Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 34 - Beloved Magda - September 8, 2021

Thy Sins Be Forgiven Thee

I hold before you the vision of your own God Presence, I AM. I hold before you a painting drawn by the beloved Jesus for presentation to you on this Good Friday.

The Master desired that I should bring this to you so that you might see, according to his own handiwork, a multidimensional presentation of the spheres and the light and the flow from the heart of God, which are all a part of your Real Identity and your Christed Presence, your own True Self. He desired that I should bring this to you so that you might see the movement in the garment and the flow of light and the seamless robe that is worn by your Inner Self.

This presentation of your soul shows the awareness of the soul from the moment of its coming forth into life through all of the many incarnations. And as you perceive this painting with your inner eye, you will find that it is individualized for each one. Whoever looks upon this painting will see his* own individual causal body, the path of his own Christhood, and the out-of-the-way path that he has walked and that he must go over now to return to the blessed Presence of the Christ. It is, you might say, the reading of your life from a scroll and from the Book of Life—a reading that Jesus has drawn forth so that you might have the vision of your inner God-reality.

You must realize that the presentation of the Chart of your Divine Presence, although an excellent focus and one that you ought not to be without, is still in a single dimension and, after all, on a piece of paper. And just as we have told you not to mistake the teaching for the printed word, so you must allow your imagination to expand and to realize that that which you see in the physical plane as the painting of the Presence must not limit your mind and your attunement with the reality of the cosmos.

So much in life today is void even of the actualities of current living. People watch television and they think that they are participating in something real, when it is not real at all. It is fictional, the characters are fictional, and the parts are played by individuals who lead other lives and do other real things.

The crisis in the minds of children today is that they do not know the difference between real life and that which transpires many hours a day before their eyes. And so they are trained from childhood to live in an unreal world, a single dimension, a screen in the living room or in the kitchen. And so when they encounter experiences in real life—with their subconscious minds being programmed to the fictional characters—they react in the way that they have seen on television. They do not imitate noble lives, their parents, and the example of friends and teachers, but they imitate actors and actresses, scriptwriters, and so forth. And so we find that the unreality of Hollywood and New York is becoming a way of life because people are so hypnotized by the death-life that they are not even willing to remove the television set from before their eyes or the eyes of their young.

We must realize, then, that all that is real is the reality that you have become. And all experience in this world, although it has no permanent reality, is a level of actuality that must not be denied or eliminated in the training of children or in the healing of adults from their problems of the emotions and the mind.

Our beloved Jesus is most concerned, then, that you enter into a multidimensional consciousness of the cosmos, beginning with the awareness of your own God Presence as a flaming, fiery being of immense consciousness and proportion. The reality of your Real Self, the Great I AM, the Permanent Atom of your life, is so much a part even of your everyday life yet so much a part of God.

Realize, then, that some have been content to think that the picture on the page is the God Self, and some have not made any attempt in meditation to probe further and to experience the reality of which the picture is but a representation. Let us not allow, then, even the dictations of the ascended masters, the lectures, or the teaching to replace the direct contact, the experiencing of God, the manifestation of God.

It is through all of these tools that you come to the Presence of your own Inner Self. This is why we preserve the instrument, for you have need of the teaching and the dictations and the lectures. But let them not become a substitute for your own striving to fulfill yourself. In this way you will not fall into the trap of modern civilization. In this way you will remain a concentrated, alive nucleus, an Essene community of lightbearers who have seized the torch of Israel and of all the mystery schools of the ages and who are determined to extend that torch of illumination to an age.

Reality, then, is the sign of the birth of Christ within you this day. Let reality supersede all testing and initiation through which your soul must pass in the astral plane. For you know, even if you are passing through waters that are murky and not clear with the light of the sun, even if you should become completely enveloped in mud or in dirt or in soot or in oil, yet this can never change your Real Self.

And so, many of you will pass this year with the Mother, traveling through the astral plane, carrying your lantern to light the way, seeking souls who are caught in the quicksands of life, seeking to rescue them from modern conveniences and modern foods and all that serves to make of them the paste and the paper and the mâché that is the unreal stage of life on which the people of this generation walk. Let us help mankind to know who they are, and let us trust that Real Self to teach them to come into the Way.

I AM Magda, and you have called me. And God has called me to speak to you this day concerning his Word to me and to so many—the precious words, “Thy sins be forgiven thee.”1 I would like you to understand the meaning of these words, for they imply the presence of an ascended master or an unascended master, an anointed one called the Christ.

When Christ sent forth the Word, “Thy sins be forgiven thee,” it was the command issued by the authority of his God Presence and his Christ Self to the Lords of Karma, to the hosts and the Elohim for the transfer of a burden of karma or a burden of sin to be made from the individual to himself.

For you see, all energy in the cosmos must be accounted for. And therefore in order to forgive a sin that represents a debt to life that has not been balanced, one has need to find a master who will carry the weight of that debt and that sin until the individual is able to balance it for himself. In many instances Jesus healed without saying the words, “Thy sins be forgiven thee,” for in that instance the individual had earned by previous service the transmutation of that energy and the transfer of a coil of light from the Master.

You see, then, that there is a great need for souls on earth to be elevated who can carry a little extra baggage on the way, who can carry a suitcase for a friend or help an elderly one across the street. There is a need to carry one another’s burdens and to do so with the authority that was extended to the apostles in the Upper Room: “Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained.”2

The transfer of this authority is to those who have the inner attainment of the Christ and thereby are those who can take on the burden of sin, which is the cause and core of disease or darkness or malformation or any number of crises that beset mankind today.

Until you are certain that you have this authority from your own God Presence and your Christ Self and from the Lords of Karma, you should not use this statement. For you might find yourself calling for that forgiveness of sin for another and decreeing it with the command, “Thy sins be forgiven thee,” and then receiving such a burden of energy as you cannot carry it, causing your own body to become diseased or burdened or even to be very severely hampered in its effectiveness on earth.

Therefore, take care. Take care that you understand the law of karma. When it is said that Christ died for our sins, it is said because he took upon himself the sins of many who came to support his mission yet whose karma, good karma, was not such as they were able to hold the light of that mission.

Indeed it was so that the very ones who pledged to support Christ’s mission were those whom he was required to uphold instead of the role being reversed—that they should uphold him. And yet he bore our sins so that we might have the opportunity, while he was yet with us, for him to teach us the Law, to give us the understanding of our initiations to come. And so he took the weight so that we might be chelas of him and of the Guru Maitreya, who sponsored the dispensation of Jesus’ manifestation of the personal Christ.

We were not only given the dispensation of personal rules and testings for our life, but we were also given a rule of order for our community and for the students who became a part of that community. And therefore there was reflected in our joint endeavor the individuality of the Christ multiplied for a group effort that was indeed for the founding of the two-thousand-year dispensation of Christianity.

Now, those of us who were a part of that community who have taken our ascension, we come back to the community of lightbearers who are called to inaugurate the community of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the Aquarian age.

You must understand that while all the world is at play and at war, you are forging the foundation of that which will be seized upon when they awaken from their sleep and from their drunkenness and when they feel their nakedness and they look about themselves for a saviour. Then the teaching will be discovered to be their saviour, and the application of the teaching by the individual will be the atonement for self-sin and the sins of the world.

And so you come together, and perhaps in a separate place you shall manifest, then, a community quite apart from the ways of the world. But because you have the vision that in each two thousand years there is the necessity for the white-fire core to uphold that standard and the way for souls of light who are coming, you will sustain the inner matrix and you will see that because we lived as Essenes and according to that code, Christianity came forth. And now as you live the Law as it is taught to you, you will be the ones who will be responsible for making a lasting impact upon the lifewaves of earth.

Go forth, then, I say, into every nation and to every continent. Set your headquarters in Los Angeles.3 Tarry in the city to receive the teaching and the Holy Spirit. And when you are set, you will receive from Jesus a certain blessing and dispensation conveyed by the messenger whereby you will find yourself capable of dealing with planetary energies in North America, South America, and in all of the continents of the earth. This dispensation is necessary, as it was for the apostles. For they met with tremendous adversity and yet they fulfilled a mission for Christ that has lasted unto the present hour.

We are building, precious ones. Fear not. All shall come to pass as the LORD has decreed it. As I have been a part of the flame of the Holy Spirit in this city, I bequeath to the messenger this day my mantle and my momentum, and to all of you the momentum of the congregation of the righteous who have stood with me and with Jesus, with hands upheld and arms outstretched to receive the descent of the Holy Ghost and the mighty healing currents of the Christ that have come in every century ever since the ascension of our Lord.

So many have not heard of the miracles in Jerusalem because they have not been proclaimed through the media but are only known by the groups of lightbearers here and there. Let the mantle of our dispensation in this city be unto you who will seize it. And everyone who will seize the mantle, let them know that the mantle is charged with the fire of the Holy Ghost and therefore you must be ready to receive that fire and to adjust your life accordingly.

I commend you, then, to the sermons of Jesus to the New Jerusalem4 so that you might learn what is that life, what is that portion that is yours that is acceptable, what is that calling. And I will be with you by your side as you study to prepare yourself for your mission in the flame of Christ and of Buddha.

Behold, I have become the handmaid of the Lord. Behold, you shall also become that handmaid on earth. And now the calling of the bride has come, and our bridal call has cleared the way for the reunion of a soul of earth with a soul ascended.5 So let your own soul be consecrated as the bride of Christ and as the bridegroom of Mary.

Let it be that you understand that the sacred vows that you exchange between Jesus and Mary and my own blessed flame are to secure for you a flow of energy symbolized even in the golden band that you wear, the symbol of your marriage on earth. The golden band is a ring that spans the reaches of Spirit and Matter and is worn even by the devotees, the nuns of the Church to symbolize the circle of Infinity, tying the energies of God to the energies of the soul, and the soul to God.

See, then, how this ritual of the Church, this sacrament of communion in the alchemical marriage, is enacted and reenacted because it gives to the servants of God on earth that blessed reinforcement of their tie to the Great White Brotherhood.

I AM in you the Virgin of the Lilies.

*The pronouns he, his, him, or himself are sometimes used to refer to the individual. These terms are not intended to exclude women or the feminine aspect of every person.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Magda was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, April 8, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California.

1. Matt. 9:2-5; Mark 2:5-10; Luke 5:20, 23.

2. John 20:23.

3. Set your headquarters in Los Angeles. In 1976, Jesus requested that the headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse be moved from La Tourelle in Colorado Springs to Los Angeles for a certain dispensation and mission that he desired to fulfill in that city. Jesus’ dispensation in Los Angeles came to a conclusion when the organization moved to the Inner Retreat in 1986.

4. Sermons to the New Jerusalem. The sermons of Jesus were originally given through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet from January 30, 1977, to April 10, 1977, in Pasadena, California. They were first published in the audio album The Conversion of the Holy Spirit in the New Jerusalem, and are in the book Fire from Heaven: The New Age of the Holy Spirit.

5. The bride has come. Lady Master Magda is the twin flame of Jesus. In her final embodiment as the evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944), she saw herself as the bride of Christ. Aimee started a magazine, which she named Bridal Call. On February 22, 1978, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained that Aimee “considered her whole life the waiting for her marriage to Jesus Christ, her wedding; she was waiting for her wedding day. It’s really a very intense love story...and it’s the real love story of all twin flames.” Magda’s marriage to Jesus was fulfilled when she made her ascension.

A Prayer to Jesus and Magda

Dearest Jesus, we sing to thee
Our voices full with praise and thanksgiving.
And unto you we bring our hearts pure and free
Our joy of serving and living.

Fairest Magda, roses we bring
Perfumed with essence sweet and rare
The distillation of our love for you
As sweet as the incense of pray’r.

Twin flames of immortal splendor
Help us to realize the goal
And woo with love so tender my soul!

Blessed Jesus and Magda dear
O lead us from mortal illusion!
Infuse our souls with reality
Dissolving all doubt and confusion.

In our sweet communion with thee
Fashion a Grail of hearts perfected
And keep Camelot in thy embrace
Held fast and secure forever.

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 79. The audio version is available on

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