Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 31 - Beloved Archangel Uzziel with Lady Clara Louise - August 15, 2021

You Must Open the Heart Chakra
of America

The Initiation of the Eighth Ray

Part 1

It is I who have called you forth to be the Buddha in this age. I have summoned the compassionate ones to be Mother to all life.

I have called the children of Israel! I have called them forth from the Great Central Sun! Let them be, now, in the City of the Angels, as one mind and heart and soul, as a mighty ring-pass-not that shall expand to include the entire City Foursquare—America, the land that must be preserved in order that the eighth ray of integration might be realized through the hearts of this people.

America, the heart chakra of the earth, requires a people of heart. And therefore you have noticed over the last century how the tensions on the hearts of the people have brought about untimely death, the transition for many who ought to have remained to keep the flame for the coming of the Buddha and the Mother.

This is an hour for the guarding of the heart for a cosmic purpose. For it is through the nexus of your heart that the mighty light rays from the Central Sun and from the Sun of your own Presence will be distributed to the people of earth.

When you give the Hail Mary with absolute concentration upon the heart, day by day you will feel the expansion of the heart, the beginning of the clearing of the heart of the burdens of all planes, and you will begin to know that God requires an opening for the descent of these currents so that change might be wrought upon earth.

I AM determined this day, then, to anchor the light of the heart in the chelas of the heart chakra of America. Let Chicago be opened,1 then, as a mighty lotus of light and for the dispensation that must come forth. For the opening of America must be for the release of the hearts of this people and all that opposes that heart, chiefly through organized crime and the misuses of capitalism and communism that have gone forth from this nation. Truly there is a cancer upon America, and it is attacking the very vitals of the heart center.

I, then, have come forth in answer to the calls of those who have recognized that without the heart, the body cannot survive. Without the heart, the brain ceases to function and there is not the distribution to the six [other] centers. Let us see, then, how we can increase the light of the heart and also teach the devotees of the heart the protection of the heart of the messenger and all who surround her in concentric rings of lightbearers.

You are a mandala of the age. You are a forcefield of the Mother. You have come to be the Buddha. Let your understanding include the realization that every ascended master who has returned to the heart of God has had to meet the requirement, either before or after the ascension, of balancing the line of the eighth ray. And so you will see that the goal of every ascended one has always been to be the Buddha and to be the Mother.

You are a people intelligent in the action of the Law. You are a people who can understand my words and who do not need to be soothed by that comfort, that compassion, that energy that others require in order to survive. I come close to you, for I would impress upon you the orders of angelic beings, the hosts of light who stand waiting to impart to you all that you are calling forth, all that you have realized is necessary.

Understand what a great light this is, how we have placed this light within the messenger to that point of limit where her body can no longer contain any greater light and remain in this octave. And therefore if there is to be a distribution of light, it must come because the many and not the few—but the many such as this company of lightbearers—determine to have that discipline and that inner vow to carry a greater light and therefore to realize that their lives must change, that they must no longer allow themselves to be embroiled in those activities that steal the light of the heart through any outside activity that is less than that which is the ultimate goal.

Some of you have been named “religious fanatics.” Well, as [those who say this] sink beneath the waves of the oncoming cataclysm, let their last words be the condemnation of the “religious fanatics” who have found their way to the top of the mountain and therefore have found their salvation in this age. Have you not seen Mary the Mother with her outstretched arms? She stands to give you the kingdom of God. She stands to give you her Son. She holds in her arms her Son, who has been taken down from the cross, La Pietà.2

To whom will she give her Son in this age? Thousands of sons and daughters of light lie wounded, slain, and ready for the tomb of Mater. The Divine Mother holds them in her arms. Who will wipe their wounds? Who will care for the newborn child unwanted? Who will succor those who suffer in heart and mind and soul?

The agony of the lightbearers on Terra is very great, and yet you do not hear of this agony. This is Good Friday, and we commemorate the courage of one Son of God to lay down that life that he might take it again. God does not require the death of his Son to give life to other sons and daughters. He requires the victory over death so that all might have life, and that more abundantly.3

Hear now my word—my word to you. You may call for the expansion of lightbearers and of teachings, but you must understand that expansion involves the equation of the eighth ray. There are two spheres in the eighth ray—one representing the sphere of the nucleus of lightbearers assembled, and the second sphere representing lightbearers at large. And then there is tier upon tier of all evolutions of mankind who will come into this teaching.

By cosmic law the Great White Brotherhood is governed by this formula. There must be a certain percentage in the nucleus of the white-fire core in order to balance the numbers who come—who come to drink at the fount and yet who come also in curiosity, without commitment, and who are yet trying out the teaching.

Those who come in this capacity do not come to uphold the dispensation. They have not yet been God-taught. We do not expect them to do so. They have not ripened upon the vine of truth. Therefore in order for them to be included in the dispensation of the teachings of the ascended masters, they must have in the center a strong and a staunch disciplined army of the LORD who can keep the flame of the sacred fire while the children yet learn its uses.

We build, therefore, according to the nucleus, and the nucleus is the tree that we prune. Consider these lilies—how they bloom, how they bring forth the magnificence of the light of the Mother in the base-of-the-spine chakra, which was used by Jesus to raise the body temple. Consider this—the white light and the golden petals of the crown of the Buddha! Truly, the resurrection is the raising of the energies of the spinal altar! Truly, it is the garnering of light within the body temple!

Do you see, then, that souls in the center of the mandala govern the exact quantity of souls who may come forth?

And therefore we rejoice to see so many Keepers of the Flame come for the Easter conference, Convocation of the New Birth. We rejoice to see you come to shout the word, “Let God be magnified!”4 For this magnification of the God flame within you is the determinant factor as to whether or not America will receive the teachings, as to whether or not the earth will receive the teachings. And it is also the factor determining whether or not the messenger will remain for another dispensation to give forth the teachings unto those who will yet come.

Understand, then, that the joy with which the angelic hosts bring forth the sponsorship of the teachers of righteousness and all of the generations of the disciples who come is the joy of knowing how these lilies will multiply, every lily upon the stalk representing another lifestream who has found the flame of the resurrection and who will come into the nexus of the figure eight of the Buddha and the Mother.

The initiations of the eighth ray are given to those who have mastered the seven rays. For the seven rays govern the release of light in the seven chakras, and you must be steady in that light ere you can receive the initiation of the eighth ray in the secret chamber of the heart.

Therefore we have given to you the instruction of beloved Djwal Kul5 so that you might meditate with the chohans and meditate upon the chakras and realize that this is a most important dispensation. For as quickly as you clear your chakras and enter into a higher God-awareness in all seven planes of consciousness, so just that quickly we can bring the integration of East and West, of Spirit and Matter, and of the Buddha and the Mother.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Uzziel with Lady Clara Louise was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 8, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Let Chicago be opened. The Chicago Teaching Center was officially chartered on April 8, 1977. On April 9, the messenger and a member of the Board of Directors introduced the members of the teaching center to the Keepers of the Flame at their business meeting during this conference. Chicago is the heart chakra of America.

2. La Pietà. This famous sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), is housed in St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City. The sculpture, depicting Mary holding the crucified Jesus on her lap, was carved between 1498-99.

3. John 10:10.

4. Ps. 70:4.

5. The instruction of beloved Djwal Kul. In The Human Aura, Djwal Kul gives detailed instructions on the seven chakras, including meditations and visualizations on the heart chakra, teaching on the hidden chamber of the heart (chap. 5) and the sacred fire breath (chap. 8), including Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise with the “Call to the Fire Breath.” As Djwal Kul states, these meditations are for “your exercise of integration through the eighth ray.”

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