Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 29 - Beloved Servatus - August 1, 2021

Healing in the New Jerusalem

We Call Forth Those Who Will Be Healers
of the Nations

Part 1

I have called you forth out of the center of life. I have called you forth because of your inner dedication to the flame of wholeness.

I AM Servatus. I come at the behest of Mary the Mother and Raphael Archangel. I oversee the legions of healing angels who minister unto mankind under the blessed archangel and the archeia of the fifth ray.

I come by dispensation of the Lords of Karma, who many years ago said to Mary and Raphael, “My beloved, we will allow Servatus to come forth only when a certain number among mankind have set themselves apart and set themselves to the task of the community of the Holy Spirit. For only in the sacrifices necessitated by community can the wholeness of the flame be brought forth. Therefore when mankind show the love and when a certain few who represent mankind come forth to show the way of that healing, only then can we allow Servatus to speak to the Keepers of the Flame.”

Now the hour has come when you have positioned yourselves in the City of the Angels and in the New Jerusalem. And therefore I am come, for you have created the cradle wherein this Manchild could be born, and it is the Manchild of the science of healing. It is that consciousness of the Christ in all of you, which comes together almost as a single identity, almost as the figure of the avatar walking among the people and teaching them as teachers of righteousness.

Now the cradle has been set as a forcefield that you have sponsored in this community. Now, therefore, I come to anchor certain radiations so that this City of the Angels might one day be the healing mecca of the earth.

Let it come, then, because some have discovered the key to wholeness. Let it come, then, because some have surrendered their separatist ambition. Let it come because the flame of love burns with such an intense desire on the part of the individual to give himself unto the flame of the Holy Spirit so that he might be an instrument of wholeness. Keepers of the Flame have made many sacrifices, and it seems that even though sacrifices are made, we come again and again to encourage you onward.

Ah, I remember well the words of the master, “I give you my love, for all else I have already given away.”1 That feminine being who spoke to you these words is here this day that she might radiate to you the understanding of the necessity of being so filled with light. The healing light of wholeness required by souls that have gone out of the way is a very intense energy, and for some it is too difficult to bear because of its fiery nature.

And therefore, you see, although we acknowledge the sacrifices you have made and we adore the flame on the altar of your heart, we as your sponsors and your brothers and sisters in light must encourage you to always take the next step on the rung of the ladder, lest you become self-satisfied in your latest sacrifice and draw therein your laurels before the hour of the ascension is come.

Well, precious hearts, sacrifice is nothing but the removal of impediments to wholeness. For God has never asked you to sacrifice cosmic consciousness, your Christ Self-awareness, your I AM Presence, your threefold flame, or the radiation of the ascended masters, but only those manifestations of misqualified energy that prevent the coming into being of the fullness of the I AM Presence, which you are, which I AM.

I am come, then, in an unprecedented moment of earth’s history when there has never been a greater need for healing, even though it might seem that in the West as well as the East many developments in science and in medicine have taken place.

Yet I tell you, the condition of the physical bodies, the emotions, and the minds of the people is far, far from the center of Christ-reality, and the spirals of degeneration that are in the subconscious of the collective consciousness are fast spiraling into manifestation. Therefore the people have not the wholeness that they require, and shortly there will come to pass a greater manifestation of the vial of the fifth angel,2 which comes upon the people as the chastisement for the misuse of science.

I would caution you that in the last days of Atlantis the misuses of the emerald ray were very great. Science reached a great crescendo of materialism and mechanization. People became more and more dependent upon the scientists of the day, who had their instruction from the laggards that came from Maldek, from the fallen ones, and from the Luciferians.

Therefore the science of genetics and the manipulation of the DNA chain was in advance of that which it is today. And today’s scientists are just beginning to touch on the records that were in the laboratories of Atlantis that caused such a degeneration of consciousness and of body, and such a proliferation of perverted forms and the crossbreeding of all types of animal life with human life so as to ultimately find the decree of the LORD God in the flood of Noah and in the sinking of that continent.3

Many of you know these facts. I bring them to your attention this day, for I was an eyewitness to these events and I stood with the healing angels and with Raphael. I stood there, hovering over the temples that were once the temples of healing but that had become the place of the desecration of God and the ultimate perversion of the masculine and feminine rays—temples where whoredom became rampant and the [practice of] homosexuality, which ultimately destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, likewise became a way of life for priests and priestesses in the temples.

And there we stood just beyond the veil, waiting even unto the final hours of the decree of the Lords of Karma for some among the people to call forth that healing light and to just hold the flame so that there could be the judgment of the fallen ones who had misused that ray and so that there could be the release of an intense action of the sacred fire held in the hearts of the few for the atonement of the sins of the many.

And yet they did not call it forth, save Noah and his family and a few of the righteous ones who were there keeping that light of the Ancient of Days. The people did not turn to their God even in their darkest hours. Yet, in their merrymaking many of them knew not that these were their final hours, and therefore they cursed their God instead of invoking the salvation of the LORD’s hosts.

Is this not the tale twice told? Is this tale not also being heard across the land and in the nations [today]? Are not the abuses, then, of the emerald ray a constant source of degradation and degeneration on earth this day? The answer to the question is yes, indeed.

And the wise who sit among the members of the Darjeeling Council and with the Lords of Karma, deliberating the fate of earth’s evolutions in these hours of trembling, have asked me to speak to you this day concerning that which is coming upon the earth at the turning of the Dark Cycle on April 23, 1977,4 when Keepers of the Flame will be beset with the misqualified energies of the fifth ray of healing and science and truth, as well as the perversions of the hierarchies of Virgo and of Pisces.

You will understand, then, that according to the cosmic clock as it is taught to you by Mother Mary,5 the perversions of these hierarchies involve all that leads to death and the death consciousness—anxiety and fear and doubt and every manifestation of injustice, including the injustices that mankind have practiced against their own body temple, hence the flame of the Holy Spirit that burns within that temple.

These [wise ones] counseled me, then, to speak to you of the great need for all Keepers of the Flame to consider their role in the Order of the Emerald Cross.6 You need not be a doctor or a nurse or a healer or anyone who has before this moment concerned himself with healing. You need only to have the desire to keep the flame while the evolutions of earth go through this twofold activity—first, the bringing forth again of the records of the misuses of science on Atlantis into the very laboratories of those Atlantean scientists who have reincarnated today and who are performing the same experiments that they did in those last days; and second, you have the return of that energy of mankind’s karma of the misuse of this light of the emerald ray, which goes back many thousands of years.

We come, then, to warn you that these energies will be no ordinary energies of the Dark Cycle but they may cause you to even reel in your minds and in your body temples, so great is that misqualification.

Yet as in the days of Atlantis, we stand by. We are watchful. It is our mission to answer the call of the little child and of the mature lightbearer. We come with thousands and thousands of angels upon one request of one son or daughter of God, even if that request is made sometimes half-heartedly and without faith, saturated perhaps with doubt and fear. And yet if the individual will raise up his head and give voice to the command for wholeness, we will answer and all of the healing hosts of the LORD will answer.

We, therefore, come to answer the call of lightbearers who will send forth the plea to the Lords of Karma that they might be infilled with greater light, to be electrodes for this twelve-month period beginning April 23, when these energies [of the Dark Cycle] will be upon the planetary body. And you will observe great turmoil and the turbulent sea of the astral plane, and you will observe many souls who do not have light and who will not be able to come to grips with their own returning karma.

You see, then, that if the few can recognize the need for purification at all levels of consciousness—to hold within the chalice of the temple that light that will stay the oncoming darkness, that will transmute it, that will laugh at the fallen ones and release the joy of the angels, that will consume all of their darkness and their mechanization—then oh, the joy of the hosts of the LORD and the joy of the chelas who come into that precious flame, the bubbling brook, the crystal elixir, the movement of the waters of Life!

Your very souls and hearts and bodies delight in this energy! And some of you have not touched this energy since the days of Lemuria, when you touched the very stream of the rivers of the water of Life that were in Eden itself. Some of you yet retain the memory, and you have been on that quest for the return to Eden ever since—just to drink the cup of water extended to you from the hand of Lord Maitreya, just to know the breath and the fragrance and the movement of that water that was given to you for the cleansing of the mind and the soul, that was there as the fountain of youth and the fountain of life.

All of this is God’s gift to those souls who will return to the state of wholeness, who will reject the concept of the Fall and the fallen ones, who will reject the lie of original sin and who will realize that all that separates them from the Source and from wholeness is the law of obedience. The factor of separation, then, is disobedience to that law.

Therefore if you will correct all willfulness—all going out of the way of the Great Guru, Almighty God himself, who sends his representatives in every age; if you will go beyond all resistance to the teachers in your midst, the ascended masters themselves, and all resistance to your own Christ Self—then you will find the restoration to the place of wholeness and you will live in the Edenic consciousness, even before conditions around you in the physical plane are altered to reflect that inner paradise of the soul.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Servatus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, April 6, 1977, during Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The words of the master. In a dictation given on January 1, 1994, beloved Ratnasambhava stated: “So, in the sweetness and gentleness of all Buddhas out of all octaves, I seal you in the flame of compassion and charity, remembering the words of the precious Nada, ‘I give you my love, for all else I have already given away.’ Let this be your motto, beloved. Open your hand and heart and give and give and give.” See Pearls of Wisdom, 1994, vol. 37, no. 6.

2. The vial of the fifth angel. In Vials of the Seven Last Plagues (chapter IX, “The Fifth Vial”), Archangel Raphael released the fifth vial, saying: “This vial contains mankind’s wrathful misuses of the fifth ray of life and the science of life, of healing and healing truth, and of the abundance of the immaculate consciousness of the Cosmic Virgin.” Raphael stated that the “day of judgment” and the release of the seven vials (the karma for the misuse of the seven rays) began in 1975 and “continues to the year 2001.”

3. The sinking of that continent. The ascended masters teach that the Flood, as recorded in Gen. 6-8, was the same event as the sinking of the last remnant of the island continent of Atlantis, known as Poseidonis, in 9,564 B.C. accompanied by a severe deluge. Noah and his wife and family escaped the catastrophe in the ark to a place of safety in what is now Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, according to tradition. The Flood and submergence of Atlantis was a karmic recompense due to the corrupt civilization on Atlantis during its later days, including the misuse of science in the creation of half-animal/half-human creatures.

4. The turning of the Dark Cycle on April 23, 1977. The Dark Cycle was a period of the return of personal and planetary karma, which began on April 23, 1969, and ended on April 23, 2002.

5. The cosmic clock as taught by Mother Mary is the science of charting the cycles of the soul’s karma and initiations on the twelve lines of the clock (the twelve signs of the zodiac) under the twelve hierarchies of the Great Central Sun. For more detailed teaching on how to chart your own personal cycles on the cosmic clock, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Predict Your Future, chap. 3.

6. The Order of the Emerald Cross is on the fifth ray of truth, science, vision, abundance, and healing, corresponding to the third-eye chakra. Membership is open to Keepers of the Flame in good standing and includes daily and weekly prayer services, suggested charity work, and other membership requirements. To join, see, The Order of the Emerald Cross.

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