Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 32 - Beloved Archangel Uzziel with Lady Clara Louise - August 22, 2021

You Must Open the Heart Chakra
of America

The Initiation of the Eighth Ray

Part 2

We desire to see all of the races of mankind properly represented in this organization. For each and every one comes out of the secret chamber of the heart, and the petals of that chamber must be represented. When there is a part of the dispensation missing, when some among mankind have not been contacted or when they are kept prisoners of darkness behind the Iron Curtain, then the genius of their evolution cannot be brought to bear upon the dispensation of the age. And then as there are holes in the audience, so there are holes in the mandala.

Let every seat be filled, then, with sons and daughters of God, with angels and elementals. Whenever there is an empty seat, precious hearts, an angel or a mighty elemental will take that seat until the coming of another lifestream in order to hold the balance perhaps for someone in Japan or Australia or Chile or even in Texas who has not come or who has not been contacted or who has not been quickened.

Understand that the angelic hosts, who contain the spherical consciousness of the mind of God, are aware instantaneously and simultaneously of all evolutions of the earth. And therefore we know where the souls are who must be brought together so that this light can be contained.

Understand that we cannot bring our light and pour it upon the ground. You see, we must pour it into the heart. We must pour it into the secret chamber of the heart and into all of your chakras. Yet we are not permitted by law to pour that light where there is a crack in the chalice or where substance remains untransmuted. And therefore each one, according to the level of mastery, receives a portion of the flame that we bring.

See, then, how each one of you becomes a candle on the birthday cake of the Cosmic Virgin. See how each one of you is so vital to the very life that that flame represents, each candle representing a year, a cycle of the twelve. Each one of you is holding—in one of the initiations of the many thousand virtues of the Cosmic Virgin—a spiral of infinity that at one point or another may be translated into the dictations and into the teachings.

Do you know that many times, because of your presence and that which you hold in your causal body and in your heart as mastery, we have come forth with a certain release and a certain teaching that could not have been given except for your presence, your physical presence in the congregation. For we required one among mankind who would stand as the representative of all evolutions on a certain point of mastery and a certain virtue of the Law.

Was not the word, “Weary not in well doing”?1 It is still the word, precious ones. For in well doing you are carrying a cube of consciousness that can magnetize cosmic beings and angelic hosts. Did not the cosmic one Maximus come forth because of the devotion of Keepers of the Flame on earth?2

This is the meaning of the Great White Brotherhood. It is all souls of light in every dimension who have come to support the revelations of the coming Buddha, who is the Buddha Lord Maitreya. You, then, must know yourselves as a cosmos, as a key to the unfoldment of planetary cycles.

Let not the fallen ones, then, release their condemnation. For condemnation that flows as the perversion of the point of the twelve, resulting in death on the point of the six, becomes the ultimate misuse of the flow of the sacred fires over the figure-eight pattern. Condemnation, then, is the destruction of the love of the Buddha and the Mother. It is the stopping of the flow of light within your heart.

I come, then, with an action of the eighth ray released now to perform a certain work within you. That work is to clear from your temple the most recalcitrant manifestations that have been set against your light to deprive you of this victory before your ascension.

If you will breathe a silent prayer now, angels of the eighth ray will come to touch the crown chakra, the base chakra, and the heart in order to initiate a certain flow as you are able to sustain it. [14-second pause]

Hail, light! Hail, light! Hail, light![chanted]
Let God be magnified in the crown of the disciple of wisdom!
Let God be magnified in the crown of the disciple of Alpha and Omega!
Let God be magnified in the disciple of humility!
Let the stalk of the lily blossom!
Let the lily be for the opening of the light of the crown!
Let the light rays now be activated in those who have the devotion to the Mother!
Let the stream begin to flow!
And let the heart be cleared!

This is a joyous day! It is joyous because we come to sweep away the old manifestation and to give birth to the new! Whenever a portion of the self that is not the Real Self can be cast off, then the rebirth comes, then new life, then new consciousness, then new opportunity to be God on earth as you are in heaven.

Now as I stand before you, by the magnet of my heart I call forth the causal body and the I AM Presence of each one.

O mighty spheres of light, descend closer and closer to these devotees in form, to the souls who have gone forth on that cosmic morn from out the center of the Great Central Sun, out the center of the Great Silence, whence I AM come. “Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to thee.”3 Thus saith the LORD.

Let your consciousness now ascend from within, and feel yourself concentrating within the crown and above the crown, upon a mighty sphere of light, your own God Presence, I AM, now coming closer and closer to your form. See these wondrous spheres drawing nigh until you could fairly touch the sky as you reach up to know that you can embrace your God.

This closeness of the light of your I AM Presence is yours to cherish, to re-create, to call forth when you give the word, “Let God be magnified!” This is the theme of the new birth—this statement that comes from the heart of David. “Let God be magnified” is your call to life and your own magnetization of that God flame.

Know then, precious ones, that when you feel despair and you are despondent and sense your aloneness, you can find your all-oneness by calling to my own heart’s momentum, the drawing light, over the eighth ray of the Great God flame. And you can speak in the name of the Christ, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM, and you can say with me:
[Audience joins for the last two repetitions.]
Let God be magnified!
Let God be magnified!
Let God be magnified!

One day, one of the composers of the New Age will write a symphony entitled “Let God be magnified.” And that symphony will be the setting forth of a causal body of light, sphere by sphere, and the meditation upon that symphony will be for the soul that has gone forth from the center to return sphere by sphere to the center of the One.

Is it not a happy occasion for some among the children of God to have the curtain of the future drawn aside, to see a glimpse of an event that will surely come to pass and to know what a vastness of teaching and of light and of creativity is coming through the children of the New Age?

I speak to you, for you are children of the New Age, and your children also come trailing clouds of glory from the hierarchies of the Sun.

I AM Uzziel! I bring to you the transition for your mastery of the five secret rays. Before you pass from the seven to the five, you must come under the rod of the discipline of the eighth-ray masters, including the master Gautama Buddha and the Mother. For this is the ray of the Buddhas and the Mothers who come in the name of the Cosmic Virgin.

You wonder why you have had the discipline of the Buddha and the Mother, and sometimes in your exasperation you wonder if that discipline will ever end! Well, it will end when you have passed your tests and have become the fulfillment of the discipline itself. And then in that moment you may receive your diploma and pass to the school of Mighty Cosmos, who will introduce to you the masters of the five secret rays. Mankind are yet coming to grips with the seven rays, and therefore you have not heard of the lords of the five secret rays. But in order to contact that level of mastery, you may speak the name of the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, and the seven Holy Kumaras, and you may call for the light of the secret rays to come into greater prominence on earth even as you call for your own mastery of the eighth ray.

Your beloved Lanello took his initiation in the eighth ray, after seven years in Colorado Springs, through the ritual of the ascension. Many unascended souls who have perfected the walk in the seven rays do so in this manner. But I appeal to you to strive for the overcoming mastery of the eighth ray and to remain in incarnation, which brings me to my original premise.

Since the eighth ray carries such an intensity of ascension’s fires, in order to sustain the eighth ray and to remain in incarnation you must expand your heart chakra! You must open the heart chakra of America! You must contact the American people with the teaching that will enable them to guard the heart, especially from all dissonance and the popular forms of music that are so very destructive to the heartbeat, as that heartbeat is the echo of the cosmic heart.

You must teach the people of this nation to turn off their television sets, to separate themselves from noise and the bombardment of the physical senses, all of which is a shock to the heart and the energies thereof. And therefore the heart develops that hardness as crustation, as encasement, as substance of density. Otherwise it could not withstand the shock even from the cradle. And therefore where the people do not have light, their hearts become surrounded with darkness, and darkness instead of light becomes the defense of the heart chakra. Let them be opened!

We could send forth the ray this morning, the very heart of the eighth ray, for the shattering of that calcification around the hearts of this people. But what would we accomplish? We would make their hearts naked and without defense, and then they would become so sensitive to the shocks of the world that many would pass from the screen of life.

Therefore the teaching must come first. Therefore the nucleus must come first. Therefore the violet-flame heart, the purple fiery heart of Saint Germain, is the dispensation of the God of Freedom in this age.

This is why you hear of the sacred heart of Mary, the sacred heart of Jesus, and this purple fiery heart of Saint Germain! It is because this generation of lightbearers has come forth to master the energies of the heart on behalf of all of their brothers and sisters, who have such love and yet in ignorance know not what they do as they trample upon the tender laws governing the flow of energy through this sacred center in man and woman. You see, then, that although the hosts of light may perform miracles, if mankind cannot sustain the miracle it is not an economy of cosmic energy.

Therefore the key to the age, therefore the key to the eighth ray is the teaching, the teaching itself, the dharma of the Buddha, the Sermon on the Mount of the Christ,4 the pondering in the heart of Mary the Mother. The teaching, thread by thread and pearl by pearl, law by law—this is the reinforcement of the light of your heart. Become, then, devotees of wisdom so that you might expand the teaching, become the teaching, and transfer it heart to heart.

I AM Uzziel. My dwelling place on earth is in the secret chamber of the heart of those devotees who have practiced the meditation of the secret chamber and who have cleared the place for my coming.

If, then, you would entertain me within your temple, prepare your island in the emerald sea. Prepare your island and let me come to worship with thee.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Uzziel with Lady Clara Louise was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 8, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California.

1. Gal. 6:9; II Thess. 3:13.

2. Maximus is a cosmic being from the Great Central Sun. His name means “God is Great.” In a dictation given on January 2, 1977, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 20, no. 29, beloved Maximus explained: “For you see, the condition of my coming to speak, set by Alpha and Omega, was that a certain number of Keepers of the Flame should gather to transfer that light and that word, to balance the energy, the intense light that otherwise could not be borne either by the messenger or by the children of God on earth. That number has been met.” For further information on Maximus, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

3. James 4:8.

4. Matt. 5-7. The messenger has taught that the Sermon on the Mount, which includes the eight Beatitudes, “is one of the greatest lessons on karma that you will find anywhere. In it Jesus states the mathematical precision of the law of personal accountability.” For detailed teaching on the eight Beatitudes, see The Path to Attainment, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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