Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 23 - Beloved Rose of Light - June 15, 2021

The Unfoldment of the Rose
within the Heart

I AM a Mother of the World standing in the temple, watching for the coming of the sons and daughters of God into the temple of life that is called the Temple Beautiful.

In days gone by on Atlantis, I kept the fire burning on the altar of a temple of healing love, and into that temple came many of the children of God who walk the earth today. We were a sisterhood of devotees to the flame of Mother, come down by the tradition of the priests and priestesses of the sacred fire who tended the altars of the Mother on Lemuria.

I speak of our ministration during the last days of Atlantis when the world was in turbulence, much as it is in turbulence today. And God gave into my heart the knowledge of those sons and daughters who should be delivered from the turmoil that was in the land, and God told me that in order for those sons and daughters to be delivered, our sisterhood must keep the flame, and above all keep the flame burning and keep our daily devotions in the temple.

We saw the vision of the coming destruction of the Flood.1 We saw the handwriting upon the wall, and we identified the servants of God who must be called out from among them. These sons and daughters were at far-flung reaches of the continent, and our prayers were daily for the invocation of the light of Mother around their souls so that they might respond to the inner calling of the Inca—the inner calling that would bring them to that fulfillment of a plan made perfect in love.

It was, then, to that calling that these ones who had been chosen came. But there were others of the children of the Sun who did not heed the opportunity at hand but thought that they had another round and another round and another round for their engagement in the things of the world.

And so some came. And the ones who came are now the brothers ascended, who carried the flame from Atlantis to other points upon earth, who came to the altar central and there dipped into the fires of the Trinity and made preparation and sailed their ships to other continents, where once again the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood would be enshrined.

We watched as all of this took place. And we watched as one by one children of the Sun took their leave of the flame and chose the other way. We watched, knowing that that road not taken would not come to them for many a year.

And so I too found my reunion with God by and by, as the cycles passed. And I came to the place where my memory of tending the fires of the flame of healing love enabled me to unfold a rose in my heart, each petal a fiery equation of light for the unfolding of the hearts of the people and the planet. And by and by, as the spirals of the petals increased, there came from my heart an infinite number of petals, and the petals were each for the strengthening of the threefold flame in the hearts of devotees of light.

Unfoldment is the key, unfoldment by the spiral of the heart—not a sudden bursting explosion that destroys the delicate sensitivities of the light of the heart, not a sudden piercing of the chakras and their opening, but the flowering of the rose and thereby the delicate raising of the fires of the Mother. And these two are wound upon the spiral of the rose within the heart. Therefore, direct attainment is unfoldment. But that attainment that seems direct is not direct at all, but only a sudden rending of the garment whereby there must be undone that damage that is done.

I also saw in the last days of that period that there came the false teachers who saw that the way to tear from the children of God the light of holy purpose, the inner vow and the inner dedication, was to offer unto them as baubles and trinkets the sudden release of energy from any one of the chakras, especially with the concentration of the eye upon the lower chakras.2

And thus with a sudden bursting of energies there were those immediate experiences that satisfy the curious, the profane, and those seeking after psychic thralldom. But once the energies had been squandered and the feeling of the flow of the sacred fire as it was released had passed away, then those souls who had followed the false teachers had nothing left to work with when they came to the temple and the true teachers of light.

The Path, beloved ones, is like all other experiences on earth. Only by work and constancy and consecration is there that unfoldment that can make of you a Mother of the World, a Buddha to be, a Christed One, an Avatar.

You see, it is by love and sacred fire and diligence in application and daily consecration of the rose that you will come to have the flowering in your heart of the full fire of energy that rises from the Father on high, the I AM Presence, and from the Mother below in the base-of-the-spine chakra—not by forcing or by ambition or by the seeking of outer signs, but by the inner commitment to a love that has endured since the origin of being.

We saw, then, in the last days of Atlantis, how the children of light, the very cream of that civilization, were drawn off as by the Pied Piper of Hamelin3 into a byway and how they too had their drugs, which they have brought back in this culture, in these days of earth. We see how they have also returned with their false teachings, which even after the Flood spread to India and to the East, contaminating the very essence of the light that had come down from Lemuria as the tradition of the ancient ones and the Ancient of Days. Thus in the East and the West there is an overlay and a residue of those fallen ones who came to subvert the souls of light.

Now in the turning of the cycles over these twelve thousand years, after line upon line the secrets of God have been measured in the Great Pyramid of Life, we who were present upon Atlantis survey again from the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, from the tending of the altar and the fire upon the altar. We survey the land and the scene and the world, and we see how similar are these last days and how they are prophetic of a confrontation of Light and Darkness, which must ultimately come when mankind insist upon misusing the sacred fires. And that which is done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops.4 And that practice of meditation that has been taught to the children of light, which is not in keeping with the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, shall be exposed.

If you will take your position in the temple, as we were called to do; if you will understand that the names of the sons and daughters of God written in the Book of Life are presented as a scroll to the messenger this day as the assignment for the community of lightbearers, you will understand that the assignment is to tend the flame upon the altar of the temple of the heart and it is to make the invocation for the sealing of these sons and daughters who are abroad over the face of the earth and who must be cut free to fulfill their mission. For theirs is a place reserved. And if they fill not the place, then who will carry the flame and the cross and the crown and the victory of life in this age?

Then there are the children of the light who have been put upon by the wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they have heard the interpretation of the doctrine and the dogma according to the letter but devoid of the Spirit. And therefore they harp upon that dogma and that doctrine, and they have not the true fire of the Spirit that is the consuming fire, the transforming fire, and the energy whereby all will receive the Holy Ghost by obedience to the Law.

The Holy Ghost is not reserved for the few. It comes to each and every one who bids that Spirit welcome by loving obedience and compassion, by fearlessness in truth, by steadfastness, endurance, and the willingness to atone for every misdeed.

I AM here to call those who would take our place in the Temple Beautiful, who would keep the flame of the Mother for the sons and daughters. I will tell you that it is a requirement of the Law that some among the faithful keep the flame for those who have not yet found the inner vow and calling. And therefore had it not been for the temple keepers of Atlantis, those sons and daughters of light who ascended would not have ascended.

In every age there is dependency—the utter dependence of those who are yet to be confirmed in the Law upon those who have found that confirming action of the Law. The dependency of the Spirit is the love of the body of God. That utter dependency is the flow from the Central Sun, which makes all one in the maximum endeavor of light for the turning of the cycles of the earth. Dependency upon God and one another is the means of forging the servants of God as brotherhood, as community.

I AM Rose of Light because I have willed to be. What will you will to be? Will you expand your vision and see that light upon the hillsides of the Holy City?

Will you see the coming of the LORD’s hosts, with their helmets and their swords and their shields burnished, reflecting the light of the sun?

Will you see a vision of the little children being taken away from this fiery center of life, of their own I AM Presence?

Will you realize that decisions that are being made are not light decisions but are very weighty, involving the light and the darkness of centuries?

The commitment to the world and the ways of the world is the commitment for another twelve thousand years of cycling in the veils of Mater. This [current time] is a peak in the graph that spans the thousands of years of centuries, and every so many thousand years there is a peak in the graph whereby we mark maximum opportunity for souls to pass through the open door of the Christ. And those who do not ride the crest of the wave of light will find themselves in the backlash—washed, then, back into the great sea of life, waiting once again for the coming of the wave that will carry them to the shores of eternity and to the ascended master consciousness.

The energies that you feel abroad in the land, that are the very presence of the Spirit, are anchored by millions and millions of hosts of the LORD ministering unto this nation so that this nation might find herself and find once again the homeward path.

Do not, then, take for granted the presence of the Lord in your midst. For there comes a time when the Lord takes the wise virgins, who have trimmed their lamps, into the bridal chamber and closes the door. And all that is without the door is desolate and desolation.5

These are the cycles of the manvantaras* and the coming of Brahma and Vishnu and Shiva. This is the age of Shiva. And I desire that you should meditate upon Shiva, for Shiva has come to this city to perform a work for the Master and the Mother. Shiva has sponsored these lightbearers. Shiva has come in the person of one who will dance, and the dance will be the release of the sacred fire, and the dance of Shiva will be as the coming of John the Baptist, preparing the way for the Christ to come into the New Jerusalem.

So let your mantras to Shiva be shouted. Let them be intoned. And let your welcome be to one of the most ancient of the focuses of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit that comes out of the East and unto the West, and out of the West and unto the East. And you will note a very sudden change in your climate and in your atmosphere and in your consciousness by the coming of Lord Shiva. Let Shiva be understood, then, as the one who stands between the sun and the moon and the stars and the earth, a mediator of fohatic energies for and on behalf of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.

This is an age of liberation, when those who have the light recognize that light and the true teachings of every religion. It is an age when no name or tongue or practice of devotion is foreign, but all of the giving of devotion unto the one God through his many emissaries comes together and all peoples and nations and those of every kindred and tongue will worship together in the name of God, and all names of the saints of East and West will be held in common. This is the age of the one Mother and the one Father, when all children of the light will come to understand that common origin.

See that you keep the light in the temple burning, for that light in the temple is the lamp unto the feet of all nations. When the light is kept burning high, all will be drawn to the feet of the Word. And when the light is let down for other considerations, you will see turmoil outside of the temple and you will see the dividing of the way, when those who have prepared are drawn into the chamber of the Christ and those who have not prepared must wait for the next peak in the graph.

Let all know that life is real, that your promises are sealed by God, that God has heard you vow a vow of life, not death. God holds you to that vow. Therefore, be life! Be the life triumphant! Be in universal manifestation! Be the allness of the One and know that your light holds the balance for the earth, holds the balance for the nations so that souls of worth might be drawn out—drawn out and saved for a mighty conflagration in the image of the Christ.

Let those who would receive the stigmata invoke it. Let those who would receive the balancing of world karma by repaying for the vengeance of the LORD invoke it. Let those who would pay the price by persecution, by transmutation of persecution, invoke it. Let those who would be found fulfilling the requirements of the Law know the testings of the secret rays. Let those who would be a lamp intensify the light.

I AM Rose of Light! I have lost a son in this age. Will you call him Home for me? I thank you.

*manvantara: In Hinduism, the period or age of a Manu; one of the fourteen intervals that constitute a kalpa—the duration of time from the origination to the destruction of a world system (a cosmic cycle).

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Rose of Light was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 20, 1977, in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Flood. The ascended masters teach that the Flood, as recorded in Gen. 6-8, was the same event as the sinking of the last remnant of the island continent of Atlantis, known as Poseidonis, in 9,564 B.C., accompanied by a severe deluge. Noah and his wife and family escaped the catastrophe in the ark to a place of safety in what is now Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, according to tradition. The Flood and submergence of Atlantis was a karmic recompense due to the corrupt civilization on Atlantis during its later days, including the misuse of science in the creation of half-animal/half-human creatures.

2. The concentration upon the lower chakras. Rose of Light may be referring to the practice of Kundalini Yoga, a meditation on the base-of-the-spine chakra in order to raise the Kundalini (the white light of the Mother) up the spinal altar. The ascended masters teach that raising the Kundalini before the individual has transmuted the energies of the chakras that have been misqualified can be dangerous. The Mother energy, when it rises, will contact the lower chakras (base, seat of the soul, and solar plexus) and awaken whatever is in them, both good and bad. The masters teach the method of the saturation of the aura with the violet flame until the violet flame becomes such an intense energy in the aura that it raises the Kundalini energy naturally, without having to place one’s attention on it. The process then becomes the natural flowering of the chakras, the natural rising of the Mother. The shortest way to this is the giving of the rosary. The Hail Mary is the salutation to our own Mother ray, when we enter the heart and give intense adoration to the Mother. A forcefield in the heart is then built up, which becomes a magnet and attracts the energy of the base upward through the lower chakras, according to the timetable of each individual’s Christ Self. (The rosary to Mother Mary can be given along with the audio recording of A Child’s Rosary to Mother Mary.

3. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. According to legend, in 1284, when the town of Hamelin, in Lower Saxony, Germany, was infested with a plague of rats, a piper, dressed in a multicolored (“pied”) suit, promised the mayor that he would rid the town of the rats. The mayor promised him payment if he would do so. The piper then played his pipe and lured the rats into the river, where they all drowned. When the mayor refused to pay the piper the amount agreed upon and accused the piper of bringing the rats into the town, the piper left the town in a rage, swearing revenge. On a holy day, while the adults were attending church services, the piper returned disguised as a hunter dressed in green, playing his pipe. He lured 130 of the town’s children, who followed the piper out of town and into a cave and were never seen again.

4. Matt. 10:27; Luke 12:3.

5. See Matt. 25:1-13.

Rose of Light, O Come

From thy fragrant center light,
Through thy petals blazing bright
Comes God’s love intensely pure;
Rose of Light, love will endure.

Rose of Light, thy power flows—
Fiery, silent, majestic rose!
Through my being enfolded here
All of life I now revere.

Expand thy flame’s suffusing glow
Through my substance here below
My heart cries out for freedom’s bloom
O God, expand my narrow room!

The love of God enfolds a rose
Touches lightly a heart that glows
Like unto Aurora’s bloom
Thy rose-light chases all man’s gloom.

Rose of Light, expand through me
Caress my being, make it free
To grow and glow upon the loom
I now command my soul, attune!

Rose of Light, O come today
In God’s name I truly pray:
From fear and darkness and all hate
Set my mind in radiance straight.

Rose of Light, I AM all thine
By God’s love my life refine
Through us all let love appear
In God’s image ever dear!

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 468. The audio version is available on

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