Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 22 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - June 8, 2021

The Purging Fires of the Holy Spirit

Let there be peace, and let the light of the Sun now be received by the Spirit of the Comforter within you.

You have invoked the light of the Holy Spirit, and I AM the Maha Chohan, a nameless one called “Great Lord” for the greater glory of the Lord of the living, who comes unto all who stand in the place of givingness—the giving of the flow of the energy of life. Givingness is the requirement for the coming of the blest Son, who delivers unto each soul of light the Spirit of the Comforter.

May the purging fires of the Holy Ghost be upon you as joy and as blessing. Receive the purging light of the new year, as out from the Great Central Sun, out of the white light there comes to earth the blest dove of the Holy Spirit, which brings to the children of God that very purging fire that is an energy coil, a springboard from eternity whereby the children of the Sun can manifest that eternity as a maternity and a paternity in life for the souls of all living.

See the coming of this light, then, as that which is poured into the temple—and therefore the alchemy, therefore that energy that demands alignment and the throwing off of that substance that would keep you out of alignment. This is the inconvenience as the physical body adjusts to the new light.

Do not always interpret, then, when you are not [feeling] well, that “this is the force,” as you call it, or “this is opposition.” For you see, you may be calling me names as I come to your temple to initiate you in the fires of the Holy Spirit. I will not leave you as I find you, and therefore I compel those substances of darkness to come out. Let them be flushed out as you receive that light!

See, then, how the demons also flee from you. And as they flee from your electronic belt they attempt to express themselves through you, and suddenly you find yourself giving vent to a vehemence that is not your own and giving vent to a rebellion that is not your own.

Take heed, then, that I stand before you as the Initiator of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood that is the flame of the Holy Spirit. See, then, that if you call, I come. And if I come, there must be the expelling from your four lower bodies of those energies that are less than the cosmic honor flame, less than the integrity of life.

How do they get in? They get in by a mental sloth and a laziness whereby in a lack of discipline you have allowed yourselves, in a sleepy manner, to enable those energies to penetrate the memory, the mind, the emotions, and the physical body.

Therefore with the quickening and the awakening and the light of the new year, so comes the expelling. I do expel, then, from the midst of the company of the community those energies that are less than that honor guard of the Holy Spirit! And those who would align themselves outside of the honor guard also find themselves outside of the community!

And it comes with a quickening Spirit. But it is not necessary, for in an instant, in a moment, those who find themselves fleeing the Presence—the very Presence of that Spirit—may then understand that they now do not wish to flee with the enemies of righteousness and the invaders of the person of the sons and daughters of God. And therefore they can make an about-face and reenter the white-fire core and say, “I was mistaken. I thought it was I who should leave. Now I realize that it is those monstrous forms and formlessnesses that have invaded that very self, that greater self, that larger self that is the life of the body and the soul and the spirit of the community. Whither shall I flee from thy Presence?”

This is the prayer of the soul who stands before the representative of the Holy Spirit. “Whither shall I flee from thy Presence?”

You see, you cannot forever flee the responsibility of light and to be the light on earth, to bear that responsibility, as in the bearing of the burden of one another. You must always find that cosmic cross of white fire, which marks the moment and the conception where you master life at a certain point in time and space.

Time and space are necessary coordinates of those who would be the Christed ones, the ones anointed with the mantle of the robe of righteousness worn as a garment, worn as a veil of Spirit—an energy veil of Spirit that is for the clothing of the body and the soul, worn as a conveyor and a conductor of the principle of the Christ.

Do you see, then, that the wearing of the garment of the Lord demands that cosmic determination of standing where I stand and being where I AM?

You say I AM everywhere. In truth, I AM. Therefore look to the focalization! Look to the absorption of the Spirit! Look to the concentration of the Spirit, and be there! Be where the carcass is! For there will the eagles be gathered together.1

Wherefore, then, the coming of the eagle of Sirius this year?2 Wherefore the coming of the eaglets? I say, the coming of the eagle is the sign of the LORD God, of the marking of the place in time and space where the carcass is!

And what is the carcass? It is the body of Christ. And what is the body of the Christ? It is the concentrated consciousness of Christ, so concentrated that the Word becomes flesh and you see that Word directly, face-to-face, as the living God interpenetrating the Mater-realization of the God flame. This is the mystical union of the body of Christ on earth as in heaven. Seen yet not seen, the Incorruptible One infuses the corruptible one.

And so when you see that infusion, you are like the early Christians, the apostles and the disciples and the holy women waiting for the Second Coming of Christ. For you never know moment by moment, as the falling of the sands in the hourglass, how that energy—conveyed, concentrated—will not suddenly be the coming into the temple of the LORD’s hosts and of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, the eagles gather together where the carcass is, waiting, waiting, waiting for that moment of that twinkling of the eye of God!

Is this not the great drama of the Great Dramatist of life? Is this not how the LORD God keeps the entire creation in a state of suspension—suspended, waiting, waiting for the quickening, waiting for the troubling of the waters by the angel so that those waters might be made sacred and that by touching those waters you might be made whole?3

Understand this saying—the waters being the energies of Mother flow and of Mater here below, the waters being that flow of cosmic consciousness, which when qualified by the sons and daughters of God with the light of the Holy Spirit are for the healing Presence.

Can you go forth from this temple and touch the rock and be healed? Not in all probability. But if I stand by the rock, and by the power that God has vested in me I do charge that rock with the light of the flow of the spring, then you will touch the rock and be healed. Understand, then, that that presence of the energy and of the life of Mater does not guarantee the flow of the Christ energy unless and until it is endowed by sons and daughters of God with the one living flame, the threefold flame within the heart. Hear, then, the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Do you recall that Mother Cabrini, that blest saint now counted among the saints of heaven, touched the rock on the hillside near Denver, Colorado, and thereupon was the coming forth of the water, the water that is a well of the spring, of the flow of energy unto this day?4 It is the flow of that energy, that very same energy by which Christ extended to the woman at the well that life, that consciousness, and that forcefield5—the drinking of that water [of life], therefore imparting everlasting life.

How came, then, that energy and that flow to the blessed one, Mother Cabrini? It was because I stood in her presence. I stood then to release that energy and to open that spring so that all who gazed upon her innocence and her Mother light might know that she was sponsored by the Lord Christ and by the Holy Spirit. And therefore do the ascended masters work miracles for the confirmation of the invisible flame behind the visible manifestation.

Therefore understand this flow of living water! Understand that initiation is, as Lord Maitreya has told you, the process whereby you initiate spirals of God consciousness on earth! Initiation is the process whereby I stand next to you and transfer that leaping coil of energy and make of you the rock out of which springs forth the rivers and the flowings and the sacred God-knowings of energy and life and liberty. If you be rocks, then be willing to be made Christed ones and sons and daughters of Abraham! If you be the lump of clay, then know that this day the LORD God may charge you with that light, that everlasting light that is the liberty of the sons and daughters of God to go in and out of the Presence of the I AM.

Know, then, that it is never of yourself. It is not of yourself that suddenly there is this flow of God. But it is because an ascended master, the God-free being, the ones of the Trinity, have proclaimed the light of God and have determined to bear witness unto that light through those who walk yet in the planes of Mater.

From day to day the LORD may choose any one of you to be that flow of the wellspring of life, to demonstrate that principle of the overcoming victory of the flame. Therefore think not to be miracle workers or to be seen as exceptional ones, but think only to be the instrument. And take care of the idolatry whereby you consider that you ought to become a perfect this or a perfect that. For you see, the LORD God will always leave his people with that sign and that mark of imperfection so that those who gaze upon his people will not say, “There is Christ! There is God!” But they will say of them, “There is the humble instrument. There go the meek who will inherit the earth. There go the sheep of the LORD.”

Not so with the fallen ones! They have sent forth the creation that imitates the perfection of God himself, a mechanical perfection. And therefore have mankind gazed upon this creation and they have said, “There is Christ and there is God!” And this is the purpose of the idolatrous ones and the fallen ones, who have attempted to enslave the children of God unto the not-self. See how they have raised up the image of the not-self! See how they have performed that work that is Antichrist!

Lo, then, I come quickly. And I come to the children of God who are satisfied in the perfection of God and who do not attempt to make of flesh and blood that perfection but who leave the rock rough-hewed, who leave the granite of the mountain and of nature to be in all its naturalness that conveyor and that conductor of sacred fire.

So be the rough-hewn! So be as John the Baptist! Be as Abraham Lincoln! Be as the ones who bore upon their forms that certain something, that certain incongruity with this plane whereby to gaze upon them one could look through and beyond that imperfection and see, nestled there in the heart as it was nestled in the manger, the flame of the Christ incarnate.

So, then, let that Luciferian pride and that energy of the fallen ones—who rant and rave and who pound against the doors to beat against the spoken Word of the messenger—let all of that go back by the raising of the hand of the Comforter and by the raising of the arc of the energy of the Prince of Peace.

I desire that you should understand yourselves to be instruments of the Holy Spirit, and therefore I now ask you to rise so that I might perform a work through you this day.

[Audience rises.]

Will you turn and face the doors to the temple? See, then, these as the open door—the door by which the Christed ones pass through, the door by which the curious pass through and those who are infested with the infestations of discarnates and demons. Understand that all must pass through the door for the sifting and for the refiner’s fire.

Understand, then, that if I choose, as I choose this hour, to endow you with a current of the Holy Spirit, that current will then pass through you and through your heart by the authority of your own I AM Presence to rebuke the fallen ones who would enter to taunt and to decry the Presence, the universal Presence of the Christ personified in the one and in the many.

Therefore, now take your left hand and place it to your heart, and let three fingers (the thumb and the first two fingers) form that trinity as you touch the heart.

Raise your right hand and realize now that as I stand in your presence I AM conveying to you the momentum of my mantle of the Holy Spirit whereby you can and you shall declare in the name of Jesus the Christ, in the name of your own Christ Self, these words: “Peace, be still!”

When, therefore, I shall indicate to you that you should say these words, it will be with the full authority of the Trinity. And the current will go forth and it will travel around the earth, and it will contact those individuals who are out of alignment with the Christ. And that flame of the peace of the Holy Spirit will be as a rebuke and as the momentum of the Great Central Sun Magnet to realign their energies with that flame of the heart, which you are now touching as the point of contact with the current of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.

And if at any time in the future you need to have that flow of energy through you, you will but call to me, the Maha Chohan, and ask me to place my electronic coil, my fiery forcefield over your forcefield. I will again release that energy through you so that you may be empowered as the disciples of old, having the power and the authority of the Trinity over those fallen ones who seek to tear from the children of the light the blest teachings of the Lord Christ and the Lord Buddha. Understand, then, that this power will be given to you only as you understand yourself to be the instrument and not the source—always the instrument, as you have been taught. Then the door will open wider and wider and wider and you will find yourself standing before the multitudes to declare the Word of the Lord. Together:

“Peace, be still!”

Now, in the saying of that word, the blue ray of the will of God has gone forth. We will say it again, that the enlightenment of the Christ may follow after. Together:

“Peace, be still!”

And now as we say it for the final time, let it be for the sealing of the command with the flame of love that is the action of the Holy Spirit.

“Peace, be still!”

So it is done in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Mother flame, so it is done.

Now face the altar and see how God—see how God will raise up within you the resurrection fires. See how God will be unto you the healer, the regenerator of life.

I AM the Maha Chohan. I have stood in the presence of the concentrated energies of the Holy Spirit for many centuries. I bid you welcome into the initiations of the Holy Spirit. I bid you welcome into our bands of angels, who minister comfort and purity, nobility and honor.

With Christ I say, I AM the light which lighteth every man who cometh into the world.6 I ignite the threefold flame of life upon the altar of the newborn child. I AM the in-breath of the sacred fire. I AM the out-breath of that fire. I AM living Spirit.

So come into this Spirit and be alive forevermore! I AM the servant of life within you, the Maha Chohan.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, January 9, 1977, in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Matt. 24:28.

2. The eagle of Sirius. The eagle is the sign of the God-Star, Sirius. In Matt. 24:28, Jesus states: “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” On February 2, 1982, Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, “Jesus has taught me that the carcass is the body of God, the Word of God incarnate, and there will the eagles be who are the initiates. Eagles are the sign of the initiates of Sirius. There will they gather together.... Jesus said to me, ‘Truly, the meaning of the word “carcass” is the meaning of the Guru. Where God is incarnate, there will the eagles gather.’” On December 10, 1988, she explained that the carcass is also “the Christ Selves of each one of us. It is the place of the Great White Brotherhood—the eagle.... We know that the eagle is the sign of Sirius and we know it is the place from which the sons and daughters of God came. They came from Sirius and they came on a mission.”

3. See John 5:3-8.

4. Mother Cabrini and the coming forth of the water. During 1909-1910, Mother Cabrini (1850-1917), also known as Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, purchased land in Golden, Colorado, as a summer camp for her orphans at the Queen of Heaven Orphanage in Denver, Colorado. A farming and livestock operation was begun by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Mother Cabrini’s order) in this area, and during the summer months the girls from the orphanage would spend several weeks at camp. The only water source was from a stream at the bottom of a canyon and had to be brought up from there with great difficulty. In September of 1912, the sisters complained to Mother Cabrini that they were always thirsty and there was not enough water available. Mother Cabrini told them to lift up a certain rock and begin to dig. She told them that the water would be fresh and clean enough for both drinking and washing. The spring was discovered after digging and has never stopped running.

5. See John 4:1-45.

6. John 1:9.

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