Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 36 - Beloved Astrea - September 22, 2021

The Work of the World Mother and Her Children

The Rescue of Souls of Light Caught
in the Astral Plane

Into the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame I command all misqualified substance! Let the energy abused by mankind now come into the forcefield of the sacred fire, which we have consecrated for aeons for the purpose of the liberation of the evolutions of earth and of every system of worlds throughout cosmos.

I AM Astrea in the flame of Purity, and I come to lead the way of purity on behalf of souls of light, sons and daughters of the Most High who are following the Cosmic Virgin into the light of the eternal day.

Now we come to focus our attention in this final quarter of the century upon those lifestreams who have had contact with the Brotherhood in previous incarnations and who have allowed themselves to return to that state of sleep whereby today they are caught in the plane of the astral, in psychic thralldom, and in all sorts of activities that have naught to do with the service of the light.

We send forth the call for the children of the World Mother to come forth and to understand that the legions of Astrea and Purity are on the march, marching with you to draw out—by the light of the Great Central Sun Magnet and the flame that is in your own heart—those souls who no longer know the light of day and yet who will respond to that light through your very presence.

They have need for the Word incarnate. Therefore you must be the Word incarnate, for this is the one service to life that we of the ascended hosts cannot render. It is that of taking on the body of flesh and blood and appearing to the children of earth in physical dimensions and in astral frequencies. All else we may do in answer to your call, but this is your hour for the release of light for the binding of darkness and to prove the capacity of light and of the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame to perform its perfect work through you, the handiwork of God and the instrument of his Law.

I come forth, then, with the compelling action of the circle of blue flame—compelling [that darkness] into the whirling energies of the sacred fire of cosmic purity and the will of God and blue lightning from the center of the Sun. This whirling sphere of light, which you perceive as a cosmic circle, is an energy field so intense that once you invoke it you yourself, your loved ones, and all for whom you invoke it cannot remain in the same vibration in which the circle of blue flame finds them.

For you see, it is an acceleration of the swirling of energies and of the whirling of the electrons. And this acceleration causes that which is of the light to become lighter and that which is of the darkness to be drawn into an intense white-fire-core center of that sphere in order to be transmuted and consumed, cause, effect, record, and memory, in all of the planes of Mater. And so it is that the quick release, the instantaneous exorcism, and the mandate from the ascended hosts may come forth and be precipitated by you, simply in answer to your call.

I speak, then, to you who are Keepers of the Flame who have been giving calls to Astrea and Purity for many, many years.1 You who have the daily momentum of offering light to our bands, I tell you that your momentum is increasing as a starry light across the planetary body, and your momentum of service is behind many movements and many souls of light who identify with freedom but not necessarily with the cause of the Great White Brotherhood. And therefore the whirling of the sphere of Astrea becomes the wind in the sails of those who would proclaim the truth but do not know how to acclaim it and to make it their own in the name of God, I AM THAT I AM.

Therefore we come on the wings of Jophiel and Christine and Mighty Victory to encourage you to go forth with the World Teachers and students of the light with a message of information and liberation through the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya, and the World Teachers, who will be at your side.2

Go forth, then, and realize that it is ignorance that deprives mankind of the victory. It is a gross ignorance whereby because they have ignored the Law in the past they reap the karma today of an ignorance so vast wherein they know not the way to go or to judge righteous judgment or to make the right decision even in earth’s experience.

I tell you, precious ones, that each time you speak the truth and give the word and teach the teachings of the Law, there is an explosion of consciousness somewhere on earth as souls of light in embodiment or in other planes hear that word, tie into the vibration, and suddenly they too have an understanding that they did not have before.

This is a cosmic chain reaction of the hierarchy of light ascended and devotees unascended. And I tell you, I bear witness to the fact that it is working in this very hour! I come with the leader of the lightbearers, the one himself, the Faithful and True who leads the armies of heaven and earth,3 and I come to tell you that you are accomplishing more victories day by day than you know.

Therefore in addition to the admonishment, “Know your enemy,”4 I say to you, know yourself and know your victory! For when you know your victory, you are the guardian of that victory and you do not allow the forces of despair and despondency and discouragement to come upon you and to tell you their lie that you have not won in the fight for freedom.

I tell you, we are winning! And as Morya has said, “From the beginning, we were winning!”

There is, then, the acceleration by the sphere of Astrea. And what of the sword that repolarizes the consciousness? What of the mighty sword, the pillar of fire that draws out from the aura of souls all that is less than their own Christ perfection, that aligns the chakras, balances the threefold flame, and makes of you an electrode of the Elohim?

Do not underestimate the power of the sword of Astrea and of the hosts of the LORD! And therefore I say, as you have been told before, fashion your own sword of blue flame by the attainment of your heart chakra!5 Fashion it, then, as Archangel Michael did aeons ago! He has been using it ever since, and you ought also to be using that sword. It is a rod of energy, of power, and of light! It is the sacred fire condensed for you to win in the fight!

I AM Astrea. And I welcome you to the ranks of the legions of light to serve in the cause of the Divine Mother as we go forth in this year to restore the divine Feminine to the women of America and to restore to them an understanding of their cosmic purpose with the Goddess of Liberty—to hold high the torch of illumination to an age, to succor the children of the world, and to realize that theirs is the exaltation of the feminine principle and to allow that one—that cohort of light fulfilling the masculine ray—to sponsor souls of light and to be the fullness of Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

Let there be, then, an adjustment of cycles and of consciousness and of attitude toward man and woman! And let America be arighted once again so that the proper cosmic roles of twin flames and cohorts of light can be demonstrated by those who are in the service of freedom. I send forth my legions, then, in this first of my calls this night, to go forth across America for the repolarization of consciousness!

I say, let all that has gone before be put down! And let the preoccupation with the misuses of the sacred fire—with pornography and with the indulgences of the mind and the emotions in things that ought not be—let them be cast aside! And let the misuse of the child in pornographic literature now be put down by the legions of the hosts of the LORD! Let it be done by the command of the Elohim this day! Let it be rolled back from the west unto the east, north unto south! And let America know the presence of the Elohim and the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame this day!

I give you, then, the dispensation to call forth our legions as often as you can, twenty-four hours a day, until you see the return to the state of love for the wholeness of God and the purity of God and the family and the place of the child within society as the archetype of innocence and the return to the Garden of Eden and the consciousness of the Christ Child.

I come, then, on a mission of restoration, for this is the cycle of the new birth! I send forth the call to people of God throughout Terra to rise in defense of the rights of life and liberty and freedom—basic rights called human rights, which we call the heritage of the sons and daughters of God.

Let there be the championing of souls of light and of their right to be the son, the daughter of God by the people of America, who are the guardians of that right. It is called—in case you did not know—free will.

God has vouchsafed to the evolutions of his own creation the opportunity to exercise free will. The God-government of the nations and the representatives of that God-government ought, then, to stand upon the principle of the defense of that freedom, come what may. For the only way to put down the tyrant is to reverse the tide of tyranny! I say this, then, in the full spirit of your own beloved Saint Germain and Godfre, who stand with me on this platform this night to instill in you the understanding that the spirit of the resurrection is for the resurrection of freedom on earth in this age!

Hosts of the LORD, come forth, then. I call to all legions of light throughout this galaxy and cosmos and from the Central Sun to gather in honor of the great God of Freedom to the earth, Saint Germain. I call you to come and to stand by the legions of the Cosmic Honor Guard and Godfre, the beloved.

I call to all who have served Astrea and the Cosmic Virgin and her children to come to the great gathering of the hosts of the LORD on earth and to assist now in this hour, as there is a mighty thrust from the hearts of many individuals of light in many nations.

I call, then, for this dispensation from the Cosmic Council that that light for freedom and the resurrection be increased and that the darkness pitted against that light be decreased. Therefore let the decree of Sanat Kumara be invoked: “For he that hath, to him shall be given; and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.”6

Let, then, the judgments of the seven archangels and the Lords of Karma be implemented.7 And in this hour of the turning of the Dark Cycle into the line of Virgo, let the energies of light be increased for the holding of the balance of the Goddess of Justice, beloved Portia, and the God of Freedom to the earth.

Beloved ones, I have implored the Great Central Sun messengers this day to grant this dispensation. For I too can read the handwriting on the wall and I see the coming of the Dark Cycle and the return of the misqualified energies in that line of Virgo. I see that the equation of lightbearers on earth must be mightily increased during this period if there is to come to pass the fulfillment of victory.

And therefore because it is not in keeping with cosmic law that I should ask for a staying of the Dark Cycle, inasmuch as it was given forth as the edict of the Almighty One through the Lords of Karma many years ago, I must ask for that which can be granted, for that which stands the opportunity of being granted—the dispensation for the increase of the light in the hearts of lightbearers.

I trust you will ratify my petition for this dispensation this night, as you breathe a prayer to Almighty God before you pass into other octaves for service and study, that it might come to pass that even at this cycle of the resurrection of the Christ, his momentum and the momentum of the twelve legions of the angels of the Father might be added unto the service already being rendered by the few who are becoming the many torchbearers of the age.

You do not see all that is written in the Book of Life. And I dare say that if you had the vision of Saint Germain and you knew of all the meetings that are being held behind closed doors and in secret chambers across the face of the earth, where those in positions of power are plotting the destiny of the children of God, you perhaps would shudder and wonder whether or not my message to you of victory would in any way balance that which you would understand to be a very real threat in the octaves of Mater to the ultimate manifestation of freedom on earth.

We make our prophecy of victory based on the fact that the light of God never fails and that the I AM Presence is that light! We know the unreality of these forces! We know that they can be stripped of their misused powers by the action of the call of the embodied disciples. We see, then, that always and always there hangs in the balance the free will of the lightbearers as to whether or not each new day will bring the acceleration of that call that compels the answer from our octaves.

I ask, therefore, that you shall include in your invocations the call to K-17 and his legions, to the legions of Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director and to our own legions of light to bind by the authority of the Christ those individuals in incarnation who are plotting the destruction of the very foundation of America and the nations of the earth—their sovereignty, their authority to be—those who are plotting the destruction of the individual economies of the nations and their governments.

I ask you to call for the binding of those who have motives that are not of the light, who have evil intent, and who are ultimately working against the soul evolution of the children of God upon earth.

I ask you to call for the binding of those in the fields of education, psychology, and in the various movements, religious and philosophical, who are influencing the youth of the world in a morality that is precisely plotted for the desecration of the sacred fire within their temple and therefore to milk them of their light until through drugs and the misuses of the sacred fire they no longer have the energies to contact God. And when these energies have been dissipated, then the youth become little more than a shell, sometimes to the level of the carnal mind and to the level of self-identification with the animal type of consciousness. Let your calls be, then, according to this wording:

       In the name of Jesus the Christ and my own Christ Self, in the name of my beloved I AM Presence, I call to K-17 and his legions of light, to Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director, Mighty Astrea and Archangel Michael, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother for the binding on earth and in heaven of those forces of Antichrist that are moving against the light of the Christ on earth.

And then you can name the conditions and the circumstances that I have described and that have been described to you by others of the ascended hosts who have addressed you during this conference.

I come, then, to give you the call to charge, charge, and charge to the fore of the battle line and to give you the indication from the front lines that this is the moment to push onward and upward and to accelerate. For you are gaining ground, and contrary to what may appear, there is a retreat of certain portions of the sinister force working at both the physical and the astral level against mankind.

Let there be, then, the guarded sense of victory that is always wary of being off guard in the light and the bliss of the God flame. Let it be the I-AM-the-Guard consciousness, proceeding, then, with balance, with authority, with determination, and with eyes upon the goal as well as upon the foe.

I AM Astrea. And I tell you that this is the work of the Mother within you and of the Manchild, who will live to rule in your heart as you give him room to be born within you.

Let the battle, then, proceed for the life of the unborn. Let the battle proceed, then, for the resurrection and the ascension of those making their way to a new life in higher octaves. Let earth be consecrated by the will of God as Freedom’s Star, and let every chela know that we hear your heart’s prayer in this moment. We hear your conversation with the LORD as you sense the presence of his hosts.

Speak, then, to me. Call, then, to me and to the Elohim. For my consciousness, of necessity, is like an ocean, a vast sea that you also inhabit. It spans the lines of force. And therefore if you can understand that in God I AM conscious of all of mankind’s consciousness, individually and collectively, [you can understand that] I can know your thoughts and feelings and I can also know exactly where I will give the thrust of my circle and sword the instant you open your decree book and begin to meditate upon the call to Astrea!

And sometimes you will notice—you who have the momentum—that even before you say the first word of the decree, you are feeling the arc of the return current of our love, so established is your contact with our heart.

Take courage, blessed hearts. We are one, and we will win! We will overcome because we are one!

In the blessed Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, I seal you now for your mission in this hour.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Astrea was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, April 8, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Calls to Astrea and Purity. The messenger has recommended that the decree to beloved Astrea be given daily, preferably thirty-six times. This decree is used specifically for the exorcism of demons and discarnates. Beloved Astrea states that her decree “is the specific antidote for every form of the human consciousness, every aspect of darkness.” Astrea encourages us to give her decree on behalf of loved ones who are burdened by addictions of any and all kinds. Jesus taught his disciples to invoke Astrea when they were bidden to exorcise evil spirits. See decree 10.14, “Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea—‘the Starry Mother,’” in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation. For further teaching on Purity and Astrea and the use of the circle and sword of blue flame, see The Masters and Their Retreats.

2. On the wings of Jophiel and Christine and Mighty Victory. The masters named by beloved Astrea were the sponsors of the Winter Quarter of Summit University, which ended on March 26, 1977. These comments by beloved Astrea were addressed to the students of that quarter.

3. Rev. 19:11.

4. “Know your enemy.” In The Art of War, author Sun Tzu writes: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

5. Fashion your sword of blue flame. For this teaching given by Archangel Michael, see Pearl of Wisdom, 2021, vol. 64, no. 19.

6. Matt. 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25.

7. The judgments of the seven archangels and the Lords of Karma. The Lords of Karma announced the release of karma through the Dark Cycle, which began on April 23, 1969, and ended on April 23, 2002. This marked the beginning of the cycle of the intensification of the return of karma on the twelve lines of the cosmic clock for the misuse of the energy of twelve solar hierarchies. In this period of transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian age, the Great Law requires that the evolutions of planet Earth deal directly with the momentums of personal and planetary karma that were set aside for centuries by the grace of God through his Sons incarnate (i.e., Jesus Christ and other avatars). In the face of the same propensity for darkness prevalent before the Flood, when “the wickedness of man was great in the earth” and “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5), the Lords of Karma decreed this action in order to deter an even greater abuse of life’s opportunity and to forestall that cataclysm that may be the ultimate consequence of the rising tide of world sin. On August 20, 1969, the messengers explained that “the coming of the Dark Cycle simply means that the hand of mercy that for centuries has stood between mankind and their own dark deeds has been withdrawn. The law of God will bring swift and compelling judgment to those who have thought they could flaunt the law.” The pouring out of the vials of the seven last plagues by the seven archangels, which was the returning karma for the misuse of the seven rays, began in 1975 and ended in 2001.

Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea—
“The Starry Mother”

In the name of the beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God I AM in me, Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Selves of Keepers of the Flame, Lightbearers of the world and all who are to ascend in this life, by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in the Threefold Flame burning within my heart, I call to beloved Mighty Astrea and Purity, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, beloved Serapis Bey and the seraphim and cherubim of God, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! to lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame in, through, and around:

Insert 1: my four lower bodies, my electronic belt, my heart chakra and all of my chakras, my entire consciousness, being, and world.

Cut me loose and set me free (3x) from all that is less than God’s perfection and my own divine plan fulfilled.

1. O beloved Astrea, may God Purity
Manifest here for all to see,
God’s divine Will shining through
Circle and sword of brightest blue.

1st chorus:* Come now answer this my call,
Lock thy circle round us all.
Circle and sword of brightest blue,
Blaze now, raise now, shine right through!

2. Cutting life free from patterns unwise,
Burdens fall off while souls arise
Into thine arms of infinite Love,
Merciful shining from heaven above.

3. Circle and sword of Astrea now shine,
Blazing blue-white my being refine,
Stripping away all doubt and fear,
Faith and goodwill patterns appear.

2nd chorus: Come now answer this my call,
Lock thy circle round us all.
Circle and sword of brightest blue,
Raise our youth now, blaze right through!

3rd chorus: Come now answer this my call,
Lock thy circle round us all.
Circle and sword of brightest blue,
Raise mankind now, shine right through!

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

*Give the decree once, using the first chorus after each verse. Give it a second time, using the second chorus after each verse. Give it a third time, using the third chorus after each verse. These three sets of three verses followed by each of the three choruses comprise one giving of the decree, or one Astrea pattern.

This decree is in the book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, no. 10.14.

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