Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 33 - The Beloved Goddess of Purity - September 1, 2021

Addressing the Lightbearers of the Centuries

I have come to greet you, beloved Keepers of the Flame, with a message to all souls of light who have received the white robe and who have been slain for the word that they have given of truth and for the testimony that they have held.1

I speak to you, then, in all planes of life. I speak to all who keep the flame of life here on earth and in the etheric octaves, and I speak to souls of light who are making their way, even in this very hour, through the astral plane, through purgatory, and some through the depths of hell to preach unto those rebellious spirits so that they might come forth and receive the Lord Christ in this age.

I speak of the oneness of hearts united in truth and of the oneness of this flame that burns on the altar of our retreats and upon the altar of the heart of our disciples.

There is a way of purity, but it is not the purity of which you have conceived. For the fallen ones have convinced you that purity or impurity is of the flesh. I tell you, purity is of the heart and of the mind and of the soul. It is in the clarity of the adoration of the soul unto God. It is in the purity of the flow of love, heart to heart, as that love is sent as an arrow to the very heart of God himself.

There is a flow of purity that comes forth as a crystal River of Life from your own I AM Presence. Life’s calling, then, is to receive the flow in purity and to fulfill it in purity, to give of that light to others, uncontaminated by the masks of the lesser self. Freely giving the waters of Life, you freely receive. And so in the grand march of the ascension of souls of light there is the sustainment of this flow of purity that is the white light, the halo of the saints.

Why, then, have I come to address you? It is because the burden that is upon the souls robed in white with the seamless garment is very great in this hour.

I come, then, with the great comfort of purity, even the understanding of the bliss that you might find in the pain of pulling [striving] for purity even when it hurts. For that hurt can be transmuted by the alchemy of the sacred fire into a momentum of God-consciousness of which you have seldom dreamed.

But the key to the mastery of life is the letting go of those details of consciousness that are extraneous to the mighty flow of the River of Life—the return to the simple, the return to those conditions of living that you confine, then, to the exemplification of the glory of the Word in every part of life.

Purity in the temple is a chalice and a communion cup from which all may drink. Purity of the temple is the opening of the way to life. You, then, who are waiting in the etheric octaves for the Keepers of the Flame on earth to fulfill that glory of the Word, I speak to you and I ask for your prayers and your invocations and for the guidance that you can bring from the ascended masters to these souls as they receive the torch of your own victory even as you attend the coming of the Bridegroom in the hour of the reunion.

Blessed ones, there are many victors from the screen of life who would give to you the torch of victory this evening. They have had their victories. They see that you understand the meaning of victory, and they would give to you and place in your right hand a torch that burns with a white light. It is the white light of their self-discipline and of their consecration to the cause, and they see in those who will use the science of the spoken Word those who can be entrusted with the light of their overcoming.

I have the joy, then, to announce to you the approach of Archangel Gabriel and the Archeia Hope to this altar as they are leading, now, the saints robed in white who are carrying torches that represent their momentum of overcoming in the planes of earth.

They are marching here from the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood throughout the earth, and they are coming as rays of light from all directions, converging here to meet with those who tarry on earth as they tarry in heaven.

Many of these are the saints who have balanced 51 percent of their karma, and yet they have desired to remain at the etheric level so that they might be closer to you and to their brothers and sisters on earth. This, as you know, is the dispensation of the bodhisattvas. It is a particular plan—a plan divine from the heart of the Father-Mother God whereby the movement of evolution is sustained in each level on the ladder of attainment.

Won’t you now quietly and softly stand to receive your brothers and sisters in light. [Audience stands.]

This is a very tender moment for us and for all of the beings who serve in our retreats in the offering of purity—this tender moment when there can be a sharing and a thinning of the veil and the understanding that you have compatriots in these who have come from every nation with the understanding of that cause of freedom.

A number of these have recently taken their leave from this octave through war in the Far East, in Vietnam, through wars that have transpired in this century as the takeover by World Communism has been brought about, with the cooperation of certain international capitalists. These are the ones who bore witness to the truth and were silenced by the armies marching forward, carrying the banner of the tyrant.

These brothers and sisters come to defend the bastions of freedom in those remaining nations where freedom can yet be sought and won. They come with a tremendous enlightenment, as you can well imagine, from these experiences of direct encounter with the brutality of the sinister force. They come yet wearing the scars, as Christ did after he rose in the resurrection, bearing yet the marks of suffering and overcoming so that the testimony might be an inspiration and an acceleration within you, a goad to the attainment of the white light of the ascension.

We behold their faces, bright with the light of the stars and the sun. We see how many of them resemble you, for you are working together to form the flow of the figure-eight pattern between the etheric temples and cities and the physical earth. That flow of energy is ordained by God and takes place only through the Christ Self of each one.

This is the meaning of Brotherhood—the Great White Brotherhood. This is the coming together of blessed souls so that you might know that you are not alone, so that you might realize that these same souls who are marching now with their torches of purity will in the not-too-distant future be riding with the Faithful and True and with the armies of heaven and of the ascended hosts.2

We will enjoin* them as we will enjoin you. And you will come together, and the closeness of your love and of your hearts filled with purity will be for you the sign of victory and the sign of the coming of Jesus the Christ and of every ascended master who will make himself known to those evolutions who, like Thomas,3 will not believe until they have seen the risen Christ.

The days are at hand for great changes on earth, and in the days of the great changes you will remember this contact and this reinforcement. You will remember the reinforcement of elemental life through the four beings of the elements, and you will call upon the fiery salamanders. You will remember the reinforcement of the healing angels and of Servatus and of all the hosts of the LORD who accompany him. And then you will remember sons and daughters of God who are walking in the way of overcoming, who are striving with you and are as close to you as your very breath.

These are the martyrs who have given life for truth. They are alive and living, and so you are living also. There is no death in giving life for truth, and we then encourage you to live for victory and to live for truth. For there is no reality in anything but life! Therefore be champions of life in the fullest sense of the word, and let your championing be of the ascension flame.

Now let the souls of light—who have turned to face you each one, row by row—place [their torch] into your right hand as you now extend that hand to receive their momentum of overcoming.

In the name of the Christ, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I command you, Pass the torch! [8-second pause]

As you receive the torch with your right hand, you may take your left hand and place it now on the shoulder of your brother, your sister who has given to you that momentum of his [or her] own causal body on earth. And therefore feel the embrace of these loved ones who stand with you, and take your torch and secure it in your heart. Let it be a fire that expands the fire of your own threefold flame by the momentum of that threefold flame of a fellow pilgrim in the way.

The Brotherhood is vast, and it is called for a purpose. We are the hosts of the LORD. We are the hosts of the LORD! Is this not a wondrous gift?

I AM in the light and in the presence of victory on this, the day of the LORD. I have come, and now Gabriel stands before the platform and raises his arms of light. He is so very close to you. He raises his arms, and Hope steps forth also with raised arms. They have come to anchor within you the annunciation of your own immaculate conception in the sacred fire of the heart of God. And thus the white light of purity saturating your being is the key to your overcoming in this age.

And now Gabriel and Hope walk down the aisle, followed row by row by the saints who have come. Clasp your hands to your heart and keep the secret of the sacred mysteries that they do impart. They are fellow students in the halls of learning here, while your hearts are even now yearning to be free. They hold the torch of a higher destiny. They will keep on keeping on and will keep the vigil of life while you are here below, touching their garments yet involved in the strife. They come with an army. They come with love. They come with a rose of life that is even in your own heart.

This is the succession of worlds. This is cosmic consciousness, which the banner of faith does now unfurl.

I greet you in the love of purity, and I seal you in that love with my heart, my head, and my hand.

Amen, and victory.

*enjoin: obsolete; to join together; to join, make common cause with

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Goddess of Purity was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, April 6, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. See Rev. 6:9-11.

2. Rev. 19:11.

3. John 20:24-29.

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