Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 35 - The Beloved Angel of the Resurrection - September 15, 2021

From the Tomb of Matter to the
Open Door of the Spirit

Hail, spirit of the resurrection! Hail, flames of resurrection! Hail, angels of light who attend the light of victory in souls ascending to the sacred fire of God!

I AM come in the spirit of the resurrection! And I come as one who tends the place where each individual soul is working out the light of being, passing from the tomb of Mater to the open door of the Spirit and the I AM THAT I AM.

Angels of the resurrection have the assignment of the LORD God to stand with the son and the daughter who is accelerating consciousness by invocation to the sacred fires of the heart, stepping up, then, and accelerating by the Great Central Sun Magnet the light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit within the heart.

We are the angels who stood at the head and at the feet of the body of Christ, tending that precious body as stewards of life there in the tomb. I AM the angel who announced to Magdalene, “He is not here, for he is risen. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”1

The joy of the resurrection is the joy of our heart as we keep the forcefield of Alpha and Omega for the son, the daughter of God who has earned the opportunity for the initiation of the resurrection.

That son, [that daughter], then, is able to invoke and to magnetize—by the fire of the heart and the fire of the sacred centers—an accelerated momentum of resurrection’s fire, accelerating the cells and atoms in a coordinated manner, chakra by chakra, in a spherical motion that begins within the heart and in a clockwise direction extends to the chakras above and below the heart until the entire forcefield becomes a whirling sun of light.

And the acceleration, then, that is sustained by the consciousness of the son of God who is out of the body temple hovering over that lifeless form—that consciousness magnetizes a greater and greater momentum of the light of the I AM Presence until there is once again drawn forth from that I AM Presence the full momentum of the threefold flame anchored once again in the physical vehicle. And the one who was dead is restored to life!

This is the means of overcoming! This is the means of proving that I AM the way, the truth, and the life!2 This is the initiation that is reenacted by the sons and daughters of God who come to the Temple of the Resurrection over the Holy Land3 and are received also at Luxor by Serapis Bey.4 This is the initiation that is conducted in the Great Pyramid in the etheric counterpart.

I give to you, then, this inner view of that which you will one day accomplish, which God will give to you as* your free will and as your opportunity to prove the Law, which you have been mastering for hundreds and thousands of years. This is the culmination of your incarnations on Terra and other planets in this system of worlds! This is your reason for being!

For all who have ever asked, “Why existence? Why life? Why do we come forth into this world of suffering?” I provide the answer. For I have witnessed the joy of the one who will put to naught the last enemy of life on earth!

There is such joy in the victory that we are allowed only to hold the forcefield of the polarity of Alpha and Omega, to guard the sacred forcefield while the son of God works out the work of eternity and for all life to come and for every soul in time and space who is waiting—waiting for the coming of the LORD into his own being.

I AM the resurrection and the life of your opportunity to be free!

I AM the resurrection and the life of your opportunity to be whole, to reestablish the flow of the sacred fires within you!

I AM the resurrection and the life of cosmic purpose within you!

I AM the resurrection and the life of your consciousness and your conscious memory of God’s own bestowal of this promise unto you!

Lo, I will come to you in the last days and I will make you whole. This is the promise of your God unto your soul as you went forth for yet another incarnation to fulfill your promises and the promises of God.

God has sealed you with a promise of victory, and this is why you are here today. For you have sensed the coming of the emissaries of the LORD, who could impart to you not only the Word and the understanding but the very radiation, the very light of your own God Self and your own memory of existence in other spheres, in other cycles of life in this vast cosmos of our God.

You were born to be free! And I AM grateful before God that I may assist your souls in the overcoming victory of your freedom.

In the light of the resurrection, I inspire you with the joy of freedom! Let this light flow through you as you magnify the LORD with Mary, our Mother, with Jesus, our brother and our Master and our friend!

Won’t you remember, then, the exhilaration of consciousness and the oneness that you have felt in this company of angels and of unascended souls striving as one to be freedom to all. The spirit of the resurrection is this joy! Is this life! Is this return to the great River of Life, the crystal stream of God!

I have placed my feet within the tomb where he was laid. I have placed my feet on the rock. I have placed my hands upon the stone. I have seen his lifeless form, and I have seen him rise. I have seen him come forth through the open door, and I have seen that threefold flame restored and the light begin to pulsate and the form be filled with life. I AM, therefore, the eyewitness to that event, which has been questioned for two thousand years.

Who among you will also testify to the truth of the resurrection? [Audience responds, “I will!”]

Stand, therefore, and bear witness! For in this age the LORD requires the witnesses of the resurrection.

[Audience rises.]

But before you witness, I say, offer a prayer in your heart unto God that he might show you in your inner eye and within your soul the record of that event, which is written in akasha for all to read, for all to understand and hear and know that this is the victory that was and is for all!

[14-second pause]

Now, if in your soul and in your heart you have the absolute conviction of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and of that resurrection as the open door for every son and daughter of God, then I say, shout! Shout for the proclamation of the victory! And tell the souls in every octave of life that this is the resurrection and this is the moment of the victory!

[Audience shouts their calls.]

Now let it be known that your witness has been heard and recorded by angels of record and in the souls of every lifestream on this earth, in souls who are lost in the astral plane, and in souls who have rejected the way and the truth and the life.

Let it be known, then, that the very rocks, the mountains, and the earth have recorded your witness and therefore the witness of the living truth. For you are the living truth, and Jesus Christ is the living truth this day.

There is, then, a confirmation of the resurrection to all. I say, let it be sealed! And let this company of hosts of the LORD incarnate go forth north, south, east, and west to preach the message of the resurrection.

And we will come with you, angels of the resurrection! We will teach you how to accelerate the fire of the resurrection, and we will be unto you guardian, friend, and fellow servant. We will tell you the word to speak if you call to us, and we will give to you that joy of the conveyance of the truth that comes from the eternal record.

So let it be that you are become emissaries of the angels of the resurrection and that the entire earth will know in this age that this is the purpose of birth—that the sacred fire breath that enters into the being of the newborn child might, at the fulfillment of life’s journey, become a whirlwind action of the sacred fire from within the heart, expanding, expanding the light of the resurrection until the breath of the Holy Spirit becomes the quickening of the four lower bodies and that soul and that life is caught up unto the third heaven in the very midst of the angelic hosts, who are proclaiming that victory night and day!

In the name of the living God, I say, Let God be magnified in you! So it is sealed and it is written. So it shall be!

*by way of

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Angel of the Resurrection was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, April 8, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Matt. 28:6; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:6.

2. John 14:6.

3. Temple of the Resurrection. The Resurrection Temple is in the etheric realm over the city of Jerusalem, Israel, and is the focus of the resurrection flame. The retreat is presided over by Jesus and Magda. In the resurrection chambers of this retreat, students are taught how to raise their vibrations, balance their threefold flame, and bring their four lower bodies into alignment in preparation for the ascension. For a description of this retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

4. Luxor. The Ascension Temple and Retreat is located at Luxor, Egypt, and is presided over by Serapis Bey. The Ascension Temple itself is located on the Nile River. The remains of the ancient temple of Luxor is the physical counterpart today of the etheric retreat. For a further description of this retreat and the tests and initiations given to candidates for the ascension, see The Masters and Their Retreats.

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