t try. You can’t be purified. He will only condemn you.’” The messenger then related the story of the disciple Peter’s confession of the Christ in Jesus from Matthew 16:13- 17, and then she continued: “If we will confess ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God’ within ourselves, [confess] to your own God-free being who lives inside of you, we may also receive the reward of receiving the Christ in the name of the Christ. If we are waiting to see the Christ because we look in the mirror and we see a face that does not look like the Christ, or we see sin or we see darkness or we see our faults because they are constantly being amplified by the carnal mind—if we are waiting, waiting for the coming of the Christ, always waiting—we are subscribing to the doctrine of the Sadducees and Pharisees.... This leaven, like a poison, has permeated the entire planetary body.” The messenger spoke of her own experience of any separation from God being driven back as she gave the affirmations: “I AM not separate from God! I AM here and now the fullness of the consciousness of the Lord, of the ascended masters! I do not have to wait for my ascension or wait for my perfectionment because God is perfecting himself in me now, and therefore in the moment, in this place, I AM the realization of the fullness of the consciousness of God! I AM in the ascension here and now! I AM free!” The messenger then requested that the congregation give their own affirmations of confirmation and conviction.

5. Eph. 5:26.

Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame

Blest Michael, great archangel bright
      To help raise earth to heaven’s height
Fashioned a sword of love’s blue flame
      Let all adore and praise his name.

O sword of blue, in love so true
      We e’er invoke thy mighty stroke
That cuts away by love divine
      All not of God’s own pure design
And in its place gives joy and peace
      To bring to all love’s sweet release.

The sword of flame such freedom brings
      With gratitude each heart now sings
Its mighty pow’r both sure and fast
      Transmutes all errors of the past.

Dear Michael’s sword of flame so true
      Our vict’ry brings in all we do
To it we bow and bend the knee
      And bless it now most gratefully.

O Central Sun and Lords of Light
      Give earth her vict’ry for the right
And bless Archangel Michael, too
      For his great love and sword of blue.

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 283. The audio version is available on

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