Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 21 - Beloved Saint Germain and Archangel Michael - June 1, 2021

Saint Germain’s Sword of Freedom
Archangel Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame

Hail, sons of victory! Hail, daughters of flame!

I AM come in the violet flame, as you would expect. I AM come bearing my sword, as you perhaps would not expect. And I say, Why not? For I AM also come to attend Summit University.1 For I can assure you that wherever Archangel Michael gives forth the flame of his devotion unto the Mother, I AM there.

I AM there with my sword, and there to match that sword of blue flame I bring the sword of alchemy again. I bring it forth and I hold it in the place of the line of the six, where God Harmony stands. With Michael at the point of the release of the Word, there on the side of the north, I stand on the side of the Mother and the house of the Mother to catch the Word with my sword.

I hold the sword to receive that fiery core of the endless action of the ages, the cycles turning. For when Michael sends forth a Word, there is a burning action, a cycle that sends itself out into the void. And so I stand to catch the cycle of the Word, to send it back to the heart of the flaming sword.

I AM Saint Germain, and I have many opportunities to manifest that flame of the Spirit—yes, as the quickening! Yes, as the joy! Yes, as the awakening of those who sleep! I touch the crown of life, and I touch the funny bone. [laughter] I touch the place where you do not expect to be touched. “Oh!” you say, “I have been wounded!” Indeed! [laughter]

Indeed, when the sword of Saint Germain releases that violet flame, if you have lost your sense of humor, then I say, you may well find yourselves without that beret, without even that toupee [laughter], standing before your peers, somewhat annoyed because you have dared to venture to stand on the place where angels stand.

Do not fear. I AM very near, and I have a purpose in my thrust. My sword is a sword of action, and if I must I will use it to lance to the core those energies that have been the boil and the sore upon the body of the Mother and her children for all too long.

For aeons they have been without the song of the singing of the violet flame, without the wax that drips from the candle that is lit, that burns, that is held in the hand of the virgin who comes to awaken you in the night, even in the moment when your soul would take flight, far, far, far from the Mother. For you fear her footstep, and yet it is a silent footstep. And the flame is carried in the night. It is indeed the dark night, but it is not the dark night of the soul. It is the dark night of your own creation that you must face before you can be made whole.

I come from the long line of the prophets. I remember well the hour and the day of the coming of Samuel to anoint with the holy oil the new king.2 David was his name! David, the star of the divinity of Alpha come to manifest the victory of identity in the solar grid, another angle of the consciousness of the mind of God—the king who was to become the King of kings and Lord of lords.3

Would you be king this day? Then take my ring, a ring I wear as vow before the Holy Virgin. I kneel upon the stair. It is a stair of initiation. Yes, I take my initiations and I kneel, step-by-step on my knees on the stairway that leads to the stars—stars of divinity, stars of expansion.

Endless manifestation of the mind of God, how I love thee! By thy grace I AM, O God! I raise the scepter of authority and my rod! I stand before you as ever a prophet in the land! I come to deliver the prophecy unto the people of America! I AM Saint Germain, and I will not forsake this land, this virgin land. And I will not—no, not in this day, aye, and not tomorrow—I will not give one jot or one tittle of agreement of the energy or of the very fiber of my being unto the wicked or the fallen ones! Indeed they fall! They have not the All. They have not that precious instrument that is for the defining of the Word. They have not meshed gears or the very teeth of consciousness with the angles of the mind of God.

Why do you think he said, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”?4 For you must entertain angels. You must fit into the angles and the dimensions of the mastery of their consciousness so that they might transfer to you the means of transcending this place in time, this space in infinity.

And therefore to receive the angelic hosts is to receive the evangels who precede the coming of the Initiator—of Maitreya, of Michael, of Morya. And I too would come to spark you to a new joy, a joy that has gotten the victory over the beast and over the mark of the beast and the number of his name.5 It is not the joy of affirming, “I am right, right, right!” You see, you are wrong, wrong, wrong! How long will you sing that silly, silly old song? [laughter] I have heard it for far, far too long!

Now, I can understand when I hear it sung by the fallen ones, for they sing it all the way—all the way to the Court of the Sacred Fire and to the judgment. And can you imagine the expression on the faces of the Four and Twenty Elders when they hear that same old song? Well, they are unmoved! As you might say, they have that poker face. [laughter] It is a wonder of wonders, I say, that these fallen ones could come all that way and not know that God is right. God is righteousness! God is the doer of righteousness!

Let all else pass into the Silence. Let it pass into the flame. Let us have our peace. It is that peace—peace and quiet at last, free from the singsong of the demons and the fallen ones—that peace that you crave.

Yes, I know that you crave that peace. Now and then you say, “Oh, Morya, let this cease! I cannot take it anymore! Will you not give me even one day—one day when I do not feel that sword of blue flame, that chastisement of Heros and Amora, that constant, constant energy that is become as a sore within my being?”

And now and then Morya replies, “You may have this day of peace.” But it is only now and then, for he comes as I come, with that sword to push you from behind, you see, to keep you going on so that you will bump into my sword on the other end! [laughter]

And thereby you must then defend and seek to defend that Real Self. For of course if you seek to defend that ego, you will bend quite in two! You will bend, and then you will view that lesser self that has no way to go—not down or up, to the right, to the left! For at every hand there is that sword of the angles of the mind of God pointing, pointing. And of course you can walk through the sword. You may penetrate, you may activate, you may even fly.

We must come to force you to try the alchemy of the Spirit! After all, many have walked through atoms and molecules of bricks, and the few have also levitated out from the very midst of the lair of the angles of the mind of God. But you see, that was, after all, our purpose from the beginning—to make you so tired of the toiling and the agony of the struggle to defend that worthlessness of the lesser self that you would finally say, “I surrender! I will dive into the ocean of infinity! I will become myself! I will become the ascended one, the living Son, the action of love manifesting now as the dove that descends from above, even on the shepherd’s crook of the one who would be Joseph in this day and age.”6

Yes, I come. I too attend the dramas and the plays.7 For I am watching and waiting for those who will play their piece, to show to the world the drama of life that will not cease—no, not until you have been caught up unto the first and the second and the third, the fourth, the fifth heaven, and even unto the sixth and the seventh. No, the drama will go on. The battles will be won. There will be the tensing of the mind in the great creative tension of God.

Precious ones, we are grateful to be in the midst of those who would be the overcomers, and we come to bring good cheer! We come, then, for Lord Gautama is here! With Jesus and Kuthumi and Maitreya, they form the cross—the mighty cross of fire that you will always know is the scepter and the mighty sword of life.

Therefore, now stand before your sponsors, who have called your souls to the wedding. [Students rise.] Theirs is the bridal call. They come to anoint the ones who would give their all, who perhaps know not how but have made the vow to try, to try, and to try again, and to win the Victory in the end. After all, what counts is not how many times you fall but how many times you get up! See to it that you get up one more time than the amount of times that you fall! [laughter] And thus you will find yourself in the Great Hall of the Royal Teton Retreat because you have not said “defeat” but you have said “Victory! Victory in the flame! Victory in the flame of the white light!”

Now then, those who are the students in this hour of Michael’s quarter, of Michael’s light, will you kneel to receive that light. [Students kneel; 18-second pause.]

I give you now Archangel Michael, who comes to bestow the blessing and to give to you the caressing of his heart’s love for the fires of faith within your heart.

Archangel Michael

Lo, children of the One! I will not forsake you who have spun a web of light, the antahkarana of the blue-flame angels. It is a bridal veil that now transcends the ages, that makes each one a knot in the lace of the Cosmic Virgin. From knot to knot, the filigree of light, you are one. I proclaim it ’neath the sun.

The angels of my band now greet the angels of the Lord of the World, and there is placed upon each one who has made it to the end, by God’s grace, that mantle of the golden robe of the brothers and sisters of the Order of Kuthumi.8 It is the robe you wear, the robe at which some may stare. But be not concerned. It is the robe whereby you are known throughout a cosmos as devotees who have come ’neath the sun while there is yet time and space to prove the willingness to run in the race of victory and of faith and hope and charity.

The mantle is placed upon those who have not yet received it, those who have attended level one. And those of you who are in level two have your mantle. It is a cape of gold for conquerors and warriors bold. It is a cape where I now place that star, the star that is the person of God that commemorates your freedom in enlightenment. For by the mantle of the Christ and of the Buddha you have received the enlightenment. And by the flame of freedom of Saint Germain you have sustained the star of identity. The star is embroidered there by angelic hands. It is made permanent when you have fulfilled all of your assignments and your tests.

And those of you who now are blessed with the initiations of Morya, the second star is placed next to the first, on the right collar of your robe. And again, when you have completed your assignments in honor, fulfilling to the uttermost the abilities of your heart, then that star will also be made permanent.

You may think that you are on your way to becoming the five-star general! Well, I might say, I look forward to the day when I can add to my legions those five-star generals who will lead mankind and the recalcitrant ones into the light, the very pathway of the Sun, the very pathway over which my cohort Gabriel walks.

Each day when he carries the scroll to the virgins of earth, to the mothers and to the fathers who come before the altar, each one who receives the annunciation receives the fresh fires from the altar of the Sun, where Gabriel has gone to pray to receive the impartation of the seed and the Word for each new child that will be born on every planet in these systems of worlds.

Now you have come to the altar. Transfer the mind, then! See yourselves not here and now, but here and now in another place, a place that is the altar of the great cathedral, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony,9 where the archangels gathered to receive the vials and to pour out those vials upon the earth.10

See yourselves kneeling before the altar of the Most High God. See yourselves receiving, then, a portion of the flame of the living God. See Alpha now draw his hand and dip it to his heart and bestow upon you that anointing of sacred fire, which is your portion to go forth to do and be the will of God.

Into the right hand of those who have formed the mandala of the Mother for the overcoming of the fourteen stations in the hour of the crucifixion of the Mother, there is placed now the scepter of authority, the authority of the rod of Aaron, which when used according to the will of God will be for the putting down of darkness in the evolution of mechanization, for the binding of the Fallen One and the confirmation of the judgment. The scepter of authority is that which is wielded by the Christ Self. And as you are one in the Christ, so you are able to then focus the energies of the authority of your own Christ Self.

Fear not the majesty of God! Fear not the imminence of the Word or of the coming of the hour of the judgment, but rejoice! Run to greet the wave of light!

Hosts of the LORD, I call you by the name, for my legions come. They come this night to walk to your right, to your left. For this night, precious ones, you will march. You will march with Archangel Michael’s legions! You will march in the name of the Christ and under the banner of Maitreya and under the banner of the World Mother!

And we will also carry the glory of the stars and stripes, focusing the challenge of initiation to America and to a people of the I AM Race. You will march as you have not marched before. You will march as conquerors, and you will see all that God holds in store for you as you determine to be where you are the master of life.

Stand now, conquerors of life! [Students rise.] Stand in the flame and receive also the armor and the shield to go with the sword that you now wield.

I AM Michael! I come in the flame! I come in the name of Saint Germain! It is an honor to be in a universe where Saint Germain is, to serve with him and to know the God that he has realized in that flame of freedom.

I am honored to be in the presence of the hosts of the LORD, ascended and unascended. I bow before the flame and the light within you, and I take my place on this platform as Saint Germain now comes to give you the gift of his heart.

Saint Germain

Sons and daughters of God, how well you know that God has called you, as you have called to him, and that the choice has been the choice of the Good Shepherd and the Guru. I have chosen you. I have chosen you as the best fruits of the earth for Michael’s legions.

I pray that each one will then have the matrix of self-worth and a little bit of mirth that is needed on earth—that matrix for the Mother whereby you will have no other love but God and the service of God ’neath the rod of his Law and the discipline that invokes that holy awe of whirling star-fire centers, sapphires, and the sun centers that whirl within the sacred heart that are the Elohim, the coming of the ones who now impart to you that gift of my very own flame, that jewel that I bring to the Christmas Child, to the one newborn as king, as queen.

I say, then, to you who have heard the calling of the sons and daughters of God, who have heard of the right to rule, of those who have the threefold flame—I say to you, rule your energies in humility. Rule with sagesse*and noblesse oblige. Rule with the finesse of the legions of freedom, with wisdom and the impartial quality of justice. Rise above the pettiness, the gossip, the preference of the little self.

You are an example to an age. You cannot turn back from that calling. The lights are on. You are called on stage. You come. You will play your role. It will be the example. And elementals and ages untold will imitate that role that you have unrolled from the scroll of life.

There is the inevitability of the cosmos as the conveyor belt of mass production. The belt is moving, and you are on the belt. As long as you are on the belt in time and space, your day must come. As they have said, “Every dog has his day.” [laughter] Well, I say, every God must have his say, every newborn babe must utter his cry, and every angel must have the rustling of the wings and of the garment. Every angel must blow that trumpet, and every son of God and every daughter must witness ’neath the rod.

If there is the inevitability of cosmic destiny, then I say, rejoice! For it is the calculus of the cosmos. It is the mathematical precision whereby you are secure in the consciousness of God. The security of the Law gives to you that joy, and even Morya’s diamond without flaw. That security is knowing—knowing that your time will come, your space will come, rolled up into one. You will be the flame that was, that is, that evermore shall be the consciousness of cosmic victory!

I send forth the flame of my sword. Catch it now! Let your right hand be raised! Catch my sword! For I would give to you that flame that is the balance of the sword of Michael! See how swiftly it comes into your aura to make you bright, the presence of that God delight that will win the victory for the right.

Now you will have to have the sheaths of the sword on your belt, and you will have to remember which sword you draw forth for what occasion! [laughter] And you must remember that just when you think you need Michael’s sword to slay the demon, you will need that sword of freedom to bring dominion and to stay the hand and even of that Serpent One so that you might laugh and laugh to derision the forces that have kept the earth in that confusion and the chaos of Old Night.

I say, there is a mastery—a mastery in the way! There is a joy—a joy for every day!

I AM Saint Germain, and I could spin my yarn on into the night! [laughter] But I will take my place and watch you as you tell your tale. Be careful that you do not expose your tail! [laughter] But tell the tale, if you would have it, of the flight of the soul from Darkness unto Light and into the center of the Whole.

I bid you a fond good night!

*sagesse: French; “wisdom,” “reason,” “moderation”

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain and Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, December 17, 1976, at the President’s Reception, held in Pasadena, California.

1. Summit University. Saint Germain is referring to Archangel Michael’s quarter at Summit University, held in Pasadena, California. This dictation was given during the President’s Reception, which was the concluding event of the quarter.

2. See I Sam. 16:12-13.

3. I Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16. King David reembodied as Jesus the Christ.

4. Heb. 13:2.

5. Rev. 13:17.

6. The one who would be Joseph in this day and age. Saint Germain was previously embodied as Joseph, the father of Jesus.

7. The dramas and the plays. At the conclusion of this President’s Reception, the students of Archangel Michael’s quarter gave various presentations for those in attendance, including skits, songs, and marching.

8. The Order of Kuthumi refers to the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe.

9. Rev. 15:5.

10. Rev. 16:1-21. This refers to the release of mankind’s karma by the seven archangels from 1975 to 2001. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Vials of the Seven Last Plagues.

Faith in Divine Purpose

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Michael and Faith, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:

O Archangel Michael, being of Faith,
Through my God Presence all doubt now erase
Open my eyes, my vision renew
Make of the many God’s chosen few.

One by one we step through the door
Of greater Faith than we’ve had before
Cast out our sin and our doubt in the Real
Help us to sense Truth, God’s Presence to feel.

    I AM, I AM, I AM a friend of God
    I AM, I AM, I AM uplifting his rod
    Of implicit Faith in my purpose divine
    By thy blazing Reality now I do shine.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

This decree is in the book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, no. 10.14A.

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