Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 30 - Beloved Servatus - August 8, 2021

Healing in the New Jerusalem

We Call Forth Those Who Will Be Healers
of the Nations

Part 2

O mankind, let condemnation be rolled back! Let it be rolled back into the cause and core of God himself! Let all condemnation go into the white-fire core! And let mankind know, for this moment of my coming, the celebration of life that is universal and triumphant in the temple of being! Let mankind know the presence of the LORD’s hosts whereby there is no condemnation, there is no downward energy upon the head and the heart and the shoulders of those who bear the testimony of the light.

See what it is to be free, for a moment and for an eternity, from all of this condemnation that has kept you from the return to the state of obedience, which would give you the true reward, well earned, and in the grace of God from the heart of the Father-Mother of life.

I come, then, to speak to you of healing in the New Jerusalem. You see, that healing means the healing of the nations, the healing of consciousness. It means that you look at the aura of America and you see that the seamless garment of the entire nation is rent, is filled with holes, is tattered and torn because the people have not understood the great privilege of the Law to wear the seamless garment.

You see the desecration of the robe of Christ. You see the desecration of his body and the persecution of the Mother and the child. You see the destruction of the body of God every day in the taking of the newborn child and the child within the womb. You see the imbalance that this creates in nature and you realize that the greatest need for healing this day may not be for a sore ear or a swollen foot, but it may be for the restoration of the flow of life to this nation and to every nation.

I give you a glimpse of co-measurement and of our perspective. We would call forth those who would be the healers of the nations. And those who respond to be the healers of the nations, they—because of their love for humanity—will find themselves first the healer of the self and then the healer, one by one, through the teaching, through the sacred fire, through the thrust of the mantle of responsibility upon the very shoulders of the one who asks for healing.

I tell you, the concept of the personification of the healer needs an alchemy in your consciousness. There is no healing except there be a transfer of this cosmic accountability, a transfer of the understanding of that statement, “Physician, heal thyself!”1 Let every man and woman and child become the physician of his own body and soul and mind. Let him apply directly to his own I AM Presence and Christ Self, and let him see what it takes as a work in God to draw forth that wholeness.

It is too easy to go to another and say, “Oh, beloved, heal me! I have this ailment that has continued now these many years.” And it is so easy for the flow of the compassion of the Christed one to bring forth that healing that I cannot even begin to tell you that if it were up to the Lords of Karma to release through this messenger miracles of healing, it would be far easier for her to carry this forth than to carry the weight of responsibility for this activity—the dictations and the impartations of truth and the writing of the books of the Law that place the responsibility for healing upon the individual.

Therefore, you see, the Lords of Karma are not about to take the easy way out and to allow this healing flame to come forth without the requirement of the Law that is placed squarely upon the individual. The Lords of Karma know that there would be a swelling in the numbers and in the ranks of the people who would come to this altar, and yet the Lords of Karma want people to come to the altar who love God for the sheer loving of his Being and his Life and his Presence.

And therefore we continue to release the disciplines that are for your God-mastery and your ascension. Let wholeness become your goal as you fight the good fight and overcome in yourself all that you have sown that is now coming forth for the reaping of those conditions that are less than the consciousness and the body of the Christ.

Understand, then, that if you would heal in the New Jerusalem, you must heal society. You must heal the malaise. You must heal the degeneracy of the consciousness of the people. You must send forth the light that will bring forth into manifestation a greater awareness of every responsibility—that responsibility to government, to community, to the responsibility for the flow of the healing light as the supply and the economy and the abundance of the nation.

Do you think that this is a hard saying—those of you who have imagined that you could come to the fount of the ascended masters and just sit and find yourselves transformed?

Well, precious ones, there are other founts from which you may drink if you desire this type of a religious experience. But I can assure you that those individuals who receive some type of healing through certain types of [energy] currents that are not necessarily originating in the highest source of life but do bring about certain manifestations of physical healing—these individuals who are involved in this type of healing work are not gaining the mastery required for the ascension but they are learning the rearrangement and the focusing of forcefields of energy in matter, which was a common practice in the days of Atlantis.

By the use of the third eye and by concentration, by the development of the chakras of the hands, it was altogether possible for individuals to transfer energies to one another and thereby to “feel” better. But they made not a single dent upon the subconscious records that were the cause and core of these conditions. In fact, it was almost next to the taking of an aspirin to alleviate the symptom and thereby to ignore the cause. And whether it is by chemical means or by the rearrangement of energy forcefields, this is not what we seek for our chelas of the light.

We seek your immortal freedom! We seek your ultimate victory! We consider you to be the most disciplined among the evolutions of mankind—those who will give that light in the science of the spoken Word and who are no longer interested in ego strutting, patting one another on the back and receiving constant praise for this or that little human accomplishment. But you are content to use your voice in the glory of God and you do not fear the censor of this world. These are requirements for a strong disciple.

Therefore we will not cause you to be emaciated by a false understanding of the healing arts. When we ask you to be healers of the nations and of mankind and to focus healing in the New Jerusalem, we are referring to the healing of the body of the earth, to the holding of the balance against the day of the coming of the energies that will take their toll on many lives who will be making their transition because they cannot bear the return of the vial of the misuses of the fifth ray.

We desire, then, that you should be healers, not necessarily acclaimed by mankind but healers in the sense of the word that you become whole, that the fires of Alpha and Omega intertwine the spine, that you use the sacred breath and that your very temple be a forcefield whereby millions and millions of Americans and people in every nation may continue to live another day and to have the opportunity for wholeness because you have not neglected your post and your flame of constancy.

This is the healing to pursue! This is the mastery that God has granted to you as opportunity, when you can say with that blessed Goddess, “I give you my love, for all else I have already given away.” Let it be, then, to the victory.

Now you have heard my name. You have received my flame. You have heard the deliberations of the healing masters and of the Darjeeling Council. Fifteen months ago you heard the dictations of the ascended masters.2 You have heard the speaking, then, and the warning that your greatest testing on the Path would be the overcoming of fear itself. You stood in the presence of my cohort of light, Ray-O-Light, and you heard him give you the warning against the darkest enemy of mankind, which is fear itself.3

Many of you have overcome enormous forcefields of fear and doubt through God, through the victory cry, and through your decrees. You know that the fearlessness flame is an intense white light edged in a brilliant emerald green. It is a healing energy and it is healing wholeness. And therefore when you call to me, call to Ray-O-Light. For we serve together. For where there is not the transfer of the energy of wholeness, we invoke the fearlessness flame and the legions of Ray-O-Light to clear the consciousness and the subconscious world of those energies of fear. And when anxiety is removed, then we can come forth with a light of wholeness and reestablish those coordinates within the body that are necessary for the flow of the light and the energy of the soul.

These coordinates are the contact points that are used by some of you in healing. They are more than contact points. They are coordinates between Spirit and Matter for the direct flow of cosmic consciousness into the cells of the brain and the heart and the entire temple of man and woman. These coordinates are always used by the body elemental and the healing masters. And that portion of this science that has been revealed to you ought to be used by you to directly transfer the light of the I AM Presence of the patient himself for the reestablishment of the currents of flow.

Now, then, see what lies before [you]. Those who are here have met the challenge of fear. Those who are not here have departed because they failed to hearken to Ray-O-Light. Let it not be—ere the year has turned and the cycles have passed and you hear again from our octaves on this subject—that some among you will not be here because you failed to meet the challenge, the crisis itself of the oncoming Dark Cycle and the misuses of the Atlantean scientists. But let each word that I have spoken be weighed in your heart, and let none exclude himself as though this energy could not overtake him on the Path.

I tell you, precious ones, we know whereof we speak! We know of this astral river of substance that is dark, that is coming upon the world. And we know that everyone who occupies a physical body must be clothed with the whole armour of God in order to stand in the evil day.

So let it be that you who have heard, who have seen, and who are the faithful ones will be the healers of earth because you have elected to be the electrodes of the flame of healing wholeness.

I thank you, and I bid you a fond good evening.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Servatus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, April 6, 1977, during Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. “Physician, heal thyself” is an ancient proverb which warns that one should heal one’s own defects or diseases before attempting to heal others. In the context of the dictation, one should take responsibility for one’s own healing. In a different context, Jesus quoted this proverb in Luke 4:23 to expose the state of consciousness of those in his hometown who taunted him for not performing healings as he did in Capernaum.

2. Fifteen months ago you heard the dictations. Servatus is referring to dictations given at the four-day seminar, The Challenge of Initiation: Fulfilling the Law of Being, through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 28-31, 1975, in Anaheim, California. The entire seminar is available as an MP3 CD, and at Ascended Master Library. Included are seventeen landmark dictations plus commentaries by the messenger.

3.The warning against fear itself. Servatus is referring to the dictation given by Ray-O-Light in Pearls of Wisdom, 1982, vol. 25, no. 29 (Pearls Online vol. 25, no. 29a) and excerpted in this Pearl’s “The Radiant Word.”

The Radiant Word
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